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BIJ3LIOGRAPHY \ 1.0 POLICE AIlMINTSTRATION --1.1 -- IIIII 1,8 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 IN MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NA110NAL' BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A EUROPE Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with the standards set forth in 41CFR 101·11.504 • Points of view or opinions stated in this document are Fobruary, 1975 those of the author[s) and do not repres'8nt the official position or policies of the U.S. Department 0,' Justice. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION' NA TlONAl CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFERENCE SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20531 r"-- --~---- ' .. • D a ,t,e f jim' ed~ \12/5/75 ' ----,-.... --'-''"'-- . l'oleQraphlc ad :t,t:" : '" ••• ~ , ~ .. "" .. • 2. I Alderson, J.C. Tho police we deserve. London, Wolfe Publishing Co., 1973, 158 p. i i nella Repubblica Federalc Tedesca (The police I Bonatesta, V. Lo forze di pol z a bl') R BGegna dell' Arma dei Carabinieri " Antuofermo, A. I nuovi compiti della polizia giustiziaria secondo la legge-delega . forces in thb Gorman Foderal Repu ~c. a por la riforma del C.P.P. (The new responsibility of jUdioial police according (Roma), vol. 20, no.4, 1972, p.641-6 53). to the law authorizing reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure). Rasse~a del1'Arma dei Carabinieri(Roma), vol.22, no.4, 1974, P.527-544. t t V Le f'orze di poliz~.a in Olanda ( Police i n H0 l land) ~ Rassegna dell'Arma Dona deias Carabinieria, • (Roma ) , vol..19 , no.,4 1971 ,.p 721-74.3. Arcabae.so, C •. I~ fermo di polizia (Police arrest). Rassegna dell'Arma dei Carabinieri, Homa, vol.22, no.3, 1974, p.359-375. eria nazionale francese (French gendarmerie). Rassegna Bonatesta, V. La gendarm. i (R ) vol?1 no.6 1973, p.997-1013. dell' Arma dei Carabin~er oma, .~. , , Daker, E,R. General Police duties. 3rd. edition, London, Dutterworths, 1971. re bblicana di Parigi (Republican Guc;rd in Paris). Danton, M. Police-community relations. London, Collins, 1973. 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The common law of the Police to control publio meetings. Modern La;.; -------- , Review (London), vol.36, no.6, 1973, p.587-599. , Cain, Maureen E. On ·the Beat: Interactions and Relations in Rural and Urban Police Forces. In: Images of Deviance. Ed. S. Cohen. Middlesex, Eng. Blankerburg, E.; Feest, J. Seleo'hve"'strafvertolgung (Selective Lali enforoement by penguin Books Ltd., 1971, 252 p. the police). Kriminologisches JOUl'nal (Hamburg), vol. 1, no.2, 1969, p.30-35. Carrol J.W. Task foroe: the first year: Liverp~~13~~ns t ., Liverpool. Police JOQ~nal Bonatesta, V. La Gendarmeria Belga (Belgium Gendarmerie). Rassegna dell'A.rma dei (Chichister, Eng.), vo1.43,no.10, 1970, p.3 - • Carabinieri (Roma), vol.19, no.2, 1971, p.280-305. Conquest, R. The Soviet police sys t em. London, Bodly Head, 1968, 103 p. :. 4· '"~ ! Feest, J.; Lautmann, R. Die Polizei. SoziolorQ.sche Studien und Forschungsberiohte. \ \ it (I Cordero di Vonzo, C. 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