I hereby give notice of the following Ordinary meeting: Meeting Kaipara District Council Date Thursday 27 September 2018 Time 9.30am Venue Lighthouse Function Centre – 32 Mount Wesley Coast Road, Dargaville Open Agenda Membership Chair: Mayor Jason Smith Members: Deputy Mayor Peter Wethey Councillor Anna Curnow Councillor Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock Councillor Julie Geange Councillor Libby Jones Councillor Karen Joyce-Paki Councillor Jonathan Larsen Councillor Andrew Wade Jason Marris General Manager Governance, Strategy and Democracy 1601.23 Cagenda 27 September 2018 PUB LH:yh (OP) Contents Page 1 Opening 1 1.1 Karakia 1 1.2 Present 1 1.3 Apologies 1 1.4 Confirmation of Agenda 1 1.5 Conflict of Interest Declaration 1 2 Presentations and Petitions 1 3 Minutes 2 3.1 Confirmation of Open Council minutes 05 September 2018 3 3.2 Committee minutes confirmed in August 2018 8 4 Decision 31 4.1 Annual Report 2017/2018 for adoption* 33 4.2 Kaipara Territorial Authority Annual Report under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol 37 (Fees) Regulations 2013 - 01 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 4.3 Kaipara District Council Dog Control Annual Report 01 July 2017 to 30 June 49 2018 4.4 Contract 906 Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme Irrigation Extension 59 Stage 4 2018/2019 - Award of Contract 4.5 Reserve Contributions Fund financial management 65 4.6 Reserve contributions contestable funding criteria, templates, processes and 75 timeline 4.7 Sale of Section, Aranga Coast Road – Rescind 23 August 2018 decision+ 4.8 Class 4 Gambling Venue Policy Review and Adoption 113 4.9 Elected Member Allowances and Recovery of Expenses Policy Review 131 5 Information 189 5.1 Treasury Management non-compliance 191 5.2 Kaipara District New Footpath Improvements 199 5.3 Capital Works 2018/2019 205 5.4 Northland Walking and Cycling Strategy 2018 213 5.5 Chief Executive’s Report August 2018 265 5.6 Resolutions Register and Action Tracker 281 6 Public Excluded agenda items 27 September 2018 289 6.1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Council minutes 05 September 2018 7 Open Council agenda 27 September 2018 291 Closure 291 * Attachment 1 to item 4.1 ‘Annual Report 2017/2018 for adoption’ will be circulated under a separate cover. + Item 4.6 ‘Sale of Section, Aranga Coast Road – Rescind 23 August 2018 decision’ will be circulated under a separate cover. 1601.23 Cagenda 27 September 2018 PUB LH:yh (OP) Ordinary meeting of Kaipara District Council 27 September 2018 in Dargaville 1 Opening 1.1 Karakia 1.2 Present 1.3 Apologies 1.4 Confirmation of Agenda The Committee to confirm the Agenda. 1.5 Conflict of Interest Declaration Elected Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as Councillors and any private or other external interest they might have. It is also considered best practice for those members to the Executive Team attending the meeting to also signal any conflicts that they may have with an item before Council. 2 Deputations, Presentations and Petitions 1601.23 1 Cagenda 27 September 2018 PUB LH:yh (OP) 3 Minutes 3.1 Confirmation of Open Council minutes 05 September 2018 General Manager Governance, Strategy and Democracy 1601.23 Recommended That the unconfirmed Open minutes of the Kaipara District Council meeting held 05 September 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record. 1601.23 2 Cagenda 27 September 2018 PUB LH:yh (OP) Kaipara District Council Minutes Meeting: Kaipara District Council - EXTRAORDINARY Date Wednesday 05 September 2018 Time Meeting commenced at 10.30am Meeting concluded at 11.31am Venue Northern Wairoa War Memorial Hall, Dargaville Status Unconfirmed Membership Chair: Mayor Jason Smith Members: Deputy Mayor Peter Wethey Councillor Anna Curnow Councillor Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock Councillor Julie Geange Councillor Libby Jones Councillor Karen Joyce-Paki Councillor Jonathan Larsen Councillor Andrew Wade Jason Marris General Manager Governance, Strategy and Democracy 1601.23 3 Cminutes 05 September 2018 EO PUBLIC unconfirmed LH:yh (unc) 2 Unconfirmed Council minutes 05 September 2018, Dargaville Contents 1 Opening .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Karakia ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Present ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Apologies .................................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 Confirmation of Agenda ............................................................................................................ 3 1.5 Conflict of Interest Declaration .................................................................................................. 3 2 Deputations, Presentations and Petitions ............................................................................ 4 3 Minutes ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Confirmation of Open Council minutes 23 August 2018 ........................................................... 4 4 Decision ................................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Genetically Modified Organisms - District Plan Position ........................................................... 4 5 Public Excluded Council minute items 05 September 2018 ............................................... 5 6 Open Council minutes 05 September 2018 .......................................................................... 5 Closure ................................................................................................................................................... 5 1601.23 4 Cminutes 05 September 2018 EO PUBLIC unconfirmed LH:yh (unc) 3 Unconfirmed Council minutes 05 September 2018, Dargaville Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Kaipara District Council Wednesday 05 September 2018 in Dargaville 1 Opening Pursuant to Clause 22(2), Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Mayor has called an Extraordinary meeting of Council. 1.1 Karakia Councillor Karen Joyce-Paki opened the meeting with a karakia. 1.2 Present Mayor Jason Smith, Deputy Mayor Peter Wethey, Councillors Anna Curnow, Victoria del la Varis Woodcock, Karen Joyce-Paki and Jonathan Larsen (via audio-link) In Attendance Name Designation Item(s) Curt Martin Acting Chief Executive All Sue Davidson General Manager Risk, IT and Finance All Jason Marris General Manager Governance, Strategy and All Democracy Dean Nuralli Acting General Manager Regulatory, Planning and 4.1 Policy Kathie Fletcher Policy Manager 4.1 Paul Waanders District Planner 4.1 Lisa Hong Governance Advisor All (Minute-taker) 1.3 Apologies Moved Joyce-Paki/Curnow That the apologies of Councillors Julie Geange, Libby Jones and Andrew Wade be received. Carried 1.4 Confirmation of Agenda Moved Smith/Curnow That Kaipara District Council confirms the Agenda. Carried 1.5 Conflict of Interest Declaration Nil. 1601.23 5 Cminutes 05 September 2018 EO PUBLIC unconfirmed LH:yh (unc) 4 Unconfirmed Council minutes 05 September 2018, Dargaville 2 Deputations, Presentations and Petitions Nil. 3 Minutes 3.1 Confirmation of Open Council minutes 23 August 2018 General Manager Governance, Strategy and Democracy 1601.23 Moved del la Varis-Woodcock/Smith That the unconfirmed minutes of the Kaipara District Council meeting held 23 August 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record. Carried 4 Decision 4.1 Genetically Modified Organisms - District Plan Position District Planner 2105.37 Moved Smith/Wethey That Kaipara District Council: 1 Receives the District Planner’s report “Genetically Modified Organisms - District Plan Position” dated 31 August 2018; and 2 Believes it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with the provision of s79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information prior to making a decision on this matter; and 3 Decides in principle that the District Plan be amended to include the necessary provisions related to Genetically Modified Organisms similar to those of the other Upper North Island Local Authorities’ District Plans; and 4 Accepts that this District Plan change will be part of the comprehensive review of the District Plan; and 5 Conveys its intent to the Northland Regional Council in relation to the upcoming Proposed Regional Plan hearings. Carried 1601.23 6 Cminutes 05 September 2018 EO PUBLIC unconfirmed LH:yh (unc) 5 Unconfirmed Council minutes 05 September 2018, Dargaville 5 Public Excluded Council minute items 05 September 2018 The meeting went into Public Excluded session at 11.05am. Moved Smith/Curnow That the public be excluded from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely: Confirmation of Public Excluded Council minutes 23 August 2018; and Office Accommodation Opportunity: Agreement in principle. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under s48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act, 1987
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