CREAM AND HENDRIX T P POLL CONTENTS NO. SB FEBRUARY 1968 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page EDITORIAL & ADVERTISEMENT OFFICES: " B.1 .'s'' Poll Results/Gold Scar 36-38 Wes-tbourne Grove, London , W.2. Tel: BA Yswater 9966 Awards 20/21 Are There Too Many Releases! Publisher and Mi!.naging Editor: SEAN O'MAHONY Some of Brical n's top record Advertisement Directo r: CHARLES WOODS producers speak out 22:23 Copyright© /966 by Beat Publlcotions Ltd. All Rights reserved Tribute To Otis Redding 32 MONTH'S FEATURES Editorial The Love Affai r- First Newcomers In 1968 4 The complete list of "Beat In trumental' Poll Eric's Heare Is In America 5 winners is published in thi is ue. One glanc(' Dupt·ee 's Dislikes 8 at the names heading up the many section Faces More Involved In Record reveals immediately that this _poll is unique and Production I 0 that you have done just what we asked and "Personal Promotion Is The Thing" judged it on instrumental and creative ability and say Beach Boys 12 not just on straight chart popularity. Two names Georgie : "It's Back To The Old stand out right away, The Cream and Jimi Bull And Bush'' 18 Hendrix .Experience. Both groups and all their From Military Band To Foundatio ns 27 members have either topped or come very near Monkees-Not One Year Wonders 28 the top of their own sections. Peddlars' Tab Marcin Started As A Many dealers are reporting a strong llpsurge of C. & W . Musician! 29 interest in solid guit_ars. For a long time the solid Tony Newley W as An Entertainer has been the poor cousin of the acoustic guitar. First 31 But now, suddenly, it s coming into its own again. Alan Price's Happy Band' 34 \\1hich is very interesting because soLids were all the rage during the big rock 'n' roll era of the REGULAR FEATURES middle S0 's. To me the solid has always meant a rougher, tougher sound and the new interest in Player Of The Monch- Er-ic Clapton 6 it could herald a new sound. Things have been Mike Smith Column 1The Tutor 9 getting ,1ery prog.ressive and very baJJady during In The Studio 14- 16 the past year and it's about time the pendulum "B.1.'s" Chart Fax 16 swung once more into a simpler, faster and wilder Instrumental News 24/25 tempo. Bass Gu itar Feature. Pare Two Like eve.ry other magazine we have been faced Buying A Bass Guitar 26 with many price increases during the past few Your Queries Answered/i nstrumencal months and there are more and bigger increase Corner 30 on the way-paper prices are going up by 15 /~ Songwriters Column 32 printing by 5 % and so on. So I'm afraid we are Then And Now-No. 2 The Who 33 going to have to put another tanner on to the Profile-Hank B. Ma rvin 35 price of " Beat Instrumental • starting with the LP Reviews 36 next issue, which means that it will cost 3,f- from Your Letters 37 March. Vital Moments-The Hollies 38 39 Top Twenty- Five Years Ago 39 But l will try and add more pages whenever pos ible and to start things off the right way the DECEMBER COMPETITION WINNER March issue will have an e tra four pages so that you will be getting more for the additional Results Of " B.l.'s'' "Win A l200 few pennies you will have to pay. Drum Kie" Competition 27 The Editor. Printed by S. Tinsley & Co_ Ltd., Mano( Fa.rm Road, Alpcmon, Wembley, Middle e,1. Disrribu1ors: Surridge. Daw50n & Co. Ltd .. 26 Aberdour tree.I. London. S.E.1. Telephone : BERmondsey 7074 Premier's fabulous new catalogue You'll find whatever you want in the world of ,------- --------- percussion in Premier's great new ful l colour catalogue. ! TO PREMIER, 87 REGENT STREET, LONDON Wl 7 Bigger than ever before, this beautiful catalogue i s packed full with new thlngs. Fabulous new outfits, I Please send me the latest colour calalo~ue . I enclose 8d. in slamps , I the superb new '2000' range, new 'Lockfast' tom-tom holders, I I play in a Jazz/Beat/Dance/Beginners/group. (Please tick). I hi-hat, snare stands, etc. etc. If you're interested in drums and drumming you must I Name ·-·-· ··-· ·- -· .....- , ---··- _.. I sendforyourcopytodJy! i Address... ............................................ ·· .............-.:::::::.=~~~.~.~ ::~~I I .... --..................·-•·---- ..-- .......-- ... -.......................................... I Pre,,,/er L:y usual dealer is ........ _............ ..... .. .. ............... .. _ . ..... --~i"s"J BtWITCHINa LOVE AFFAIR - FIRST NEWCOMERS OF '68 Hohner MOST of the leading pop music prominent. At a recen t photo-session, they Symphonic 35 papers have tried their hands were arrested for Insu lt ing behaviour an d obstructi ng t he po lice. This all came about at "crystal-balling" for the current w hen t he boys climbed the statue of Eros. T he year, and they're all decided on one Operates through Idea was to connect t he name " Love Affa ir", thing . there's a lack of obvious with the image of C upid. but w hile t hey were any amplifier but chart contenders for 1968. I think merrily scaling it, the police t u rn ed up, a for opulen t per­ one can safely presume that ballads crowd formed, and the charges were made. formance we re­ will be with us for some time to YOUTHFUL IMAGE commend Hohner come, and that the group scene will The group certainly do ha ve a very Orgaphon 41 MH be as strong as it was in '67. But trying to pinpoint the big new you thful Image. Drummer Maurice Bacon is amplifier. only IS, while Rex is the oldest at 19. And they artists is a hard job indeed. have only been together six months w ith their So far on e new group has made a size­ present line-up. They Were formed through an able impression. Th ey are the Love advertisement In a musical paper, and were THE HOHNER Affair. who've surprised al l the pop asked to turn professional almost immediately. This presented problems, as vocalist Steve SVMPHON IC 35 prophets by scoring with their version El li s explained : " O ur pa re nts were not too the elec troni c portab le organ, transistorised of Robert Knight's "Everlasting Love" . keen o n us becoming ful l-time mu sicia ns. with en tirely new features. I asked the group how it felt to be the Lyn ton's mum an d dad wanted him to study ac firs t newcomers co th e hit parade in '68. University, and Mike was alm~ st persuaded to Put a mu sical spell on everyb ody with this "It hasn 't real ly hit us yet,'' explained become a commercial artist. But w e were all determined to play in ch is group. and we made eKciting Hohner combo orga n. Give you r Mike Jackson, bass player. "One minute perform an ce that extra allu re with the easy it in the end . I'm glad we' re no c. lder than we we're a fa irly successfu l group. Next . are. Most of today's lead ing groups have been mixture of tone co lours provid ed by th e I ' round for a long time. It's t ime the scene had register switch assembly and manual we're in the hit parade. su ppose we thought we would make it eventually , some new faces, you ng one's that is". basses. C ne of t he many pro bl err,s that confront5 a bu t now it's happened , it's difficult to group t he fint time they enter the charts i5 Hohner are also the sol e distributors of realise". future bookings. They m ay have date5 fixed up world-famous SONOR DRUMS. Lead guitarist Re ;><. Brayley showed more for several months ahead, at "pre-success confidence when he discussed choice of material prfces" , and when d 1at hi e DO ES come. t hey Detai led illustrated leaflets from the address for t he single. "'I t's very ri sky covering a have co be honoured. So the group does not .,umber, but we all felt ' Everlasting Love· was below. reap im med iate benefits from their hit . But strong e nough to make the chart. It had done lhe Lov e. Affa ir ha • e avoided this pitfall. "It's well in America, but the Robert Knight version just that we were never booked that far ahead ," didn't look like taking off over here. Any way, revealed drummer Maurfce. "We pinned every• we felt we could Improve upon his performance. thing o n 'Everlasting Love'. If chat hadn't m~de But in the end , le was all down to publicity. We it . I don' t know what would have hap pened. are here to promote the nu mber, he isn'l. And Bu t now we can go olJt for good money, and, I still chink our version is bette r". what is more important, try and get that all ­ Publicity-wise. the gro up have been very important next record into the charts" , 4 '' WE'VE GOT TO CHANGE AND ACCEPT NEW IDEAS'' says ERIC BURDON "I am not an entertainer," himself as a little fat singer from instance, you cannot enjoy flowers said Eric, almost spitting Newcastle. without putting up with rain". out the last word. "I " But the important th ing is I will Do not be surpris ed if your should have tried and that counts for a lot.
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