PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 8 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 8. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dync2li1 Pkd2 Ift88 Dync2h1 Gli2 Pkd1 Ift46 Pafah1b1 Dync2li1 Pkd2 Ift88 Dync2h1 CEM 1 (48 datasets) Gli2 Pkd1 Ift46 Pafah1b1 1110051M20Rik 2610008E11Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:8.Predicted695.SelectedDatasets:48.Strength:0.4 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]motileprimarycilium",Page1 Pafah1b1 Fam229b Fam115a Dync2h1 Dync2li1 Gprasp1 Tbc1d19 Zc2hc1a Hmg20a Specc1l Zfp354c Armcx1 Cbfa2t2 Leprel2 Akap11 Cc2d2a Zfp383 Zfp449 Slc4a3 Prrc2b Tspyl4 Tceal1 Ehbp1 Wdr19 Trip12 Zc4h2 Gulp1 Ltbp3 Pias2 Ttc26 Ift122 Cntln Phtf1 Chd6 Glis2 Clip3 Cbx6 Neo1 Bbs1 Pkd1 Pkd2 Evc2 Purg Ttc8 Ift46 Ift88 Arl3 Gli2 0.0 1.0 GSE13302 [30] GSE32529 [224] GSE5891 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE25257 [6] GSE23495 [6] GSE12498 [12] GSE13044 [59] GSE18907 [12] GSE31028 [6] GSE39621 [51] GSE17263 [6] GSE15872 [18] GSE16073 [6] GSE13563 [6] GSE40156 [42] GSE9441 [36] GSE12730 [24] GSE16675 [72] GSE23408 [39] GSE38257 [14] GSE25423 [10] GSE20696 [8] GSE6383 [6] GSE30488 [52] GSE21568 [12] GSE45820 [6] GSE9297 [27] GSE37431 [6] GSE22925 [14] GSE31013 [12] GSE20684 [12] GSE14004 [9] GSE42548 [29] GSE49346 [6] GSE1871 [12] GSE52474 [154] GSE11898 [9] GSE21861 [8] GSE31561 [36] GSE49128 [17] GSE11679 [25] GSE27987 [31] GSE34423 [40] GSE39458 [6] GSE13032 [18] GSE27811 [9] GSE23895 [18] GSE56777 [8] GSE9061 [6] GSE41759 [14] GSE40087 [15] GSE4734 [61] GSE27159 [8] GSE15155 [12] GSE7694 [12] GSE9338 [42] GSE7430 [12] GSE12078 [8] GSE39897 [36] GSE6487 [30] GSE9368 [12] GSE5332 [12] GSE6526 [16] GSE7069 [8] GSE33101 [8] GSE38831 [7] GSE26096 [10] GSE4260 [6] GSE17096 [20] GSE51883 [30] GSE9131 [6] GSE46185 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE13963 [15] GSE15794 [6] GSE52597 [7] GSE51080 [18] GSE38277 [18] GSE13071 [15] GSE3181 [6] GSE33471 [12] GSE27302 [16] GSE15871 [18] GSE6933 [15] GSE48338 [8] GSE51365 [28] GSE14007 [8] GSE48811 [20] GSE46496 [9] GSE11796 [18] GSE13874 [14] GSE15587 [6] GSE7685 [12] GSE33688 [12] GSE21247 [60] GSE39391 [21] GSE31244 [6] GSE12073 [12] GSE6196 [9] GSE21755 [25] GSE34902 [6] GSE15772 [8] GSE28025 [18] GSE8156 [6] GSE5202 [12] GSE58368 [15] GSE13873 [27] GSE32095 [24] GSE11687 [12] GSE12333 [6] GSE49351 [6] GSE34215 [6] GSE22841 [12] GSE41095 [6] GSE42047 [24] GSE51686 [9] GSE55607 [18] GSE37316 [31] GSE53077 [8] GSE6837 [8] GSE41185 [8] GSE47607 [12] GSE33891 [19] GSE55809 [8] GSE15433 [9] GSE17797 [19] GSE27378 [8] GSE25029 [56] GSE31106 [18] GSE46871 [6] GSE13106 [10] GSE40612 [16] GSE26668 [6] GSE51483 [45] GSE27675 [14] GSE5255 [6] GSE11291 [60] GSE47414 [18] GSE30160 [6] GSE15326 [10] GSE30176 [12] GSE18395 [8] GSE45968 [6] GSE22251 [9] GSE29681 [32] GSE46209 [21] GSE27605 [8] GSE48884 [12] GSE24291 [6] GSE16902 [21] GSE8357 [6] GSE51804 [10] GSE28389 [20] GSE8726 [7] CEM+ CEM GSE46942 [7] GSE21309 [9] GSE5313 [6] GSE7141 [6] GSE22506 [12] GSE38001 [12] 0.0 GSE8683 [11] GSE40939 [10] GSE1566 [6] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE55622 [22] GSE58296 [9] GSE48204 [6] GSE32615 [10] GSE33942 [12] GSE28559 [30] 0.2 GSE39583 [21] GSE19299 [6] GSE44162 [6] GSE30684 [6] GSE14024 [12] GSE33308 [10] GSE4718 [6] GSE20391 [11] GSE41342 [26] 0.4 GSE46150 [8] GSE24813 [10] GSE6675 [8] GSE32214 [6] GSE5241 [9] GSE36229 [14] GSE15267 [8] GSE36384 [12] GSE6055 [8] 0.6 GSE47065 [8] GSE31776 [10] GSE4752 [6] GSE43145 [12] GSE44175 [18] GSE42049 [8] GSE16691 [12] GSE31004 [8] GSE10895 [8] 0.8 GSE22180 [60] GSE12985 [14] GSE4535 [6] GSE40655 [6] Score 27.58 27.59 27.69 27.70 27.73 28.31 28.32 28.33 28.36 28.43 28.64 29.17 29.32 29.40 29.40 29.55 29.98 30.11 30.27 30.35 30.83 30.87 30.94 31.27 31.33 31.36 31.39 31.45 31.47 31.57 32.56 32.92 33.02 33.78 34.10 34.48 34.54 36.29 37.16 37.49 38.85 40.63 1.0 Notes 5730409E04Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:8.Predicted695.SelectedDatasets:48.Strength:0.4 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]motileprimarycilium",Page2 Cacna2d1 Tmem231 AI597479 Map3k12 Smarcd3 Rabgap1 Ccdc157 Zkscan1 Slc2a13 Maged1 Leprel4 Vps37d Tspan6 Zmym4 Dzank1 Gpsm1 Scaper Ptpdc1 Rbms3 Ttc30b Zfp763 Glt8d1 Apbb1 Hook3 Ddah2 Abca5 Klhl22 Klhl17 Thbs3 Mxra8 Megf8 Btbd2 Nlgn2 Kat6b Large Dact3 Tctn2 Zfp37 Bbs2 Sspn Nek1 Pbx1 Sall2 Cul7 Dtx3 Dsel Pja1 Ift74 Fto 0.0 1.0 GSE13302 [30] GSE32529 [224] GSE5891 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE25257 [6] GSE23495 [6] GSE12498 [12] GSE13044 [59] GSE18907 [12] GSE31028 [6] GSE39621 [51] GSE17263 [6] GSE15872 [18] GSE16073 [6] GSE13563 [6] GSE40156 [42] GSE9441 [36] GSE12730 [24] GSE16675 [72] GSE23408 [39] GSE38257 [14] GSE25423 [10] GSE20696 [8] GSE6383 [6] GSE30488 [52] GSE21568 [12] GSE45820 [6] GSE9297 [27] GSE37431 [6] GSE22925 [14] GSE31013 [12] GSE20684 [12] GSE14004 [9] GSE42548 [29] GSE49346 [6] GSE1871 [12] GSE52474 [154] GSE11898 [9] GSE21861 [8] GSE31561 [36] GSE49128 [17] GSE11679 [25] GSE27987 [31] GSE34423 [40] GSE39458 [6] GSE13032 [18] GSE27811 [9] GSE23895 [18] GSE56777 [8] GSE9061 [6] GSE41759 [14] GSE40087 [15] GSE4734 [61] GSE27159 [8] GSE15155 [12] GSE7694 [12] GSE9338 [42] GSE7430 [12] GSE12078 [8] GSE39897 [36] GSE6487 [30] GSE9368 [12] GSE5332 [12] GSE6526 [16] GSE7069 [8] GSE33101 [8] GSE38831 [7] GSE26096 [10] GSE4260 [6] GSE17096 [20] GSE51883 [30] GSE9131 [6] GSE46185 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE13963 [15] GSE15794 [6] GSE52597 [7] GSE51080 [18] GSE38277 [18] GSE13071 [15] GSE3181 [6] GSE33471 [12] GSE27302 [16] GSE15871 [18] GSE6933 [15] GSE48338 [8] GSE51365 [28] GSE14007 [8] GSE48811 [20] GSE46496 [9] GSE11796 [18] GSE13874 [14] GSE15587 [6] GSE7685 [12] GSE33688 [12] GSE21247 [60] GSE39391 [21] GSE31244 [6] GSE12073 [12] GSE6196 [9] GSE21755 [25] GSE34902 [6] GSE15772 [8] GSE28025 [18] GSE8156 [6] GSE5202 [12] GSE58368 [15] GSE13873 [27] GSE32095 [24] GSE11687 [12] GSE12333 [6] GSE49351 [6] GSE34215 [6] GSE22841 [12] GSE41095 [6] GSE42047 [24] GSE51686 [9] GSE55607 [18] GSE37316 [31] GSE53077 [8] GSE6837 [8] GSE41185 [8] GSE47607 [12] GSE33891 [19] GSE55809 [8] GSE15433 [9] GSE17797 [19] GSE27378 [8] GSE25029 [56] GSE31106 [18] GSE46871 [6] GSE13106 [10] GSE40612 [16] GSE26668 [6] GSE51483 [45] GSE27675 [14] GSE5255 [6] GSE11291 [60] GSE47414 [18] GSE30160 [6] GSE15326 [10] GSE30176 [12] GSE18395 [8] GSE45968 [6] GSE22251 [9] GSE29681 [32] GSE46209 [21] GSE27605 [8] GSE48884 [12] GSE24291 [6] GSE16902 [21] GSE8357 [6] GSE51804 [10] GSE28389 [20] GSE8726 [7] CEM+ CEM GSE46942 [7] GSE21309 [9] GSE5313 [6] GSE7141 [6] GSE22506 [12] GSE38001 [12] 0.0 GSE8683 [11] GSE40939 [10] GSE1566 [6] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE55622 [22] GSE58296 [9] GSE48204 [6] GSE32615 [10] GSE33942 [12] GSE28559 [30] 0.2 GSE39583 [21] GSE19299 [6] GSE44162 [6] GSE30684 [6] GSE14024 [12] GSE33308 [10] GSE4718 [6] GSE20391 [11] GSE41342 [26] 0.4 GSE46150 [8] GSE24813 [10] GSE6675 [8] GSE32214 [6] GSE5241 [9] GSE36229 [14] GSE15267 [8] GSE36384 [12] GSE6055 [8] 0.6 GSE47065 [8] GSE31776 [10] GSE4752 [6] GSE43145 [12] GSE44175 [18] GSE42049 [8] GSE16691 [12] GSE31004 [8] GSE10895 [8] 0.8 GSE22180 [60] GSE12985 [14] GSE4535 [6] GSE40655 [6] Score 22.73 22.76 22.80 22.94 22.95 22.96 22.97 23.00 23.03 23.17 23.21 23.22 23.33 23.45 23.59 23.59 23.71 23.73 23.76 23.85 24.11 24.40 24.41 24.55 24.58 24.79 24.81 24.98 25.02 25.11 25.19 25.33 25.68 26.24 26.33 26.35 26.48 26.56 26.59 26.61 26.67 26.68 26.89 26.94 27.04 27.13 27.32 27.34 27.43 27.45 1.0 Notes 2610301B20Rik D630045J12Rik 2510009E07Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:8.Predicted695.SelectedDatasets:48.Strength:0.4 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]motileprimarycilium",Page3 AW549877 Cdc42bpa Fam188b Arhgef25 Slc22a17 Dennd2a Ccdc112 Dync1li2 Tmem8b Prickle2 Mpped2 Sertad4 Armcx2 Poglut1 Cacnb3 Tspan3 Zbtb20 Pcnxl4 Ccl27a Zfp503 Fbxl16 Gsk3b Wdr60 Npdc1 Cryzl1 Morn4 Casc4 Ndrg4 Sfxn4 Il17rd Zfp12 Zfp74 Zfp68 Ptprs Rftn2 Wdr6 Nbea Triqk Agrn Fzd2 Npr2 Gtf2i Pfn2 Ulk2 Scai Boc Islr 0.0 1.0 GSE13302 [30] GSE32529 [224] GSE5891 [6] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE25257 [6] GSE23495 [6] GSE12498 [12] GSE13044 [59] GSE18907 [12] GSE31028 [6] GSE39621 [51] GSE17263 [6] GSE15872 [18] GSE16073 [6] GSE13563 [6] GSE40156 [42] GSE9441 [36] GSE12730 [24] GSE16675 [72] GSE23408 [39] GSE38257 [14] GSE25423 [10] GSE20696 [8] GSE6383 [6] GSE30488 [52]
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