Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Herald of Truth Audio Herald of Truth Records 6-8-1952 Churches of Christ Salute You with a Herald of Truth John Allen Chalk Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/hot_audio Recommended Citation Chalk, John Allen, "Churches of Christ Salute You with a Herald of Truth" (1952). Herald of Truth Audio. 200. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/hot_audio/200 This Audio is brought to you for free and open access by the Herald of Truth Records at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Truth Audio by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. Tile Herald Dl Truth NETWORK STATIONS •t••'••l•• ., ,., 1•1111" By James W. Nichols June 8, 1952 ''Confession of fJur 1111111 '' in their footsteps. If our so-called friends ridicule those By James W. Nichols·· June 8, 1952 who have the courage to stand for the right, we will echo their sneer. Others drink and dance, so we will drink and One of the greatest promise s that man has ever received dance. is that which was spoken by Jesus in Matthew the tenth chap­ •.,. We have no right as citizens of this nation, to cen­ ter, thirty-second verse: "Whosoever sh all confess '?e b~­ sure the spineless attitude of our politicians when we are fore men, him will I confess also before my Father wh1ch 1s just as spineless in o~r stand for righteousness. Too many in heaven. But who soever sha ll deny me before men, him will of us have loved the praise of men more than the praise of I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." By faith God. And remember that you are not going to be saved just I can behold all the billions. who have lived and who will because you may have at some time in a vast audience or ever live on this earth, gathered before the throne of God, seated by your' radio, weekly said, "I 'believe." Paul said with Christ standi ng there in all of His glory, judging ev­ in Romans the lOth chapter and the lOth verse "For with the ery man . As he finds a man who has confessed Him in both heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth word and deed, according to His commandment , He turns to the confession is made unto salvation." Father and perhaps utters these words : "Father , t his one, Our faith is useless unless it is expressed by both my brother and thy son, has been faithful to the trust that word and de~d. There is no place in God's plan of salvat­ wa s left him. His robe is white , his hands are clean; may ion for us to hide our faith under a bushel. The saving we bless him with the joys of everlasting l ife?" Think of faith of the Bible is a faith that must be confessed in both i t . Christ standing there before every man , woman , boy or word and deed, and it was for that reason that the Apostle girl wh o has walked the paths of earth , before angels and Paul said, '~ith the mouth confession is made unto salva­ b fo re God Hi mself, confessi ng our name because that wewere tion." will ing t o confess His bP-fore men. Oh, it is the desire of I don't know how thinking men, who are Bible students, my heart to some day hear those glad words, and I know it can think for one moment that faith alone ever did, or ever is yours also. will, justify the sinner. James tells us in the second The majority of all religiou s people are able t o under­ chapter, 14th through the 20th verses, ·~at doth it pro­ stand that confession of our faith in Christ and God is one fit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but have not of the necessities of salvation. Therefore, as we, with works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister be searching hearts, study to know what we must do to be saved naked and in lack of daily food, and one of you say unto we mu st not overlook the study of this phase. them, Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; and yet ye give Th ere ar e, perhaps, many who give assent of their mind them not the things needful to the body; what doth it pro­ to Christ but who, as spineless, cowardly individuals, can­ fit? Even so faith, if it have not works, is dead in it­ not muster the courage nor the stamina to let others know self. Yea, a man will say, Thou hast faith and I have works: the thoughts of their .hearts. Th~re were men like that in Show me thy faith apart from thy works, and I by my works the time orChrisi; · for John, inspired by the Holy Spirit, will show thee my faith. Thou believest that God is one; tells us in John 12:42-43, ·~evertheless, among the chief thou doest well: the demons also believe, and shudder. But ruler-s 'a1so many believed on him; but because of the Phar­ wilt thou know, 0 vain man, that faith apart from works is isees th.ey did riot confess him lest they should be put ou~ barren? James is just saying that you must proclaim your of the syn~gogue: . for they loved the praise of men more faith by word of mouth and yes, by deed, or else it is use­ than the praise bf God." :You know, ) irtd I know that such less---dead. My heart bleeds when I think of the men and c·reatures who wi1l . sacrif * ~~ their owit'< ta ~th and con~cience, women who will be lost because in some way they convinced amoul)t to vety little~ : bltt'/'!ill$o:riunat e:ty),.-, we ·have nien .such themselves that all that was necessary was for them to be­ as that today. _ . -< r;, . :~ . -~ .· ' · : :· ..f ·_' : lieve or give assent of the mind. This is one of the a'n ~ers to' why 9ijr ~tation is .so cor­ Remember, saving faith is a faith of confession in word rupt. It is not just our leaders who sacrifice faith and ~action. No matter how £reat faith within is, or how conscience, but it is the lhousands of little people like good morally our lives be, unless we are willing to express you and me, who by our spineless attitude, have undermined, vocally and in action the faith of the heart, then that not only our morals, but the morals of the nation. Too many faith is useless and vain. James continued in the 21st of us have become "yes" men in every sort of situation. We verse through the 26th verse, ·~as not Abraham our father are willing to go with the crowd. We are just 'like those justified by works, when he offered Isaac his son upon the rulers in Jesus'- time. If .men curse, we will curse. If our altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with works, and by associates commit fornication and adultery, we will follow works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was ful- 2 3 Alabam!l, Anniston WHMA 1450 1:00p.m. Shreveport KRMD 1340 1:00\);m. Phlladelphia WFIL 560 2 00 p.m. Auburn WAUD 1230 1:00 p.m. Maine, Bangor WABI 910 1:30 p.m. Pittsburg WCAE 1250 3 00 p.m. Birmingham . WSGN . 610 10:30p.m . Portland WPOR 1450 9:-ooa.m. Wllkes Barre WILK 970 8 OOp.m. Florence WJOI 1340 9:30a.m. Maryland, Baltimore WFBR 1300 3:00p.m. R. Island, Providence WPJB 1420 1:00 p.m. Gadsden WGAD 1350 1:00 p.m. Cumberland t\.WDYK 1230 8:00a.m. s. Carolina, Florence WJMX 970 Huntsvile WHBS 1490 1:00 p.m . Mass., Lawrence ~ ~WLAW 680 1 :00 p.m. 10:3aa.m. Moblle WABB 1480 6:30a.m. Springfield f lVSPR 1270 5:00p.m. S. Dakota, Aberdeen KSDN 930 10:30 a.m. Montgomery WAPX 1600 1:00 p.m. Worcester _ flc WAAB 1440 3:00p.m. Jackson WTJS 1390 1:00 p.m. · Selma WGWC 1340 check sta. Michigan, Battle Creel(t~ WELL 1400 1 :00 p.m. Tenn.; Chattanooga WDEF 1370 1 :00 p.m. Tuscaloosa WJRD 1150 9:30p.m. Bay City WBCM 1440 1:00 p.m. Johnson City WJHL 910 11:30 p.m. Arizona, Phoenix KOY 550 7:00a.m. Detroit WXYZ 1270 1:00 p.m. Knoxville WBIR 1240 1 :30 p.m. Tucson KCNA 1340 3.00 p.m. Flint WFDE 910 10:00 p.m. Memphis WMPS 680 9 :00p.m. Arkansas, .Eldorado KSDM 1290 1:00 p.m. Lansing WILS 1320 1:00p.m. ' Morristown WCRK 1450 check sta. Ft. Smith KFSA 950 1:00p.m. Ludington WKLA 1450 ' 1:00 p.m. Nashville WSIX 980 4:00p.m. Hot Springs KTHS 1090 1 :00p.m . Muskegon WKBZ 850 2 :00p.m. Texas, Abllene KRBC 1470 1:00 p.m. Little Rock KGHI 1250 1-:00 p.m . Minn., Minn.-St. Paul WTCN 1280 7:30am. Amarillo KFDA 1440 1:30 p.m. SpriQgdale KBRS 1340 I 6 :00p.m. WNPA 1240 3:00p.m. Austin KNOW 1490 2:00p.m. Calif., Bakersfield KPMC 1560 10:00 a.m. Miss., Aberdeen Centerville WGLC 1580 8:00a.m.
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