July 29, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1439 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF THE CAREER OF MI- Shirley was born on February 27, 1953 in Physical Education. His passion for education CHAEL J. CARROLL FROM CHES- Western Kentucky as the eldest of four chil- and history led him to participate in a local TER COUNTY, PA dren. She remains, to this day, a deeply reli- State University Education Department pro- gious woman, devoted to her family and gram that prepared students for a career HON. JIM GERLACH friends. After attaining her certificate in Busi- teaching U.S. History. This program was high- OF PENNSYLVANIA ness Administration from the University of Illi- ly successful, and David would watch many of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nois Business and Clerical Training School, his former students go on to have distin- Friday, July 29, 2011 Shirley stayed on to work for the University for guished careers in teaching and coaching. almost 8 years. She then relocated to Hous- In addition to his teaching accomplishments, Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ton, Texas to work for Dresser Industries, David had a very successful coaching career. congratulate Michael J. Carroll, Chester Coun- where she primarily worked in the accounting He coached football, boys gymnastics and ty, Pennsylvania, on his retirement after his department. girls volleyball. In doing so, he reached many outstanding service and career in law enforce- Unfortunately, in 1988, Shirley suffered tre- significant milestones. At Hamilton High ment, most recently as Chief of Police of West mendous injuries after being hit by a car. To School in Los Angeles, he holds the record for Goshen Township. recover from her injuries, Shirley came to live most wins in school history for the football Chief Carroll served in the United States Air in Atlanta, Georgia, where she began her ca- team and the boys gymnastics team, while at Force from 1961 to 1965, participating in the reer in public service. Shirley first worked for Birmingham High School he holds the record USAF Honor Guard in the funeral of President former Senator Sam Nunn for 8 years until his for most wins in school history for girls John F. Kennedy. After leaving the military, he retirement, and for his successor, Senator volleyball. He also served as a founding mem- served in the Tredyffrin Police Department, the Max Cleland for 5 years. ber of the Los Angeles Volleyball Coaches As- Chester County Detective Bureau, and the I will remain forever grateful that Shirley sociation and the Los Angeles Football Coach- West Whiteland Police Department before be- then chose to help me serve my own constitu- es Association, and the President of the Los coming Chief of the West Whiteland Police ents. As a Constituent Services Representa- Angeles Coaches Association. Department in October 1988. tive and my Senior Social Security and Medi- As a former teacher myself, I want to join Chief Carroll has served as staff instructor care Advisor, she worked tirelessly with those my cousin Lynne, who has been David’s wife with the Delaware County Police Academy, citizens most in need of my support. As my for 36 years, their two daughters Stephanie has been a guest lecturer at institutions such district expanded, she began serving as my and Carolyn, and their son-in-law, Scott in as West Chester University and the United Office Manger as well as providing administra- congratulating him on such a successful ca- States Naval Academy, and is a graduate of tive support. I am especially thankful for her reer. Teachers hold a special place in our so- the FBI Academy. In addition to serving on the work in organizing several of my annual dis- ciety, and David Lertzman has proven to be at Criminal Justice Advisory Committee of Wil- trict events, including our annual Health Fair the top of his profession. I wish him all the mington University and Alvernia University, and Jobs Fair. Her experience in working with best in his future endeavors. Chief Carroll is Past President of the Chester state, federal, and private officials has had an f County Police Chiefs Association, Past Presi- incredible impact on the success of these HONORING THE SERVICE AND SAC- dent of the Police Chiefs Association of South- events. This same experience was crucial eastern Pennsylvania, Past President of the RIFICE OF CW3 GEORGE AN- when my district was redistricted in 2005. She DREWS (‘‘ANDY’’) HOWES Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association, has been with me for the past nine years, and Past President of the International Chiefs through the historic changes in Medicare and of Police Association, and he has benefittingly our healthcare delivery system, and in that HON. JOE DONNELLY been inducted into the International Police As- time has helped countless residents access OF INDIANA sociation Hall of Fame. benefits that are so vital to their well being. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, in light of his years of exem- I am extremely proud and thankful for all her Friday, July 29, 2011 plary service to his community and litany of hard work. It is with great sadness that I, sterling accomplishments too long to record, I Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, along with the rest of my staff, wish her a fond ask that my colleagues join me today in recog- today I rise to solemnly honor Chief Warrant farewell as she retires from my office. Shirley, nizing Chief Michael J. Carroll for his invalu- Officer 3 (CW3) George Andrews (‘‘Andy’’) please accept my prayers and best wishes for able contributions to the quality of life of the Howes for his dedication and service to the your future. I thank you from the bottom of my citizens of West Goshen Township, Chester United States of America. CW3 Howes was heart for your support and dedication thorough County, Pennsylvania and our entire nation. listed as missing in action on January 10, our many years together. 1970 when the helicopter he was co-piloting f May God bless you. disappeared in Vietnam. He was just 19 years HONORING MS. SHIRLEY THOMAS f old. UPON HER RETIREMENT The remains of CW3 Howes were returned A TRIBUTE TO DAVID in 1988; however, they were not identified until HON. DAVID SCOTT LERTZMAN’S TEACHING CAREER 2010 through an advance in DNA technology. OF GEORGIA Nearly 41 years after his disappearance, CW3 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Howes’ surviving family was notified that Andy OF NEW YORK was found at last. He could finally receive the Friday, July 29, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor and recognition he earned for his serv- Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ice and for his ultimate sacrifice. Friday, July 29, 2011 I am honored to rise today to recognize a Andy Howes was born in Little Rock, Arkan- hardworking, dedicated member of my staff, Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ac- sas in 1950 and his family moved to Knox, In- Ms. Shirley Thomas as she prepares to retire knowledge the career accomplishments of my diana in 1956. He graduated from Knox High from a long and distinguished career of public cousin, David Lertzman, who retired this year School in 1968 and enlisted in the U.S. Army service. Shirley has committed herself to this after 41 years as a teacher and coach in the that September. He received his wings in Au- great institution for over 20 years, serving the Los Angeles Unified School District. A native gust 1969 and was then deployed to Vietnam. U.S. Senate for 13 years and the U.S. House of California, David began his career in 1970 CW3 Howes flew helicopter gunships while of Representatives for 9 years. She has been and would go on to teach and coach at nu- assigned to the 71st Aviation Company, 16th an essential part of my own staff since almost merous high schools in Los Angeles. Aviation Group and America Division. He flew my first day as the Representative for the 13th David’s academic career revolved around with the Firebirds, a distinguished and deco- District of Georgia. teaching World History, U.S. History, and rated gunship unit based in Chu Lai, South ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:12 Jul 30, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.001 E29JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2011 Vietnam. On January 10, 1970, a helicopter has held many leadership positions during his after a tragic 2006 school bus accident in piloted by Capt. Herbert Crosby and co-piloted time as a member of the American Legion, in- Huntsville. The Commission’s research into by CW3 Howes disappeared while flying in ex- cluding Commander of Post 1941 and Com- school bus safety and seatbelts is considered treme weather conditions. In addition to Capt. mander of the 5th District. He held that posi- to be the most extensive in the country. Crosby and CW3 Howes, crew members SFS tion for two terms, a rarity in the American Le- In 2009, he also launched First Choice, a Francis Graziosi and SFS Wayne Allen were gion. In addition, Mr. Cicero has been very ac- plan to combat high school dropout rates by lost in the helicopter’s disappearance.
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