II L FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WA; Tii _b>/;_i/~42/.%4~*~&#39;A_1.. _ ._ U 4 ¢ PART #_7 01?/3 PAGES.»9292"AIl.ABLETHlS[7? _* _ PART; I » 1&#39; &#39; CF M" WW FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION A FILES CONTAINED IN THIS PART 1 I FILE # - PAGES AVAILABLE Q2~ 3/6!/5@"¢M&#39;@~H! { K q/Jfjjj % __ 82 "J/4 /5 §cc/#0/I J /1/53 i i j /-1. 4 », &#39; V , 4 _ | . -.&#39; &#39;;._ ~ I - I.-.1-.1. ...------ ¢ ""4-9. t ~ In I. A.l"l-I---~ ._ - _ r . 1. _: _ -- , e V :,."....T... &#39;r""__7, M - I-. t=lea:.-------- 1 &#39;_ - . e _- m~.§uv|n....---. - . 3;, .... .. --~- F .. , - Ir. &#39;lrM&#39;.I&#39;- &#39;--- ---- < I 11. loan ...- ----- ~ - - t &#39; --»- .: e " o n Ql&#39;Ii&#39;|&#39;l_.--- Ir. New-I -------- -- alter ..8,71nch_e92.-v Ilsa Gll4.&#39;!----- ---» 1 ------ - - H &#39;_ &#39;1 KnaA~ AI hone &#39;°."Hu_3.-&#39;*-A #~- 1 V10 _t__Jn itlltvhl Ovnrldl 1.!] ma uuu Du; Ilrnl. 1/4l_&#39;|&#39;.,.p;..;:.;o. lael _* " 1"" - ea Mon About T ~ -- I-next .=...... on the ;-.§.=...... {let e. .he Federal ... G1-and .1 .}.a.-3; iii-uli pfupizmoa.¢..._.. &#39; ¢Payson is a principal backer oi the Commentator mag and others 92 f_sy1_npathel.|c to the am. ..Wa_s_the blondewho bit Dorothy Thomp- &#39;eon&#39;a ngers in that downtown brawl initia1led"_L.L.".?...1t that rumor la tzme about Abbott It Coetellodlvldlng-then they need ;a1ien1.ste...It| I Ii lb. hlmage over at the Mack Chattanooga .Choo-Choc"! _Gonlona. Good Heep; L. .l_..&#39;,..&#39;l"hey ea}- &#39;Lt. Jlxnmy Stewart proposed to Olivia De Havlandllast week- Q __end...W1lI.lam Buckner ts reported getting custody 01 the baby -from Adelaide Moett...-The President will appoint a Colored fmember to the war board. Three names are oon.sldered...Author |I. Elinson ot "Banjo Eyes" hears that the Army relected. George ;R.a1t because he wag too abort, but they inducted his-pants! . - _ : Th Count Tolrtoys are parting. but only to serve ht: adopted cou.ntry...&#39;lhat hatched: gal at the Penguin mentioned as kin to Mrs. John D. M. Hamilton aln&#39;t...Ita a laddition tor the John Att&#39;n Moors Congress! ShirleyThe Dale! U. now 8. Marines touring In with Iceland Cornelia walked Otis a dozen Sk1nner..._.mee Just to eee = Donald L".:& =ho.fT?.&#39;ihe&#39; reason i boatload oi actor: cancelled-was * acheduledto I811 over tor publication there-the of only the entertainment sailing In a Midwest for them}col , ".l"he Govt. feared um mm would tip 0!! _a sub C0J.l&#39;I18.lld¬1&#39;.. .x ,é.the exotic South American dancer, to a Cmcago_ga1. She: .tu.rn1ng because passportl are being called ln...&#39;Ihose Variety F1-lollywood page ea ltheez-.1:-.g me he L&#39;:d::s*.r-,&#39; and [Hollywood Victory Committee! for the Navy Belle! Societywere paldiorbyB11anDonlevy. _, _,_-_ . :;__;. ..-v_ _ - -- »I - fweneti Ceirtuy-For got W: Gs from the let: 1-me It" "pro- ducers in the dispute over the Cradle Snatchers" theme.. .Wa.lte.r- g,a aocko in a Broadway musical-Nothing Happens. A nocko at C0i:if&uau;_--Fti.Y oiieri...l92iarion Holmes, the lovely looking thrush, was mauled on Saturday, to actor Don DeF&#39;ore In I-Iwood. John Huston. director oi Maltae Falcon, is at the Cedam ox Leb- -1 .a.non Hosp, Beverly Hills. Operated on utter falling trom a hone. Q. from I-Iitfzhcock. the polo mu-, become: an Army Al: Corp: major u igext week..,.Natal£e P. Igeeiaey and Walter Clu-ysler,.Jr., are on. J l_.e verge o. e merger. .e:&#39;...=:p-.. to two =.-..:....% was rcently I - I_ . _1Re&#39;notari2ed...A grottp of Washingtonian: are tormlng a duh;- 1&#39; &#39; &#39; .ca11ed~"&#39;the Pu-asttee. They are the Mauaehusetta Avenue elite.1, &#39; not caIl_lt:|&#39;_FIh_e Paraatghta"? " ..&#39;_-_..__ _-..; : - &#39; -1."-_*+ *7» &#39;1 flay tell you &#39; to! another o"&#39;u-etchresignation . ..92 5&#39; .» . *II. to-to-toI8 I&#39;ll In . -092..-...*+::.**:..OI &#39; &#39; .. .- éunm tnexgave unhappy new: to City N lI¢docoop|ngthecttyagaInF-benngeverygazettetntheNorman- gm e.ro.,.I1&#39;vBe1&#39;linhaawrlttenhi|:&#39;atnou-patrlotielnnglnmnII_a year. Me and Melinda--and they my it: a lovely thing. .Betty Avery. who was supposed to elope with Ikrln Lehman, the 192. V C_;ove;-t;_er&#39;e E__,._-e-lope-2 em-. Joe .Drow"_!&#39;.. e. C!&#39;l!!9!&#39;:"_!.-. hotel exec U5 l D 1., &#39; , p p ...A I 8 MAR 1; Powet § ll pl! _Vwggp_n__!_____.?______E53=5mug3%3___§____HEn2,5.E285mags0%:":2avg:H3?__l____a_ EUg EHiI3:50g§__8___>______H___n:2______g_g"=5 30$"g__5%3:5Q:Q>5335Ba 8 E z________E3>25953350:E5___§___3gin?£5 -g:5paas&#39;_&°__=_____Q_°___2__3__o_§____E5____ 3 2 ___5__2=2_SSBOHmqB__5___3_5_________ga2"Ga;E Z. mg;nag8&83___¢8_>5Q_E°_____F.gm 5 pg:____E.§___H__¢O°_____e____°_____Q9;H?:53__~___=§__ _"___0H_53Mgag£855;Raga32: gD 5_a____§Eaanm____g__g___~H"2=39_51_°___§___§_as 8 z°__5____&iE:___:_a___O____n____"_:__nnHgH______O___m§U_§_ ____U:655-___og___n°__°______u_an23___=_§_F___o§_=a=____3___H__Og___w___=g§____:_WQ:_=2_________°__E_____U_____~:___°>:__________:gm3Eng_§=gg___&#39;§_gqEa:8:________83Fais =_ _3_____n_°______r__°_QE:83__""Eui___:3gnm_mags E333%Ev=8°___________§_EaOH_____Fm_____a___:___ 5 sqEa23;?a°____Ug__"ag=Egag____________s nag§E_=_____5:53_g___°___aH:Hg_H___3_asB Q__~_____g__=55-_gag8a________:___32525____aE_583____Hg:no:a_°p:____________°___aP__%alm53IM______I3Oa_a|H§%Ea° E F, SEE?E__&#39;°__~_EaHag g%F mac;E§_=__I_q=aFgE§mE___Fns_Aa_&_§n Hg______w_Eg_%=_ga_~ah___Q_J_Qm1_______§_m___;_______=5 F ___umFa_§§§q;w_=IEma:32?.5u_____:__3_ _ BaEggBogaamguauq___|||__|_ll|___&#39;__________=_Eo__E§_____mg;Eagq________59?:mgaimiHggagH_______§____§_____as30%gm§5_~______§_______gOB:8:09:asmaoxa2g?__mgga___°____§__§___a____H___~Emug E_FF3ID ___g____uQ5E:gm¬Ea_:53g_____2: I"g §__~____u°FBE|r_m§gF@=_m__£2_&q§_n__E81 _$g%Egng§M1EEma_o__Hm_&#39;_w________H._________""_____9: EgganDE1&055:53~__§_g"g;mg:Ed: . gshnauas382$3__iiiH~gn§g_=9"BEE_______&______5=53&5"____E_"_______zg E J__.__.:E_a___g_"Hg§___E___"____ _ _&#39;_Bar:1.5:§_IgqQE_5B_"__________:g_____u I&#39;ll}_ 32:;=5BagE::550*._°__%_%8___________ri§q-_§_____a_B____"__7%:E.gag;mg Eag3 uag__s___!_Eng53193_§ig_EH5:R0an _H E _§_____:____Wm_____m8:35__§_______i_____E_=§F__Ia______"____&°___ F 0EE_.HiE5"_E_9E3"6-avBaG5OgN:____§_____gag_z___&___§on________"__-_as5%_________:_8__£qa_15_-gi9_%______~a3mag?n_ E 3 ___5:8g%_____g__§_a_:¬___~:595%"%%&§vE:g§g°52____=i_:I__!___E_I_ E g:§:st__T__2=a___U__, _ _ ___I_M__-_I___A ___H____M l -,--A___j_________é_ _ _HY.H ___. __ HV1:_r__I&#39;_%_F_ _*__M"w____a_%__"_k_~__#&ML3 _ _~ V __W__ T _"_ H rw 6 t 1 -. -b a" . e - N --T?! A . - "-"F--.-av In-¢ _ :_}__r,.-;___ _> 1* _ &#39;24 ... 4: _ . &#39;_~~_&#39;-"-_,&#39;,_&#39;§;;:-ll T""~T" - &#39;1 -_:..,H-~-.1 J FA D .3 _ . 92- ~.. -- ., _ ,___ ,2 J-._r;"_ t _ u _ -- -5 ;w ,.-9; ,-.,_-n_..J-Filte- 1- -4-». Q . 92. K &#39; r; <0 .- U. ,¬1.% .&#39;--¬ P.-I 92} . - 0 C6 M6 zdum &#39;-IUNAITEIit »BN . _ ~ Er.&#39;» ""*7" &#39; &#39; &#39; &#39;.* &#39; n-.m.eu D I LAIJD V &#39; i nu! ; _- 92&#39; v~.:..92. -r|I- ,b4&#39;*_&#39; C1 El 92~ ~1- non 1 L I BRO!!! a j wnjct nss lmrlnxs &#39;i ,&#39;.,&#39;- - _- A- Secretary to - 1 _e__.-.»,~ t -it - _ Halter Iinchell - c - . _ ;"- t ;= f-L: . |&#39; ,- -&#39;._&#39; .&#39; &#39; ..,.&#39;. _ 1. "92 -_.~.- , . - &#39; ?1§_"""&#39;__=L, "&#39;!&#39;92""&#39;§&#39;I .--_-_- as moo rm, larchza, 1940, 15.51: 1..I Iilhek0 I or =5.nevi 1: Office telephonicollyAdvised lies that Key Iylpe, eeoreteryto Elte?Iineb.e11, had contacted the lee York Office. She requeeted&#39;the.tthe Director and We Toion 69 be informed that Ir Iinchell deeired them to listen to hie broadcast at 9:00 PI, tonight Aside from notifying you, I contacted Ir. Iouire who instructed me to #1 S Sive the neeee e to lien Bend Y Ir Ieeee and Ir Tolaon- e which In .. done. lieu thndy eubeiquently ldvieed that the above neeeege had been furnished to the ACTION: llemofor record only d Xe _ V it G 0/ P L 7.v£;*??!&&I 7&#39; til..; .; ."~- &#39;t &#39; - ~-I4-92 - ~ - it&#39;d.-&#39;..1;.&#39;-T¥_i"":1;»f. _ .1?;».»,s*-***- :. &#39;:&#39;,-,_=-- c " &#39;1 L- . 1 &#39;":.e &#39;!~92&#39;¬.5:»&#39;_~.:;fJ:"- _ w - - ~_ -- . *-<-;-.~;.-_&#39;::-&#39;=~.-,-. - 1: / 7 &#39; I£__ 5 1 APR9 194$ ALI. mronmmneommm e 1 1 ." " -. _ ._. _ 1 0 --.&#39;-." - -I -. -_ - ~*.. &#39;_ - &#39;.-.- &#39;q¬ 1.,-- .-I, ,. 1-- &#39;- &#39;v92.nJ"5&#39;92-@""""-"-"- -. &#39; aunuu-n . _ &#39; 7 d 1 &#39;; &#39; _ _ . _ .,_,- _:- - 92&#39; &#39;1 &#39;*&#39;.".v&#39; " l 1 .&#39;1l &#39;* ::&#39;-:&#39;-&#39; ,.-3--.-. .___. 1 > &#39;-.-: . _&#39; 1,4} .- - _§:_92&#39;.&#39;.&#39; &#39;":;j.-&#39; I Fl} . - &#39; l .-_ i: r " &#39; -"&#39; *3 _ 92&#39; 0 -.92:.
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