
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. New Mexico State Police 1973 ANNUAL REPOR1" I • c > BRUCE KING MARTIN E. VIGIL CHIEf' GOVER!'iOR ,'--------------'---'----"--""----------- ------- - 'v .. ~e~ ~exiro ~hlte Joliet P. O. BOX 162H SANTA FE. NEW MEXICO H7501 Mi\ RTiN F. VI( ;11. IIIwn: KIN(; CO i.o N It I. (;OVI'HNflH April .1S, ]974 The Honorable Bruce King, Governor Members of the Legislature Members of the State Police Board Citizens of New Mexico It gives me great pleasure to submit this report on the 1973 activities of the New Mexico State Police Department. The information the report contains reflects the continuing efforts of the members of the Department to increase efficiency of operations and improve service to the public. or parti(:ular i.mport;)[lce during 1973 was the reorganization of the Department bnsed upon recommendations developed by the lnl:erniltionnl Association of Chiefs of Police during a 1971 - 72 management study. Improvement in the efficiency of departmental operntions and tightening of controls through a system of inspections and internal affairs investigations were realized almost immediately and the results are very gratifying. This single step, of the many undertaken during the year, should prove to be One of major importance in corning years. We wish to express our thanks to the Governor, the Legislature, the State Police Board, the many visitors to and the citizens of our State and many others, for without their support, the achievements we recorded would not have been possible. Respectfully submitt 7 r\)t.i: ~.... 'rrtiT& E. VIGIL, CHIEF" NEW MEXICO STATE POLICE MARTIN E. VIGIL MEV/dck CHIEF o .. NEW ME Xleo S TAT E POLICE BOARD Mr. Lawrence Goodell Secretary Artesia Mr. Oscar Mahlon Lov~, Jr. Chairman Alb~querque Mr. Pilar Sachs Belen Nr. .1ohn J. Coury Vice Chairman Santa Rosa Mr. Harry Eaves Hobbs ~ .. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Reorganization • 1-2 CHIEF' S OFFICE ---...... -- ... _--- Staff . • 4 Governor's Security •••• • 5 Legal Section • . • • • 6 Inspections & Inter~nal Affairs • • · 7-8 ----CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION- BUREAU Criminal Division • 10-12 Narcotics Division 13-18 Intelligence Division • 19-20 Central Accounting • • 22-27 Crime Laboratory • • 28-30 This report was edited and assembled Information Division • • 31-33 by the Planning and Research Division Personnel & Training Division • • 34-44 from materials provided by the various Planning & Research ,Divisiop • • 45-49 districts, divisions and sections of the Property & Procurement Di,dsion • 50-51 New Mexico State Police Department. UN IFOHNED BUREAU Final editing and report assembly was handled by Officer Nelson tvelch, on District 111 • 53-54 loan to the Planning and Research Dis trict 112 • 55-56 Division by District One. District'II3 57-58 District 114 • 59-60 District tis • 61-62 Dis trict 116 63-64 Dis trict 117 • • 65-66 District 118 • 67-68 District fl9 · .' 69-70 Dis trict 1110 • • • 71-72 District till . • 73-74 Aircraft Operations • 75-78 Pistol Team . • • • • 79 Ground Search 5 Rescue • 80 Water Search & Recovery • 81-82 STATISTICS }funpower & Workday • • • 84 Field Division Activity . • . • • • • • • 85-B6 Criminal Bureau Activity • 87-88 Administrative & Governor Security Activity • 89 'Field Division Breakdown & Citations • • •• 90-98 Information Division Activity • 99-104 Narcotic Activity 105-111 Accident Breakdown • • • • • • • 112-113 ! '. ,1 J ---,------------------------------ -- - REORGANIZATION N~W HrXICO STATE POLICE ORGAlmATIOllfil CHART Under 11 contractual agreement, funded by the Law Enforcement Assistance CtlV~R.'1()R f- Administration, the International Association of Chiefs of Police con­ ducted a management study of the New Mexico State Police Department dur­ ing Lhe latter part of 1971. or the many recommendations contained in STATE POl.IC~ the reSUlting report, published in January 1972, perhaps the most sweep­ SOARD Lng i.nvoJved the efficiency of the existing departmental organization. ,,'c)r InsLance, it was estabJ ished that the Field Deputy Chief had the un­ heard toL<ll of thirteen widely disperseci commanders reporting directly Lo II 1.,11. Him 1"1 ar excessive spans of control vJere found in other areas of CHIEF f- Llle DepartmenL, making it quite evident that reorganization for the sake of improved efficiency was mandatory. GOVER.~OR' S ADMI!HSTRATIV£ INSP£CTIO~S AND SECURITY SECTION Using the I.A.C.P. study report as guideline, the Chief and the Board LEGAL ADVISOR INTER.'1AL AFFllRS developed plans for reorganization that incorporated a host of the re­ Captain Attorney HajOl: .- port recommendation's into one major move. On July 1, 1973, the new orgallj za tion became ef fee tlve. The more noteworthy changes incorporated into the reorganization included formal division of the Department into three 'bureaus' - Criminal Invest­ 1 igation Bureau; Services Bureau and Uniformed Bureau - placement of the CRIMINAL UNIFORMED BL'REAU SERVICeS BUREAU former staff inspectors into the positions of "Zone Commanders" under AI;.C?~\FT SECTIllN INVEST,lGAlIO)! BUREAU H I Depu ty Chief Lieutenant Lhe Uniformed 13ureau Deputy Chief; creation of a formal Inspections and Major Deputy Chief internal Affairs Up it as an arm of the Chief's Office; creation of the Criminal Investigation "Zones" to handle general criminal investigations I as distinguished from marcotics and intelligence 0perations; creation of L~TELLICl(NCE NARCOTICS CE:lTRA), the Information Division by combining the former Communications and .~ INFORMATION PLA.'1~ IN G A!iO DIVISIO)! DIVISION ACCOUNr::;G D:VISI0N 1 RESEARCH l{ecords Divisions under the command of one Captain and deSignation of Captain Captain Dit'ector Ca?tain [ Captain ~ -1 I I 1I I the Crime Laboratory as a separate division of the Department. !ISVES UGATIO~ 11NVES'I~GATIO!1 CRIME PERSO:;SIlL A!~D ,'ROPIlRT)' 1\.;;) ZO!iE A l ZO!lE B LABORATORY TRAI!H!;G I t PROCUREl'.ENT By year's end, the new organizational structure was functioning smoothly Uoutenant I I Lieutenan t Director Captain Captain I l 1I J and project increased operational efficiency was becoming quite evident. I ' 3 I Santa Fe rl Roswell I 2 4 1 Las Vegas ~ H l.aa Cruces 1 .~ If Gbuq:.rque Alall1op,ordG. ~ATP.oL ZONI:! 'A PATRO!. ZO:U:: ~ H 1 f-- ZO:U: COHl'.t.:WER I- ZO;,!:! CO!%I!WEF f- 6 Major !iajQr 9 I GnUup l- H Clov1a I 2 7 11 l Eapanola ~ Y Socorro I 10 I P.rlllingtOll r LEGAL SECTION GOVERNOR'S SECURITY The Legal Section handles legal questions, attempts to prevent legal problems and works toward keeping members of the New Mexico State Police aware of The Governor's Security Section of the evolving law. New Mexico State Police is a three-man Section assigned to the Governor of the During the long session of the Legislature, the State of New Mexico to provide security Legal Advisor revie~.,.ed, all bills. Pertinent ones for the Governor and his :f:annediate family. were discussed ~1ith the Chief and other members In addition to providing security for of the Agency and were followed through committee the Governor~s Office at the State Capitol hearings and amendments for final signature. and at the Governor's Mansion, security Joyce Blalock After enactment, copies of amendments and additions is provided for the Governor during all Attorney to the ?-lotor Vehicle Code and the Criminal Code Captain Charles A. Pack in-state and out-of-state trips. These were distributed to State Police officers and were given to the New Mexico 18 Years of Service services are also provided for the Lieu­ Law Enforcement Academy for dissemination to other policemen. tenant Governor during the time the Governor is out of the State. In the spring, the New Mexico State Police held ten in-service schools. The Legal Advisor discussed new statutes and court decisions and team-taught The Officers assigned to this Section also serve as drivers for the with Captain Melvin West on the use of force. The concern of the entire Governor and the First Lady. This includes taking the Governor to Department with proper use of force is demonstrated by the relatively few and from the office and to lunch daily. These Officers also serve lawsuits against State Police officers which allege such abuse. Other as drivers and security fo~ the First Lady ?uring all out of town lecturing assignments for the Legal Advisor were in the State Police Recruit trips. School and in a variety of classes at the Academy. Three State Police,Officers, Captain C. A. PacK, Sergeant D. O'Dell A written Agreement, between the New Mexico State Police and the Navajo and Officer E. Lujan, are assigned full-time to this Section. These Police Department, to commission Navajo policemen to act as New Mexico peace Officers rotate days, in o'rder to provide twenty-four hour security, officers was finalized in 1973. Sixty-seven Navajo officers were trained in seven days a week. In addition to these Officers, Field Officers New Mexico law and procedures. The Legal Advisor instructed in classes on are often called upon to provide additional security as well as New Mexico courts and laws. transportation for the Governor and other V.I.P.s during special events or when they travel into other areas of the State. Insurance matters absorb much of the time of the Legal Section. Members of the Agency are protected under numerous policies and frequent questions arise The Officers in this Section are members of the National Governor's as to the extent of the coverages. An added benefit afforded State Police Security Officers Association and by mutual agreement provide officers by a 1973 statute was group term life insurance. Also, the Peace security and transportation for Governors and other V.I.P.s travel­ Officers Liability Act, a 1973 law, set up a mechanism to obtain broad ing into their respective States.
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