call h'm names ou* occasions "Thr- t«d m* an the bark ^nd pet SAYS SUITOR RAN OFF ni Bls.'kwell's for a var And the MANirFACTITRF.R A BUICID1 enm* b«.-k '<> ""tva nnd tl to ritada al Martha Ing ta k*e|> wltnoBaaa oul of cr.utt. Sheriff "Taa" Polo**, on tholr way WITH FURNITURE CASH SETS if didn't coat a vou think th* st i.ouis eoavaation, aoal MURTHA th* for look nr me, Da TRAIMEN ilm glsd hand, NflW, genta. n.ver STRIKERSSULLEN; SPURN Metal Pollsh Man Harrlrsdes I«rtor. J. J. that'd waa Man Who Answered .ent mi 1- Ad" < ut*. I Gli ta were eonstantly in for Then hroat. said Miirtlui. »ttfc a ¦Nol" "lientlernen," -I'""* ti* {"r '"* mr or tfluehlng aeeu'tomed Irp*. Hutbaa- (int $300. lt Is Barrlcaded In the bath room ol I ".hmmie. Otaa di '. YARDSTICK OFFER 'EM UP FOR 'onming sehooner in hi* nght and M Martha, turnin** To the lalacl faa Murt AIlahjpH TAKEN Bt Bida, n ountj. Saj 3,000 continued Bay Que< gantlement" ' th* tale of hi* tinancial accon "flant FOURTEEN l<*f* ""han - <i n mo\n\ manofae a with his bartandor "i >"* nour Beat, poliah ng Henry Clay pose ments of the la'1 tWO yeara. 4.1 ed y ff)f 1T r* y trv.l i\ >'* bj after ¦.*, twa '." ne<>- I ¦".vor** ,''1 t« isnd. "I am haek amongst. you *".*F° ma Of hia arre.it he had Ogina Brotter, , .. with a raioi Ha th* narrow ioad. what'a twa ¦-..- ever man in I Gar- <.l bj the run.' Mr Former Police lnspector, he dirtiaat deal handed a his hom* ta Patrlek of Arrested Charge Working Arraige- ba'1' ij/it" a cus- and former member 8 *>aBBish Group leighboi had battared down tha his burg. I'm going straight, friends. "Aw! Qalt lt, -lohn:'' urged keapar A' Iha room from Island. "hoodle" Board of Aldermen. al- later Gets nicut Would Aeet Back Opens Rememher .lohn .1 Miirtha. bovs, for lonier. he as a nr diaappe»rf>d |« mcnt Workcrs Proposed Mr, Baal "a* pramlnanl in BaySide'a lay'a death, he aaid, racolvod f,^- -ocuil life. nnd a I 'lir Cafe. ie's going to rlo the right thing by .1 ,| p M irtha, t« aha* a ralaaaa from rhe nior'gn;."* Curb Brooklyn Icgaey .- Sentence. Eamings. ida hr explalnad, had daearatfld -. Suspended Say Bida Yaehl and Bay ill" <»ld Glonr. outoide aad in. hand ¦liibs. Ho had baa*. aalfaring pUce with Each. ¦.'. - "Yay' Yay!" shoute.l ,i mHti with a I,, the of fallow .ountrym*... Court Prices Bass $10 iBaarajead .xtrema nervouana ¦ in tha questions waa . ¦' fni waich that th- IrlBh flag out of season in R- va, n and a ehah. night, believed to havo bren r Murths. former polire ln louble chin pliined hoa- Fish caught found of 8BB8I I MAY VOTi: ..'.. ' .raoaa af tha protaUfi '' NIONS ) work. came back itranded across his arople .'hc absenl me. eaasa high foi ¦agdofo 22.000 PICKETS tor, hai come back He ...,(,,, Of Dutch pratty v || 'We're with you, JohnalaI naw abaul II. '..,-.¦. whan Pollea J« ,;''** ON with fre* drink 4 far th* ddnM TAKE UP DITIES STRIKE QUESTION Ask Wall Strrrt tn Show t, bovs*" i, aaid toen ». orra tad al thal FUf irhfl brsiegerl the doors of his came the l. plBca, mad* two offooaara, \\ nil "W.u batchal" phorua. for a pjv Offleera of rhe Lower .. |,.rf II. 1111 ilt<111 Avenue .lohn ,i. Martha ia ardlnarily . a rata InUrrala, 111 *pteee < Naw, ,.gh «he swmgmg door* p.isseri pay rhofiahed i eaat Ur ilaasanl person. Bul ha waa i"¦ lle waa Kr ¦ »tr»U nnd I'orty fourth Street, Brooklyn. hnn itream all da> Maadad hy ,. $4*> ft . Near Dcadlock Whrn ..,.. baeaaaa ra-ainded iteady an ol-l p«ld .*¦..*»" for COflferenc. deliv- paaola r.-il" Frank Goodrlch, r.o «*<';on. anl Braar ¦.it"; All Worfc Qaletlj ralling upon than back aith a daelaaatla-a, ,f his "va.-ation" on the island. ctm" bass in hia with such 8 rtve. i fali Podjjc Qtirstion- 1 , one foor on the hrass rniling, "ii wa-. a frame-up, I tell you,'' Grai I.» 'f-'"'"'';"'1 Bradv $.VI for Partial Peace in Induvtry" Efliployers * rrd with the owncr Harry n maindei of the boss of th.* cafe on numer- rrom Manhattan to thump ls SuiTcested. in£ hy the Men. tn. offietali who put him mappad UTaata yesterdsv opene.1 Something apprnarhi*T a deadloek .neck of the e^oak and suit hronj-h* 'n -.- ronrhision vrs- ¦ la th* iriornlng I sessmn of thr .¦ic-hf BOUl eonferenee betweea railroad .rom the W#8t T1,;rti,"'h Sfrcet of tl 8 vnrioua rol»aa trainmrn's hrothe rhoo.Is involvrd in 'lOTELS station, harrted to ¦ the for a Bhorter and bet- on guard at 108 Madison Avenue and daaiBnda day found a Btrag-glinf erowd af taa hun- trr worl "on?. .Irr d striki Repi of ihe trainmen will Hr paranaataa, hia YlddUh i of tha eatifar- to freelv thal tha V inrerpre'er attempting spre-, predleted 1HOMES law. 1 n-t much NATIQNS fenr of the hearlfl "I longcr." ofthe rii © of peace and ,\s tha refisf.l to i intirm.' thara waa m poaaibil-1 foarteen of the more, Inaistant ware .ty o" ther Bl Ion;: ea ihe nr\ arrestci. chaTgwd wtt*. dlaordorly ean. offleiala of 'he roada rcpresented hrre RT?«*lT SiOT^RTVr raoa Market Court ue to rntortaln their proaant " *'. y brfore ".* Efl-81 If, thflj re¬ views. ceived suspended ecntenees. Hei appearod earlv ln the Just before midnight Sunday the morning sesslon, when the railroad first of the 2:,000 plckets essigned to men failed to anawer tho numeroua duty wer.t to their etations, which cov- queationa rut to them 'hr the bbIba district from Seven- officlala concernlng their attitude on THIS SPACE IS Ri ered the e-t:re FOR tha shorter workd.iy. The union men $ERVED THE NF.Xf tcenth to Thir.y-fourth Street, along HOTEL TO SPRINC. INTO street.*. hnd aobmltted to a rros«-exnm- Fifth Aver.ne and the side arrtlllng THC SPOTLIGHT OF w*"* Inatlon tha worklnps of »ery fonr hours ri**'-''1* changed. eoneeming POBLIC FAVOR IN 1916 POSSIBSLITIES of two or three wa.k*. their e1gh*t-hour day plan and had ex- ADVERTISING Llttie groups .ire'e «...';.. h re factory bti. rected on adjoumlng Saturday that the talklng ma'.nly ln foreign languages. v raid BBBW8T their qriestlons Oeca.-ionally some ono frhed f jnat aa fraalj *o day, sandwiches from a convenient poeket "Yardstlik** PUfl Rrlea-terl. ate ln all earne-.tT.ess, but othcr- MCALPIN and 77ie HOTEL In.atead of of BBBWerlBf tha qti*"-tlona, wtre all was qt- the railroad repreaontnt'ves prodtired Want Strike Ended. a etatement thry called a "yardsfirk," One woman, attempting to ;o In the in which the arrnrigement under which i men is side entrs- :!ding, thev I have the work, McALPIN recognized ' was ln the evrnt of the adoptii.n of the f|HE ¦.: wv&mffiaamfr- at 103 Madison Avenue, 81 waa measnred up. The in by a woaan picket of ample si." elj-ht-hour day. as one of the greatest hotels and demanded union official" Ifl annourced j blocked tire doorway beeii framed war.'ed. Whfl« ad know > what e tentlon of curblng the ,. the world by those who THE BUSIEST "Wor'r plled: ty of the men. "You can't work here. Nobody works "lf .¦¦ eonelflBion ^^ are in of your coi tha hotels. Yet there millions MERCANTILE two children and four r:o-v. I have eicht-hour dav Is aecepted, then there times a week I come from Bayonne to ee of never hotels. walk around. It cost me 25 cents each ." raid -\. this country who have studied CENTER OF e ur.ion only give raa nduct- 1 used to da only to curb Their information comes from what they a.; NEW YORK. make l D0W n0'*' Maybe the* ee, rrpreser* ns* the PeBB- cat there. Jhey aylvania Railroad. tl ei plained why read in hotel This thirtern million c\n\\nr o good." yardatiek would answer advertising. * this th' q led bv the men Cope hotel is iocatod al the buu-etl ¦trike 1 I wiah it would be and BBve the road':! representativea TovV' won¬ v. oman to a as center of .New York. Ita all ovi r from aubmittinsj prillin_ such Mr. Boomer's business is now such *>° *un *na lad been meted out to the men on Sat- who r "K's derful size and remarkable ser- ifyou rk at any pay the union a quarter of have drawn np that yard=*;ek that all of his 1,600 rooms are filled. But vice have made it the Mecca for won't let you tiona," he P "Wa thlnh II fi Bnd, a« far ai wa travellers from every part of the can sei vera all of vour aues- there is much more business to be done in Tartial Peace" Plan. tions re to ask more, world. Within a few blocks are f a shop on West Twenty- howeve *eady to answer them." restaurants of which there are the retail storel fourC- eirle were t Maj Re Voted On. the qreat J located greatest E art of picketing. The anioi I fronri aatis- 1 of New York, including f>d with 'he information contained in more a in Hotel .Id do if a: than dozen the McAlpin.
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