Cancer clinic for children is dedicated, B1 GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN P^M The tennis circuit Big guns fire LONG BRANCH A McEnroe wins Volvo; U.S. warships pound •"t'^P Navratilova beaten. Druse in Lebanon. Today's Forecast: Pa es B2 3 Cloudy, chance of snow al%; 1 9 " Page A2 Complete weather on A2 hwtA The Daily Reg* VOL. 106 NO. 165 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1984 . 25 CENTS Meatcutters strike supermarket chains BY RAY GERMANN representatives of local super- food stock clerks. butchers and fish and poultry markets, but possible long-term John Niccollai, union president, workers, $470; meat wrapper and Members of local 464-A of the effects of the walkout are uncertian. said he recommended that his delicatessen appetizer workers. United Food and Commercial The striking workers are em- members reject the contract offer, $360; and part-time clerks, from $6 Workers Union, representing ployed in meat, seafood and ap- which was made after a six-hour to $7 an hour. butchers and meat cutters, when on petizer departments. Walter Davis, mediating session that ended early Union members picketed near the strike yesterday after rejecting the a union spokesman, said the Team- yesterday. entrances of several area super- latest contract offer of the Food- sters union, which represents driv- "They offered a meager wage markets, including Shop-Rite in Red town, Pathmark, Shop-Rite ^ and ers making deliveries to the super- increase, 3 percent a year over three Bank, and the new Pathmark on Grand Union supermarket chains. markets, has said its members will years," Niccollai said "They still Route 35 in Middlelown. during the The four chains together serve honor picket lines. have substantial givebacks on the first day of their walkout. about 5.4 million customers weekly The executive committee of Local table on issues we feel are critical." Robert Wunderle. vice president and operate 334 supermarkets in 1262, representing about 26,000 other He said the union is seeking a of public affairs for Pathmark New Jersey and southern New York supermarket workers, will decide salary increase of about 7 percent supermarkets, said the company state, not including New York City. today whether to honor the picket Niccollai listed the weekly yesterday instituted "long standing The start of the strike by the 7,000- lines, union officials said. The union salaries of the four classifications of contingency plans" to deal with the member union was "a relatively represents cashiers, grocery and his members as: meat department strike. "You don't go into a situation minor inconvenience" according to produce workers, bakers and non- managers. $550; journeyman See Meatcutters, page A7 Reagan says world is safer >ininiiim«i WARM WELCOME — Coretta Scott King, widow of the slain civil rights leader, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., is welcomed yesterday by Gov. Thomas H. Kean to a reception held in honor of King's birthday. because of military buildup WASHINGTON (AP) - President the Soviet Union can wish away the The address came against the ing privately, officials said that Reagan, trying to calm fears that differences between our two so- backdrop of an indefinite suspension criticism was not intended to over- the superpowers are drifting toward cieties and philosophies. in U.S.-Soviet negotiations for curb- shadow the generally conciliatory King's widow war, said today the world is safer "But we should always remember ing long-range and medium-range tone of Reagan's address. now after three years of U.S. that we do have common interests, nuclear weapons and reducing con- Relations between Moscow and military buildup because there is and "foremost among them is toventional forces in Europe. In part, Washington have grown steadily avoid war and reduce the level of "less danger that the Soviet leader- 1 the speech was intended to reassure colder as rhetoric between the two ship will underestimate our strength arm*,' Reagan added. Europeans that the president is capitals has grown holler, and thanks Jersey or question our resolve." "There is no rational alternative serious about arms control and Reagan's advisers arc worried th;it. In a foreign policy address aimed but to steer a course which I would solving problems with Moscow. the chill will be a major issue in the NEWARK (AP) - Coretta Scott at audiences at home and overseas, call credible deterrence and peace- Reagan noted that he will send campaign. King thanked New Jersey for being King services Reagan said, "I believe 1984 finds ful competition; and if we do so, we Congress a report soon charging A poll published by Time maga- the first state to make her husband's the United States in its strongest might find areas in which we could that the Soviets have violated at zine early this month said 60 percent birthday a legal holiday as residents held locally; Bl position - in years to establish a engage in constructive cooper- least three arms agreements and of the respondents "worry a lot" around the state honored the slain constructive and realistic working ation," he said. probably have broken others. Speak- See Reagan, page A7 civil rights leader, who would have relationship with the Soviet Union." been 55 yesterday. said, adding that she preferred to The president was slated to speak "I hope from this day we will call the events on her husband's before an audience of adminis- recommit ourselves to the dream of birthday a celebration and not a tration officials and members of equality and ... freedom for all of memorial. Congress gathered in the East Room God's children," Mrs. King said "You celebrate a life, a birth- of the White House. His appearance during a reception at Symphony Hall day, " she told the 300 people at the was being beamed by satellite to here as part of the First Annual New reception. Mrs King said the hol- Europe in time to be on the air for Jersey Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. iday will not only honor her husband, evening newscasts overseas. Ex- Holiday Concert. but the spirit of equality for which cepts of the address were released "I'm sorry to say that in the state he fought. in advance. of Georgia, we don't have a Martin Gov. Thomas H. Kean praised Noting the big increase in Pen- Luther King Jr. holiday," Mrs. King King for spending his "whole life tagon spending during his adminis- said, referring to King's home state. inspiring people to defend their civil tration, the president said, "Ameri- King, who won the Nobel Peace ca's deterrence is more credible and Prize, was assassinated in April rights." "In an age of violence, he spoke it is making the world a safer place; 1968. safer because now there is less King's birthday became a New for peace," Kean said. "In times of danger that the Soviet leadership Jersey state holiday in 1977. State segregation, he spoke of unity. In will underestimate our strength or offices, banks and most schools will cities filled with hate, he spoke of question our resolve." be closed today. The decision to love." The speech comes two weeks close schools is up to local boards of Rep. Peter Rodino, D-N.J., one of before Reagan's expected an- education, but state officials said the original sponsors of legislation nouncement that he will seek re- most, have chosen to honor the to create the federal holiday, and election. Speaking privately, White holiday. Mayor Kennth A. Gibson, elected House advisers said the speech was the first black mayor of a major intended to help erase any image of The federal holiday honoring Northeastern city in 1970, also King, created by legislation signed Reagan as being "warlike" or a attended the reception. "warmonger." by President Reagan Nov. 2, does King came to New Jersey one not begin until 1986 and will be on In Moscow, the official newspaper week before his death and told Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya (Sov- the third Monday in January. students at a public school here "to George Washington is the only other iet Industry) said the address was a bum the midnight oil" and not drop campaign ploy to convince voters American whose birthday is a out-. Attoclaiad Prait photo federal holiday. Reagan was not "fanning up ten- "It's not 'Burn, baby, burn' but sions." It said, superpower relations Hollmgs, D-S.C; former Sen. George McGov- Mrs. King said she was willing to TOGETHERNESS — The Democratic Presiden- 'Build, baby, build.' It's not 'Burn, had. reached "the lowest point" tial candidates line up on state at Dartmouth ern. D-S.D.; Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo.; former compromise by not objecting to a baby, burn' but 'Learn, baby, possible. Vice President Walter Mondale; Rev. Jesse delay in commemorating her hus- learn," King said during a day-long College in Hanover, N.H., yesterday prior to their Reagan, who has called the debate. From left are: Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio; Jackson, and former Florida Gov Rubin Askew. band's birthday. tour of Newark, Orange, Paterson Kremlin "an evil empire" ruled by See story, page A3. "We waited 15 years, we can wait and Jersey City on March 27, 1968 liars and cheats, put aside his tough Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif.; Sen. Ernest a little while longer," Mrs. King See King, page A7 rhetoric but said; "Neither we nor Naming of 2 Brookdale trustees challenged in suit BY LIZ SHEEHAN Frank Anfuso, Luis deAmechazurra the official file of the search although previous meetings were Dawes. who is also an attorney, Gordon N. Litwin. chairperson of Christie and Arthur Bent to the committee, he "came to the con- announced by public notices.
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