February 13, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E171 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE LIFE OF ARMOND 21, 2008 Mr. Farias will be celebrated for his discipline, and respect to authority in a demo- J. MAGNARELLI contributions to Burlington County at the Bur- cratic society. lington County Republican Committee and This achievement is a true honor to all the HON. JAMES T. WALSH Burlington County Republican Women’s An- young men and women involved in the Cocke OF NEW YORK nual Lincoln Day Dinner. County NJROTC program. The rankings, each IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Perhaps one of the most gregarious and en- respectively, show the dedication and commit- Wednesday, February 13, 2008 thusiastic Edgewater Park residents, Vince ment to service and our Nation. Farias was always a proponent of action lead- It is exciting for me to see the young men Mr. WALSH of New York. Madam Speaker, ing to results. A veteran schoolteacher, bank- and women of Cocke County NJROTC estab- I rise today to honor the life of a consummate er, and small business owner, Vincent served lishing such high standards at a young age gentleman and a terrific ambassador for the 6 years on the Edgewater Park Township and it bestows great promise for the State of central New York community, the Honorable Committee and as mayor in 1987 and 1991. Tennessee and our Nation alike. Armond J. Magnarelli, who passed away last After first filling a vacant freeholder seat in Madam Speaker, I ask that the House join weekend. 1991, Vince went on to serve 5 terms as a me this evening in honoring the Cocke County A teacher by trade at Lyncourt School, member of the Burlington County Board of NJROTC program for their commitment to ex- Armond entered elected office as a member of Chosen Freeholders. During that time, Vince cellence, dedication, and promise as future the Syracuse City School District Board of was an advocate for the county’s open space leaders of America. Education, eventually rising to become its president. Armand later ran for and won a preservation work and redevelopment plans. f seat on the Syracuse City Council and was One of his most notable projects included the creation and implementation of the NJ Transit IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROCCO S. elected council president, serving until 1985. OLIVERIO, JR. His public service career also included service Riverline Light Rail system, which made its in the U.S. Coast Guard during World War II. debut in 2004. Since then, it has had a posi- Mr. Magnarelli worked as a marketing exec- tive ripple effect on surrounding businesses HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH utive at KeyBank and later as regional director and residential communities along the Dela- OF OHIO of the State parks and recreation. He was a ware River. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vince was also instrumental in creating the member of the New York State Council of the Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Arts, New York State Draft Board, board of di- county’s Veterans Military Service Medal. rectors of P.E.A.C.E., Inc., and board of direc- Through this project, several military assist- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise tors of the Syracuse Chiefs baseball team. ance programs have been developed to help today in remembrance and honor of Rocco S. He was inducted into the Greater Syracuse aid our area veterans. Oliverio, Jr. He was a beloved member of his Sports Hall of Fame and the Oswego State In addition, Vince worked with the South west Cleveland neighborhood, and was known Athletic Hall of Fame at his alma mater. In Jersey Freeholder’s Association and the New for his dedication to the community. He served 1950 and 1951, he coached the boys of St. Jersey Association of Counties, where he Ward 14 as a representative to the Cuyahoga Lucy’s to back-to-back parochial league bas- served as president in 2002. Vince has also County Central Committee with honor and dis- ketball championships. worked with the American Red Cross and the tinction, and touched those around him with Regardless of his position and his workload, March of Dimes. his unique sense of humor. Armand’s heart never ventured far from his Madam Speaker, I would like to extend my Rocco was never afraid to get involved and native northside of Syracuse. He was a mem- sincere gratitude for his leadership, commit- confront the challenges of his home neighbor- ber of the Our Lady of Pompei Holy Name So- ment, and service to the public. hood. He maintained his faith in the innate ciety for 50 years, served on its parish council, f goodness of people and the ability of commu- and was active in the fundraising and building nity and public services to overcome chal- of the new parish school in 1966. HONORING THE COCKE COUNTY lenges. He invested a large part of himself in Armond was a member of the Italian Amer- NAVAL JUNIOR RESERVE OFFI- everything he did and was always genuinely ican Athletic Club and was well-known for his CERS’ TRAINING CORPS interested in helping; even better, he often had longtime work in local theater and the arts, in- a solution. cluding the famed Pompeian Players, Salt City HON. DAVID DAVIS Rocco is fondly remembered by his daugh- for the Performing Arts, and Theater 90. When OF TENNESSEE ters, Shellie Gay and Sheila Hall-Blagg, and new development threatened the future of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his eight grandchildren. Landmark Theatre in downtown Syracuse, it Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join was Armond who stepped in to save the treas- Wednesday, February 13, 2008 me in honoring the memory of Rocco S. ured facility. Mr. DAVID DAVIS of Tennessee. Madam Oliverio, Jr., a man whose tireless work to- Though retired, Armond kept busy through Speaker, I rise today to congratulate the wards improving his hometown of Cleveland many civic activities, and up until recently, Cocke County Naval Junior Reserve Officers’ will set an example for generations to come. central New Yorkers could still visit with Training Corps (NJROTC) program for their f Armond every Sunday morning as he hosted achievements this past year. In 2007, the the popular ‘‘Italian Hour’’ on WFBL radio. Cocke County NJROTC program was ranked CONGRATULATING THE NATIONAL Armond Magnarelli was a prince of a man number one in the State of Tennessee and FOOTBALL LEAGUE CHAMPION who dedicated himself to his family, his com- number six in the United States in competi- NEW YORK GIANTS FOR WINNING munity, and his passion for living. He will be tions including academics, athletics, and mili- SUPER VOWL XLII dearly missed by all who knew him. tary drill. SPEECH OF f In addition to achieving such great acco- TRIBUTE TO VINCENT R. FARIAS lades in competitions, the Cocke County HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL NJROTC planned, coordinated, and completed OF NEW YORK 2,153 community service hours in the Cocke IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JIM SAXTON County, Hamblen County and Knox County OF NEW JERSEY areas during the 2006–2007 school year. Tuesday, February 12, 2008 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Cocke County NJROTC is a citizen Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Wednesday, February 13, 2008 leadership program designed to develop in- throw the full weight of my endorsement be- Mr. SAXTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today formed and responsible young men and hind a resolution of substantial import and in recognition of Vincent Farias. On February women who embody honor, self-reliance, self- consequence: that New York’s championship ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:41 Mar 27, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\E13FE8.REC E13FE8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 13, 2008 football team be congratulated and honored for nearly all of San Diego County, except for Service to successfully manage the species for its come-from-behind Super Bowl win last Camp Pendleton. A key benefit of H.R. 29 will under their respective jurisdictions. In order to week, one that left the sports world simulta- be the construction of a water system phys- further this success, the Commissions have neously stunned and elated. ically connecting Camp Pendleton to the San advocated for management of subsistence ac- The competition was formidable and the Diego Aqueduct, thereby making it possible to tivities. Section 119 of the MMPA does not challenge facing the Giants daunting. Experts use imported water as needed, including currently allow for management of subsistence did not give the Giants much chance of pre- emergency mobilization in time of conflict. activities prior to a depletion finding under the vailing and the odds-makers in Las Vegas The conference report for the Fiscal Year Act. made them 12-point underdogs. The New 2003 Omnibus Appropriations Act directed the In 2000, the Clinton Administration sent England Patriots represented a veteran squad Bureau of Reclamation, under the Santa Mar- Congress a draft bill to reauthorize the MMPA of impressive offensive muscle, strolling onto garita River feasibility authorization, to ‘‘... and included in it authorities for the Alaska the field with a historic perfect season and an perform the studies needed to address current Marine Mammal Commissions to manage and expected fourth championship within its grasp. and future municipal, domestic, military, envi- enforce subsistence activities.
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