US 20170 105438A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0105438 A1 Ajami et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 20, 2017 (54) MEAT-LIKE FOOD PRODUCTS Related U.S. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 62/244,092, filed on Oct. (71) Applicant: Savage River, Inc. dba Beyond Meat, 20, 2015, provisional application No. 62/250,161, El Segundo, CA (US) filed on Nov. 3, 2015, provisional application No. (72) Inventors: Dariush Ajami, Torrance, CA (US); 62/339,765, filed on May 20, 2016. David Anderson, Agoura Hills, CA (US); Jesse Dill, Los Angeles, CA Publication Classification (US); Timothy Geistlinger, Redondo (51) Int. Cl. Beach, CA (US); Kenny Mayoral, A2.3L I3/00 (2006.01) Redondo Beach, CA (US); Huu Ba A2.3L I3/40 (2006.01) Ngo, Gardena, CA (US); Thomas (52) U.S. Cl. Noriega, Culver City, CA (US); Daniel CPC ............. A2.3L I3/00 (2016.08); A23L I3/426 Angus Ryan, El Segundo, CA (US); (2016.08); A23L I3/422 (2016.08); A23L Deya Suarez-Trujillo, Redondo Beach, 13/42 (2016.08); A23 V 2002/00 (2013.01) CA (US); Michael Timmons, Los Angeles, CA (US); Troy Walton, (57) ABSTRACT Pasadena, CA (US) Provided are food products that have structures, textures, and other properties comparable to those of animal meat, (21) Appl. No.: 15/298,199 and that may therefore serve as Substitutes for animal meat. Also provided are processes for production of Such ground (22) Filed: Oct. 19, 2016 meat-like food products. Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 1 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 F.G. Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 2 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 s WBS hardness : 5000- SWBS Work g 400 isSee as 3000 s 200 s 000 - 2 o 14. 4- Psyllium4 - Psyllium3 6mm Of FG, 2. a'& 3 ore Mean(L), 40.797 40 Sid Dev(L) 199041 dE2000 Meanta"): 21.8124 's 2; Std Devta'); 1.28783 : Mean(b): 16,576 i. Std Dev(b): 0.85856 Mean(dE2000): 4.56243 EE Std DevdE2000): 1,01833 --- Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 3 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 Sealing Method Press Seal L' vs. Age (wks) A Unsealed 4550 VM 40 35 30 - 25 - 50 - 45 40 - 35 30 - 25 - --|--|-- O 2 3. 4. Age (wks Seating Method o Press Seal a vs. Age (wks) A Sealed 175 in Vacuum 5.0 12.5- 10.0 - is 75-w. 17.5- 15.0 - 12.5- 10.0 - Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 4 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 Sealing Method o Press Seal a Sealed b' vs. Age (wks - Vacuum opop 10 e 15. 10. O ? 2 3 4. Age (wks) FG, 33 (Continued) Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 5 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 FG, 4A FG. 43 F.G. C Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 6 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 5°C 80 - 70 - 60 50 - 40 - 30 20 - 10 - % Product Product2 product 3 Product 4 Groun Emulsion lipogel Canoia Oil Bamboo Fiber Coconut Oil Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 7 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 cCs See e Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 8 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 &s & ay N (9909098) Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 9 of 9 US 2017/O105438 A1 : X N xxS. 2 3. 3.S& &§§ §§ §§ §§ §§ ) 00? |00z 00,8- |000 (NAe - peodo) See ce, eu88C US 2017/O 105438 A1 Apr. 20, 2017 MEAT LIKE FOOD PRODUCTS available to consumers that provide as comparable a textural and sensory experience, nutritional benefit, use versatility, CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED cooking experience, and eating experience, and as cheap and APPLICATIONS as Versatile a source of protein, as animal meat. 0001. This application claims priority from Provisional 0005. Therefore, there exists an unmet need for non Application Ser. No. 62/244,092 filed on Oct. 20, 2015: animal-derived protein products that have the structure, Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/250,161 filed on Nov. 3, texture, and other properties of animal meat, that do not 2015; and Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/339,765 filed challenge common nutritional sensitivities, and that provide on May 20, 2016; which are hereby incorporated by refer the use versatility and cooking experiences that consumers ence in their entireties. are accustomed to from animal meat. The present invention provides such and related food products, as well as processes FIELD OF THE INVENTION for their production. 0002 Provided are food products that are not derived SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION from animals but that may serve as Substitutes for animal meat or products derived from animal meat because they 0006. One aspect of the present invention provides meat provide textural and other properties, nutritional benefits, like food products that comprise at least about 25% by use versatilities, cooking experiences, and eating experi weight of one or more meat structured protein products ences that are comparable or Superior to those of animal bound together by one or more binding agents so as to meat or meat derived products. Also provided are processes produce food products that have one or more similar or for production of such meat-like food products. Superior attributes compared to animal meat. In some embodiments, the meat-like food products comprise two or BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION more meat structured protein products having different attri butes. In some embodiments, the meat-like food products 0003 Animal meat is one of the most versatile protein further comprise one or more agent release systems that rich food products available. However, the health and envi impart meat-like attributes to the meat-like food products ronmental benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets are broadly such that the meat-like food products better simulate animal recognized, and consumers are increasingly making con meat. The agent release systems can be distributed in the scious efforts to decrease their intake of animal derived food meat-like food products uniformly or non-uniformly. The items and their unhealthy ingredients (e.g., saturated fatty agents to be released comprised in the agent release systems acids, cholesterol). can impart or enhance meat-like attributes when comprised 0004 To meet the rising demand for vegetarian and in the agent release systems and/or after trigger conditions vegan dietary products and to address the environmental cause their release from the agent release systems. In some burden associated with animal meat consumption, food embodiments, the agent releases systems are emulsions. In Scientists have engaged in efforts to develop protein-rich Some embodiments, the agent release systems are gels. In food products that are not derived from animals but provide Some embodiments, the agent release systems are encapsu similar textural properties and nutritional benefits as animal lates. derived food products. However, such efforts have had limited Success, and accordingly consumer satisfaction with 0007 Another aspect of the present invention provides and acceptance of the new food products have been low. For agent release systems that impart meat-like attributes to the example, no food product is currently available that meat-like food products such that the meat-like food prod resembles animal meat when uncooked (e.g., has meat-like ucts better simulate animal meat. In some Such embodi color, malleability, and use versatility), undergoes meat-like ments, the agents to be released comprised in the agent changes in attributes during cooking (e.g., browns, releases release systems impart or enhance meat-like attributes when sizzling fat, produces meat-like taste, releases meat-like comprised in the agent release systems and/or after trigger aroma, hardens without losing cohesiveness, has various conditions cause their release from the agent release sys stages of doneness), and possesses meat-like attributes when tems. In some embodiments, the agent releases systems are cooked (e.g., meat-like color, aroma, taste, chewiness, cohe emulsions. In some embodiments, the agent release systems siveness, texture). Instead, the available products have are gels. In some embodiments, the agent release systems looser and less complex protein structures that disassemble are encapsulates. easily during chewing, requiring an unsatisfactory, diminu 0008 Another aspect of the present invention provides tive bite force and chewing time, and imparting sensations processes for producing the meat-like food products by of “mealiness”, “rubberiness”, “sponginess', and/or “slimi coagulating meat structured protein products, and optionally ness'. The new food products also cannot trap moisture and agent released systems and/or other ingredients, using one or flavor effectively. And they aim to simulate only cooked more binding agents. animal meat, providing neither the use versatility that 0009. Yet another aspect of the present invention pro uncooked animal meat offers nor the sensory experiences vides extended meat products comprising animal meat prod consumers are accustomed to when cooking animal meat. ucts combined with the meat-like food products provided Furthermore, many of the available products comprise herein. agents such as gluten or soy protein that cannot be consumed by an increasing number of people who are sensitive to these BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS agents or who prefer to not consume them. Lastly, produc tion processes for many currently available meat-like food 0010 FIG. 1 shows a perspective view of a meat-like products are cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly. In food product comprising a burger patty, in accordance with Sum, there are currently no plant-derived food products a representative embodiment of the present invention. US 2017/O 105438 A1 Apr. 20, 2017 0011 FIG. 2 shows bar charts of the Warner-Bratzler released from degradation or other chemical transformation Shear (WBS) strengths (hardness and work) of exemplified or interaction with their environment until trigger conditions high edible fiber components provided herein.
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