USOO9468689B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.468,689 B2 Zeng et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Oct. 18, 2016 (54) ULTRAFILTRATION CONCENTRATION OF (56) References Cited ALLOTYPE SELECTED ANTIBODES FOR SMALL-VOLUME ADMINISTRATION U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,429,746 A 7/1995 Shadle et al. (71) Applicant: Immunomedics, Inc., Morris Plains, NJ 5,789,554 A 8/1998 Leung et al. (US) 6,171,586 B1 1/2001 Lam et al. 6,187,287 B1 2/2001 Leung et al. (72) Inventors: Li Zeng, Edison, NJ (US); Rohini 6,252,055 B1 6/2001 Relton Mitra, Brigdewater, NJ (US); Edmund 6,676,924 B2 1/2004 Hansen et al. 6,870,034 B2 3/2005 Breece et al. A. Rossi, Woodland Park, NJ (US); 6,893,639 B2 5/2005 Levy et al. Hans J. Hansen, Picayune, MS (US); 6,991,790 B1 1/2006 Lam et al. David M. Goldenberg, Mendham, NJ 7,038,017 B2 5, 2006 Rinderknecht et al. (US) 7,074,403 B1 7/2006 Goldenberg et al. 7,109,304 B2 9, 2006 Hansen et al. 7,138,496 B2 11/2006 Hua et al. 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