■ti'dg. * Xsml* Jaffa this pur­ '1btt**d,.Ms*L^'WaniA Th* W c ^ 'i l Homs iM gn * of o. th* Salvation Army wlU oonduot Its chased from John p. OtHomr- u T0W N «w ««ai Christmas sal* and eafsterla b u U d ^ lot on Brookflald strset on Ruck'd'a^hipi, who' 1* In' charg* of supper ' nrarsday; Deoember 10, which he wiU buUd a boms In the dsooTiktlnjfe rra toidgMi rmidag flUr. ATPARIDBIETOnWF Urik n t ^ Barter wUl te from B to 9:80 la th* lower baU. spring. This land is located on th* • M m Wuoii to b i west aid* af Brookflald street and is mlstresa, Mr*. Ludus Booster will, I^ a fkateirt SeUim MANCHESTER— A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM one of the first lota sold from the ■paak tor tb* ’Bothers and June th* Old TliiMn MM m Charles R. Turner, president of Tendmttoin Stesk with MmhrqoBUi Franch Fries, If^ess Ofl BnraerOii tbe Market Cheney property. Other lota ar* to Annual Affair to Be Held at Ruckdaachel tor Um daughters. Tba _ Otjqnploi on TtanM* the Connecticut secuon of the vesl Steak with MmdurooiUi, Fimich fYfes, Peas (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBMTilf be offered there and also on Summit Hlghlanda Gnbhonae-^ BIrs. g]M*t speaker sriU'b* Mr*. Ray^ (I AffrertlMag *i» Fage U .) MANCHESTER, CONN:, MONDAY, DECEBIBER 7. 193« D ij, poatponod bocnuao American Vocational association, VOL. LVL, NO. 57 s t p t . In the same vidnlty. Fitch Barber to Preside. mond A. Dudley, wif* of a mis­ Spaghetti and M wt BaBi ' Vcal Cdtieta oondIHiwV wfll b* pWJTfl; WlU be th* speaker at the meeting ■ perndtUnir tomorrow. Ail sionary who was stationed for IT Ot the Manchester KljMnls club Steamed Claaia .pnoMda tor thta gmmo nr* u»ed to The Communion servloe origtnally Mother* and daughters Uvlng in yeara in India. Sh* I* at prasentrat Monday noon._The meeting will be Yon don’t know what you’re missiiig if'yon haven’t tried ’ Horldo oomtorto for U>* retormn* In announced for tomorrpw at the th* Highland Park section, and the Hartford Seminary foundation. Crowds Wait At Palace For Their Monarch’s V ^ ic t E m u rto n borpltnl. AU player* bald In the audiforlum of the State South Methodist eburOh has bean wives and daughters of employees She will tell of her experience* In our good things to entl Trad* .tcbool and Director John EXPECT EFFORT postponed until next Sunday beeauae of Case Brothers, will enjoy their India and exhibit costumes and gScbmallaa who was inatnimental In ___ ^3 p. M. of the Address that wlU be given by annual Mother and Daughter ban­ curios. p in e End Dance — H ave a Good Time ; a;80 p. m. securing Hr. Turner acclaims him BL H. Munson of Chln'A quet tbla evening at tbs Highland as "eaoeptlooally good and witty.” KING EDWARD GIVEN T Park Community clubbeuse. Tba Beer On Tap , < BY REBELS TO <UJl mM^lnr e< the private duty Mr. Bchroallan wlU also furnish the The Women’# Dlvlalon of meal will be serv^ at 6 o’clock and miTM wlU be held Monday attendance prise and a 100 per cent Chester 7. M. C A. will Ivjld Its will Include meat loaf, mashed tur­ S t 4 o'clock at th* CUnlo building attendance of the Klwanlans U monthly business meeting Monday nip* and potatoes, carrots, pickled A H B * ¥ cut STORNMIRID AD&I a 9 RATE £ Haynes atieet hoped for. evening at 7:30 In the banquet ball. beets, mixed pickles, rolls, coffee AOTb said taCCB BBFAIBINa After a brief bueineas aeaalon, a and apple pie. The committee pre­ SPAGHETTI PAUCE Manchester Tent, Nh. 3, n. R. Munson, who has been a T< game period will be enjoyed, and paring it includes Mr*. Qerda Orr, AO Work Onanuiteedt 37 Oak Street Open Snnteys qf th* Maccabees, will give a puimc MCA. worker In China since 1910, Mrs. Walter Wlrtalla, dancing Bear 86 Cooper Street Artillery Barrage on the TO MAKE FINAL chairman;, Mrs. Estelle Hillman, Mid regional secretary there for 30 m d party after Ita meeting Wed- teacher at the T., will remain to Mrs. Annie Slnnamon, Mrs. Eleanor Bstabilshed 1931 nesdur evening of neat week /to yeara wlU be the guest speaker at prompt the members and their O'Brien, Mrs. Bessie Strickland, ■metunds for the Chriotmaa party the morning worship period at the guesta in old-faahloned dancea such ArgneDes Sector k Be- ^ A. I*. Brown Junior Court. South Methodist church tomorrow, aa the Virginia reel. Refreshmenta With the and bis message wlU be one ot gen­ will be served. Beved Prehide to Great , ggre, John Alblaton of 848 Center eral Interest to all and particularly *«m i s t l e t o e ; a n d Baldwin Says Monarch ijtreet will entertain ^ e Daughtom T. M. C. A, members. He wlU apeak, ADVERTISEMENT— WATKINS BROS. “THIN-MIX” f f s t George and their friend* Wed- before St. Mary’s Toung People’s HOLLYBERRY” BINGO Attack Ihrongh Snbnrk London, Dee. INCORPORATED Select your Xmas cards from our i^sday evening of next week. Bingo Fellowship In the afternoon and In ^ (Old English Play) Fuel Control Minister Stanley Baldwin’s state­ ganatio marriage, no advice Win be plasred. Rockville in the evening. - He baa assortment of over 300 styles. We ROBERT K. ANDERSON Amiy and Navy Club been tendered by the government to Precipitated The Crisis And Christmas Sale ment In the House of Commons to­ been a member of the Board of Di­ alM have the Edgar Quest cards In Funeral Director Madrid, Dec. 7— (A PI —Fascist Hto Majesty, with whom oil my Sunset Rebekah Lodge will hold boxes F. B. Bray* Jeweler, State JiOW First Cost day concerning the constitutional converastions have been strictly rectors of the Methodist Anglo- Center Church House rtUleiy blasted a path through the ' Its regular meeting Monday evening Chlnese College of Foochow and la Tiisater^ldg. Funeral service In home­ 'TONIGHT ~ 8 Yean To Pay capital’s suburbs today in what crisis involving King Edward and personal and Informal. at 8 o’clock. Plans will be made at the present district chaplain of the 8:30O’CIo(di S o r b e t commanders feared v Mrs. Wallis Simpson follows: "These matters were not raised tide time for the annual Chrlatmaa Tuesday, December 8 like BurrOtindings. First Minister Assures World That King Edward Masonic lodges In Hongkong and Awiplees Gronp 4 Low Operating Cost an effort to storm the city. Insur­ *T am glad to have occasion to first by the government but by Hla ty Deeembcr 31. Mias Blda SPECIAL! FREE TURKEYS I gent batteries crumpled blocka ot Majesty himself in conversation South China, He will have an In­ 142 EAST CENTER ST. make a further statement un tbe tchulot la chairman of the com- teresting message to brinj to these Bale Opena at 6 P. M. Admission......... ............................... 25 cents Entirely Automatic w>m6 weakened apartments with a Cabinet's position. with me some weeks ago when be t Play B ^ n a 8 O’clock. Not Be Rushed Into AhA^cation— Says He wiD Have idttee of arrangements. gatherings. Telephone: barrage in the Arguelles sector, “In considering this whole matter first informed roe of hie intention We HAVE The Quiet Operation hardest hit by recent Fascist air Admission SSo. OSSce 5171 House 7494 Make Yonr Reservations Now for New Year’s Evel It has always been and’ remains the to marry Mis. Simpson whenever • Th* Board of Dlfpctora of the Charles Keller of Philadelphia, raids. earnest desire of the government to she should be free. Ample Opportunity to " Weigh the Decision Between Fast Action The steady pounding of ahella In ^vln gs Bank of Manchester will who has been conducting ■ series of Fuel You Want afford His Majesty the fuUest op­ “Tbe subject boa therefor* been enjoy a turkey dinner at 8 o’clock Reliable tba devastated neighborhood, de- for some time in the King's mind revival meetings at the Gospel HaU, tosse officers believed, portended portunity of weighing tbe decision His Heart and A e Throne.” Monday evening at the Marlbor- 164 Center street, will preach at the which involves so directly hla own and as soon aa Hla Mbjeaty has ar­ qngb clubhoiise, and foUow It with swift effort by tbe Fascists to strike 3 and 7 p. m. meetings there tomor- Dependable Performance through Madrid’s outskirts from future happiness and the intereata rived at th* conclusion oa to tbe Ske regular monthly board meeting. Mr. KeUer wUl also Conduct * K o p p e r s DINE AND DANCE that direction. of ail bis subjects. course the desires to take, he will London, Dec. 7.— (A P )— Eng­ "At the same time they cannot but no doubt communicate It to the gov­ KmO EDWARD 8TAMFS services every evening the coming $41.00 d r a w i n g Others foresaw an Insurgent drive land’s first minister, Stanley Bald-: ..Manchester Camp No. 3640, Roy­ week at 7:46, except Saturday. The TONIGHT ^ $ from the north-east, until now be aware that any consldet;shle pco* ernment In this country and tb* SOUGHT BT CXILLEOTOM. al Neighbors, will meet at the home general public wlU be welcome. C o k e a comparatively quiet sector, after loDgatlon of tbe present state of dominions. win, aaoured Britain and the world '^df Heeofdef lUoliel Munsle, 123 ^ DOWI ^ 00 38 trirtnotored bombers mined s u q ^ s e and miewtolnty-wo(iM in* *Tt-will than he tor those-BOVr tod^F that Xiag.iidward wlU not ha.
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