The = HoUsing JUsTiCe sPeCiAl ediTion = IndypendenT #246: may 2019 • IndypendenT.org marchIng on alBany p6 play ThIs Board game p12 where The power lIes p16 Take down The landlords wIll ThIs Be The year ThaT TenanTs wIn sweepIng renT law reforms? coverage sTarTs on p6 ROB LAQuiNTA MAY 18. WHO SAYS RADICALS CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS? TURN TO PAGE 23 FOR MORE... 2 CommUniTY The IndypendenT CAlendAr THE INDYPENDENT, INC. 388 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 212-904-1282 www.indypendent.org Twitter: @Theindypendent facebook.com/Theindypendent BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, THU MAY 9 BRATHWAITE: BLACK IS BEAU- Alina Mogilyanskaya, Ann 5PM–8PM • FREE TIFUL Schneider, John Tarleton ART OPENiNG: ON This monograph tells the story GENTRiFiCATiON: of a key but under-recognized EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: mAY Mi CASA ES Su fi gure of the second Harlem Re- John Tarleton CASA naissance and a popularizer of ASSOCIATE EDITOR: THRU MAY 26 Set in a historic and archi- the phrase “black is beautiful.” Peter Rugh TuE–SuN, 12PM–7PM • FREE tectural landmark, this group ex- SCHOMBURG CENTER FOR RE- EXHiBiTiON: jOAN CORNELLÀ: hibition investigates notions of SEARCH IN BLACK CULTURE CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: KEEP iT REAL home (metaphorical and literal), 515 Malcolm X Blvd., Mnhtn Ellen Davidson, Alina Presenting the unique dark and belonging, displacement, street Mogilyanskaya, Nicholas unsettling irony of the interna- life, urban renewal, gentrifi ca- THU MAY 16 Powers, Steven Wishnia tionally renowned Catalan artist tion and activism. On view May 7PM–1AM • $12 and cartoonist. With no shame 9 to june 6, by appointment MuSiC: HiRS COLLECTivE, ILLUSTRATION DIRECTOR: or fear of offending the viewer, only: 646-541-5357. COHERENCE, CHOKED uP, Frank Reynoso Cornellà insists on depicting REVIVAL ROMANESQUE ROW MATERiAL SuPPORT surreal macabre situations, HOUSE GALLERY Straight up anti-racist, queer- DESIGN DIRECTOR: Mikael Tarkela always strongly connected with 413 E. 140th St., Bronx positive punk rock. the latest social issues, where EL CORTEZ DESIGNERS: the characters cynically, but al- THU MAY 9 17 Ingraham St., Bklyn Leia Doran, Anna Gold ways cheerfully, do what should 7PM–9:30PM • FREE never be done. Besides some of BOOK LAuNCH: BREAKING MAY 16–MAY 26 MULTIMEDIA EDITOR: his signature pieces, the artist BROKEN ENGLISH: BLACK- TuE–SuN, 11AM–8PM • FREE Erin Sheridan will produce fresh artworks ARAB LITERARY SOLIDARITIES EXHiBiTiON: EROTiC FEMi- linked to his time in New York. & THE POLITICS OF LANGUAGE NiSM iN THE #METOO ERA ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER: GR GALLERY Michelle Hartman explores the Through photography, oil paint- Dean Patterson 255 Bowery, Mnhtn black-Arab relationship through ings, skateboard art and fashion language, with a focus on Arab- design, 10 artists from around GENERAL INQUIRIES: MAY 1–JUNE 7 American literature that uses the world signify what eroticism [email protected] WED, 6PM • FREE the English language creatively means to them in the context of SUBMISSIONS & NEWS TIPS: DANCE: BRYANT PARK DANCE to put into practice many of the the #MeToo rebellion. [email protected] PARTY ideas advanced by black-Ameri- THE ARTIST OUTPOST Top notch bands and dance can thinkers. 501 E. 118th St., Mnhtn ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: instructors — an unforgettable BLUESTOCKINGS BOOKSTORE, [email protected] outdoor dancing experiences. CAFÉ, & ACTIVIST CENTER MAY 17–MAY 19 Explore a different dance genre 172 Allen St., Mnhtn 7PM–11PM • $20–$40 VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: each week, including salsa, MuSiC: SLACKFEST Linda Martín Alcoff, cumbia, contra and more. FRI MAY 10 Three nights with Brooklyn ska Charlyne Alexis, Bennett BRYANT PARK 7PM–11PM • $31 legends the Slackers and their Baumer, Yousef Oussama Btw 40th & 42nd Sts. & Fifth & PARTY: ¡vivA FRiDA KAHLO! friends. Fans can vote on the Bounab, Valerio Ciriaci, Rico Cleffi , Federico di Sixth Aves., Mnhtn Bid farewell to Brooklyn Muse- band’s playlists: theslackers. Pasqua, Renée Feltz, Lynne um’s “Frida Kahlo: Appearances com/polls. Foster, Emma Gaffney, MAY 8–JAN 3 Can Be Deceiving” exhibition THE KINGSLAND Esteban Guerra, Lauren SuN–THu 10AM–9PM, FRi with a night of dancing, musical 269 Norman Ave., Bklyn Kaori Gurley, Theodore 10AM–5PM • $16–$25 tributes and performance. Ac- Hamm, Maia Hibbett, David EXHiBiTiON: AuSCHWiTZ: NOT tivities include art-making with SAT MAY 18 Hollenbach, Manvi Jalan, LONG AGO. NOT FAR AWAY. feminist Latinx art collective 11AM–6PM • FREE Derek Ludovici, Gary Martin, Dedicated to documenting the Cósmica and Dj sets by Chulita MARKET: BROOKLYN FLEA Lydia McMullen-Laird, historical signifi cance of the vinyl Club. RECORD FAiR Charina Nadura, Farid Nassif, notorious death camp with over BROOKLYN MUSEUM Record hunt from dozens of Brady O’Callahan, Donald 700 original objects and more 200 Eastern Pkwy, Bklyn vinyl vender stands while djs Paneth, Libby Rainey, Mark than 400 images. spin live. Read, Reverend Billy, Chelsey Sanchez, Steven Sherman, MUSEUM OF JEWISH HERITAGE TUE MAY 14 SMORGASBURG Naomi Ushiyama, and Isobel 36 Battery Pl., Mnhtn 6:30PM–9PM • FREE East River State Park, Bklyn van Hagen. KWAME BRATHWAiTE/PHiLiP MARTiN GALLERY, LOS ANGELES BOOK LAuNCH: KWAME VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTORS: Erik Anders-Nilssen, Eric Brelsford, Chris & Pam Brown, Hank Dombrowski, Joseph Epstein, Kim Frazcek, May 2019 Lew Friedman, Mindy Gershon, Tami Gold, Priscilla Grim, Michael Hirsch, Laura Kaplan, Zack Kelaty, Michael adverTIse In The Indy Korn, Jane LaTour, Dave UnIQUe aUdIence • affordaBle raTes • personal aTTenTIon Lippman, Ashley Marinaccio, for more InformaTIon, emaIl [email protected] or call 212-904-1282 Christine Miller, Saul Nieves, Caroline Rath, Liam Reilly, The IndypendenT and Carol Smith. The IndypendenT 3 in THis issUe on The carvIng Board, p4 Butchers at seven Key Food stores are locked out. their bosses want to gut their contract. healIng The woUnds of separaTIon, p4 the sCar act will help migrant parents fi nd their children after jOAN CORNELLÀ. COuRTESY OF GR GALLERY they were separated by trump. for freedom, p5 MAY 18–MAY 19 TUE MAY 21 nY state recently reformed its SAT & SuN 11AM–5PM • FREE 6:30PM • FREE modern ProBlems: Catch joan parole system, but more can be KiDS: CHiLDREN’S FESTivAL: PANEL: CRiSiS FOR Cornellà’s disturbing and hilarious cartoons at GR done. TAÍNO, TAÍNO, TAÍNO MEXiCAN jOuR- Gallery this month. Enjoy the Museum of the American NALiSTS now’s oUr chance, p6 indian’s annual Children’s Festival Mexico is one of the We kick off our special housing and explore the Taíno culture of most dangerous plac- BlACk is BeAUTiFUl: Celebrate the coverage with a look at the the Caribbean. Arts and crafts, es in the world for photography of Kwame Brathwaite’s in Harlem push for universal rent control music, dancing and storytelling. reporters. What can this month. decades in the making. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE be done to stop the AMERICAN INDIAN killings? Award-win- iTY MOvEMENTS nIne jUsT In TIme, p7 1 Bowling Green, Mnhtn ning Mexican journalist Marcela join leading queer and trans a much-ballyhooed package Turati, Alexandra Ellerbeck of the black radical organizers Kiara of nine bills could provide MAY 18–MAY 19 Committee to Protect journalists St. james, David johns and Kei new York renters secure and SAT & SuN 12PM–7PM • $23– (Mexico) and Reporters Without Williams in a discussion about the affordable housing. $199 Borders’ Daphne Pellegrino tackle evolution of Black Lives Matter FESTivAL: THE WORLD’S FARE the issue. movements against police harass- a new york sTaTe of mInd, Over 100 vendors come together HUNTER COLLEGE–LANG RECITAL ment and police violence. p8 in New York City’s most diverse HALL, 4TH FL. GEORGE BRUCE LIBRARY renters from upstate and down borough and unite through authen- 695 Park Ave., Mnhtn 518 W. 125 St., Mnhtn have formed a one-of-a-kind tic food, drink and music curated alliance. by the city’s leading culinary SUN MAY 26 SAT JUNE 2 advocates. 12PM–5PM • FREE 10AM–6PM • $0–$55 woman on a mIssIon, p10 CITI FIELD FESTivAL: LOiSAiDA FESTivAL FESTivAL: BuSHWiCK COLLEC- Democratic socialist state sen. 120-01 Roosevelt Ave., Queens Celebrating the Puerto Rican and TivE BLOCK PARTY Julia salazar speaks with The Latinx heritage of the Lower East Live music and street art. Rick Indy on the fi ght to enshrine SUN MAY 19 Side with a community parade and Ross, Statik Selektah and Dj Evil tenant rights into law. 12PM–6PM • FREE pageant, theatre labs, music, food, Dee headline. FESTivAL: GREEK jEWiSH FES- dancing and more. THE BUSHWICK COLLECTIVE follow The money, p11 TivAL LOISAIDA AVENUE Troutman St. & Scott Ave., Bklyn Will top Democrats in the state Featuring authentic kosher Greek E. 9th St. & Avenue C, Mnhtn assembly come to the landlord foods and homemade Greek pas- lobby’s rescue? tries, traditional Greek dancing, an SAT JUNE 1 outdoor marketplace full of vendors 3PM–5:30PM • FREE chUTes & ladders, p12 and educational activities for kids. TALK: BLACK QuEER AND get out the dice! We’ve turned KEHILA KEDOSHA JANINA TRANS LivES MATTER: THE Fu- our center spread into a remake 280 Broome St., Mnhtn TuRE OF ANTi-POLiCE BRuTAL- of a classic board game. The news In BrIef, p14 LinknYC gets trashed, gotham’s green new Deal, dark money dogs aoC and more. meeT nyc’s permanenT governmenT, p16 How big developers run the city and how to fi x it. BUshwIck speaks, p18 as a neighborhood gentrifi es, an oral history project provides a living memory. rIdIng The wave, p20 two new books explore the tides of gentrifi cation sweeping nYC and how new Yorkers are resisting. May 2019 rUsT BelT reBellIon, p21 the american worker has their day on the silver screen at the The IndypendenT tribeca Film Festival. TrUmp depressIon hoTlIne, p22 Indy advice columnist rev. Billy on justice for Joe Biden and TED RALL Julian assange.
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