THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL FINAL REPORT of the Lewis and Clark Trail COIIlInission October 1969 THE EMBLEM The emblem on the cover was the Lewis and Clark Trail Commission's official symbol and became the property of the Department of the Interior after the Commission terminated on October 6, 1969. A modification of this mark has been used to identify highways that have been designated by the States as the Lewis and Clark Trail Highway, and on signs that interpret the Trail. Information regarding use of the symbol, u.S. Patent Office Registration Number 877917, may be obtained from the Secretary, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240. THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL FINAL REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT AND TO THE CONGRESS The Lewis and Clark Trail Commission October 1969 Dear Mr. President and Members of the Congress: It is with great pleasure that the Lewis and Clark Trail Commission submits its third and final report on the accomplishments made in response to the objectives of Public Law 88-630. Interim reports were submitted October 1966 and June 1968. Congress' mandate to the Commission was to stimulate a creative and viable atmosphere for all agencies and individuals to identify, mark, and preserve for public use and enjoyment the routes traveled by Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. An assignment of this nature is never completed. Yet, by encouraging dialogue and by promoting cooperation and long-range planning, the Commission achieved a new sense of purpose and unity among the States traversed by the two explorers and their men. This report describes some of the accomplishments of the individuals and organiza­ tions associated with the Lewis and Clark Trail. Eventually, however, the Commission will be accounted successful only if everyone concerned works to further the program outlined by the Congress. The following specific recommendations are made to aid in continuation of the Lewis and Clark Trail program: . 1. Additional groups should organize to further programs developed by the Lewis and Clark Trail Commission. 2. The unfulfilled objectives of the Commission, and the recommendations received during public hearings conducted by the Commission, should be evaluated by succeeding organizations. 3. State Lewis and Clark Trail Committees should be continued and are encouraged to establish County Lewis and Clark Trail Committees. 4. All devices should be used extensively to promote interpretation of the many resources along the Route. 5. Concerned Indian Tribes should develop and produce pageants that present their respective cultures and histories. 6. Youth organizations should be used whenever possible in future projects involving the Lewis and Clark Trail. 7. The Department of the Interior should continue to serve as a reference center and depository for information on Lewis and Clark Trail programs and projects. With this final report, the Commission expresses its appreciation for the privilege during the past five years of serving the Nation, the States, and the communities along the Lewis and Clark Trail. Respectfully yours,' ii ~,f~ Sherry R. Fisher, Chairman PUBLIC LAW 88-630 the purposes of this Act. The Commission ORCANIZATION OF COMMISSION SHth Congress, H. R. 12289 may make recommendations to agencies of Octoher 6, 1964 SEC. 4. (a) The Chairman of the Commis­ the Federal Government, States, and other sion shall be elected for such term as may be Au Art public and private agencies, but the functions determined by the membership thereof. The and responsibilities of the Commission here­ Secretary of the Interior shall convene the first under shall not operate to restrict or inhibit meeting of the Commission within ninety days Tn establish the Lewis and Clark Trail Commission, the aforesaid agencies in any operations they following enactment of this Act at such time and for other purposes. may otherwise undertake in carrying out the and place as he may designate; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of general objectives referred to in this Act. The ( b) The Chairman shall designate a Vice Representatives of the United States of Amer­ Commission is authorized also to render ad­ Chairman from members of the Commission; ica in Congress assembled. That there is here­ vice in a manner that will encourage the de­ ( c) Any vacancy in the membership of the by established an advisory and coordinating velopment by State or Federal agencies of a Commission shall be filled in the same manner commission to be known as the "Lewis and suitable connecting network of roads following in which the original appointment was made; Clark Trail Commission" (hereinafter referred the general route of the Lewis and Clark Trail ( d) Where any member ceases to serve in to as the "Commission"), which shall be com­ with appropriate markers for such roads. the official position from which originally ap­ posed of twenty-seven members. MEMBERSHIP OF COMMISSION pointed under section 3, his place on the Com­ mission shall be deemed to be vacant; PURPOSE AND FUNCTIONS OF COMMISSION SEC. 3. The Commission shall comprise the ( e) The Commission is authorized to issue following- SEC. 2. In furtherance of the objectives set such rules and regulations as it may consider forth in H. Con. Res. 61, which expressed the (a) Ten members to serve, subject to their desirable in the conduct of its activities pur­ sense of the Congress that the route traversed acceptance of membership, on behalf of the suant to this Act. by Captains Meriwether Lewis and William States of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Clark on their expedition of 1804-1806 from South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, POWERS AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Saint Louis, Missouri, to the Pacific Northwest Washington, and Oregon; the individual mem­ SEC. 5. (a) The Commission may hold hear­ should be identified, marked, and kept avail­ ber from each State' being the Governor ings at such times and places as it deems ad­ able for the inspiration and enjoyment of the thereof or his designated representatives; visable for purposes of this Act. American people; in order to advance public (b) Four members, who shall be Members (b) Each department, agency, and in­ awareness and knowledge of the far-reaching of the House of Representatives, two from strumentality of the executive branch of the and historic significance of the Lewis and each party, to be appointed by the Speaker Government is authorized to furnish to the Clark Expedition; in on;l.er to supplement of the House of Representatives; Commission, upon request made by the Chair­ such awareness with an appreciation of the ( c) Four members, who shall be Members man or Vice Chairman, such information as great resources of the vast region through of the Senate, two from each party, to be ap­ the Commission deems necessary to carry out which the Lewis and Clark Trail extended, pointed by the President of the Senate; its functions. Any Federal agency is hereby and thereby to encourage desirable long-term ( d) Five members, who shall be the Secre­ authorized to furnish the Commission with conservation objectives in the public interest taries of the following Departments, or their suitable office space to carry out its functions. of the people of that region and the Nation designated representatives: Interior; Agricul­ (c) The head of each Department or agency as well as the public use and outdoor recrea­ ture; Defense; Health, Education, and Wel­ shall cooperate with the Commission in the tion benefits therefrom, the Commission is fare; and Commerce; performance of its functions and shall pro­ authorized to review proposals prepared at ( e) Four members, who shall be appointed vide the Commission with such technical serv­ the request of the Commission, or by other by the J. N. "Ding" Darling Foundation (a ices and assistance as may be necessary and agencies on their own initiative, to carry out nonprofit corporation). available. iii COMPENSATION OF COMMISSION ~EMBERS DONATIONS, EXPENDITURES, ACCOUNTS PUBLIC LAW 89-475 89th Congress, H. R. 6515 SEC. 6. (a) Members of the Commission SEC. 8. (a) The Commission is authorized to June 29, 1966 shall serve without compensation. accept donations of personal services or prop­ (b) Members of the Commission, upon ap­ erty to assist in carrying out the purposes of 1\n 1\rt proval of the Chairman, shall be entitled to this Act. The Commission may secure sup­ To supplement the Act of Octohcr 6, 1964, estahlishing reimbursement for travel, subsistence, and plies, services, make contracts, and exercise the Lewis and Clark Trail Commission, other necessary expenses incurred by them in those powers generally that it deems necessary ,md for other purposes. the performance of their duties as members to enable it to carry out effectively and in the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of . of the Commission. public interest the purposes of this Act . Representatives of the United States of Amer­ (b) Expenditures of the Commission shall REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ica in Congress assembled, That, in further­ be paid by an executive officer designated ance of the purposes of the Act of October 6, SEC. 7. Within two years following the ap­ from among its membership, who shall keep 1964 (78 Stat. 1005), establishing the Lewis proval of this Act, the Commission shall sub­ complete and accurate records of such ex­ and Clark Trail Commission, the Commission mit a report concerning its activities. Such penditures and who shall account for all funds shall give appropriate consideration and rec­ report shall be submitted, together with any received by the Commission. Such accounts ognition to the fact that the Lewis and Clark recommendations it may have to the Presi­ shall be ·subject to audit by the General Ac­ Expedition's headquarters and training camp, dent of the United States, to the President of counting Office of the United States.
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