July 30, 2009 Newsstand 75¢ The Home-Delivered 53¢ www.theitemonline.com Serving our Community mmunitySince 1888 Item Speeding increase Admin searches Police target Schools to fill aggressive driving. four posts. of Millburn and Short Hills See A3 See B1 BURGLARY ARREST Two counts, then two counts more By Andrea Hughes Clark had in his possession several and Erin Patricia Griffiths tools, latex gloves, a flashlight and of The Item car keys as well as a hammer, according a to South Orange Millburn Police detectives have police report. charged former township resident According to Miller, investiga- James Clark, 38, of Newark, with tive efforts by Millburn, South several counts of criminal activity Orange and Maplewood police in connection with residential and departments have resulted in the automobile burglaries reported in Millburn charges. The arrest in the township this month. South Orange was an important Millburn Police initially charged factor in the detective bureau’s Clark with two counts of burglary, investigation, Miller said. two counts of fraudulent use of “The detective bureau is active- credit cards, two counts of forgery, ly involved in a continuing investi- two counts of impersonation, iden- gation,” Miller said. Area officials tity theft, credit card theft, theft of are investigating his possible movable property and receiving involvement in other local burglar- stolen property. ies and crimes, he said. He was subsequently charged The additional charges allege with additional two counts of bur- that Clark committed burglaries on glary, two counts of theft of mov- July 7 at a Forest Drive South res- able property and one count of idence and between July 18 and criminal mischief. Investigation is July 19 at a residence on the 400 ongoing into the suspect’s criminal block of Hobart Avenue. activity. Clark is being held at the Essex STAFF PHOTO BY HARRY TRUMBORE According to Capt. James Miller County Jail. He was recently of the Millburn Police Department, released from State Prison follow- Township police and members of the Millburn-Short Hills Volunteer First Aid Squad tend to the driver and three passengers of the initial charges were made in ing a lengthy commitment for a Toyota that veered off Glen Avenue and collided with a tree Monday afternoon. connection with a residential bur- “extensive crimes committed in the glary on Colonial Way on July 18 Essex County area,” according to TRAFFIC ACCIDENT and a burglary into a vehicle South Orange police. parked on Hemlock Road report- Clark had been arrested by ed July 17. Millburn police in June 2003 Police responding to the Colo- in connection with the theft of a Glen Avenue rollover injures four nial Way home found a screen to computer from a Lupine Way a rear basement window had been home. cut. Two laptop computers were The 2003 arrest was made after By Erin Patricia Griffiths Police received the call at 3:41 curve and struck a tree,” said plained of back pain. One of the known to be missing at the time of Clark attempted to have the stolen of The Item p.m., said Capt. Jim Miller of the Miller. rear seat passengers complained of the police report. computer serviced at a Springfield Millburn Police Department. The car veered off the roadway, neck pain and the other had lacer- An iPod and wallet were report- business, where the owner appar- Members of the Millburn Police Upon arriving at the scene, the first striking the tree before becom- ations to the face. ed stolen from an unlocked car ently suspected the computer Department, Fire Department, and responding officer reported that a ing overturned. All four occupants were trans- parked in a Hemlock Drive drive- belonged to a company rather than Millburn-Short Hills First Aid 2007 Toyota Yaris had impacted a There were four adult occupants ported to Morristown Memorial way. to an individual. Squad responded to the scene of a tree and was resting on its roof on in the car. Police said they were Hospital, said Miller. South Orange police arrested He was then charged with pos- one-car rollover on Glen Avenue the roadway. able to exit the vehicle through the The female driver, 73-year-old Clark on Sunday after responding session of stolen property and pos- just west of the Millburn Township “The vehicle was reportedly two front doors. Tsai-ti Tseng of Maplewood, was to a reported burglary in progress. session of an imitation firearm and Public Library on Monday after- traveling east on Glen Avenue According to Miller, the driver issued a motor vehicle summons A check of the area revealed that burglary tools. noon. when the driver lost control on the and front seat passenger both com- for careless driving. A CHAMPIONSHIP SUMMER SCHOOLS Shortstop Aidan Favia of the Millburn-Short Hi-tech instruction Hills Youth Baseball 13-year-old Babe Ruth team snares a line dri- ve during Saturday’s 11-1 Northern New Jer- the wave of the future sey state tournament pool play victory over By Andrea Hughes Michael Birnberg, chairman of the Vislocky explained there is a New Milford. Two Mill- of The Item Board of Education’s Technology focus on making sure teachers can burn teams, the 11-12 Committee. “We’re meeting use technological tools in their Cal Ripken squad and All teachers in Millburn public monthly – if not more often – to instruction, adding that LCD pro- the Babe Ruth team, schools are given laptops and can get a focus,” he said. jectors are “essential in a current- have claimed state use EdLine, but more opportunity The committee’s Aug. 17 meet- day classroom.” crowns. See C1 for sto- for teachers to use LCD projectors, ing will include discussion of some Birnberg reported “a slow and ries. SmartBoards, video equipment parts of the plan. steady increase” in SmartBoards, and the Internet is on the horizon which are interactive whiteboards for the near future, according to LCD projectors and SmartBoards that can act as huge touchscreens PHOTO COURTESY OF Assistant Superintendent for Cur- Classrooms in the new three- and project video or images from MILLBURN-SHORT HILLS riculum, Instruction and Techno- story wings of Millburn Middle computers. There were 24 Smart- YOUTH BASEBALL logy Elaine Vislocky. School and Millburn High School Boards in the district at the close of Vislocky and the Board of Edu- will all be stocked with LCD pro- the 2008-09 school year. cation’s Technology Committee jectors, which can be hooked up to The district has not purchased a are exploring a number of options computers, according to Vislocky. large amount of SmartBoards for for the use of technology in student An LCD projector is a type of the coming school year, Birnberg instruction. projector for displaying video, said, since not all teachers are A comprehensive plan has yet to image or computer data on a be developed, according to screen or other flat surface. SEE SCHOOLS, PAGE A3 CLASSIFIEDSD4, D5 MOVIESA7 Vol. 122No. 31 Pleaserecycle, New Voices At least34% COMMUNITY D1-D2, D6 OBITUARIESB4Theater students perform recycled paper For home delivery, COMMUNITY EVENTSA4PUBLIC NOTICESD3this weekend. See A6 call 888-504-4280. EDITORIAL A4 PUZZLESA7Summer fix-up EDUCATION B1-B3 RELIGIOUS NEWSB4Restoration continues at local ENTERTAINMENT A6, A7 SPORTS C1-C5, C7-C8 church. See B4 Watch our team currently on the hit HGTV series Joanna Parker-Lentz Jodi B. Rubenstein Broker Associate Broker Associate Village SquareRealtors “Bought &Sold” Sundays at 3P.M. 508Millburn Avenue, ShortHills, NJ 07078 Office: 973-467-8522 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Joanna’s Cell: 973-699-4388 •Jodi’s Cell: 973-477-0908 View our listings on our website: www.my2agents.com 0002651471-01 A2 Thursday, July 30, 2009 The Item of Millburn and Short Hills www.TheItemOnline.com ! DOWN TO THE GROUND $ A chimney is about all that remains standing as workers '%*!!$ '(%$#!-%$(%' '!%)(#, !## !#'$ demolish a Hartshorn Drive residence Thursday. Just over Donate and Be Entered To Win a year ago, fire gutted the ABRAND NEW building. The homeowners, Ed TOYOTACOROLLA! Rummel and his wife, Robin Thanks +++(%$(%#%*%' Baker, narrowly escaped the to: !* ' ( )' fast-moving blaze. # (&%# $"( ! ! # " STAFF PHOTO BY HARRY TRUMBORE Be Your Own Boss!!! 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A Keats Road residence was vic- the afternoon of July 22. She was apprehended outside tim to an act of criminal mischief According to police, the two the store and the missing items Criminal mischief between 5 p.m. on Friday evening juveniles reported that they were were found concealed in her shop- Damage was reported to town- and 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. followed by a group of five or six ping bag, police said. A jacket and ship buses in the lot behind the An unknown actor reportedly juveniles at approximately 3:35 a shirt, totaling $565.80 in worth, Board of Education building locat- threw a small rock through a p.m.
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