COLONEL- MALCOLM- OF POLTALLOCH CAMPBELL COLLECTION Rioghachca emeaNN. ANNALS OF THE KINGDOM OF IEELAND, BY THE FOUR MASTERS, KKOM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1616. EDITED FROM MSS. IN THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY AND OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, WITH A TRANSLATION, AND COPIOUS NOTES, BY JOHN O'DONOYAN, LLD., M.R.I.A., BARRISTER AT LAW. " Olim Regibus parebaut, nuuc per Principes faction! bus et studiis trahuntur: nee aliud ad versus validiasiuias gentes pro uobis utilius, qnam quod in commune non consulunt. Rarus duabus tribusve civitatibus ad propulsandum eommuu periculom conventus : ita dum singnli pugnant umVersi vincuntur." TACITUS, AQBICOLA, c. 12. SECOND EDITION. VOL. VII. DUBLIN: HODGES, SMITH, AND CO., GRAFTON-STREET, BOOKSELLERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1856. DUBLIN : i3tintcc at tije ffinibcrsitn )J\tss, BY M. H. GILL. INDEX LOCORUM. of the is the letters A. M. are no letter is the of Christ N. B. When the year World intended, prefixed ; when prefixed, year in is the Irish form the in is the or is intended. The first name, Roman letters, original ; second, Italics, English, anglicised form. ABHA, 1150. Achadh-bo, burned, 1069, 1116. Abhaill-Chethearnaigh, 1133. plundered, 913. Abhainn-da-loilgheach, 1598. successors of Cainneach of, 969, 1003, Abhainn-Innsi-na-subh, 1158. 1007, 1008, 1011, 1012, 1038, 1050, 1066, Abhainn-na-hEoghanacha, 1502. 1108, 1154. Abhainn-mhor, Owenmore, river in the county Achadh-Chonaire, Aclionry, 1328, 1398, 1409, of Sligo, 1597. 1434. Abhainn-mhor, The Blackwater, river in Mun- Achadh-Cille-moire,.4^az7wre, in East Brefny, ster, 1578, 1595. 1429. Abhainn-mhor, river in Ulster, 1483, 1505, Achadh-cinn, abbot of, 554. 1531, 1578, 1582, 1595, 1597, 1601. Achadh-Claidhibh, 686. Abhainn-0-gCearnaigh, Owenogarney, in Clann- Achadh-da-eo, Aghadoe, 1581. Choilein, 1564, 1597. Achadh-fabhair, Aghagower, airchinneachs of, Achadh-abhall, or Achadh-abhla, Aghowle, abbot 1094, 1233, 1248. of, 1017. Achadh-Forcha, 503. airchinneach of, 1050. Achadh-inbhir, Aghinver, 1469. Achadh-Alda in Mughdhorna-Maighen, 861. Achadh-leithdheircc, in Fernmhagh, 331. Achadh-arghlais, Agha, plundered, 864. See Achadh-liacc, 770. Achadh-urghlais. Achadh-lurchair, Aghalurcher, in Fermanagh, Achadh-beithe, Aghavea, church of, 1458, 1507, 1501, 1508. See Achadh-urchair. 1515, 1532, 1559. Achadh-mic-Airt, Aghamacart, 1156. abbot Achadh-bioroir, of, 896. Achadh-mic-Erclaighe, 858. Achadh-bo-Cainnigh, Aghabo, abbots of, 598, Achadh-mona, 1343. 618, 693, 777, 784, 808, 820, 835, 843, 853, Achadh-na-n-iubhar, Aughnanure, 1572. 857, 874, 885, 914, 926, 933, 1095. Achadh-ur, Freshford, abbots of, 622, 1018. priests of, 1045, 1066, 1105. airchinneachs of, 809, 899- priors of, 901. Achadh-urchair, Ardnurcher, 1394, 1423, 1447, INDEX LOCORUM. 1448, 1450, 1478, 1483, 1484, 1486, 1518. 920, 937, 964, 976, 988, 998, 1013, 1025, See Achadh-lurchair. 1047, 1048, 1055, 1121, 1140, 1147, 1153. 1048. See Achadh-urghlais, abbot of, 1016. See Achadh- Aidhne, dynasts of, 767, 1003, Magh- Tir-Fiachrach- Aidhne, and Ui-Fiach- arghlais. Aidhne, rach-Aidnne. Achaill, gen. Aichle, The Hill of Skreen, 76. Achadh- or in the Achonry, in the county of Sligo. See Aidhircheach, Adhairceach, Incherky, Chonaire. river Shannon, 1089, 1157. Adhairceach. See Aidhirceach. Ailbhe, Clonalvy, in Breagha, 528. Aelmhagh. See Aolmhagh. Aileach. See Oileach. Aenach and its compounds. See Aonach. Ailfinn, or Oilfinn, Elphin, 1167, 1195, 1201, Aenach-Tete. See Aonach-Tete andOenach-Tete. 1231, 1232, 1235, 1244, 1246, 1247, 1248, Aendruim. See Aondruim. 1249, 1253, 1255, 1258, 1262, 1265, 1269, Aentrebh. See Aontruibh. 1270, 1284, 1287, 1289, 1291, 1296, 1297, Afeoran, in the county of Roscommon. See Ath- 1303, 1307, 1312, 1326, 1328, 1342, 1343, feorainne. 1354, 1362, 1402, 1404, 1406, 1444, 1460, Affane, in the county of Waterford. See Ath- 1461, 1463, 1464, 1468, 1482, 1487, 1488, mheadhoin. 1508, 1529, 1530, 1580, 1595, 1601. Agha and its compounds. See Achadh. Ailiun-da-bernach, 739- in the of Carlow. See Achadh- A. M. 4 1 A. D. Agha, county Aillinn, Knockaulin, 69, 5089 ; 722, arghlais and Achadh-urghlais. 766. in Aghabo, Ossory. See Achadh-bo. battle of, 722. Aghagower. See Achadh-Fabhair. Aine, or Aine-Cliach, 666, 1167, 1168. in the Aghakilmore, county of Cavan. See lords of, 1 1 15, 1 123. Achadh-Cille-moire. Ainge, The Nanny Water, a river in Meath, 849. Aghalurcher, in Fermanagh. See Achadh- Aircealtair, at Downpatrick, A. M. 4169. urchair and Achadh-lurchair. Aircealtair, at Tighe-Ua-Maine, 673. Aghamacart, in the Queen's County. See Aircin, ArJcin, in Ara, 1565, 1595. Achadh-mic-Airt. Aird, Ard-Magittigan, 1 1 89. in Aghavea, Fermanagh. See Achadh-beithe. Aird, or Aird-Uladh, the Ards, in the county Aghaviller, in Ossory. See Achadh-bioroir. of Down, 771, 1011, 1130. in Aghinver, Fermanagh. See Achadh-inbhir. Airdne-Coemhain, Ardcavan, airchinneach of, Aghold, in the county of Wicklow. See Achadh- 1055. abhall. Airdne-Coluim, Ardcolum, abbot of, 890. in the of Ahascragh, county Galway. See Ath- Aireach-Broscca, Derrylrusk, in Fermanagh, Eascrach-Cuain. 1384, 1482, 1484, 1487, 1506, 1514. battle A. M. Ai, of, 4981. Aireach-Locha-Con, Errew, 1172, 1404, 1413, Aicideacht, 1206, 1232, 1273, 1385. 1436. Aidhne, 526, 622, 779, 950, 964, 976, 1003, Aireagal, 1380. 1038, 1048, 1055, 1117, 1121, 1147, 1166, Aireagal-Dachiarog, Errigalkeeroge, 1380, 1557. 1180, 1207, 1225, 1247, 1588, 1589. 1595. 938. Caenrighi, abbots of, 805, 837. tanist 920. of, Aireach-Maelain, Derryvullan, 1441, 1447. lords of, 763, 805, 822, 871, 887, 916, Aiream, 1452. INDEX LOCORUM. 3 A. D. 1460. Airgeatglionn, A.M. 4981 ; 1101, Aonach-beag, 1579. Airgetros, A. M. 3817. See Argad-ros. Aonach- Carman, 1033. Airghialla. See Oirghialla. Aonach-Cholmain, 940. Airteach, 681, 1228, 1235, 1297, 1329, 1336, Aonach-Lifle, 954. 1349, 1381, 1405, 1416, 1465, 1486, 1541, Aonach-Macha, A. M. 3579- 1557, 1595. Aonach-Tete, or Oenach-Tete, Nenagh, 526,994, Airtheara,0n'ors, A.M. 3529; A. D. 771, 819,877, 1056, 1548. 1059, 1077, 1086, 1094, 1099, 1126, 1196, Aondruim, Nendrum, or Inishmahee, an island 1246, 1321, 1355, 1380, 1391, 1396. in Loch-Cuan, 638, 1490. lords of, 606, 620, 696, 718, 738, 743, abbots of, 496, 682, 750, 917, 974. 893, 931, 988, 1077, 1130, 1396, 1493, 1497, bishops of, 642, 658, 730, 871- 1600. Aontruibh, Entrobh, Oentraibh, Aentruibh, or Airthear-maighe, Armoy, 1177, 1247- Oentrobh, Antrim, 722, 822, 941. Airthear-Life, 628, 956. abbot of, 877. lords of, 81 1, 831, 861. See Life. airchinneach of, 1096. Airthear-Seola, in Connaught, battle of, 649- burned, 1 147. Ait-tighe-Mec-Cuirrin, 1256. Aos-tri-maighe, 1597- Alba, a hill in Ui-Faelain, 458. Aporcrosan, church of, 671, 721, 792. Alba, gen. Alban, dot. Albain, Scotland, 10, 56, situation of, pointed out, Addenda, p. a, 240, 326, 458, 498, 557, 592, 671, 684, 721, 1191. 793, 816, 835, 887, 916, 936, 950, 988, 989, Ara, 661, 666, 856. See Duthaidh-Aradh. 1013, 1034, 1062, 1055, 1065, 1154, 1169. lords of, 770, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1043, Albene, 1052. 1094, 1129, 1172, 1474, 1504, 1508, 1559, Allatnagh, battle of, 239. 1579, 1582, 1585, 1592, 1594, 1598, 1601, Allen, hill of, in the county of Kildare. See 1602. Almhuin. plundered, 1081. Almhuin, gen. Almhuine, 904, 942. Ara-Cliach, 1014. See Cliach. battles of, 526, 718. Ara-Thire, 857, 1031, 1122. See Duthaidh- Alt-na-hellte, 1256. Aradh. in and Airdne dot. Alt-Ruaidhri, AUrory, Termon-Magrath, Ara, gen. Arann, Airne, ; Arainn, 1471. Aranmore, in the bay of Galway, 1123, 1396, Anghaile, Annaly, in the county of Longford, 1537, 1560, 1584. 1172, 1182, 1196, 1207, 1209, 1210, 1232, successors of Enda of, 654, 755, 916, 1010, 1262, 1274, 1282, 1316, 1318, 1322, 1328, 1095, 1110, 1114, 1167. 1345, 1347, 1348, 1353, 1355, 1362, 1364, burned, 1020. 1373, 1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1383, 1385, plundered, 1081. 1386, t398, 1399, 1411, 1430, 1431, 1435, Ara, Arran Island, in Scotland, 1154. 1445, 1452, 1460, 1462, 1467, 1474, 1475, Ara-airthir, Inisheer, in the bay of Galway, 856. 1486, 1489, 1490, 1494, 1516, 1576, 1595. abbot of, 865. Muintir- See Anghaile. Arbo, in Tyrone. See Ard-bo. on Annies, Lough-Carra, in the county of Mayo. Arda, 771. See Ard. See Caislen-na-nEnuighe. Arda, in Fermanagh, airchinneach of, 1396, in A. M. Aolmhagh, Calraighe, 3790 ; A. D. 781. 1441, 1477. See Arda-Muintire-Luinin. I! 2 INDEX LOCORUM. Arda,551, 1011, 1130. See Aird-Uladh. Ardcarne, in the county of Roscommon. See Ard-abhla, 786, 1460. See Lios-ard-abhla. Ard-carna. Ardachadh, or Ardachadh of Bishop Mel, in Ardcavan, in the county of Wexford. See Teathbha, Ardagh, 1095. Airdne-Coemhain. St. Mel, bishop of, 487. Ard-Ciannachta, genit. Arda-Ciannachta and bishops of, 741, 872, 1048, 1087, 1104, Airde-Ciannachta, 744, 771, 868, 893. 1168, 1172, 1322, 1367, 1373, 1378, 1416, chiefs of, 660, 686, 732, 774, 781, 812, 1444, 1508, 1540. 820, 853, 891. See Feara-Arda. Ardachadh, burned, 1137- Ardcolum, in the county of Wexford. See battle of, A. M. 3790. Airdne- Coluim. Ardachadh, in Uladh, battle of, 1095. Ard-Corainn, battle of, 624. Ardachadh-Sleibhe-Fuaid, 819- Ard-Creamhthainn, battle of, A. M. 4907. Ardagh, in the county of Longford. See Arda- Ard-croine, 1598. chadh of Bishop Mel. Ardcrony, in the county of Tipperary. See Ardagh, in the county of Antrim. See Arda- Ard-croine. chadh, 1095. Ardee, in the county of Louth. See Ath- Ardailein, 1017. See Ard-oilean and High- Fhirdiadh-mic-Damain and Baile-atha-Fhir- Island. diadh. Ardakillin, in the county of Roscommon. See Ard-Eolairg, 557. Ard-an-choillin. Ard-fearna, 1421. Ard-an-choillin, 1368, 1388, 1489. Ard-fearta-Brenainn, 1089, 1179, 1340, 1370, Ard-an-ghaire, Ardingary, 1567. 1582, 1583, 1600, 1601. Ardbo, airchinnech of, 1 103. bishop of, 1117. burned, 1166. Franciscan monastery of, 1253.
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