ZIbe Gomentan MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LXVI Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, October V9, 1963 Number 4 Mo Mo Drops Alumni Return For Dance, Game; T o Wagner On Organizations To Parade Floats Last Saturday Wagner handed Moravian its first loss this sea¬ Homecoming promises to be an eventful weekend for returning Alumni. On Friday night, they son, by defeating the Greyhounds 20-6. The 'Hounds fell, before will be on hand to help judge the floats in the Freshman Pajama and Float Parade. 3,000 fans on the Grymes Hill Field. On Saturday afternoon, after the Moravian vs. P.M.C. football game, there will be a reception This game was the fourth straight victory for the Seahawks and held for the Alumni in the College Union Lounge. The Sororities and Fraternities will have Open- the loss brings Moravian's record Houses for the Alumni at this to 1-1. time. Wagner scored late in the first From 5 to 7 P.M., a Buffet Sup¬ quarter as Moravian quarterback per in the College Union Dining Andy Semmel pitched wide to Room will be served at the cost of halfback Marc Morganstine and $2.00 per person. the ball was recovered by Jim The Homecoming Dance in Drumgoole, Wagner halfback, on Johnston Hall at 9 P.M. will add the Greyhound 8 yard line. Dick a final touch to the weekend's Spirito cracked the Moravian line festivities. It will be called "Once for 5 and on the next play junior Upon A Time" in keeping with the halfback Cliff Lish plunged over Fairy Tale theme of Homecoming. from the 3. The kick for the con¬ All Alumni and friends are in¬ version was wide. vited to the dance, admission The remainder of the first half free. was played evenly without any scoring threats from either side. Wagner scored again midway CUB News in the third period when Lish went over from the 1 yard line On Saturday, following the to make it 12-0. Again the con¬ football game, there will be a re¬ version was wide. ception for the Alumni in the The Seahawks scored their final Lounge. touchdown two minutes later That evening there will be a when sophomore halfback Chuck Roast Beef Buffet from 5:30 until Di Staulo intercepted a Semmel 7:00 for students and their guests. pass on his own 2 7 yard line and The cost for each guest will be returned the ball to midfield. Dan two dollars. Coughlin, last year's passing lead¬ On Monday, October 21, there er in the Northern Division of will be a dinner for representa¬ the MAC, put the Seahawks of¬ tives of the college union program fense in gear. Dish, Di Staulo, boards of Moravian, Muhlenberg, and Spirito alternated on the run- and Lehigh in the Germantown ing attack. Lish took it over from Room. The purpose of the dinner 2 yards out. Coughlin passed to will be to provide an exchange of Di Staulo for the 2 point conver¬ program ideas. sion to make it 20-0. The Greyhounds finally put on "If a man is worth know¬ a scoring drive late in the fourth PI MU RETREAT—Tom Gramley and Bill Blickensderfer discuss points of a lecture given by ing at all, he's worth know- period after Don Martorelli re¬ Dr. Tyler at the Pi Mu Pre-Theological Fraternity retreat held last weekend at Camp Minsi in the well."—Alexander Smith covered a Seahawk fumble on the nearby Pocono Mountains. Moravian 33. Four plays later Semmel flipped a 32 yard pass to Pat Mazza good for the 'Hounds Deans Report Dorm only touchdown. Moravian was held to just 47 Set-up Works Well Trips To Europe yards on the ground due to the Dean Sartwell and Dean John¬ Seahawk forward wall, which av¬ son report that the experiment in erages 207 lbs. a co-ed dorm is working out very Leaves Of Drs. H In the passing department, well. A meeting with the Rau- Semmel hit for 14 of 34 passes Hassler counselors was held in the by Nancy Christensen good for 200 yards. His chief tar¬ Germantown Room last Thursday The sabbatical leave, part of the backbone of the American college structure, is of vital signi- get, Mazza, caught 11 for 159 evening, October 10; one of the finance to many term to on yards, an all time Moravian rec¬ main points discussed was an in¬ members of the faculty. Its lengthy gives time, impossible find the ord. terest in having informal gather¬ job, for intense study and research in particular areas of interest. Coughlin, who quarterbacked ings with members of the faculty. Two members of Moravian's faculty who recently took advantage of this opportunity were Dr. Wagner's attack, hit on 4 for 13, These meetings would be in¬ Margaret Gump, Professor of and picked up 70 yards for 6 car¬ formal discussions held in the German and French and Dr. Alan the libraries in London were the osophy (Deutsche Vierteljalu-s. ries. lounge on Sunday afternoons. It Herr, Professor of English. Dr. only place where he could locate schrift fiir Literaturwissenschaft Tomorrow the Greyhounds take was felt that not only would Gump departed for Germany, all the rare books he needed. und Geistesgeschichte). The arti¬ on the Cadets of Penn Military these sessions be stimulating, but France, and Switzerland where While they were available in the cle is entitled "The Problem of (Cont. on p. 2, col. 5) they would also give students, she spent a year (1960-19 61) in United States, they were all in the Ne'er-do-well in Modern Lit¬ visiting friends and parents an literary research, visiting friends, private collections scattered erature" ("Zum Problem des Plan opportunity to meet professors. and studying painting. across the country. Taugenichts"). Blackfriars He did most of his research at This Homecoming Week-end London, England, was Dr. Herr's Still in the process of being destination. He spent five months the Library of the British Mu¬ there will be an Open House for completed is another paper begun there last Trip To Theater Rau-Hassler dormitories. Since it spring working on seum, the libraries at Oxford and in Germany, "Ernst Penzoldt, a his book about sixteenth Cambridge, and The Friday evening, November 1st is located so near to the football century Library of the Humanist of Our Time" ("Ernst the Blackfriars of Moravian Col¬ England. Archbishop of Canterbury at Lam¬ field, a possible joint effort to en¬ Penzoldt, ein Humanist unserer lege will sponsor a trip to the Both beth Palace. This is the only his¬ ter in the House Decorations may teachers had much to say Zeit"). McCarter Theatre at Princeton to torical library in London which Both be attempted by its residents. in support of sabbatical leaves. stressed the fact that the see Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Open House will be held after the Perhaps the most important point escaped the great fire of 1666. impressions and knowledge one Journey into Night. Tickets to the game from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. upon which they agreed was the Dr. Gump chose Frankfurt also gains from travel experiences are play and bus trip will come to time it allows for uninterupted because of library facilities and invaluable in broadening the $4.50. This will be open to stu¬ work. They also agreed that a because she had formerly lived scope of one's thoughts. Dr. Gump "At 20 years of age the dents, faculty and staff of Mora¬ sabbatical is often necessary and taught there. Her paper pre¬ had the opportunity of will reigns; at 30 the wit; in living at vian College. For tickets and order to travel to the source of the Higher Institute for Interna¬ at 40 the judgment."—Ben¬ pared during this time will be pub¬ further information see Mr. E. needed material. Dr. Herr attest¬ lished tional Research in Education in jamin Franklin shortly in the German Jacobson, Comenius 404. ed to this fact when he said that Quarterly for Literature and Phil¬ (Cont. on p. 2, col. 5) Page 2 THE COMENIAN October 1 8, 1 963 No Nhus from craze, "The Pork And Beans." Saigon Let's In Vino Veritas listen.) by William P. Horwath My baby loves pork and beans, We elect statesmen to run our democracy. They in turn appoint Tender-hearted pork and beans, ministers to head the various state departments. So far so good, right? My baby don't treat me mean, When she's eatin' pork Right now we have two of the ablest men in a long time in our and beans. defense department: Robert "I. Q." McNamara and Maxwell "boot Pamela: Gosh, they're good. straps" Taylor. by Philip R. Katowitz Dick: Yes. On. As representatives of democracy they are not committed to explain Pamela: Oh, Dick. party policy (like why we fling several million into Vietnam each Dick: With. week), or obliged to delineate results of investigations (like the recent Pamela: Stop, Dick. Don't say field trip to "Diemland") to the American people. We can read all those things here. about it in Life if we so desire, right? IB Dan (to Mary) : What's he do¬ The irony is that the magazines haven't said very much concerning ing? McNamara's jaunt into the rice paddies. The only thing we are able to assume is that the Secretary reported that we shall be out of Viet¬ Mary: He's prepositioning her. nam by '65.
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