; 1 1 » r r * D i \ FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 13 ^O /ifTEO ^ NUMBER 228 Washington, Tuesday, November 23, 1948 except that claims of common carriers CONTENTS TITLE 4— ACCOUNTS for transportation services rendered for Chapter I— General Accounting Office the account of the United States should Agriculture Department Pa*e be filed with the Transportation Division, Notices: P art 2—R evision, R eopening, R eview of General Accounting Office, Washington Office of hearing examiners; or­ S ettlements 25, D. C., and claims pertaining to postal ganizational statement-------- 6891 matters including transporting the mails P art 4—Accounts and Claims Proposed rule making: - should be filed with the Postal Accounts Lemons in California and Ari­ P art 12— Organization and D esignations Division, General Accounting Office, zona --------- 6884 of E m plo yees to Act as or for the Asheville, North Carolina. No particu­ Raisins produced from raisin C omptroller G eneral of the U nited lar form for filing claims, except that variety grapes in California- 6884 S tates prescribed in connection with claims for Rules and regulations: amounts due deceased persons, is P art 13—D ecisions of the Comptroller Office of Information; discon­ G eneral of the United S tates required. tinuance of codification-------- 6879 § 4.3 Information relating to claims. Potatoes, Irish, in Oregon and MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS Information relating to claims may be California-----.---------- 1-------- 6879 Novem ber 17, i948. obtained by claimants or their authorized Alien Property, Office of 1. Section 2.1 is amended to read asrepresentatives by addressing the same . Notices: follows: division with which the matter was Vesting orders, etc.: originally filed or the General Account­ Aschenbrenner, Wenzel-------- 6897 . § 2.1 Applications tor review; time; ing Office, 5th and P Streets, N. W., Harlan, Samuel, J r --------------- 6899 requirements, (a) Settlements made Washington 25, D. C. Interviews will be Hasegawa, Isao Harry---------- 6898 after July 1,1921, will be reviewed, in the accorded claimants or their authorized Hashimoto, Kenichi------------- 6898 discretion of the Comptroller General, representatives at Room 201, at the latter Jungbluth, Karl------------------- 6897 upon the written application of: address. -(Sec. 309, 311 (f), 42 Stat. 25; Moutzouridou, Michaela------- 6898 (1) A claimant whose claim has been 31 U. S. C. 49, 52 (f)) Oshimo, Hideaki___________ 6898 settled. Suzuki, Usaburo------------------ 6897 (2) A disbursing officer whose accounts 3. The codification of Parts 12 and 13 is hereby discontinued. Future amend­ Civil Service Commission have been settled. ments to these provisions will appear in (3) A certifying officer responsible un­ Rules and regulations: the Notices , section of the F ederal R eg­ der the act of December 29,1941, 55 Stat. Appointment through competi­ 875. is t e r . tive system; apportionment- 6877 L in dsa y C. W arren, (4) The head of the department or Domestic Commerce, Office of Government establishment to which the Comptroller General claim or account relates. of the United States. Rules and regulations: (5) Upon the motion of the Comptrol­ Allocations and export priori­ [F. R. Doc. 48-10167; Filed, Nov. 22, 1948; ties system, operation; use ler General. 8:47 a. m.] (b) Applications for review should and effect of certified export state the error or incorrectness of the orders for nitrogenous ferti- settlement. An application in general TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE lizer materials--------------------- 6879 terms will not be sufficient ordinarily to PERSONNEL Federal Communications Com­ induce the discretion to review, and par­ mission ticularly not where claimant is repre­ Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Notices: sented by attorney or agent. P art 2—Ap po in tm en t T hrough th e Hearings, etc.: (c) It shall be necessary, unless other­ C o m p et it iv e S y st e m KCSB______________________ 6892 wise directed by the Comptroller Gen­ KUGN and KUGN-FM----- - 6892 eral on the presentation of proper facts ELEVATOR OPERATOR POSITIONS EXCLUDED White Mountain Broadcast­ in the particular case, that the warrant FROM APPORTIONMENT ing Co____________________ 6892 or check issued upon a settlement must Effective November 16, 1948, § 2.110 WKLV_____________________ 6892 not be cashed where its amount includes (a) (2) (vi) is amended by the addition General Accounting Office any item as to which reveiw is applied for, of the position of Elevator Operator to but should accompany the application positions excluded from apportionment. Rules and regulations: Accounts and claims------------ 6877 for review. (Secs. 309 311 (f), 42 Stat. As amended, the subdivision reads as fol­ 25; 31 U. S. C. 49, 52 <f)) Decisions of Comptroller Gen­ lows: eral of U. S ________________ 6877 2. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 are amended to § 2.110 Apportionment, (a) * * * Organization and designations read as follows: (2) * * * of employees to act as or for (vi) Positions of operating engineman, Comptroller General of U. S_ 6877 § 4.2 Filing o f claims. Claims may be fireman, oiler, general helper, laborer, filed with the Claims Division, General Revision, reopening, review of Accounting Office, Washington 25, D. C., (Continued on next page) settlements_________________ 6877 6877 6878 RULES AMD REGULATIONS / wlS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Public Housing Administration Pa"e Title 7— Agriculture— Con. page FEDERAL^pEGISTER Rules and regulations: Chapter IX—Production and Urban low-rent housing and M ark etin g Administration slum clearance program; re­ (Marketing Agreements and quirements_________ ______ 6881 . Orders)—Continued Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Securities and Exchange Com­ Part 989—Raisins producedTfrom and days following official Federal holidays, raisin variety grapes grown in by the Division of the Federal Register, the mission National Archives, pursuant to the authority Notices: California (proposed)______ 6884 contained in the Federal Register Actv ap­ Hearings, etc.: C h a p t e r X X I — Organization, proved Ju ly 28, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as American Gas and Electric Functions and Procedure: amended; 44 TT. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Co. and American Gas and Part ¿204—Office of Informa­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ tion ---------------------------------- « 6879 mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Electric Service Corp_____ 6894 tion is made only by the Superintendent of Commonwealth & Southern Title 15— Commerce Documents, Government Printing Office, Corp------------------------------- 6893 Chapter HI—Office of Domestic W ashington 25, D. C. Kentucky Utilities Co______ 6895 Commerce, Department of The regulatory material appearing herein is Newmont Mining Corp. et al_ 6896 Commerce: keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, North American Co. and Un­ Part 336—Regulations applica­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant ble to operation of the allo­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as ion Electric Co. of Missouri, 6893 amended Ju n e 19, 1947, Northern States Power Co__ 6896 cations and export priorities The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Public Service Co. of New system________________ _ 6879 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Hampshire___ ___________ 6895 Title 18— Conservation of Power per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Social Security Administration Chapter IV—Southwestern Power vance.. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15<f) varies in proportion to the Rules and regulations: Administration, Department size of the issue. Remit check or money Federal old-age and survivors of the Interior: order, made payable to the Superintendent insurance; magazine and news Part 500 — Organization and of Documents, directly to the Government vendors' services (Corr.)___ 6881 procedure_________________ 6881 Printing Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Southwestern Power Adminis­ Title 20— Employees’ Benefits There are no restrictions on the republica- tlon of material appearing in the F ederal tration Chapter m —Social Security Ad­ R egister. Notices: ministration (Old-Age and Assistant Administrator, Acting Survivors Insurance), Federal Administrator, and Acting Security Agency: Assistant Administrator____ 6891 Part 403—Federal old-age and Now Available Rules and regulations: survivors insurance________ 6881 Organization and procedure; Title 24— Housing Credit UNITED STATES Assistant Administrator, Act­ Chapter VI—Public Housing Ad­ GOVERNMENT ing Administrator and Acting ministration : Assistant Administrator____ 6881 Part 610—Low-rent housing and MANUAL slum clearance program; pro­ CODIFICATION GUIDE cedures _____________ ______ 6881 1948 Edition Chapter VIII—Office of the Hous­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code (Revised through June 30) ing Expediter: of Federal Regulations affected by documents Part 825—Rent regulations un­ published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Published by the Division of the Federal opposed to final actions, are identified as der the Housing and Rent Act Register, the National Archives such. of 1947, as amended (2 docu­ ments)__________ X___ 6881, 6882 722 pages— $1.00 a copy Title 4— Accounts Paee Title 26— Internal Revenue Order from Superintendent of Documents, Chapter I—General Accounting Chapter I—Bureau of Internal United States Government Printing Office, Office: Revenue: Washington 25, D. C. Part 2—Revision, reopening, re­ Part 29—Income tax; taxable view of settlements________ 6877 years beginning after
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