Letter from the Publ isher CIS and Baltic Nations' Missionary Meeting Following their direction from Father in Kodiak [see page 16] the overseas missionaries from sev- enty-two nations returned to their mission countries and prepared to fulfill their new assignment to tlte CIS and Baltic nations. After being witlt True Parents in Korea on Cod's Day, Rev. Kwak met with those missionaries wlto Ilnd assembled in Moscow. This is Itis address. HIS year, 1993, is a very important year for us Conditions before 1993 and after 1993 are entirely differ- and our movement, especially centering on ent. All heavenly fortune and God's dispensation have God's Day, when Father proclaimed the hope- progressed centering on 1993. All humankind is now Tful message that this is the first year of the Com- under the great beneficial era of the completed restora- pleted Testament Age. After Father proclaimed this I tion. It is an amazing year. said to him that I had understood that the first year of The original nature of all humankind automatically the Completed Testament Age was 1960, the year of the has to adapt to True Parents; it is forced in the direction Holy Wedding. Father explained that before the Com- of True Parents. So, since the Completed Testament Age pleted Testament Age began, he had to complete the vic- is related to attendance, all mankind has to attend True torious foundation together with Mother. As you know, Parents. This is the last condition of restoration. Mother's worldwide rallies that began April 10, 1992, Because of this, Father's status and Mother's status have a very significant meaning.Mother inherited and foundation is different as of January 1, 1993. Satan Father's victorious foundation. Father's whole past life- has no condition to directly attack or oppose True Par- time and foundation have been passed on to Mother. ents. Satan has only a small hole through which to attack Until God's Day this year, whenever we met True True Parents, through indirect conditions (through the Parents we bowed twice, to Father and Mother. From environment). now on we need only to bow once to True Parents, be- cause True Parents are completely united in their victo- The year of the True Children rious foundation. However, please maintain the tradi- Father proclaimed 1993 the year of the second gener- tion of bowing three times at pledge service. Pledge ation. You may remember Father emphasizing the sec- service is different. ond generation. Please understand clearly. Many of the If you are alone, remember that your spouse is sym- younger generation or blessed couples misunderstand, bolically beside you. As a couple, in your inner con- thinking, "From now it is our era." Many people think sciousness, you should always be together. the era of the second generation, centering on the young Mother plans to go to Pyongyang in March. Already people, is their era. Rather it is the era of the True Chil- she has gained all the victory. She inherited all the condi- dren. Therefore, before you think of the younger genera- tions from Father, through Father and Mother's victori- tion or the second generation blessed couples, first think ous foundations. that the era of the second generation means the era of This year is a dividing point in history. The period True Children. before Jacob was the pre-Old Testament Era. Based on The heavenly schedule starts from the True Children, Jacob's foundation the Old Testament Era began. That and all the second generation have to unite with the True era laid the foundation to resurrect people to the first Children. Only on this condition can they consider their stage. Based on Jesus' activities, the New Testament Era own generation. Without this relationship to the True began. It is not at all simple, but it is the condition for the Children, nobody can uphold their own generation. It is first stage of resurrection in human restoration. an absolute condition. Always think of the dispensation- The second stage of resurrection is a historical trans- al or providential progress. First think of the mainstream, formation according to the merit or benefit of the age. CONTINUED ON PAGE 56 CIS and Baltic Nations' Missionary Meeting The Reappearance of the Second Coming and the Completed Testament Era Where Is This World Going? 16 • List of the Four Position Foundations 21 Kodiak Reflection Walter Gottesman 48 TESTIMONIES With True Parents John ooroski 49 "If You Work Harder ... " Chen Fong 51 OCEANIA Reawakened to Witnessing Hyung Keun Kim 23 Bring Five Hundred Myung Ok Kim AUSTRALIA 26 • The Bodyguard-Heavenly Style Michael Treacy 27 NEW ZEALAND "I Have Always Dreamed That " Geoffrey Prentice 28 Reflections on Mother Coming to . Cielo Ines B. Bayawa 29 "Bring Them Back to God" IR FW P WCSF-ICUS Beyond Talking to Working Together Expanding Our Vision of Unification Thought Frank Kaufmann Jennifer Tanabe The First Frontier in Human Affairs Theoria and Praxis from the Perspective of Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak 38 God's Providence Or. Sang Hun Lee • Participant List 37 • Summary of the Bellinglise Declaration 40 World Scripture Conference Sparks Hope Learning Korean George Russell at Sung Hwa University 53 World Scripture Fosters World Peace The Best Place to learn Korean-Studying with Frank Kaufmann Other Blessed Children... Kensaboro Ito 55.Joint Statement of Cooperation ~ - Happy Birthday True Children and Grandchildren Hyo Jin Nim Initiates Parents' favorites Albums Adoption Testimony-To Feel the Heart of Someone Else FRONT COVER: Father and Mother pray at midnight, the beginning of God's Day 1993, the beginning of the first year of the Completed Testament Age.Chongpadong Church, Korea. PU BLiSHER! ADVISOR: Rev.Chung Hwan K wak TODA Y'S WORLD i:-. a publication of the World Mi~~ion Department of the Holy Spirit A~~ociati()n for the UnifiC;.l1ion ot World Chriqianily. Founded in l'Ji-]Oby Rev. Sun Myung Moon, EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Linda Lee Perry it i~ written for the foreign lI1i~~ionarie~and the rnernbcr~ of the Unification Church. The purpo~e of thi~ journal i~ to be;l ~ource of information and in~piration for ih reader~. a forum for their exchange of l1ew~and te~tirnOllie~, and a ~haring of heart alllong the hrother~ and ~i"ter~ of the Unific;ltion Church\ worldwide movement. Mernber~ of the Unification movement gen- ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Joy Pople erally addre,,~ or refer 10 Rev. and Mr~. Moon a~ "Father" and "MOIher." ARTDIRECTOR: Toyozo Narihata . 515 for •..ix month". Airmail 10 Canada, Mexico: $80 per year, $42 for ~ix ARTASSISTANT: Kathryn L. Coman month~: to Central, South America and Caribbean$90 per year, $47 for •..ix month •..: to Europe: SIOO per year. $52 for •..ix month •..: 10 the Middle Ea•l... Africa. A•..ia, and the South Pacific: SilO per year, SUBSCRIPTIONS: German Delgado $57 for •..ix Illonth •...Surface mail to any country: 581 per year. Make check payable and direci all inquirie •..to: Accord Boobtore. 481 Eighth r\venue. New York. NY 10001. Tel. (212) 467-4371 ",w=.-__ ~~!X:<@' '~ THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE SEC( AND THE COMPLETED TESTA~ REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON JANUARY 70, 7993 - BELVEDERE INTERNATIONAL TRAINING Ct EAPPEARANCE refers to the fact that two thousand years ago the Messiah came. The Rtwo thousand year history since then was are-indemnification. The second advent of the Messiah took place at the end of World War II. However, he had to re-indemnify Christian history during the last forty years, and at last the procla- mation of the coming of the Messi- ah now has taken place. We all know that if the will of God had been done at the time of creation, there would have been no need for a second coming, because salvation would not have been nec- essary. The purpose of creation would have been achieved at that time. Heaven on earth and in heav- en would have come into existence naturally, and the history of restora- tion would not have had to come about. That kingdom of heaven would have started as a family unit and extended into the clan, the soci- ety, the nation, the world and the spirit world. Adam's family would have formed the world at that time. This family would have been the center of the clan, society and world. If Adam's family had become per- fect, the perfect clan, society, nation and world would naturally have come to exist. So the perfection of Adam's family was the prototype for all perfected beings. Then who is Adam and who is Eve? Adam and Eve are the king and queen who represent heaven This January 10 speech is Father's first 1993 speech in the West. He or- dered it printed and distributed with Divine Principle books for witnessing. It is presently being prepared for re- lease in newspapers worldwide. Jaerim Messiah-ui Jaehyun-gwa =OND COMING Sungyak Shidae, The Reappear- ance of the Second Coming and the Completed Testament Era. \MENT ERA price. Satan took Eve, and then through the children took man- kind deeper into the abyss. Restoration had to start from Abel, the last in line. God took hold of Abel and worked His restoration strategy through him. What is this strategy? It is and earth. All men and women desire to become kings to reach Cain by working direct- and queens, because that is the way they were created. ly through Abel. After the fall, The kingship that starts on the family level would lead the brothers became enemies; to kingship on levels of clan, nation, world and spirit the members of what should world.
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