The 188o Smith & Robards Catalog Written by: Tony Lee, John Hopler, Matthew Cutter, & Shane Lacy Hensley Additional Material by: Clint Black, John Goff, and Simon Lucas Art by: Ashle Marler, Andy Park, Loston Wallace, Cheyenne Wright, and the Doomtown Artists Layout by: Shane Lacy Hensley and Simon Lucas Cover by: MKultra Studio Cover Design by: Simon Lucas and Joel Kinstle EditingSample by: Piotr Korys, file Jodi Black Special Thanks to: Mary Antonelli, Gary Bernard, Maureen Cutter, Shane Hensley, Eddie Lee, Steve Lee, Tammey Reed, Larry Troth, Ken Whitman, John R. & Christy Hopler, Zeke Sparkes, Jason Nichols, Michelle, Ronan, and Caden Hensley Savage WorldS by Shane lacy henSley © 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. DeaDlanDs, smith & Robards, savage WoRlDs and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Produced under license by Studio 2 Publishing, Inc. The Studio 2 logo is a trademark of Studio 2 Publishing, Inc. © 2011. All rights reserved. Contents C weapons 17 physiCian’s Assistant 65 Arms 125 1. INTRODUCTIONSmith & i RobameleeRd Weapons S 18 Trail stove 66 Mechanical Arm 125 c new Catalogs! 20 visual sCale 66 Metal forearm 126 2. USING THE CATALOG new sCienCe Magazine! 20 elixiRs & ToniCs 67 Piston Arm 126 9 c Rush DeliveRy! 20 ghost RoCk & boileRs 76 3. SMITH & ROBARDS ContesteD DeliveRies 20 GHOST RoCk 76 Arm Attachments & Enhance- CATALOG 19 c Contents 21 GHOST RoCk boileRs 76 MARSHAL’S HANDBOOK ConveyanCes 24 weapons & AccessoRies 78 ments 126 107 c 21 Munitions 78 Buzzsaw 127 4. Secrets of Smith & Robards vehiCle AccessoRies 38 aRMoR pieRCing RounDs 80 Clockwork Hand 127 108 c 21 CutteR RounDs 81 Electrical Prod 127 5. Smith & Robards in Your Rail Car AccessoRies 40 flash RounDs 81 finger Tools 128 Game 113 c 21 glow-Dust RounDs 82 firearm 128 6. Steam Augmentations aRMoR & Clothing 41 exotic Weapons 82 Infernal Device Weapon 118 c 21 gatling Weapons 85 128 MisCellanea 49 gRapple gun 87 Grapnel & Launcher 128 Roswell 1 21 speCial Weapons 87 Grapnel Reeling Device laboR saveRs 53 vapoR Cannons 96 129 An Infernal Plan 2 21 weapon AccessoRies 97 Hand Weapons 129 elixiRs & ToniCs 55 Travel essentials 101 Hidden Compartment 130 The Maze or Bust! 2 21 atMospheRiC ConDenseR 101 Injector Needle 130 weapons & AccessoRies 61 CheMiCal DowseR 101 Mechanical Hand 130 Enter Robards 3 21 MaMa TaMaRino’s Rations 102 Retractable Spike 131 Travel essentials 76 self-Cleaning Clothes 103 An Encounter with Dr. Hell- 21 tonal AlaRM 103 Ears 131 ConveyanCes 22 Trans-MagnetiC loCatoR 104 Echo-Locators 131 stromme 3 aiR CaRRiage 22 ultRasoniC RepelleR 104 Sound Enhancers 131 wong Wei guiDes 105 The Early Years 3 auto-gyRo 23 CliMbing spiDeR 25 DR. Jacob SMITH 108 Eyes 132 SIR CLIfton ROBARDS Microscopic Lens 132 Ghost Rock 3 Maze RunneR 25 oRnithopteR 27 110 Shutter Eyes 132 Hellstromme 111 The Competition 4 peRpetual lanDship 28 Telescopic Lens 133 Rail RunneR 29 THE Great RAIL WARS 111 The Compound 5 RoCket- poweReD DeviCes 29 Head 133 steaM CaRt 31 Cranial Gyroscope 133 The Denver-Pacific 111 Disaster Strikes! 5 steam Wagon 32 Piston Jaw 133 veloCipeDe 34 gyrosCope Installation 133 The Other Railroads 112 Expansion & the subMeRsible boat 34 Skull Plate 134 whiRligig 37 Bombing DES Moines venomous fangs 134 Great Rail Wars 5 vehiCle AccessoRies 38 112 aiR CatCheR 38 Union BLUE 112 Legs 135 The Boom Heard altituDe sight 38 Mechanical Leg 135 Risky Deliveries 113 CloCkwoRk Piston Leg 135 ’Round the West 6 toRpeDoes 38 Keep ’Em Poor 113 Mines 39 Leg Attachments & Enhance- DELIvERY Mishaps 114 Lies & Deceit 6 Rail Car AccessoRies 40 aRMoR plating 40 ments 136 Mishaps 114 The Gomorra Incident 7 aRMoRed TuRRets 40 Double Motivators 136 RESEARCH Mishaps aRMoR & Clothing 41 Hidden Compartment 136 114 New Horizons 7 bulletpRoof gaRMents 41 Retractable Blade 136 Spring Heels 136 Diving suit 42 Research Mishap Table 115 The Catalog 7 footweaR 43 Flawed DEvICES 116 Torso 137 Buyin’ STUff 9 hat gun Sample45 file Abdominal Armor 137 DELIvERIES 10 hat peRisCope 45 Device flaws 116 Bellows Springs 137 Maze DRagon Robe 45 ghost RoCk Fever 117 supply & DemanD 137 Payment 10 MeChaniCal skeleton 46 Snorkel 138 owl-eye goggles 47 filling Orders 10 formula X-19 119 ReaD-all speCtaCles 47 inDex 139 Ordering Method 10 Rifled AccessoRies 48 Mishap Table 10 The Nuts and Bolts 119 soniC goggles 48 is There a DoCtor in the House? vapoR Mask 49 Delivery Time 10 120 MisCellanea 50 Customization 11 The Amplification Coil 120 auto-Regulating heateR 50 Delivery Options 11 The Motivator 120 Dust ionizeR 50 rail Delivery 11 The Secret Ingredient 121 eleCtRo-MagnetiC foCusing Rail Delivery 12 More than Human...and Less! DeviCe 50 Direct Delivery 12 121 epitaph CaMeRa 51 Spirit Loss 121 ghost RoCk DeteCtoR 52 Exchanges & Refunds 13 Eew!! 121 ghost RoCk TiMepieCe 52 S&R Contributions Tough It Out 122 gRavitiC intens-ifiCation fielD 13 Hold Together, Baby! 122 geneRatoR 53 new ScienCe SubjeCts 14 Scrap Metal 123 MesMeRiC osCillatoR 53 surgiCal Mishaps 123 New Science Magazine 14 playeR instRuMents 54 Hack and Slash 124 Common Vehicles 15 psyChic ProjeCtoR 54 NEW EDGES 124 RattleR DeteCtoR 55 Wagon 15 self-Developing photogRaphiC Background Edge 124 plates 56 Scrapper 124 Stagecoach 15 sound TelegRaph 57 spiRit CaMeRa 58 Weird Edge 124 Locomotive 15 tetheReD satellite 59 Desensitized 124 laboR saveRs 61 Train Car 15 Chain saw 61 Legendary Edge 124 malfunCtions ReloaDeD 16 CloCkwoRk De-MoleR 61 We Have the Technology! Malfunction Results 16 CloCkwoRk ManpoweR 62 124 shootin’ Irons & Other RangeD flapjaCk MaChine 64 THE Catalog 124 hyDRauliC MineR 64 insta-fReeze 64 The Augments 124 MeChaniCal Mule 65 Smith & RobaRdS Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. i Publisher’s Note ...............................................................................................i The Story of Smith & Robards .......................................................................1 2. USING THE CATALOG .................................................................... 9 Deliveries ......................................................................................................10 S&R Contributions........................................................................................13 Common Vehicles .........................................................................................15 3. SMITH & ROBARDS CATALOG ................................................ 19 Conveyances .................................................................................................22 Vehicle Accessories .......................................................................................38 Rail Car Accessories .....................................................................................40 Armor & Clothing .........................................................................................41 Miscellanea ...................................................................................................50 Labor Savers .................................................................................................61 Elixirs & Tonics ............................................................................................Sample file 67 Ghost Rock & Boilers ...................................................................................76 Weapons & Accessories ................................................................................78 Travel Essentials .........................................................................................101 MARSHAL’S HANDBOOK ..............................................................107 4. Secrets of Smith & Robards .........................................................108 5. Smith & Robards in Your Game ..................................................113 Mishaps .......................................................................................................114 Flawed Devices ...........................................................................................116 Ghost Rock Fever .......................................................................................117 6. Steam Augmentations .....................................................................118 Smith & Roba RdS A Note From the Editor Leonardo da Vinci famously wrote, “Time stays long enough for those who use it.” We at Smith & Robards have spent every spare second in toil since our operation was founded in the winter of 1871. Far be it from us to disagree with the master builder, but it’s been our unhappy experience that time stays still for no man—and there’s never quite enough of the blasted stuff. All the more reason to keep reading, shrewd shopper! This new, 1880 edition of the world-renowned Smith & Robards Catalog contains a bounty of labor-saving devices that make time stay for whatever purpose you deem fit. Through nine years, a Civil War in conflict and in stalemate, a transcontinental race of Rail Barons, the Great Rail Wars tearing the West asunder, and the most recent catastrophe to shatter the once-proud City of Lost Angels, your friends at Smith & Robards have never once faltered, never allowed our dogged pursuit of perfection to flag for even an instant. In short, valued customer, we remain dedicated to bringing you the finest, most amazing machinery money can buy. And though we have not discovered theSample secret of making file time stand still— yet!—we are committed to our calling in science,
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