Walter Winchell Part 26 of 58

Walter Winchell Part 26 of 58

II L FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WA; Tii _b>/;_i/~42/.%4~*~'A_1.. _ ._ U 4 ¢ PART #_7 01?/3 PAGES.»9292"AIl.ABLETHlS[7? _* _ PART; I » 1' ' CF M" WW FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION A FILES CONTAINED IN THIS PART 1 I FILE # - PAGES AVAILABLE Q2~ 3/6!/5@"¢M'@~H! { K q/Jfjjj % __ 82 "J/4 /5 §cc/#0/I J /1/53 i i j /-1. 4 », ' V , 4 _ | . -.' ';._ ~ I - I.-.1-.1. ...------ ¢ ""4-9. t ~ In I. A.l"l-I---~ ._ - _ r . 1. _: _ -- , e V :,."....T... 'r""__7, M - I-. t=lea:.-------- 1 '_ - . e _- m~.§uv|n....---. - . 3;, .... .. --~- F .. , - Ir. 'lrM'.I'- '--- ---- < I 11. loan ...- ----- ~ - - t ' --»- .: e " o n Ql'Ii'|'l_.--- Ir. New-I -------- -- alter ..8,71nch_e92.-v Ilsa Gll4.'!----- ---» 1 ------ - - H '_ '1 KnaA~ AI hone '°."Hu_3.-'*-A #~- 1 V10 _t__Jn itlltvhl Ovnrldl 1.!] ma uuu Du; Ilrnl. 1/4l_'|'.,.p;..;:.;o. lael _* " 1"" - ea Mon About T ~ -- I-next .=...... on the ;-.§.=...... {let e. .he Federal ... G1-and .1 .}.a.-3; iii-uli pfupizmoa.¢..._.. ' ¢Payson is a principal backer oi the Commentator mag and others 92 f_sy1_npathel.|c to the am. ..Wa_s_the blondewho bit Dorothy Thomp- 'eon'a ngers in that downtown brawl initia1led"_L.L.".?...1t that rumor la tzme about Abbott It Coetellodlvldlng-then they need ;a1ien1.ste...It| I Ii lb. hlmage over at the Mack Chattanooga .Choo-Choc"! _Gonlona. Good Heep; L. .l_..',..'l"hey ea}- 'Lt. Jlxnmy Stewart proposed to Olivia De Havlandllast week- Q __end...W1lI.lam Buckner ts reported getting custody 01 the baby -from Adelaide Moett...-The President will appoint a Colored fmember to the war board. Three names are oon.sldered...Author |I. Elinson ot "Banjo Eyes" hears that the Army relected. George ;R.a1t because he wag too abort, but they inducted his-pants! . - _ : Th Count Tolrtoys are parting. but only to serve ht: adopted cou.ntry...'lhat hatched: gal at the Penguin mentioned as kin to Mrs. John D. M. Hamilton aln't...Ita a laddition tor the John Att'n Moors Congress! ShirleyThe Dale! U. now 8. Marines touring In with Iceland Cornelia walked Otis a dozen Sk1nner..._.mee Just to eee = Donald L".:& =ho.fT?.'ihe' reason i boatload oi actor: cancelled-was * acheduledto I811 over tor publication there-the of only the entertainment sailing In a Midwest for them}col , ".l"he Govt. feared um mm would tip 0!! _a sub C0J.l'I18.lld¬1'.. .x ,é.the exotic South American dancer, to a Cmcago_ga1. She: .tu.rn1ng because passportl are being called ln...'Ihose Variety F1-lollywood page ea ltheez-.1:-.g me he L':d::s*.r-,' and [Hollywood Victory Committee! for the Navy Belle! Societywere paldiorbyB11anDonlevy. _, _,_-_ . :;__;. ..-v_ _ - -- »I - fweneti Ceirtuy-For got W: Gs from the let: 1-me It" "pro- ducers in the dispute over the Cradle Snatchers" theme.. .Wa.lte.r- g,a aocko in a Broadway musical-Nothing Happens. A nocko at C0i:if&uau;_--Fti.Y oiieri...l92iarion Holmes, the lovely looking thrush, was mauled on Saturday, to actor Don DeF'ore In I-Iwood. John Huston. director oi Maltae Falcon, is at the Cedam ox Leb- -1 .a.non Hosp, Beverly Hills. Operated on utter falling trom a hone. Q. from I-Iitfzhcock. the polo mu-, become: an Army Al: Corp: major u igext week..,.Natal£e P. Igeeiaey and Walter Clu-ysler,.Jr., are on. J l_.e verge o. e merger. .e:'...=:p-.. to two =.-..:....% was rcently I - I_ . _1Re'notari2ed...A grottp of Washingtonian: are tormlng a duh;- 1' ' ' .ca11ed~"'the Pu-asttee. They are the Mauaehusetta Avenue elite.1, ' not caIl_lt:|'_FIh_e Paraatghta"? " ..'_-_..__ _-..; : - ' -1."-_*+ *7» '1 flay tell you ' to! another o"'u-etchresignation . ..92 5' .» . *II. to-to-toI8 I'll In . -092..-...*+::.**:..OI ' ' .. .- éunm tnexgave unhappy new: to City N lI¢docoop|ngthecttyagaInF-benngeverygazettetntheNorman- gm,.I1'vBe1'linhaawrlttenhi|:'atnou-patrlotielnnglnmnII_a year. Me and Melinda--and they my it: a lovely thing. .Betty Avery. who was supposed to elope with Ikrln Lehman, the 192. V C_;ove;-t;_er'e E__,._-e-lope-2 em-. Joe .Drow"_!'.. e. C!'l!!9!':"_!.-. hotel exec U5 l D 1., ' , p p ...A I 8 MAR 1; Powet § ll pl! _Vwggp_n__!_____.?______E53=5mug3%3___§____HEn2,5.E285mags0%:":2avg:H3?__l____a_ EUg EHiI3:50g§__8___>______H___n:2______g_g"=5 30$"g__5%3:5Q:Q>5335Ba 8 E z________E3>25953350:E5___§___3gin?£5 -g:5paas'_&°__=_____Q_°___2__3__o_§____E5____ 3 2 ___5__2=2_SSBOHmqB__5___3_5_________ga2"Ga;E Z. mg;nag8&83___¢8_>5Q_E° 5 pg:____E.§___H__¢O°_____e____°_____Q9;H?:53__~___=§__ _"___0H_53Mgag£855;Raga32: gD 5_a____§Eaanm____g__g___~H"2=39_51_°___§___§_as 8 z°__5____&iE:___:_a___O____n____"_:__nnHgH______O___m§U_§_ ____U:655-___og___n°__°______u_an23___=_§_F___o§_=a=____3___H__Og___w___=g§____:_WQ:_=2_________°__E_____U_____~:___°>:__________:gm3Eng_§=gg___'§_gqEa:8:________83Fais =_ _3_____n_°______r__°_QE:83__""Eui___:3gnm_mags E333%Ev=8°___________§_EaOH_____Fm_____a___:___ 5 sqEa23;?a°____Ug__"ag=Egag____________s nag§E_=_____5:53_g___°___aH:Hg_H___3_asB Q__~_____g__=55-_gag8a________:___32525____aE_583____Hg:no:a_°p:____________°___aP__%alm53IM______I3Oa_a|H§%Ea° E F, SEE?E__'°__~_EaHag g%F mac;E§_=__I_q=aFgE§mE___Fns_Aa_&_§n Hg______w_Eg_%=_ga_~ah___Q_J_Qm1_______§_m___;_______=5 F ___umFa_§§§q;w_=IEma:32?.5u_____:__3_ _ BaEggBogaamguauq___|||__|_ll|___'__________=_Eo__E§_____mg;Eagq________59?:mgaimiHggagH_______§____§_____as30%gm§5_~______§_______gOB:8:09:asmaoxa2g?__mgga___°____§__§___a____H___~Emug E_FF3ID ___g____uQ5E:gm¬Ea_:53g_____2: I"g §__~____u°FBE|r_m§gF@=_m__£2_&q§_n__E81 _$g%Egng§M1EEma_o__Hm_'_w________H._________""_____9: EgganDE1&055:53~__§_g"g;mg:Ed: . gshnauas382$3__iiiH~gn§g_=9"BEE_______&______5=53&5"____E_"_______zg E J__.__.:E_a___g_"Hg§___E___"____ _ _'_Bar:1.5:§_IgqQE_5B_"__________:g_____u I'll}_ 32:;=5BagE::550*._°__%_%8___________ri§q-_§_____a_B____"__7%:E.gag;mg Eag3 uag__s___!_Eng53193_§ig_EH5:R0an _H E _§_____:____Wm_____m8:35__§_______i_____E_=§F__Ia______"____&°___ F 0EE_.HiE5"_E_9E3"6-avBaG5OgN:____§_____gag_z___&___§on________"__-_as5%_________:_8__£qa_15_-gi9_%______~a3mag?n_ E 3 ___5:8g%_____g__§_a_:¬___~:595%"%%&§vE:g§g°52____=i_:I__!___E_I_ E g:§:st__T__2=a___U__, _ _ ___I_M__-_I___A ___H____M l -,--A___j_________é_ _ _HY.H ___. __ HV1:_r__I'_%_F_ _*__M"w____a_%__"_k_~__#&ML3 _ _~ V __W__ T _"_ H rw 6 t 1 -. -b a" . e - N --T?! A . - "-"F--.-av In-¢ _ :_}__r,.-;___ _> 1* _ '24 ... 4: _ . '_~~_'-"-_,',_'§;;:-ll T""~T" - '1 -_:..,H-~-.1 J FA D .3 _ . 92- ~.. -- ., _ ,___ ,2 J-._r;"_ t _ u _ -- -5 ;w ,.-9; ,-.,_-n_..J-Filte- 1- -4-». Q . 92. K ' r; <0 .- U. ,¬1.% .'--¬ P.-I 92} . - 0 C6 M6 zdum '-IUNAITEIit »BN . _ ~ Er.'» ""*7" ' ' ' '.* ' D I LAIJD V ' i nu! ; _- 92' v~.:..92. -r|I- ,b4'*_' C1 El 92~ ~1- non 1 L I BRO!!! a j wnjct nss lmrlnxs 'i ,'.,'- - _- A- Secretary to - 1 _e__.-.»,~ t -it - _ Halter Iinchell - c - . _ ;"- t ;= f-L: . |' ,- -'._' .' ' ..,.'. _ 1. "92 -_.~.- , . - ' ?1§_"""'__=L, "'!'92""'§'I .--_-_- as moo rm, larchza, 1940, 15.51: 1..I Iilhek0 I or =5.nevi 1: Office telephonicollyAdvised lies that Key Iylpe, eeoreteryto Elte?Iineb.e11, had contacted the lee York Office. She requeeted'the.tthe Director and We Toion 69 be informed that Ir Iinchell deeired them to listen to hie broadcast at 9:00 PI, tonight Aside from notifying you, I contacted Ir. Iouire who instructed me to #1 S Sive the neeee e to lien Bend Y Ir Ieeee and Ir Tolaon- e which In .. done. lieu thndy eubeiquently ldvieed that the above neeeege had been furnished to the ACTION: llemofor record only d Xe _ V it G 0/ P L 7.v£;*??!&&I 7' til..; .; ."~- 't ' - ~-I4-92 - ~ - it'd.-'..1;.'-T¥_i"":1;»f. _ .1?;».»,s*-***- :. ':',-,_=-- c " '1 L- . 1 '":.e '!~92'¬.5:»'_~.:;fJ:"- _ w - - ~_ -- . *-<-;-.~;.-_'::-'=~.-,-. - 1: / 7 ' I£__ 5 1 APR9 194$ ALI. mronmmneommm e 1 1 ." " -. _ ._. _ 1 0 --.'-." - -I -. -_ - ~*.. '_ - '.-.- 'q¬ 1.,-- .-I, ,. 1-- '- 'v92.nJ"5'92-@""""-"-"- -. ' aunuu-n . _ ' 7 d 1 '; ' _ _ . _ .,_,- _:- - 92' '1 '*'.".v' " l 1 .'1l '* ::'-:'-' ,.-3--.-. .___. 1 > '-.-: . _' 1,4} .- - _§:_92'.'.' '":;j.-' I Fl} . - ' l .-_ i: r " ' -"' *3 _ 92' 0 -.92:.

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