Melisss E. Newmsn Vice President - Federal Relations 't" , awes! Communications International, Inc. .... 607 141~ Street NW . Suite 950 --2 Washington, DC 20005 202.429.3120 Qwest. Spirit of Service'" July 24, 2009 FILED/Atc;l::PltD JUl 24 2009 Marlene H. Dortch Federal Communications Commission OHice of Ihe Secretary Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: Qwest Short Tenn Notice of Network Changes CC Docket No. 96-98. 47 CFR 47, Sections 51.325 - 51.335. Disclosure No. 700 Dear Ms. Dortch: Pursuant to Sections 51.325 - 51.335 of the Commission's rules, Qwest hereby submits the attached Certification of Public Notice of Network Changers) under Rule 51.329(a) and Certification of Short Term Public Notice of Network Changers) under Rule 51.333(a). An original and two copies of this material are attached. A "stamp and return" copy is also attached for acknowledgment of receipt of this material Concurrent with this filing, a copy of this infonnation is being submitted to Cannell Weathers on behalf of the Chief-Wireline Competition Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission. Please contact me on 202.429.3120 if you have questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, Attachments Copy to: Cannell Weathers (FCC - Wireline Competition Bureau) CERTIFICATION of SHORT TERM PUBLIC NOTICE(s) of NETWORKCHANGE(s) UNDER RULE 51.333(8) I, Dean Martineau, do hereby certify that a minimum offive business days prior to this filing, I caused thc Qwest Public Notice(s) of Network Change(s) listcd below, and also on the attached Certification of Public Notice(s) ofNetwork Change(s), to be served via US Mail/Email upon each known provider of telephone cxchange service that interconnects directly with Qwes!. Attached are the names and addresses of those providers who were served. These PUblic Notices can be obtained on the Internet at: http://www.gweslcomfdisclosuresl Qwest Implementation Date(s) Aonounc:ement Title of Proposed Network Disclosure Change(s) Number August 28. 2009 thru January 700 Copper Rctirements in AZ IA MN NM UT WY 12,2010 ~~~-"ll-...c''44-'rt?'t;A.lli~tz;...lbl-L Date: July 24, 2009 e:tamneau Qwest Services Corporation StaffAdvocate 303.707.7080 CERTIFICATION ofPUBLIC NOTICE(s) of NETWORK CHANGE(s) UNDER RULE 51.329(a) The following Public Notice(s) of Network Change(s) were made by Qwest Pursuant to CFR 47, subsections 51.325 - 51.335. These Publie Notiee(s) ean be obtained on the Internet at: http://www.qwest.com/diselosures/ Qwest Implementation Dllte(s) Announcement Title ofProposed Network Disclosure Change(s) Number 700 August 28, 2009 thru January Copper Retirements in AZ IA MN NM UT WY 12,2010 700 West Mineral Littleton, CO. 80120 Qwest-2 Network Disclosure AnnouncementNo. 700 Short Terl1l Public Noticc Undcr Rule 51 ..n.i(a) Qwcst's Intcrnct ~Iddrcss: http: W\\'\\'.lj\\cst.col1l/disclosurcs. Copper Retirements in Arizona, Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming First Implementation Date: August 28,2009 Original Date Posted: Ju~~' J6, 1009 Summary: Copper Retirements are necessary to respond to various factors in the Outside Plant, including road construction, maintenance problems, and growth accommodation. Replacement cables may be either copper or fiber. Specific information will be provided with each disclosure. Locations, Timing or Deployments & Interfa<e Requirements: The following gives additional details on the copper retirement(s): PLANNED COMPLETION OR WIRE RETIREMENT STATE CENTER DATE OAfs) Job # FDI Address(es) ReDlacinl! QWEST will be changing the cable path. This work will change the loop makeup ofthe cable. QWESTwill remove 3.846k feet ofANMW-50, Qwest will place 3.944k feet ofANMW-IOO. Cable counts affected l6751RV, 326-350 Rio Verde 16751 e Rio and 376-400. AZ 10-14-2009 110711 92t2WUX FTMDAZNO Verde Dr QWEST will be changing the cable path. This work will change the loop makeup ofthe cable. QWEST will remove 3.846k feet ofANMW-50, Qwest will place 3.944k feet ofANMW-l 00. Cable counts affected l6751RV, 326-350 and 376-400. This Job will replace 520' ofBURIED AFAW-25 with 620' ofBURIED ANMW-25. Wickenburg 52998 S Vulture AZ 09-15-2009 412031 9212YHT The added db loss from 22ga to 24ga will be. 22ga of 56db to 24ga of l.Oldb WCBGAZMA MineRd this will add +A5db to the cable PLANNED COMPLETION OR WIRE RETIREMENT STATE CENTER DATE DA (,) Job # FDI Addre,,(e,) Reolacinir This job places cable to replace soft temporary cable on the ground due to county culvert replacement. First cable being retired is an ALMW- 50 for 200' with a .340dB loss at 28KHz. This cable is being replaced with an ANMW-50 for 270' with a .450dB loss at 28KHz. A change of IA Winterset 09-14-2009 320301 92CIK4W X 6000-23 +.110. The second cable being retired is an ALAW-25 for 132' with a WNTRIACO .140db loss at 28KHz. This section is being replaced with 172' of ANAW-25 that has a .190dB loss at 28KHz. A change of+.050dB loss. The temporary wires are starting to deteriorate and permenant replacement is necessary. This cable will be replaced due to a road job. Cable is 17.3Kft from the C.O. and 3.5Kft from the SAl. Cable replacement will start at MN Avon 09-08-2009 110802 92M22MR CSAH9 th AVONMNVO Queens road and 165 Ave term 288 and will have a +.26dB loss. Cable to be replaced is a AFAW -11 and will be replaced with a n ANMW-25 for 1575 ft. Placing 160 feet of25 pair buried and 250 feet ofaerial 24 gauge distribution cables, and will abandon 592 feet of25 pair 22 gaugc cables. BEFORE AFTER 592' AFAW-25@28Hz=.63 270' ALMW-25 @ 28 Hz = .45 Chattield 160' ANAW-25 @ 28 Hz = .27 MN 08-28-2009 210602 92M22HA XCI6-A CTFDMNCH 250' BKMP-25 @ 28 Hz ~ .42 TOTAL 1.14 Fillmore County plans to replace bridge 23580 along CO RD 104 in Pilot Mound township in September, 2009. Work needs to be completed by August 28, 2009. Several terminals will be affected by replacing 380' of22 gauge with 375' of24 gauge. Count affected is 12-24, 1-200. Counts 12-24,201- Owatonna X 12PLNW & MN 10-25-2009 421002 92M22D2 OWTNMNOW 24AVNW 600 & 1001-1800 may see a slight dB variation due to an estimated increase in cable length ranging from 20-100' due to replacement requirements. PLANNED COMPLETION OR WIRE RETIREMENT STATE CENTER DATE DA (s) Job # FDI Address(es) ReDlacinS! Job 92m2lrb replaces 2 sections ofdistribution cable. Replacements are like for like (22 gauge) but trenching path is longer than original SI-Paul West placement which causes an increase in loss in the sections. SAl X 7990 E MN (OakdaLe) 10-23-2009 410502 92M21RB Total footage being replaced is 1570'. Babcock TR WSPLMNWS Before: 1570 of 22 gauge @ 28Khz=1.660db After: 1610 of22 gauge @ 28Khz=1.700db. Change of+ 0.04db. Relocate X 527 RANCHITOS RD NW to X 601 ALMA Corrales ENeANTADA CT NW. The existing loop at tea: 26 1/2 RANCHITOS NM 10-05-2009 212101 9251RZZ 212103 ALBQNMCR RD NE (Total FI & F2 - 23.714kfwith a dB loss = 8.230dB @ 1004Hz. After cut over - 7.lkfwith a dB loss = 1l.12OdB tal 28KHz. -- PLANNED COMPLETION OR WIRE RETIREMENT STATE CENTER DATE DA (5) Job # FDI Address(es) ReDlaciop UDOT Project #f-0108(24)4. 1290s2000w Qwest is abandoning .325 Kf ofburied 24 gauge cable and placing .680 Kf ofburied 24 gauge cable to accommodate road construction at 2000 West and I700 South in Syracuse. The new FI/F2 will be 7.40 I Kf. The dB loss calculations for the individual copper section is: Before-6.946 Kf 24 gauge cable @ 28 Khz=11.670 dB After-7.401 Kf24 gauge cable @28KHz=12.490dB Change of+.82 dB. 2004 W 1700 S The new FI/F2100p will be 8.836 Kf. The dB loss calculations for the individual copper section is: Before-13.142 Kf 24 gauge cable @28 KHz~ 15.870 dB. After-I 3.597 Kf24 gauge cable @ 28 KHz= 16.640 dB. 1290 S 2000 w. 111803 2004 W 1700 Change of+. 77 dB. Clearfield 114201 SOUTH, 1377 S UT 10-30-2009 H76A270 CLFDUTMA 110702 1000W (1501W (1501 w 1700 South) 1730 S Allison Wy Qwest is abandoning .240 Kf 110802 1700S) 1730S ofburied 24 gauge cable and placing .595 Kfofunderground 24 gauge ALLISONWY cable and a new CEV to accommodate road construction at S Allison Way and 1700 South in Syracuse. The new Fl/F2 loop will be 4.194 Kf The dB loss for the individual copper sections is: Before-3.897 Kf 24 gauge cable @ 28 KHz=6.220 dB After-4.194 Kf 24 gauge cable @ 28 KHz=6.740 dB Change of+.52 dB. 1377 S 1000 W The new Fl/F2100p will be 7.485 Kf The dB loss calculations for the individual copper sections is: Before-7.339 22 and 24 gauge cables@ 28KHz=IO.880 dB After-7.485 Kf24 gauge cable@28KHz=12.630dB Change of+ I. 75 dB. Buffalo Relocate section ofcable for hwy project on hwy 16 east. 2895' of WY 01-/2-2010 230401 9271BUZ 12.3,121 BFLOWYMA 199a replaced with 3080' of24ga for a change of+3.0Idb loss. Additional Information: Any customer premises equipment vendor/manufacturer or enhanced services provider desiring additional technical information in conjunction with this Disclosure can contact: Georganne Weidenbach Regulatory Compliance Manager Georganne.Weidenbach(tug\\'est.com Log for Mailout 17259 G""u....d By PMCOOP~ wor''''' B~' HHIGER 5v~m~ P.li>, 7/l6/.W09 7,,9Wo,''''' P,li> 07/16/09& -"~07/17/09 N.""o,' o"oIo<u", #700 Cop~, R.m.m.nt< '" NETW:ANNC N.,,,,o," o"do<u,", #7"0 • cooP" Q",,"..I.d 5u~)eo'.
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