ТОКОВИ ИСТОРИЈЕ Часопис Института за новију историју Србије 3/2015. CURRENTS OF HISTORY Journal of the Institute for Recent History of Serbia 3/2015 ИНИС Београд, 2016. ИНСТИТУТ ЗА НОВИЈУ ИСТОРИЈУ СРБИЈЕ THE INSTITUTE FOR RECENT HISTORY OF SERBIA За издавача ГлавниДр и Миле одговорни Бјелајац уредник Editor-in-chief Др Гордана Кривокапић Јовић Редакција – Editorial board Др Драган Богетић Проф. др Дубравка Стојановић Доц. др Александар Животић Проф. др Стеван Павловић (Саутемптон) Проф. др Јан Пеликан (Праг) Др Јелена Гускова (Москва) Др Диана Мишкова (Софија) Др Владимир Гајгер (Загреб) СекретарДр редакције Слободан – EditorialСелинић secretary Лектура и коректураДр Бојан – Editing Симић and proofreading Техничка обрадаБиљана текста Рацковић – Text editing Редактура текстова наМирјана енглеском Вујашевић – English editing and proofreading Ванда Перовић УДК 949.71 YU ISSN – 0354-6497 Токови историје Издавање часописа финансира Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије На основу мишљења Министарствa просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије часопис је ослобођен плаћања општег пореза на промет САДРЖАЈ CONTENTS 3/2015. ЧЛАНЦИ ARTICLES Dragan BOGETIĆ DISCORD BETWEEN YUGOSLAV FOREIGN POLICY PRIORITIES AND THE BASIC AleksandarDETERMINANTS R. MILETIĆ OF THE BIPOLAR DETENTE PROCESS 1971–1975 ..................11 NON-TARIFF PROTECTIONIST SCHEMES 1918–1928. DušanSOUTHEAST BOJKOVIĆ AND EAST-CENTRAL EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES .............................41 THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF YUGOSLAVIA DURING THE AUTOCRATIC AleksandarRULE OF KING V. MILETIĆ ALEKSANDAR KARAĐORĐEVIĆ .............................................................65 “UNREALIZED NORDIC DREAM”. MILOVAN ĐILAS AND AleksandarTHE SCANDINAVIAN RAKOVIĆ SOCIALISTS ........................................................................................89 BIJELO DUGME IN CONCERT AT HAJDUČKA ČESMA IN BELGRADE (1977): SOCIAL EVENT OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE AND RECOGNITION HeOF YANQINGA UNIQUE PHENOMENON .............................................................................................107 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SINO-U.S. AMBASSADORIAL TALKS AGAINST THE BACKGROUND OF THE GENEVA SUMMIT 1955: PRC’S DIPLOMATIC ACHIEVEMENTS WITH THE HELP OF THE SOVIET UNION ..................................135 IN MEMORIAM Др Надежда Јовановић (1931–2015) Nadežda Jovanović, Ph. D., (1931–2015) ........................................................................165 ГРАЂА SOURCES Александар ЖИВОТИЋ (AleksandarИЗВЕШТАЈ ГЕНЕРАЛА ŽIVOTIĆ, Docent ДРАГУТИНА Ph. D. МИЛУТИНОВИЋА О СТАЊУ НА ГРАНИЧНОМ ФРОНТУ ПРЕМА БУГАРСКОЈ 1926. REPORT OF GENERAL DRAGUTIN MILUTINOVIĆ ON THE SITUATION AT THE FRONT ON THE BORDER WITH BULGARIA IN 1926) .............................169 ПРИКАЗИ REVIEWS Александар СТОЈАНОВИЋ Политичке идеје Младе Босне Political Ideas of Young Bosnia Милош Војиновић. Београд, 2015. Ненад(Miloš Vojinović.АНТОНИЈЕВИЋ . Belgrade, 2015) .....................191 Извештаји о великом злочину – Документи о аустроугарским злочинима уочи и после Церске битке Слађана Бојковић, Милоје Пршић. Извештаји о. ВеликомБеоград, злочину2014. 2, Документи о аустроугарским зверствима уочи и после КолубарскеСлађана Бојковић, битке Милоје Пршић, Радован Пилиповић. Reports on the Great Crime – Documents on Austro-Hungarian. Београд, Crimes Committed 2014. Before and After the Battle of Cer (Slađana Bojković, Miloje Pršić. Reports on the . GreatBelgrade, Crime 2014. 2, Documents on Austro-Hungarian Atrocities Before and After theSlađana Battle Bojković, of Kolubara Miloje Pršić, Radovan Pilipović. Гордана КРИВОКАПИЋ. Belgrade, ЈОВИЋ 2014) ...........................................................................195 Историја и географија: сусрети и прожимања History and Geography: Encounters and Permeation . Београд, 2014. Александар( СТОЈАНОВИЋ , Belgrade, 2014) ............198 Српска православна црква у Првом светском рату (1914–1918): одабрана документа Serbian Orthodox Church in World War I (1914–1918) Selected Documents. Београд, 2014. ( Belgrade, 2014) ...............................................................................204 Момчило ИСИЋ Села у Србији: Промене структуре и проблеми одрживог развоја Милован Митровић.Villages in Serbia: Change of Structure and Problems of Sustainable. Београд, Development. 2015. (Milovan Mitrović. Никола МАРКОВИЋ Belgrade, 2015) ...........................................207 Власи североисточне Србије. Vlachs of Northeast Serbia. Mиодраг Перић. Петровац на Млави, 2014. (Miodrag Perić. Petrovac na Mlavi, 2014) ..............217 ИНФОРМАЦИЈЕ О НАУЧНИМ СКУПОВИМА INFORMATION ON CONFERENCES Јован ЧАВОШКИ XXII конгрес Међународног комитета историјских наука (International Committee of Historical Sciences), Ђинан, ЈованНР Кина, ЋУЛИБРК, 23–29. августаБојан ЂОКИЋ 2015. .........................................................................................223 8th Annual Summer Workshop for Holocaust Scholars: „Non-Jewish Jews“ During the Shoah: Fate and Identity (Осма годишња летња радионица за исраживаче холокауста: Слободан„Нејеврејски СЕЛИНИЋ, Јевреји“ Владимир током холокауста: ЦВЕТКОВИЋ судбина и идентитет) .................226 Научна конференција „Polska i Jugoslawia po II wojnie swiatowej“, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, Бидгошћ (Пољска), 30. септембар и 1. октобар 2015. (“Poland and Yugoslavia after the Second World War”, University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz, Poland, 30. September – 1. October 2015) ...................231 ЧЛАНЦИ Articles УДК 327(497.1)”1971/1975” 327.56(497.1)”1971/1975” Оригиналан научни рад Примљен: 10. 7. 2015. Прихваћен: 24. 9. 2015. Dragan BOGETIĆ Institute for Contemporary History [email protected] Discord between Yugoslav Foreign Policy Priorities and the Basic Determinants of the Bipolar Detente Process 1971–1975* Abstract: The paper analyzes the determinants and political implications of the different approaches of Yugoslavia and the two superpowers to the policy of bipolar détente and the op- timal strategy of eliminating hotbeds of world crises during the first half of the 1970s. The clear discord between Yugoslav foreign policyon this issue and the current bloc strategy was a serious obstacle to the advancement of political and economic cooperation of Yugoslavia with the big superpowers and the Keysafeguardof words: Yugoslav independence and nonalignment. Yugoslavia, USA, USSR, détente, settlement, North-South, economic development, nonalignment, discri- mination A new and specific period in the history of international relations, often characterized as an era of bipolar détente between the two super- powers and general relaxation of international tensions began at the be- ginning of the 1970s. For the first time in the post war history of interna- tional relations, an American president visited the Soviet Union and P. R. of China and attended the European Conference on Security and Cooperation. At that time, the PR of China was finally admitted to the United Nations be- coming a permanent member of the Security Council instead of the repre- sentative∗ of the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan. Serbian Society in the Yugoslav State in the 20 Century: Between Democracy and Dictatorship This article has been written within the framework of the scholarly project , (№ 177016), financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. 11 ТОКОВИ ИСТОРИЈЕ 3/2015. According to the policy endorsed by Belgrade and numerous offi- cial statements made by Tito, such a positive change in international rela- tions represented an important victory for the principals and goals which Yugoslavia and all the nonaligned countries, as well as peace movements and organizations in the world, supported for years. However, when we analyze Tito’s tendency to point out the serious limitations of this pro- cess, and occasionally express open doubt about the peaceful intentions of the superpowers, all in the context of undoubtedly very affirmative statements on the process of the bipolar détente of thewhat two were superpow the rea- sonsers – for a certainsuch a discorddiscord between and insincerity the formally of the propagated Yugoslav andofficials the actually can be desired;noticed. thatThus, is,what it seems were natural the reasons to pose for the such question: an evident discordbetween the numerous Yugoslav appeals to the superpowers to solve their conflicts solely by negotiations and the restrained and somewhat negative Yugoslav perception of certain aspects of the actual bipolar détente. The answer to this question, actually, explains all the specificity and amorphousness of the Yugoslav international position during the first part of the 1970sand the periodical inconsistency of the Yugoslav officials in the implementa- tion of the basic premises of the nonaligned and non-bloc policy. The new superpowers’ policy on solving world issues and new challenges in the international community, no matter how paradoxical it seemed, actually jeopardized the up to then relatively stable interna- tional position of Yugoslavia and its policy of nonalignment. A new real- ity was established in which Yugoslavia could no longer obtain consider- able political and economic benefits from its role of mediator between the USA and the USSR, and the Non-Aligned Movement was not any more in the position to impose itself as the key player in extinguishing the hotbeds instigated by the clash of the two blocs on the territories of third countries. Belgrade assessed
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