
I~ygPF Y "y~ff ~ s~{4 9l+~pP~: , ~ ~~ ' ` ` A mks „ ~`=;x ~~ .a. e 1 imx, .. ~ . t ~.. e-'~ ~~v~ f y f ~~ ~ CALIFORNIA HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS Official Journal of the Division of Highways of the Department of Public Works, State of California FRANK W. CLARK, Director C. H. PURCELL, Stat¢ Highway Engineer J. W. HOWE, Edi4or K. C. ADAMS, Associate Edi4or Published for information of the m¢mbers of the d¢partment and th¢ citizens of California Editors of newspapers and others are privileged to use matter contained herein. Cu!s will be gladly loaned upon request Address communications to CaliFornia Highways and Public Works, P. O. Box 1499, Sacram¢nko, CaliFornia Vol. 17 MARCH, 1939 No. 3 Table of C'onterats Cover Page—Large center picture shows east sine of Shasta. dam site on Sacramento River, terraced by work roads where excavations for the dam foundations are under way. Surrounding scenes show diversion tunnel bore, drillers and equipment at work. Photos courtesy U, S. Bureau of Reclamation. Page Go~~ernor Olson Acts to Secure State Control aircl Operation of Shasta Water and Pa~uer---------------------------------------- 1 Sketch of Shasta Dam Sha«ping Po«per House,. Spill~~ay and Reservoir Lake 3 lIap of Central Valley Project Svstem_ 4 EYeavating Diversion Chaiznel for Sacramento River at Shasta Dam______ 5 Repairing Floocl Damage oi~ All-Year Yosemite. High~~ay_______________ 6 By If7. C. Fos~~czte, Dist~~tict Co~cst~~a~ct4o~ti Eai~z~aeer Picture of Rock Wall Flood Protection Construction on All-Year Yosemite Hi~;hi~~aY -------- ----------------------------- 7 Photo of Finished Section of Pock Wall _______ 8 $ 6,809,000 Cost to Modernize fIigh «~a~~~s in District ~__________________ 9 B~ R. E. Pierce, Dist~•2ct E~~gtineen^ Ilhlstrations of Poor Roacls in District X___ __________________________10-11 Livingston Underpass Qpeized_________ _______________________________ 12 Views of Livingston Underpass and Crowd at Dedication Ceremonies_____12-13 Prado Dam Project Compels Relocation in Santa Ana .Canyon__ __ 14 By A. Evea^ett Smith, flssistant Htiglvway E~~~~i~~Rer Views of Excavation for ~'rado Dam and Newly Graded Hiaht~~av________ 15 New Sepulveda Linl~ Opened, Illustrated___ __________________________16-18 By Ralph d. Myers, Assistant Distrxet Ojfice E~~gilte~i~ New Channelization Features in Oakland, Illustrated ________20-21 By F. D7. Cap°tee-, gssistant tl2aiaxte~va~roce E~v~i~aeer New Bridge Superstructure Placed by Skidding Operation_______________ 22 l3~ O. T. Zlleric7z, Associate B~°i~lge Destiq~~. F,atgi~aeer Photographs of Various Steps in Skidding Bridge Deck Superstructure___. 23 Monthly Report of the Division of Water Resources____________ _ 24 Highway Bids and Awards for the 1Vlonth of February___ _________ 25 Golden Gate Exposition Brinbs Traffic Increase to I3ay Briclge__________26-27 Rumsey Bridge Officially Opened____________________ ___ 28 overnor son cts ~o ecure tats ontro an perat~on 0 hasta ater an Power ITH characteristic energy At the first meeting of the new Governor Olson reiterated his and initiative, Governor California ~'Vater Project Authority wishes in this regard at the Febru- Culbert L. Olson, signaliz- the Governor through Director of ary meeting of the Governor's Coun- ing the launching of his compre- Public Z~orks Frank W. Clark im- cil and coincidentally Director Clark hensive public ownership pressed upon the members of this program, announced he had asked the Legis- as outlined in his inaugural address, governmental agency his predomi- lature fora $250,000 appropriation has «~ithin the last few weeks con- nant desire to hasten completion of to be devoted to preliminary centrated efforts to speed up con- the Central Valley Project and to studies and surveys struction of Central Valley Project. place the State in a position to en- for the Antioch project. ~Iis endeavors in this di- At the Council meeting, the rection have met with highly Governor also stated that Secre- encouraging s u c ce s s and tary of the Interior Harold L. promises of increased cooper- Ickes and John C. Page, Com- ation from the Federal Gov- missioner of the U. S. Bureau erninent. of Reclamation, lave expressed a desire to cooperate in every "This great project," de- wa,y with the State in the de- clares Go~rernor Olson, "is the velopment, operation and main- answer over twenty years to tenance of the Central Valley of untiring endeavors by the Project. people of the Sacramento and Director Clark r e v e a l e d San Joaquin valleys and up- that the State will enter into San Francisco region per Bay negotiations with tiVashington to secure a stabilized water for Federal aid for the Anti- supply. Primarily, the proj- och project either in the form ect designed to provide is for of a Reconstruction Finance navigation improvement and Corporation loan or a P.~~V.A. flood control, furnish and to grant or both. Director Clark vitally needed water supplies added: for our present agricultural, municipal and incdustrial de- "The State would be justi- velopments. But an important fied in providing much more by-product will be hydro- than $250,000 for preliminary electric power. The timE has work on the Antioch project now arrived for the people to alone as it is directly in line prepaxe plans for receiving with what the Reclamation and using the water and Bureau desires us to do." power to be made available, In his inaugural a3dress and these breparations should delivered to the Senate and be started at once in or- Assembly in joint session on der that the full benefits of January 2, Governor the Olson project upon completion said may be realized without de- lay." GOVERNOR CULBERT L. OLSON "The construction of the great Shasta, Dam of the Cen- Early public distribution of power gaffe in public distribution of power tral Valley Project was instituted and water through the medium of and water at the earliest date. as a Federal Government project. the Central Valley Project is one The Federal Government looks to In line with this policy, the Au- of Governor Olson's most important this State and to its subdivisions thority started consideration if not his major governmental ob- of a to be prepared to receive the benefits jeetive. Assuming the office of Chief plan to construct at Antioch a of this project, not only in the equi- Executive on January 2, Governor steam-electric plant and transmis- table distribution of its water, but in Olson lost no time in inaugurating sion facilities therefrom, to furnish the utilization of i~Gs hydro-electric the State Administration's public and distribute power prior to the power, through public agencies. ownership movement. bringing in of Shasta Dam power. "Unless public agencies are pre- pared with distributive facilities to purchase of water and power and it would be ecmzomy to speed up con- receive such power upon the comple- the enactment of necessary enabling struction. He said that developed tion of this huge project, a monopo- legislation to carry out this pro- lands will continue to be abandoned listic power trust would be the only gram. until water is delij~ered and that entity ready to contract with the 4. That the cost of the steam- growth in load in the power market Federal Government for the distribu- electric power plant at Antioch and will be met by private utilities if the tion of this power, with the result necessary transmission and distribu- Central Valley Project power pro- that the people of this and future tion facilities therefrom be financed gram is delayed. generations would be forced to pay by and through the issuance of rev- He added that an enlarged con- unnecessary and exorbitant tolls. It enue bonds by the Water Project struction program would materially shall b~ the purpose of this admin- Authority under the provisions of help to solve California's serious un- istratior.. to promote the means for the Central Talley Project Act em~loyment problem. pub?ic ownership and operation of coupled with a loan and grant of tiVith retard to the disposal of elec- plants and distributive facilities f_or funds from the Federal Emergency tric po~~-er from the Shasta Dam the cl~striba~tionas of this electric Administration of Public Works, in- power plant, Governor Olson told power for the people at cost." volving an estimated capital ex- Secretary Ickes that he favors the formation of more public districts In fitr~~herance of this polic~r and j~-hich ~~-oulcl receive and with their his desire to hasten completion of the otivn facilities distribute the power Central Valley Project, Go~~ernor from the Central Valle- Project to Olson, Diiector of Public Works its own people at cost. Clark, and State Engnleer Edward Htratt recentl~~ conferred in San ~Ie expressed the view that if such Frai7cisco with Seeret~r~- Ickes and public districts are not organized Commissioner Pane. Tl~e Go~~einor with their own distribution facili- ~~ubmitted to these hinl~ Federal. of- tius, only one major customer for ficia,ls a p~i°o~;ram for inereasecl par- Central Valley Project power will ~tieipation b~- the ~taie in the project. e~is~ ; namely, the Pacific Gas and The Go~~ernor proposed ~l~ctric Company. IIe said °that pre- liminary organization of public dis- (30VER\OR OLSON'S PROGRAI~T tricts should be undertaken as soon 1. That negotiations be initiated a,s possible, immediately between desi~natec~ In connection «pith the proposal to rey~resQnta,tives of the U. S. Depart- build a state-owned steam-electric m~nt of Interior and of the Water po«-er plant at Antioch, Governor Ol- Project Authority of California on son expressed to Secretary Ickes his a contract between the United States opinion that the most aclvanta~eous and the Authority providing for (a) and logical plan of proceclnre looking #h~ administration, operation and to disposal of Central Va11ey Project mai.n.tenance of the Central Valley power to public districts would be to Proiect by the Water Project Au- constrnet at an ear1~° date an initial thority, (b) the repayment of the installation of the steam-electric ca- reimbursable costs of the project pacity to be required ultimately and by the Authority to the United a portion of the secondar~r translnis- States in accordance with the recla- sion.
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