. An Evaluation of Manítobar s eultural Resources for lforld Herítage Designatísn A Practicum Submitted in Partial FuIfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Natural Resources Management by Mark J" Stroski Natural Resources Institute The University of Manitoba 177 Dysart Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 January 1 988 Perníssion tras been granted L'autorisation a êtê accordêe to the $[ational LibrarY of à Ia Biblíothèque nationale Canada to nicrofilm thie du Canada de microfilmer thesis and to 1end or sell- cette thèse et de Prêter ou copies of the filn. de vendre des exemPl,aires du film. The ar¡thor (copyright' owner) L'auteur (titulaire du droit has reserved ot'her d o auteur ) se rêserve Les publ-i.cation rights, and autres droits de publícation; ne i ther the thes i s nor ní la thèse ní de longs extensive extracts from it' extraits de celle-ci ne may lre printed or otherwíse doivent être i.mprimês ou reþroduðed t¿ithout hie/her autre¡nent reprodults aana aon written pernieeion. autorlsation êcríte rsBN 0-3L5- 47934-5 AN EVALUATION OF MANITOBA'S CULTURAL RESOURCES }.OR WORLD HERITAGE DESIGNATION by Mark John Stroski A practicum subm¡tted to the Faculty of Craduate Studies of the universíty of Manitoba in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Natural Resources Management. @ r98B Permission has been granted to the LIBRARY OF THE uNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA to lend or sell copies of this practicum,totheNATloNALLlBRARYoFCANADAto microfilm this practicum and to lend or sell copies of the film, and uNIvERSITY MICROFILMS to publish an abstract of this Practicum. Theauthorreservesotherpublicationrights,andneither . the practicum nor extensive extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the authorrs permission. ÀSTRAET The Convention concerning the Protection of the WorId CulÈural and Ñatural Heritage, normally referred to as the ;wãiiA-Heritage Convention" was adopted.by tÞe UNESCo General Confeience in 1972" The objective of the World Heritage Convention is to ensure as far as possible, the ;;;ñ;-ident.if ication, protection, conservation and ãi-irr" toórid's irrepÍaceabre heritage" one of õrããã"t"ii.n goals of the Convention is to define this shared iirã-piimary World téiltug. bi ðompiling- a "Wor1d Heritage List'" The ;i;;i¡;õ; r,ist iãenti iies cultural and natural properties considéred to be of outstanding universal value, and by ;i;r;;-oi ttris quality, especiãffy worth safeguarding for future generations. The primary objective of this study vras to determine if any ..rfiutaf äit.-in Manitoba meets the requirements for n"t lnation as a [.]orld Heritage Site. This study was commissioned by the Manitoba Department of CuIture, Heritage ;;ã nããreation, Historic Resourðes Branch, and was conducted ãuring the period of June-November ? 1987 " To meet the study objective, a comparative evaluation of 16 cultural "Sites" in Manitoba vras undertaken to aSsess titel;-;bifity-to meet World Heri¡a99 criteria. The results of this evaluaiion-ia"ntified two éites capable of meeting Wãriã Heritage requirements: Tie Creek Petroforms, ald Churchill Weãt pe¡iinsula. Further examination revealed that ãf-ttis time, the Churchill West Peninsula site is the best ã"fi"tul sité for the province of Manitoba to nominate as a Wðiia Heritage Site. Á World Heritage nomination document vras thus prepared for the ChurchiIl West Peninsula site, and ;;;.ñ;;aãtiãns regarding its submission are presented. Ae KNOWTEIEEt¡[ENTS I would like to thank my-Btu.e academic committee for their assistance rná-.*p.iii"": Donaldson, Çhief of History -C;lr;;;;'Herii.g"ñ;;;;;;h,-"istoriã Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of and Recreation; Dr. John Lehr, ch?irman, Manitoba Heri;;õ;-unl;.;"itv õã"""1f; Dr. Jack Romanowski, Professor of il;;;;;hv, or t'tanitoba; and rnv 1:?q"Ti:-?3:isor ' ;;:'Rlãk'Éaydack, Prõfessor, Natural Resources rnstitute' I wish to thank the Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba p"pårl*ãnt of-ôutture, Heri¡a9g and Recreation, for !h" ãpããriüÃltv unã-i"Ãaiás to coñduct this research project' special thanks are extended to Environment canada p"r[ãl-piãiii" and Nort.hern Region, f or the use of their phot.ographs. Finally, I dedicate this work to my wife, Shelley, and to my father, .iotrnr-for their patiencet gncouragement and Ë'..,ni;;;-å;'iÃö"'i,r-t;";s oI ät.'ay' without their presence and iãiif, in me, í wóuid not have accomplished as much as Ï have " 111 CONTENTS íí ÀSTRÀET C ô ' 11r ÀCKNO}TT,EDGEMENTS page Chapter T. Ii¡TRODUCTTON O O "1 Introduction o o ,1 Purpose of StudY "2 Objectives "2 Met.hods .3 5 II" THE VIORLD HERITAGE CON\'ENTION: AN OVERVIEW The WorId Heritage Convention 5 The WorId Heritage Committee 6 The World Heritage List I NominaÈion Procedures 9 The Convention ImPlications and ObI i gat ions " 11 World Heri[age Sites - North America . 13 WorId Heritage Sites - Nomination Strategy " 14 ITT. CUTTURAL STTE EVAT.UATION "20 Methods 20 Review of CulturaI Sites 23 The Exchange District 23 "The Forks" . 24 Mennonite Block Settlement 25 Icelandic BIock Settlement 26 CarberrY District 26 RieI House National Historic Park 27 St" Andrews National Historic Park 27 Lower Fort Garry National Historic Park 28 Fort Prince of l'¡a1es National Historic Park ' ' 29 Cape MerrY National Historic Site 29 ifãop's cðve National Historic Site ' ' 30 uorwãy House National Historic Site ' ' 31 31 York Factory National Historic Site o o "Fur Trade" Package o " ' 33 Conclusionoo'coo 34 1V Detailed Review of Tie Creek and Churchill WestPeninsula e o o ' 34 Tie Creek Petroform Site o o o o 34 Churchill West Peninsula o o 38 Comparison of Tie Creek vs" ChurchiIl WesL Peninsula.oooco 44 Feasibility of a CuItural/Hatural lilomination o o 47 IICHT'RCHTTT, IV, WORT,D HERITÀGE STTE PROPOSAL IIEST PENINSItf,ATT 53 Specific Location 55 55 - CountrY o o St.ate, Province or Region 55 55 NameofProPertY . o o '. o Exact Location on Map and Geographical Co-ordinates 55 55 Juridical Data trtr Owner o o 59 Legal Status tro neiponsible Administration ao 60 Identi f icat ion o o Description and InventorY 60 Hi story 67 Maps and/or Plans 92 ehõtographic and/or Cinematographic Documentat ion 92 State of Preservation/Conservation 119 Diagnosis .' 119 Agent ResPonsible for Preservat i on/Conservat i on 120 History of Preservation/Conservation 120 Means Eor Preservation/Conservation ô c 121 22 Management. P1ans o o JusÈification 23 BibI iography 28 v. 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY 11r0 Aopendix paqe A. }TEMBER STATES - TORI,D HERITAGE COI'IMITTEE O O 147 B" DEFINITIONS OF THE CUT,TT'RÀL AT.TD NATT'RAL HERITÀGEOO'O 148 CN CRITERIA FOR TITE TNCIUSION OF CT'T,TURÀL ÀND NÀI'TJRÀTJ PROPERTIES IN THE WOR&D HERTTAGE Lrsr.oo.o' 150 ÐO TTST OF U'S. WORID HERTTÀGE STTES O O O ' 1517 E" WORÍ,D HERITAGE NOMTNÀTTON CONTET{T ÀT{D FORMÀT GUrDEtr¡tES o o o o 155 FO CHURCHIT'L BIEST PENTNST'LÀ STTES O O O O 155 LIST OF TABI,ES TabIe 1" List of Canadian World Heritage Sites' . 15 VI LTST OF FTGT'RES Fiqure Paqe 1, Location of Canadian World Heritage Sites. " 16 2. Location of Tie Creek Petroform Site. 36 3" Churchill West Peninsula" " 39 4" Cape Churchill wiLdlife Management Area. " 49 5" Churchill Àrea Land Use. 52 6" Location of ChurchilI West Peninsula Site Nominat.ion, UNESCO CulturaI Heritage List' . .56 7" Regional Context, ChurchiII West Peninsula. ' "57 8. Nomination Site Boundary. .58 o Location of Prehistoric and Historic'Sites on Churchill West Peninsula. " 61 10. ChurchiIl West Peninsula Crown Land Reservation" 90 11" ChurchilI West Peninsula, southeast of Seahorse Ridge, Àugust 1978. 93 12" Churchill West Peninsula, east of the Burch siterJu1y1987. .. 93 1 3. À Pre-ÐorseÈ rectanguJ-ar dwell ing al ignment , August 1978. " " 94 14. À Pre-Dorset burnt rock concentration (hearth), Àugust 1978. " . " 94 15. The remains of a rectangular Dorset house with midpassage, July 1987" " o . 95 16" The remains of an oval Thule house with downslope "entrance", July 1987" . 95 17" A Dorset dwellings' central midpassage, Kayak Cove site, JuIy 1987. o o 96 v].1 18" "Map of ChurchilI Harbour" by Captain Jens Munck" o o o o o o 97 19" HBC post at. Churchill from the northeast, 11 Octoberr1894'.oo 98 20" HBC post at. Churchill, c" 1900. 99 21" Interior of lHudson's Bay Company] post' ChurchiIl, c.1910- 100 22. Igloo on beach near churchill, 20 November 1894. 101 23 His Excel-Iency EarI Grey visiting Eskimo camp' " 102 Churchill, Man. [1 91 0] " 1 0 103 ?4 " Eskimos at ChurchiIl, c. 91 ' " 104 25" A Chipewyan camp near Fort Churchill, 1880" " 105 26" Chipewyan Indians, Churchill' 1910. " 27 " Indian children going to school, Fort churchill 1910" ' 106 107 28. Chipewyan camp, Churchill lt'tan. J , 1910. " 29. Group of Eskimos crossing churchill River on the 108 ice, c. 1912. " 30. Chipewyan woman and child with sled dog loaded itittt camping material, Fort Churchill, summer 1912. 109 31. Eskimos with kayak frames, near Fort churchill, Man,, 1920s. Ruins of Fort Prince of Wales in background" o. 110 32" R"N"w.M"P. Barracks, ChurchiIl, 1906. 111 33. Historic Inuit grave at the Button Bay site, August 1978 " . 112 112 34" Tent ring at the Burch site, August 1978" " 113 35. À kayak rest at the Burch site, JuIy 1987" " 36" Snow goggles found at the Burch site, August 1 g7g. 114 37" A cache at the Burch site, July 1987 . ' ô 114 38. À grave at the Beacon site, July 1987. ô o 115 vl. 11 115 39. Burch site tent ring, July 1987" " 40" A cache at the Button Bay siteo August 1978' .
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