“BILLS” DROP TWO GAMES _t_-____ I Jersey City Pinman Is Marsans Shows Frank Frisch How ARMANDO MARSANS GIVES FRANKIE FRISCH A LESSON IN Counting On, Trouncing SLIDING. Frankie Frisch, probably the fastest man In either major league Is not a great runner because he lacks class with his feet-flrst slid# In t0 Richards In New Set! Frlsch' as wel1 as the other New York Oiants, Mana- geran„ McGraw hulphas Armando engaged Marsans, former big league star ■4 _ department1 of* playT*" hl8 ^ to po,,8h 0,1 *8 rou*h spofs « !hfa Unusual Interest Is being shown in on he the Haguetown chutes, but y STorth Jersey bowling circles in the came out only 126 pins in front of new twenty game alley set to be the Amboy representative. Richards started at the Elks' clubhouse lanes would have done still better had it 155 SMITH STREET. LEARN TO TRADE AT THE SPOT SHOP AND SAVE MONEY Sunday afternoon, and in which not been for an Injury received in Howard Richards, local champion, the fifth game. All cars and buses pass our door STETSON HATS will engage Jimmy Delehanty. one When the two men met on the of the best bowlers of Jersey City. Argonne alleys in the last ten games Despite the fact that Richards and of the set. Richards went into play NOTICE-OPEN EVENINGS j V-lily Eyerkuss defeated all opposl- full of confidence and emerged the uon in the sixteen team eight hour victor for the entire matcji by 92 endurance alley match at Plainfield pins. STETSON HATS LIONDALE NO FADE 8HIBTS _ m Washington’s birthday. Richards Delehanty is going to try hard and .v.is not given consideration as an overshadow the initial defeat by >v tSUlo favorite In the individual scor'ng an overwhelming victory in match with Deelhanty. In the two the new twenty game set. Richards man event at the Queen City Eilts’ Is confident, however, that he will •• ubhouse. every lodge in the Elks’ establish a big lead in the first ten ■ -tare league had a team entered games here this Sunday and the lead 'Vi-h the exception of Jersey City attained on his home alleys will be and Paterson, and those lodges sent large enough to offset the advan- down two teams apiece. tage to be complied by his opponent V&-1 The North Jersey bowling favor- in the last ten contests on the Hud- ites expected their man to establish son county lanes probably a week a 250 pin lead in the first ten games from Sunday. Schedule Is Worked On For Fighters Prepare m A cap gets you out of Heavyweight heads are the habit of wearing the Ball Police to THE COMPANY WE KEEP For School Team; Assn. Smoker quickest adopt light- same hat every day. Cape anew each -weight felts when the days Associating our name for when the wind blow* Candidates Drill At Local Auditorium get longest. This one is season with Many FINAL US STETSON HATS $1.50 $2.00 has brought to this store the pa- j $2.95 A New of the most Spring Style j ; One of the finest baseball sched- Duschok, Kovacs, Dettmer, Convery, During the next several days the in their show will pack the Audi- Silk Lined Hats tronage discriminating Hat boxers represented on the Grey ules ever arranged for the local high Pape, Torrell, Paris, Gallagher, program torium for this event, the fourth Roster for Local young men. Get your youthful for the Nine Is Com- Obeski, Reager and Levinson. All Patrolmen's Benevolent annual smoker of the police assoc- school Is nearing completion, under Association smoker style among the Spring Stetson of the men showed up wen and many in the New iation. A big advance sale of tickets plete—Season to Start $5.00 11 the direction of Jack Ja- Brunswick avenue Manager promising stars are expected to be Auditorium next by the "coppers" is reported and $3.45 $3.95 Hats ... $7.00 will 20 I cobsen, who to date has a program sifted out with the coming practice Thursday night, complete their further advance sales are looked for April training in preparation for their re- of about twenty games to be played sessions. on the remaining days. / spective bouts. OI by the State street institution nine The players remaining from last the preliminary bouts, the one Your Eddie Ford, of Rosebank. Staten Now that the roster of their We Don’t Care What Shape during the coming diamond season. year's squad, who will help consid- between Johnny Hossle. of the Pio- team Island, is hard at work preparing neer Club, and Joe Powers, the la complete, Messrs. Sheehan and The first practice session of the erably in making up the team are for his important go with Tiger Nel- Bus a Flynn, of the new Perth held on after- who did a of fighting Driver, four rounder Amboy Is-We’ll Fit You With Wool team was Wednesday Billy Wilson, big part son. the local Virgin Pioneer Club middle- is most Interesting. This Is a special Baseball Club, will complete their noon at the gym, at which forty-five the pitching last year; Fennessey weight favorite. In the windup event four and a knockout Is looked for. plans for the opening of the semi candidates, including twelve of last and Connelly, who played in the of the evening. State n Island is Powers carries a professional diamond season here, and To Order year’': squad, turned out. This show- backstop position, and Westerfield, knockout punch Suitings Coatings banking heavily on Ford to check in either hand, but his opponent is on Sunday afternoon, April 20th. ing'fs encouraging and indicates that the star first baseman of last year’s the Should- successful streak of the local clever, and also carries mean hitters. Sam Gilinka, a catcher of Newark High Shoulders, Very Broad Back, Short Neck; Sloping a cracker-jack outfit will represent outfit. Don Martin was out on Tues- Dane who is managed by Frank The remainder of the card consists was signed on Wednesday night, and Bound the local high school in the national day trying for his regular position ers, Long Neck; Flat Chest; Stooping Shoulders; Corpulent; Clemens. This contest is carded for of one six and two fours. also Abe Plaut. an outfielder, .'laut pastime. at second, while Captain Rhodes is rounds Flat Chest and Hollow Form, Well eight and should be a hum- Is director of athletics at the local Corpulent, Back; Large Built, Evans, Kidd, Femianl, Pasterack, the only candidate for the shortfield mer from start to finish. Y. M. H. A. and in addition to be Short Thick Set. Yushlck, Ford and Hutton are trying position. Larson, Ceres and Hutton Body, Emil Morro. Cuba’s junior light- a good outfielder and batter. Is cap- ^ for on the pitching staff; Mil- are also out trying for their posi- places weight champion, now a resident of able of playing any position In the for a sui t or use the merchandise that I am Gadomski, for tions in the outfield. Clothiers who charge $40, $45. $50 overcoat ler, Leszczinch, New York, will endeavor to “knock field, and also working behind the Ford and Oksen, Practice for the was se embrace all colors from to so catchers; Dolan, batterymen off’’ Carteret boxer No. 2 when he plate. in suits and overcoats at $35.00. The light dark, first base; Convery, Dametz, Stepa- held yesterday while the infield men tackles putting Johnny Carroll, the veteran Reports from Newark are to the can make a suitable selection. ftoff and Shumsky, second base, and will work out today. All practice of that a man the borough, In the eight round effect that Gilinka will be as great | Pucci, Seaman, Burke, Pfeiffer, for sessions will be held at the State semi final tussle on the police card. value to the local team, as Meyers, OF SIZE OR S HAPE-SUIT OR OVERCOAT TO OBTOR third base. street gym, until Monday, when the i OUR PRICE IRRESPECTIVE At a recent show here. Morro scored the Freehold backstop for whose 5 DAY The new candidates for outfield first outdoor session will be held at a MONEY REFUNDED DELIVERY decisive dctory over Carl Morris, services the local magnates made a FIT GUARANTEED OR are Hall, S. Salakl. the Raritan Works diamond. positions Rzalay, Copper of Carteret. try. Freehold is to reorganize and There nre four corking support- the backstop Is to captain the team. ing bouts for these tfeadliners and Rogers and Gilinka will comprise the police are satisfied that interest Eir.horn Tackles Andy Gadek the battery for the opening contest, Catching Staff Fails Smith, Burke. White and Manuel in Bowling Match Here are to play ‘lie infield, and Looser, >. j. and Plaut will patrol the outer gar- > This Evening dens. Several utility men will be ac- quired beforo the start of the associate Howard season. $35.0< Andy Gadek, of An umpire is yet to be signed and 3 Richards on one of the leading two LOT 2 L0T jj|I other opening plans are to be made. man bowling teams In this section Mayor William C. Wilson will throw Silk Mixturee-Blue Serges f and p. member of the Argonne R, A. Tweeds—Cashmeres out the first ball In accordance with C. combination, ipay be eliminated Neat Stripes the usual custom and other features cn from the individual bowling cham- will be arranged before the M7 CA in a match with Char- opening $Z".5U pionship race, day.
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