THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY OCTOBER 8 1906 3 I l 25c Curtain Armours 25c 25c 50c and n Rogers Carpet Knives 1 Toilet Soaps Jewelry lOc Poles 12 c 111 1 Lot of manufactur- ¬ SpoonsS- SweepersT- and Forks Five foot Curtain 12 < c box ers sample Pins Hat ul r- Extra quality Steel Poles oak or cheery and Brooches In a va of six Rogers Table Armours Highgrade Includ- ¬ D et Bissell make Knives and finished Com plate of styles Tea Spoons In Plain Carpethe Sweeper made Forks with rosewood Toilet Soaps the well ing enameled pearl designs with brace knobs anti nown Venetian series jeweled and fancy and fancy extra handles doublecapped Choice of heliotrope or fully warranted Reg ¬ brush Regular price and bolstered R i fixture Regular price Rhine stone effects ¬ mae S cakes In box ular price ale Anni- UW each Anniver- ¬ price 514 tor set of 25r a Amhreraary a Vftlues void regularly- versary price sary gale price six each eat price X5c An- ¬ at sic and 50e Anniversary Sale price t niversary Sale price Anniversary Sale price Sale price each box I Choice It Pays to Deal at Goldenb- ° 1 C l C 39c 98c 12 12 2 10C ergstThe Dependable Store Seventh and K Streets 5c Our Eleventh Sale a S Success I I The Dependable Store is eleven years old this weekand we are holding a rousing sale of seasonable merchandise in all departments- 50c Table DamasK 39c as a fitting celebration of the wonderful success that has come to us in this limited time Fairy Soap 2 for 5c 25 pieces of first quality Mer- Great throngs of visitors crowd every aisle at the present writingand every indication points to this being the busiest and biggest Regular 5c cakes of Fairbanks cerized Satin Table Damask M Inches day in the stores history Yesterdays Post and Times gave full details of the extraordinary bargains offered as Souvenirs of the occasion Fairy Soap tomorrow at two for wide snowy white in spot and floral fi cent designs Regular price Me a yard In the period of eleven years we have accomplished what other stores have striven a quarter of a century to gain By dint of persistent Anniversary Sale price 3c yard we won the confidence and of all economically inclined Washington- neverfaltering effort have Mennens lOc We feel that weve a right to your congratulations Anniversary Souvenir Specials continued tomorrow and Wednesday with Talcum 25c Madras 15c equally as attractive values to take the place of those exhausted by the immense demand Genuine Mennens Talcum White Mercerized Madras a Powder you know the regular price offered tomorrow at lee a can y quality of exceptional fineness The proper weight for fall waists In a line of new and handsome patterns Chas Simons Sons Sample Line Young showing woven silk mercerised dots Mens Suits 750 spots figures serous stripes etc Rainproof Suitings Young Mens stylish threepiecel- Regular 2Sc value Anniversary Sale 139 ong pants Suits in double breasted price Me a yard style fall and winter weights Line Mens Underwear of desirable patterns Actual un Sw dollar values Anniversary Sale 25c Lawn 15c S price 750 French 50 Inches Wide The purchase represents the entire stock of floor samples of the 47inch White French Lawn a wellknown firm of Chas Simons Sons importers and mill agents They c Masons Fruit 3 c fine sheer crisp gradenoted for Its recently moved into new quarters and prior to moving held a house- Jars dunoillty Launders beautifully Every Yard Guaranteed Masons best quality machine Eeg ihir price 25e a yard Anniver- 7 C cleaning We secured the entire tock of floor samples of Mens Un¬ 5 made Fruit Jars with porcelain lined sary Sale price 15e a yard tops derwearat a figure that permits the most extraordinary value offer ¬ complete with rubbers One be extensively used for suits skirts and rain- dozen In a box of These Suitings are to ings on pints or quarts Anniversary Sale record price lOc NainsooK 6½c coats They are guaranteed rainproofevery five yards bears the This immense collection of Underwear consists of almost every well 3c each White Check Nainsook a fine stamp known brand on the market t The products of leading mills makers that every lOc close quality in a full range of posted buyer will recognize are represented Playing Cards 5c Jifcka such as pin size medium The lot consists of 50inch Rainproof Suitings at 75c a yard the roan and broken checks Regular The purchase aggregates over 5000 the largest and most im-¬ Steamboat Playing Cards good price lOc a Anniversary Sale identical quality which sells regularly in all stores for 139 quality board rerfaot quality prlee 6Hc a yard portant deal of its kind ever known in Washington The most import ¬ everywhere at loc a pack An gray tan ilversary Sale price 5c a pack In plain and Herringbone effects Colors are navy blue ant to you because it means an opportunity to buy your supply of Win ¬ favored shades for fall ter Underwear at savings of onethird to onehalf 15c Tray Covers lOc and greenthe Dennisons NapKins Momie Cloth Tray Covers fin j Winch Allwool Suitings In 44Inch Mohair Sicilian in the Mlneh allwool Black Panama islud with fringed edges Regular the fashionable flaked effects new mixed Melange effects The extra One closewoven quality Worth 100 to 2i c dozen Sale price The proper weight for tailored seasons mwartest novelty fab lot 1Values 150 lie value Anniversary I One of the effective material c each suits Choice of brown navy rlc ilk lustered quality in Dennisons Fancy Crepe Paper li myrtle blue gray oxford for tailored suits and fj C This lot consists of Mens Underwear of various sorts including blue and ray Regular m r C olive skirts Worth U a yd Napkins in a variety of pretty pat I price L1J a yard An M- and brown mixtures c Sale price heavyweight fleecelined fancy mercerised wool hair terns Regular price 6c a dozen Worth 1 a yard Annl Anniversary tripe natural camels 18c ntversary Sale price w- and fancy novelty garments in white natural and fancy colors Mostly C Anniversary Sale price 2fcc dozen 25c Slips versary Sale price 1 Pillow SZln Allwool Venetian Cloth ttlnch German Broadcloth a shirts In the lot a garment In the lot worth lees than 1 and plenty In rich raven black in Pil- an extra flue twill quality MHch silk mixedwool Plaids Handsome are regular 125 and 150 values Sale price Sic Lot of brand new styles such fashionable a with han OlD6 satin fears In a sattarfaoe quality with fine low Slip nicely made and finished navy brown myrtle gar- ¬ larger variety of new color com twill back Yew clinging chif- ¬ 25c Brighton Garters 15c with teasel ends All complete net cardinal oUve plum gray binattons The moat desirable fon flan Worth up price O4 189 Anniver- Mens celebrated Brighton ready to make Regular and black Regular c material for childrens school yard ° 6 9 Lot Worth iV each Anniversary Sale price lie quality Anniversary 6 9 dresses and waists c sary Sale price 2Values 200 and 250 Garters in plain and fancy colors uoh Sale price Worth Me yd Anniver- ¬ The regular price Is tic a pair every sary Sale price 39 Winch genuine clay wonted Very fine quality Underwear consisting of woolribbed flatribbed where Anniversary Sale price lac a 42Inch Phantom Check Mo ¬ showerproof Serge in black pair hair Sicilian with silkwoven 49Inch stlkandwool Crepe de- twisted reversible Mercerized Silk Coopers ribbed fleecelined lambs wool garments camels 19c Laundry Bags lOc selfcolor novelty dot Lustrous Parts with selfcolor woven quality warranted dust c hair gray striped Mercerized silk and wool mixed and many other high C quality In brown navy royal silk Gate A charming material proof Worth SUI a yd grade sorts in the most exclusive mens haberdashery stores selling at 8 12 New lot of fancy colored Laun myrtle olive C for evening wear In cream col- ¬ ry Sale price 5 175 and IJ50 each Sale price Tfc 20c Polishing Outfit An- r lOc flry Bags made offtxoA qtmttty E>w etc Worth 3te yard V or only Worth sec a im stamped with floral patterns niversary Sale price yard Anniversary Sale 5 9c 4lnch allwool Black Herring- Black King Shoe Polishing arul with a stout 44Inch Storm Serge price bone Worsted close woven Outfit consisting of paste ¬ Allwool hardtwisted grade Extensive- dauber string Regular 19c value Anniver- a hard twisted ciay worsted fin- ¬ 44Inch Lupins allwool Black Lot3Values Worth 350 and 4 cloth and extra box of paste Reg- ¬ sary Sale price lOc each ly used for tapered c 20c value ish quality guaranteed dust Voile standard grade that sells suits Worth UOO yard ular Anniversary Sale navy ¬ price lOc I proof In royal myrtle regularly at fee a yard i C Anniversary Sale price 8 5 In this lot are the finest quality Undergarments manu- and black Worth Be a 4 Offered as a special an- ¬ C I 5 factured are silk and wool finest combed yarn yard Anniversary Sale niversary value at allwool imported Ve- 1 98c Center Pieces 59c price 9 Wlnch goods mediumweight and heavyweight Shirts and Drawers in all 14inch Ail wool French Broad- ¬ netian in black only Hand- and also natural and white There 29 15c Tray Cloths 9c Japanese Linen Center Pieces 50inch Black Mohair Sicilian cloth handsome satin face and some close twill The proper are Australian lambs wool red Medicated wool Wrights Health lustrous silk finish Duatproof twill back In a complete range weight for unlined suits and 1Dc1 rear Roots wool garments MauchaufTee French Health Un- with beautiful drawn work border quality new fall shades and Worth J2K L + ry Lam sd n Underwear Sanitary 100 dozen size 18x27 Tray or by 18 inches Regular price- and reversible c of p C skirts derwear Health Camels Hair Pat size is 75c W I
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