PULBOROUGH. SUSSEX. (KELLY'S"' 554 -- College, Cambridge, and surrogate. Church of England borough,, Sruse:x:, received at 6.20 & 11.35 a:m.; dis­ servioes are also held in the schools at NORTH HEATH pato'hed at 8.30 & 11.55 a.m. & 7.20 p.m.; ~unday~, and NUTBOURNE. There is a Congregational chapel delivered at 6.20 a.m. ~ dispatched at 11.35 a.m. at MARE HILL, erected in 1845, wit-h 130 sittings. A Pulboroug:h is. the nearest telegraph office, three­ market. for corn is -held here every Friday at the Corn quarters of a mile distant Ex<fuange, belonging to the Swan hotel, and a fair on Post Office, Codmore Hill.~C. J. Whippe, sub-post- Easter Tuesday for toys and pedlery ; a stock market master. Letters received through Pulborough.! is held every alternate "Monday. There are almshouses, Sussex, at 7 a.m. & 7·I5 p.m.; dispatched at g.3o built by the late Mrs. Helen Ann Burrell in 1862, wibh a.m. & 7. rs p.m. ; sundays, delivered at 7 1l.ttl. ~ dis­ an income of £12 yearly. A sum producing about £68 patched at 6 p.m. The nearest money order &i tele­ yearly was bequealihed by the Rev. J()hn Austin, late graph office is at Pulborough, 1 mile distant r!'Ctor, in 1856, for the education of poor children ; t•he Post Office, Nutbourne.-Mrs. Harry Gocher, sub-post­ bishop of t.he diocese and the rector and chuTchwardens mistress. Letters received through Pulborough, of Pulborough are the trustees. Old Place, of which Sussex, at 6.40 a.m. & 12.35 p.m. ; dispatched at some remains are still standing, was formerly one of the 11.10 a.m. & 7·5 p.m.; sundays, delivery, 7 a.m.; seats of the Apsley family; the portions of the former dispatch, 11.20 a.m. Mare Hill is the nearest money residence now existing are used as stables and barns. order office, I mile distant, & West Chiltington the The principal landowners are Lord LeC'onfield, the Mar­ nearest telegraph office, 2 miles distant . ques-s of Abergavenny K.G. and Capt. Sir Waiter Balfour Wall Letter Boxes.-Churoh Hill, cleared at g.2o & Barttelot hart. of Stopham. The soil is various, the ri.IO a.m. & 12.I0, 4.30 & 7·45 p.m.; ~undays, 6.20 north part of the parish being strong clay, while the p.m.; Lower Strakon, cleared at 9 & 11 a.m. 12 noon south is loamy. The chief crops are corn and roots, but & 4· 15 & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 6 p.m. ; Pottenhurst., a considerable portion of the parish is brook or meadow cleared at 6.45 p.m. week days only; Railway sta­ land. The area is 6,3s6 acres of. land, 39 of water and tion, cleared a.t 1.30 (except monday), 9·5 & I0-55 15 of tidal water; rateable value, £14,027; the popula­ a.m. 12 noon & 4.20 & 7.5o p.m.; sundays, 1.30 a.m. tion in 1901 was 1,725. & 6 p.m. ; Piekhur.st Corner, cleared at 8.40 a.m. & NUTBOURNE is a manor belonging to the Marquess 7· ro p.m. ; sunday!!, 8.40 a. m of .Abergavenny K.G. and a. tithing Df Pulborough. PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Police Station, Robert Arthur Pollington, sergeant, & I constable Pulborough (mixed & infants), built in 1859 & enlarged Post,· M, 0. & T. Office (Letters should have Sussex in r8g4, for 200 children; average attendance, 165; added).-Frederick Waiter Wailer, sub-postmaster. William Mason, master; Mrs. Harriett Mills, infants' Letters arrive from London & all parts at 1.37 & mistress · 10.20 a.m. & 5-30 & 9.8 p.m.; delivery, 6.45 & u.rs The school is controlled by 6 managers ; Rev. G. H. a.m. & 6.5 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30, 10.15 & 11.45 Milner B.A. correspondent · a.m. & 12.30, 5 & 8 p.m. ; sunday delivery, 6.45 North Heath (mixed), built in 1858-g, enlarged in xgos, fl.m.; dispatch, 6.30 p.m. Telegraph office open for 130 children ; average attendance, 105 ; Miss Annie week days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sunday, 8.30 to Gardiner, mistress ro a.m. There i-s a. telegraph office at the TBilway Nutbonrne (mixed), built in 1871 & enlarged in 1905, for station 6o children; average attendance, 45; Mrs. Mary Post & M. 0. Office, Mare Hill.-Miss Amelia Fanny Albery, mistress Willmer, sub-postmistress. Letters through Pul- Railway Station, Henry Mitchell, station master (Marked thus * receive letter~ Langdale Edwd. Fuller, Brool~:side cot Barling Mark Reuben, grocer through Billingshurst.) Lees Edward, Nutbourne Bensted Wm. By. fa.rmer, Lower hill PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Mason William, School house Bignell Percy, insur. agt. London rd Archdeacon Timothy Melsome Miss, Bridge house Blunden John, blacksmith Aysh John Dunning, Cobbet house Milner Rev. George Herbert D.A. Booker Cornelius, beer ret. Lower st Baggallay Rev. Frederick M. A. (rector (curate), Mount Pleasant Hooker Ernest, carpenter,. Lower st & surrogate), Rectory Moase Alfred, Wickford vil. Mare hill Dooker Wa~ter, farm ·bailiff to John Baker Mrs. Morrant, Nutbourne manr N eale Frank, Down view llarley esq. Beedings farm Boxall John, The COOars Pankhurst Thomas, Elmhurst Bowler Edward, dairy, Lower street Brereton Rev. Cecil (rector of Hard­ Praetorius Chas.Jas.Upfold,North hth Brewer George, brick maker, Station ham & Burton-with-Coate.s ), Fair Price Harrv,- Arun Bank Brockhurst Al'bert, butcher V18W.- Reynold<S Mis-s, Mill house Burchell James, tobacooni.st Burnett Wm. Gordon, Coombelands Rice R Garraway J.P., F.S.A Burnett William Gordon, farmer, *Castrell George, Broadmead Carpenter's hill Coombelands farm Child Charles Stanley, Sunningdale Rutherford Mrs *Burson Fredk. farmr.Bridgewater fm Clement John Robert, Laurel mount St . .Aubyn Molesworth Beville, Toat Butler Benjamin, builder & contrac­ Cole Miss farm tor, sanitary engineer &c. Wharf Cummings Arthur Bcrnard, Nary- Scutt G. (Congregational Evangelist), house & Codmore hill croft. Pottenhurst Mare Hill Butler Edv.ard, farmer, Pcnfolds Da.vies-Collcy Misses, Borough Sewell Mrs. The Elms, Nutbourne farm, Codmore hill De.wdney .Albert Curtis, Glenbrook Shaft William Ed'Ward, Carne lodge Carpenter James,wheelwright,Mare hl Ellis Mrs. Robert, Brook house Slater Miss, Holly cottage Charman Brothers, farmers, Little Farhall Miss, Elmleigh Spear George Arthur Whitworth, Brinsburv, North heath Foot Emest George, Cburch house Coppice hanger Charman John,- farmer, Pythingdean Freud Edward Charles B.A.. The Croft, Sturgess Col. Arthur Hutchison, Chatfield Himry William (exors. of), Lower ·street Wances, North heath wheelwrights, Codmore hill Go1'6 M. Reginald Edward R.N. & *Thompson George Anson, New Child Arthur, plumber & glazier Lady Viol'<!,. Broomers house Bridge house Child J a ne Thorpe (Mrs.), dress tp.a. *Gosnell Duncan Harry, Rov.ner Tampkins Mrs. Church place Lower street Gtluld John Hugh M'Neile, Hi"llside Tompkins Newland, The Cottage Chrismas George& Henry, farmer, Gtlwer Mrs. Brook view Whitcher Edgar Charles, Mare hill Holme street & dairyman, Lower st Greenfield William Alfred, The Elms Wickens Miss, The Myrtles Clanfield Jas. farmr. Middlemare frm· Gruber Mrs. Court villa Woodman Thomas Comyns M.A., Clement ..irthur Ireland, farmer Gvll Gm-don Wm.Stone cot. Hare hill LL.D., F.R.S.L. The Old house CDrden Louis Nicholas, chemist Haines Oharles Reginald M.A., F.S.A. Wright Capt. Henry Adolphus Smith. Corrall & CD. coal mer.;;. Lower st Skeyne h,ouse Nutbourne Place Daimon Brothers, butchers, Lower et Hard John, .Sandown COIOIERCIAL. Daimon Henry, farmer, Codmore hill Hargrave Mrs. TDdhurst Early closing day, Wednesday 2 p.m. Dilllaway Mary Jane (Mrs.), saildler Hargrave Waiter, Brinsbury manDr Adames William, farmer, Old pla.ce Down Charles, assistant supt. Pruden- Barley John M.D. Beedings Alibery J ames Charles, farm bailiff to . tial Assurance Co. Ltd. London rd Helme Robert Masterman J.P. Lee Hugh Davies-Colley esq.Borough fm Dudman Hy.Durrant,farmer,Batts C'O~ Place (postal address, Wisboro' Allen Fredk. jobbing gdnr. Lower st Eames Leonard Horwood, fanner, Green, Billingshurst, Sussex) *Allfrey Wm.Hy.frrnr.Stall House fm Upper Nash farm Holloway Henry Thos. 3 Golden ter Archdeacon Timothy L.R.C.P. & S. Etheridge Clement, chimney sweep, Gamblin Rev Robt. M.A.St.Margaret's Edin., L.F.P. &; S.Glas. phy;;ician Mare hill Jnpp Mrs. Henleys, Lower street & surgeon, see Foot &; Archdeacon Evans William, farmer, Nutbonrne Kirt.on Hardwick A. E~ Northwood Atfield Jn. Chas. bill poster,Ferry ho Evershed James Mann, farmer, Put• Knight. Mr!!. :M . .1. Riverside A.tfield Wm. David, butcher, Lower &t tack's farm .
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