Fantasy Gothics Publisher Index

Fantasy Gothics Publisher Index

FANTASY GOTHICS PUBLISHER INDEX * indicates Series, = indicates Marginal Ace Books 50¢ series: K‐165 Eyre, Katherine Wigmore Lute and the Glove, The [Mar 1963] K‐167 Andrezel, Pierre Angelic Avengers, The [1963] K‐244 Singer, Kurt Gothic Reader, The [Sep] 1966 K‐246 Grant, Joan Castle Cloud [1966] 60¢ series: H‐37 Hunt, Charlotte Gilded Sarcophagus, The [Dec] 1967 H‐98 Hunt, Charlotte Cup of Thanatos, The [Nov] 1968 = H‐106 Caird, Janet Perturbing Spirit [1968] In 1969 Ace went to a new system where book numbers were assigned by a book's relative position alphabetically over a 100,000 number range, with the numbers on later printings being raised (sometimes lowered) by 1. Books in print at the time were assigned numbers for catalog and ordering purposes that never actually appeared on the books. Ace rarely put printing dates in their books, making it impossible to order this listing chronologically. 09175 Hunt, Charlotte Casebook of Dr. Holton, The n.d. 09176 Hunt, Charlotte Casebook of Dr. Holton, The n.d. 09236 Grant, Joan Castle Cloud n.d. 09234 Grant, Joan Castle Cloud n.d. 10240 Hunt, Charlotte Chambered Tomb, The May 1975 12596 Hunt, Charlotte Cup of Thanatos, The n.d. 28851 Hunt, Charlotte Gilded Sarcophagus, The n.d. 49545 Hunt, Charlotte Lotus Vellum, The [Jun] 1970 50501 Eyre, Katherine Wigmore Lute and the Glove, The n.d. 50502 Eyre, Katherine Wigmore Lute and the Glove, The n.d. = 65965 Caird, Janet Perturbing Spirit n.d. = 75750 Rohmer, Sax Secret of Holm Peel, The 1970 80838 Hunt, Charlotte Thirteenth Treasure, The [Aug] 1972 81800 Hunt, Charlotte Touch of Myrrh, A Mar 1974 = 86020 Coffman, Virginia Vampyre of Moura, The [Jan] 1970 = 86021 Coffman, Virginia Vampyre of Moura, The n.d. = 86022 Coffman, Virginia Vampyre of Moura, The n.d. Avon Books 75¢ series: V2367 Ames, Norma My Path Belated Oct 1970 V2367 Ames, Norma My Path Belated Jan 1973 V2465 Lynch, Miriam Mark of the Rope, The Nov 1972 V2467 Benedict, Lynn Twisted Tree, The Feb 1973 V2472 Benedict, Lynn Family Affair, A Mar 1973 V2473 Bronte, Louisa Lord Satan Oct 1972 Unified number sequence: 14753 Bronte, Louisa Her Demon Lover Apr 1973 = 15032 Dent, Roxanne Island of Fear May 1973 = 15297 Winslow, Dorian Sorcerers, The Jun 1973 58 15909 Benedict, Lynn Fatal Flower, The Aug 1973 16774 Worth, Margaret Red Wine of Rapture Sep 1973 16782 Roberts, Janet Louise Isle of the Dolphins Sep 1973 = 17129 Arkham, Candice Deadly Friendship Oct 1973 17145 Brisco, Patty Crystal Window, The Oct 1973 17756 Benedict, Miriam To Seek Where Shadows Are Dec 1973 19646 Long, Lyda Belknap Crucible of Evil Jul 1974 = 21451 Drew, Mary Anne Diabolist, The Feb 1975 Award Books Suffixes and Prefixes indicate prices: X = 60¢, S = 75¢, N = 95¢, Q = $1.25, D = $1.50 = A199X Noone, Edwina Edwina Noone's Gothic Sampler [Nov] 1966 A868N Stevenson, Florence Witching Hour, The [Aug] 1971 A883S Stevenson, Florence Where Satan Dwells [Nov] 1971 AN1107 Stevenson, Florence Altar of Evil [Mar] 1973 AN1130 Stevenson, Florence Mistress of Devil's Manor [May] 1973 AN1219 Stevenson, Florence Sorcerer of the Castle, The [Jan] 1974 AQ1413 Stevenson, Florence Silent Watcher, The [Feb] 1975 AD1658 Stevenson, Florence Horror from the Tombs, The [Jan] 1977 Ballantine Books 24706 DeWeese, Jean Moonstone Spirit, The Jun 1975 24747 Alexander, Jan Blood Ruby Jul 1975 24566 DeWeese, Jean Carnelian Cat, The Aug 1975 24615 Kent, Fortune Opal Legacy, The Oct 1975 24663 Wagner, Sharon Turquoise Talisman, The Dec 1975 24859 Wagner, Sharon Echoes of an Ancient Love Apr 1976 25059 Kimbro, Jean Twilight Return Jul 1976 25108 Bradley, Marion Zimmer Drums of Darkness Aug 1976 25160 DeWeese, Jean Cave of the Moaning Wind Sep 1976 = 25310 Thatcher, Julia Nightgleams Dec 1976 Bantam Books Prefixes indicate prices: H = 60, N = 95¢ 90 Macardle, Dorothy Uninvited, The Apr 1947 915 Macardle, Dorothy Unforseen, The Aug 1951 H3148 Macardle, Dorothy Uninvited, The Feb 1966 H3211 Macardle, Dorothy Unforseen, The Feb 1966 N7810 Conway, Laura Unforgotten, The Mar 1974 Beagle Books In the first sequence, the two leading digits indicate the price: 94 = 75¢ = 94056 Way, Isabel Stewart Bell, Book and Candleflame Mar 1971 94082 Spicer, Dorothy Humming Top, The Jun 1971 94105 Noone, Edwina Craghold Legacy, The Jul 1971 = 94122 Bond, Evelyn Doomway Aug 1971 94196 Noone, Edwina Craghold Curse, The Jan 1972 = 94208 Bond, Evelyn Girl from Nowhere, The Feb 1972 94209 Noone, Edwina Craghold Creatures, The Feb 1972 94223 Long, Lyda Belknap House of Deadly Nightshade Mar 1972 = 94243 Bond, Evelyn Devil's Footprints, The May 1972 = 94273 Bond, Evelyn Dark Sonata Aug 1972 59 94313 Subond, Valerie Heights of Havenrest, The Dec 1972 94336 Dalton, Claire Second Life of Cecily Pride, The Feb 1973 The second series was a specialized sub‐imprint of Ballantine Books, q.v., for their Romances and Gothics. 26615 Subond, Valerie House over Hell Valley, The Jun 1974 26625 Wagner, Sharon Shades of Evil Sep 1974 26642 Fredericks, Harriet Dream Hunter, The Sep 1974 26657 English, Jean Scarlet Tower, The Nov 1974 26688 DeWeese, Jean Reiman Curse, The Feb 1975 26694 Coulson, Juanita Stone of Blood Mar 1975 26696 Spicer, Dorothy Crystal Ball, The Mar 1975 Belmont Books Prefixes indicates prices. B75‐2124 Goff, Georgena Black Dog, The May 1971 B75‐2165 Luttrell, Wanda House of Elnora Garland, The Sep 1971 Belmont Tower Books Continuation of above imprint. 50299 Goff, Georgena Black Dog, The 1972 51156 Noone, Edwina Craghold Curse, The n.d. Berkley Books Prefix indicates price: S = 75¢ S2231 Bradley, Marion Zimmer Dark Satanic Sep 1972 03459 Sellers, Mary Night Shadows Aug 1977 Canyon Books Succeeded as an imprint by Major Books, below. 119 Winstead, Rebecca Noyes Tunnel of Darkness [Jan] 1974 Carousel Books Successor to Major Books, below. 70183 Davidson, Angela Forbidden Mansion, The 1981 Curtis Books 95¢ series: 9165 Noone, Edwina Craghold Crypt, The [Feb] 1973 Dell Books 7347 La Tourette, Jacqueline Previous Lady, The Aug 1974 Lancer Books 60¢ series: 73‐758 Grace, Alicia Enchanted Circle [Apr] 1968 75¢ series: = 74‐558 Wagner, Sharon Curse of Still Valley [Sep] 1969 74‐576 Wetherell, June Touch of the Witch, A [Oct] 1969 74‐597 Bellamy, Jean Ghost of Coquina Key [Jan] 1970 74609 Lynch, Miriam Brides of Lucifer, The [Feb] 1970 74645 Coffman, Virginia Devil's Mistress, The 1970 60 74681 Wagner, Sharon Country of the Wolf 1970 74697 Coffman, Virginia Priestess of the Damned 1970 74715 Wagner, Sharon Maridu 1970 74723 Daniels, Dorothy Unearthly, The 1970 74728 Case, David Fengriffen [1971] 74729 Coffman, Virginia Devil's Virgin, The [Feb] 1971 74735 Ross, Clarissa Glimpse into Terror [Feb] 1971 = 74752 Brennan, Alice Devil's Dreamer, The [Apr] 1971 74773 Coffman, Virginia Chalet Diabolique [Aug] 1971 95¢ series: 75186 Coffman, Virginia Masque of Satan 1971 75245 Roberts, Willo Davis Ghosts of Harrel, The 1971 75254 Coffman, Virginia From Satan, with Love 1971 75295 Grace, Alicia House at Swansea, The [Mar] 1972 75312 Case, David Fengriffen [1972] 75377 Gray, Angela Blackwell's Ghost [Sep] 1972 75401 Brennan, Alice To Kill a Witch [Nov] 1972 75469 Gray, Angela Nightmare at Riverview [May] 1973 75514 Bellamy, Jean Ghost of Coquina Key Oct 1973 $1.25 series: 78753 Coffman, Virginia Devil's Mistress, The 78754 Coffman, Virginia Priestess of the Damned Jul 1973 78755 Coffman, Virginia Devil's Virgin, The Jul 1973 78759 Coffman, Virginia Masque of Satan 78760 Coffman, Virginia Chalet Diabolique Aug 1973 78761 Coffman, Virginia From Satan, with Love Aug 1973 $1.65 series: 70407 Wagner, Sharon Curse of Still Valley & Maridu & Country of the Wolf n.d. Leisure Books The first few books were by an independent start‐up. The imprint was sold to the publisher of Belmont Tower, q.v., who issued the rest of the titles. 0009‐1 Gluyas, Constance Vantage Hall 1971 0015‐6 La Tourette, Jacqueline Joseph Stone, The Jan 1971 Suffixes indicate prices: NK = 95¢, ZK = $1.25 * 141NK Cameron, Kate Evil at Whispering Hills 1973 * 154NK Cameron, Kate Curse of Whispering Hills, The [Jan] 1974 * 158NK Cameron, Kate Shadows on the Moon Jan 1974 * 166NK Cameron, Kate Legacy of Terror Mar 1974 * 171NK Cameron, Kate Awakening Dream, The Apr 1974 * 178NK Cameron, Kate Echoes of Evil Jun 1974 200NK Cameron, Kate Legend of Holderly Hall, The Aug 1974 206NK Gluyas, Constance Vantage Hall Sep 1974 209NK Cameron, Kate Shadows of the Past Oct 1974 218NK La Tourette, Jacqueline Joseph Stone, The Nov 1974 230NK Cameron, Kate Voices in the Fog Jan 1975 236NK Cameron, Kate Deadly Nightshade Feb 1975 287NK Cameron, Kate Music from the Past 1975 294ZK Cameron, Kate Portraits of the Past [Sep] 1975 * 2469 Cameron, Kate Evil at Whispering Hills 1987 61 Macfadden Books Continued as Manor Books, below. 75¢ series: 75‐365 Hall, Gimone Witch's Suckling (Sep) 1970 75‐450 Hall, Gimone Devil's Walk [Jan] 1972 Major Books Was preceded by Canyon Books and succeeded by Carousel Books, both given above. 3065 Ritchie, Rita Grip of Fear [May] 1976 Manor Books Continuation of Macfadden Books, above. 95¢ series: 95282 Hall, Gimone Witch's Suckling Sep 1973 95344 Hall, Gimone Devil's Walk 1974 $1.25 series: 12387 Grace, Alicia House at Swansea, The 1976 $1.50 series: 15387 Swazee, Ruth Time of Night, A [Dec] 1978 Paperback Library prefixes indicate prices:52 = 50¢, 53 = 60¢, 54 = 75¢ 53‐860 Karlova, Irina Dreadful Hollow Oct 1965 53‐946 Stoker, Bram Garden of Evil, The May 1966 = 54‐962 Stoker, Bram Lady of the Shroud, The Jun 1966 53‐976 Nicolson, John U. Fingers of Fear Jul 1966 54‐977 Wadelton, Maggie‐Owen Sarah Mandrake Jul 1966 52‐334 La Spina, Greye Shadow of Evil Sep 1966 * 52‐386 Ross, Marilyn Dark Shadows Dec 1966 * 52‐421 Ross, Marilyn Victoria Winters Mar 1967 54‐438 Woolrich, Cornell, w/a George Hopley Night Has a Thousand Eyes Apr 1967 * 52‐543 Ross, Marilyn Strangers at Collins House Sep 1967 * 52‐608 Ross, Marilyn Curse of Collinwood, The May 1968 * 52‐610 Ross, Marilyn Mystery of Collinwood, The Jan 1968 52‐655 Daniels, Dorothy Lady of the Shadows Apr 1968 This was probably intended to 53‐790 but got confusingly re‐numbered when it was delayed.

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