Tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol, a Precursor of Phytol in the Biosynthesis of Chlorophyll a — Localization of the Double Bonds Siegrid Schoch and Wolfram Schäfer Botanisches Institut der Universität München, München und Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried Z. Naturforsch. 33 c, 408—412 (1978) ; received March 23, 1978 Dedicated to Prof. Dr. A. Butenandt on the Occasion of His 75. Birthday Avena sativa, Gramineae, Oats, Chlorophyll Biosynthesis, Phytol Pheophytins esterified with phytol and tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol are isolated from etiolated oat seedlings after short (1 min) exposure to light and a subsequent dark period of 15 to 20 min. After saponification of the pheophytins, a mixture of the alcohols was isolated. The structure of tetra­ hydrogeranylgeraniol was established as 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-zl2’14 hexadecadiene-l-ol (3a). The implications for chlorophyll biosynthesis are discussed. Introduction The number of double bonds in the alcohols have been established from the molecular ions in their During our research on the last steps of chloro­ mass spectra [3, 4]. The heaviest alcohol is P (4), phyll biosynthesis, we could isolate pheophytins the alcohols THGG (3), DHGG (2) and GG (1) which are esterified with not only phytol (P), but are smaller by 2, 4 and 6 mass units respectively. also with tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol (THGG), dihy- To further evaluate this sequence it is necessary drogeranylgeraniol (DHGG) and geranylgeraniol to establish the order of hydrogenation of the three (GG) [1]. double bonds zl-6, A-10, A-\4> when transforming Based on these findings, a biosynthetic sequence GG to P. has been proposed, in which chlorophyllide a is first As the pigments were available only in small esterified to Chl^G • This pigment should then hy­ amounts (5 — 10nmol/g fresh weight), the alcohols drogenated successively to CMdiigg > CIiIthgg and were identified and the double bonds localized by finally to Chip [1], The activated alcohol substrate gc-ms technique combined with microchemical proce­ for the esterification is probably geranylgeraniol- dures. By this means, and by chemical correlations pyrophosphate [2]. the structure 3a of tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol was Scheme 1 identified as presented in this paper. A/ v 4 ^ A / sv^V'CH2or —42H > Results and Discussion A]0 A6 A 2 . Geranylgeraniol Dihydrogeranylgeraniol Isolation and enrichment of THGG: In 71/2 days ^+2H old etiolated oat seedlings, the kinetic of esterifica­ tion of Chi.id after the photohydrogenation of PChl(id) has been studied [1]. The amount of A ^ v ^v /\A/v 4 /C h2or ► A / \ A / v ^ v C /'CH2C)R THGG reaches after 30 —40 min a maximum (1.5 Tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol Phytol nmol/g fresh weight). At this time, 70 — 80% of total Chi.id is esterified and the stepwise hydrogena­ R = Chi. ide tion GG to PP has proceeded to such an extent, that the ratio of Chip : ChlxHGG is about 5:1. Abbreviations: Chi, Chlorophyll a; Chi. ide, Chloro­ To reduce the amount of Chip, the seedlings phyllide a; Pchl(ide), Protochlorophyll (ide) ; Phe, Pheo­ phytin a; GG, Geranylgeraniol; DHGG, Dihydrogeranyl- were harvested already after 15 — 20 min. The geraniol; THGG, Tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol, P, Phytol. amount of THGG then was only about 1 nmol/g ChlGG» ChloHGG, ChlxHGG, Chip, chlorophyllide a, esterified with the respective alcohol. fresh weight, but the ratio Chip : ChlTHGG was de­ creased to 3 :1 [1]. The chlorophylls were ex­ Requests for reprints should be sent to Dr. S. Schoch, Bota­ nisches Institut der Universität München, D-8000 München tracted and demetalated. The mixture of pheophytins 19, Menzingerstr. 67. was separated from other pigments by tic [3]. S. Schoch and W. Schäfer • Phytol Precursor in Chlorophyll a 409 100-, 69 90 - 71 80 - Fig. 1. Mass spectrum (70 eV) of a mixture (2 : 1) of phytol (1), M +296 and tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol (3 a ), M + 294. 70 57 60 55 81 43 S 50 - a» 95 83 123 ^ 40- 30 97 111 20 10 137 27fi 294 2^7 2492i61263 ?78 ( I296 1 nm. V V IJ. I.I. 50 100 150 200 250 300 m/e After saponification [4], the alcohols were then both m/e 69 and m/e 71, and we consider this an separated into three zones on tlc-plates previously indication of the zf-14-double bond in THGG too. buffered and treated with silvernitrate. The two As the position of double bonds in unsaturated hy­ slower zones contained GG and DHGG. From the drocarbons cannot be established unequivocally by fast zone, P and THGG were eluted together. By using mass spectrometry alone, the alcohols were repeated chromatography, THGG could be enriched degraded by microozonolysis according to Beroza to a ratio of P : THGG = 2:1. The mixture of [5], the resulting ketones/aldehydes separated by these two alcohols was used for structure elucida­ gaschromatography and their structures established tion. The results of gaschromatographic separation from the ms-fragmentation.. of these alcohols have been published previously First phytol was studied. This alcohol yields [1]. 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-oxopentadecane (5) on ozono- Structure elucidation: The mass spectrum of a lysis and reductive workup (scheme 2a). mixture of P and THGG (Fig. 1) is analogous to The structure was deduced by its ms-fragmenta- the spectra of P [4], GG and DHGG [3]. tion (see mass spectra). The molecular ion can only Significant are the regions of the molecular ions, be observed by overloading the column (injection which differ by two mass units each, and of the of about 5 jug) . Under normal gc/ms-conditions, ions (M-18) derived by loss of water from the m/e 250 (M — H20) is the heaviest ion. molecular ions. Rüdiger et al. have already pointed Phytol is the final product of the hydrogenation out that m/e 69 is the base peak in the spectra of sequence in the plant material. Therefore the A-2- GG and DHGG but m/e 71 in the spectrum of P double bond should be present in all four alcohols. [3]. This was taken to be an indication for the Dependent on the position of the second double J-14-double bond in the former two. In the mass bond in THGG, different ketones/aldehydes are to spectrum of the mixture of P and THGG we found be expected from the ozonolysis of the structural 410 S. Schoch and W. Schäfer • Phytol iPrecursor in Chlorophyll a Scheme 2a/2b methyl-1,12-dioxotridecane (10) and acetone. Gly- colaldehyde is a reaction product in any case. From the ozonolysis of the mixture P —THGG = 4 5 (MW 268) 2 : 1 the ketone 5 was obtained as main product with a retention time in gc of 10.5 min. For the second peak with a retention time of 21.5 min the k ) c h 2oh structure 4,8-dimethyl-l,12-dioxotridecane (10, MW 3a,b,c 240) was deduced from the ms-fragmentation. The heaviest ion at m/e 222 is derived by loss of water from the molecular ion. Independently 10 was ob­ tained from the ozonolysis of 1,5,9-trimethylcyclo- dodecene (11) [6] as well as from a mixture of 11 with phytol. The retention times and the mass /^v x A '0q 0=s/vk/\A/\Af spectra respectively of the ketoaldehydes (10) from 6 (MW198) 8 (MW128) 10 (MW240) both origins are in agreement with one another. In addition, the ketones/aldehydes derived from 0=/v 4;.a 0=/SV^\/\/k., *0 > 0 the ozonolysis of the P-THGG mixture were con­ 7 (MW100) 9 (MV/170) verted to their dinitrophenylhydrazones. They were separated by tic, and their mass spectra recorded. isomers of THGG (3a, 3b, and 3c) (scheme 2b) : Reaction of dinitrophenylhydrazine with the pro­ 3,7,1 l,15-tetramethyl-'42,6-hexadecadiene-l-ol (3c) is ducts of ozonolysis of phytol (4) and trimethyl- degraded to 6,10-dimethyl-2-oxoundecane (6) and cyclododecene (11) yielded the reference sub­ 1,4-dioxopentane (7). 3,7,ll,15-tetramethyl-‘d2’10 stances. According to Rp-xalues, their ratio and to hexadecadiene-l-ol (3b) should yield 6-methyl-2 their mass spectra products received from the alco­ oxoheptane (8) and 6-methyl-l,8-dioxononane (9) hol mixture are identical with these references. From degradation of 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-^’14 Thus, the two double bonds in THGG are located hexadecadiene-l-ol (3a) one would expect 4,8-di at position zl-2 and zl-14 (structure3a). j 113 ch3 ch3 ! ch3 CH3 CH3-CH-(CH2)3-CH-(CH2)3|CH-(CH2)3-C=0 i C18H360 (MW268) m/e Fig. 2. Mass spectrum (70 eV) of 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-oxopentadecane (5). S. Schoch and W. Schäfer • Phytol Precursor in Chlorophyll a 411 Mass spectra: The mass spectra of the ketones alcohols we assume that hydrogenation starts with and their DNP-derivatives confirm the structures the Zl-6-double bond (—>- CIi Id h g g ) • Hence structure discussed above. 2 is deduced for DHGG. This was already assumed 6,10,14-Trimethyl-2-oxopentadecane (6^: The from the mass spectrum of the compound itself [3]. molecular ion m/e 268 of this ketone is of very low It is not possible to distinguish by ozonolysis intensity and eliminates water (—> m/e 250) by a whether the double bonds in DHGG are in 2,6,14- thermal or an electron impact process. The elimina­ or 2,10,14-position because both isomers were to tion of water following the loss of a methyl radical yield the same ketoaldehyde. From 2 hydrogenation (m/e 253 —> m/e 235) is known from long chain proceeds to saturate the zJ-10-double bond to form methylketones [7, 8].
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