422 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 31, 1873, 6th Foot, Major Evan Bruce Gardyne, from the 60th Foot, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel 106th Foot, to be Major, vice E. Lloyd, who Gibbes Rigaud, retires upon full-pay. Dated exchanges. Dated 1st February, 1873. 1st February, 1873. Lieutenant Henry Kitchener to be Captain, vice Captain John Owen Young retires from the J. E. Tewart, retired. Dated 21st August, Service receiving the value of his Commission. 1872. Dated 1st February, 1873. "7th Foot, Lieutenant Charles Bilderbeck Mead 6lst Foot, Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Branson, from the 1st Dragoon Guards, to be Alexander William Gordon to be Lieutenant- Lieutenant, vice A. E. Crichton, transferred to Colonel, vice Brevet Colonel J. P. Redmond, the 70th Foot. Dated 1st February, 1873. C.B., retired upon half-pay. Dated loth Jan- Qth Foot, Harry Arnold Armitage, Gent., to be uary, 1873. Sub-Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant H. Captain William Blackett to be Major, vice Brevet W. M. Baskerville, promoted. Dated 1st Feb- Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon. Dated 15th Jan- ruary, 1873. uary, 1873. llth Foot, Lieutenant William Henry Beevor Lieutenant Harry Hutchinson Augustus Stewart retires from the Service, receiving the value of to be Captain, vice Blackett. Dated 15th Jan- his Commission. Dated 1st February, 1873. uary, 1873: Lieutenant A. A. C. Nelson's promotion bears 13th Foot, Lieutenant Richard. Fitzgerald King date the 10th January, 1872, and not as stated retires from the Service, receiving the value of in the Gazette of the 14th instant. his Commission. Dated 1st February, 1873. Philip de Hoghton, Gent., to be Sub-Lieutenant, 14th Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Thomas William in succession to Lieutenant the Honourable E. Lanyon Fenno to be Lieutenant. Dated 30th J. Chetwynd, promoted. Dated I st February, December, 1871. 1873. 2Zrd'Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Rowland Broughton 62nd Foot, Lieutenant Robert Rogers- to be Mainwaring to be Lieutenant. Dated 30th Captain, vice John Boughey, made Supernu- December, 187J. merary whilst employed as an Instructor at 2Tth Foot, Lieutenant Thomaa John Ashley the Royal Military College. Dated 1st Feb- Hoban retires from the Service, receiving the ruary, 1873. value of his Commission. Dated 1st February, Lieutenant Robert Alfred Poole retires from the 1873. Service, receiving the value of his Commission. 32ftrf Foot) Lieutenant Arthur*Elebank Havelock Dated 1st February^ 1873i to be Captain, vice Cornelius Francis Clery, 66th Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Henry Somerset Has-- made Supernumerary whilst employed as an sard, from the 97th Foot, to be Sub-Lieutenant, Instructor at the Royal^Military College. in succession to Lieutenant G. W. M. Hall, Dated 1st February* 1873. promoted, Dated.ls.t February, 1873. 33rd Foot, Lieutenant George Montague Hayes 67th Foot, Sub - Lieutenant Herbert Sowdon retires from; the Service, receiving the value of Severne, from the 91st Foot, to be Sub-Lieu- his Commission. Dated 1st February, 1873.' tenant, in succession to Lieutenant .George. Sub*-L5eutenant Yaughan Jenkins to be Lieu- Cadell Dobbs, .appointed a Probationer for the tenant Dated 30th December, 1871. Indian Staff Corps on the^th-November, 1872. Sub-Lieutenant Henry Orlando Bristowe to be Dated 1st February, 1873. Lieutenant. Dated 30th December, 1871. &5th Foot, Sub-Lieutenant George Harden to be 69th Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Lambart John Browne Lieutenant. Dated 30th December, 1871. to be Lieutenant. Dated 28th October, 1871s Sub-Lieutenant Hugh Bertram Nathaniel Bewicke 36th Foot, SubrLientenant Charles- Pulley to be to be Lieutenant. Dated 26th October, 1871. Lieutenant, Dated 28th October, 1871. Sub-Lieutenant Richard John Gordon Creed to. 38/A Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Mossom Innis Gibbs. be Lieutenant. Dated 28th October, 1871. to be Lieutenant. Dated 30th December, 1871. 70th Foot, Lieutenant ArchibaldJEdward Crichton, Walter Cbillian Yerbury, Gent., to be Sub- from the 7th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice F.. S. Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant H. G. H. Leslie, transferred to the 1st Dragoon Guards.. Stokes, retired; Dated 1st February, 1873. Dated 1st February, 1873. 44$ Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Arthur George Frederic TJ.th Foot, Sub -Lieutenant .Alexander Bowesj Browue-to.be Lieutenant. Dated 28th October, Mein to be Lieutenant., Dated 30th, De.cemb£iV 1871. 1871. Sub-Lieutenant Charles Doherty Rosser to be 'Lieutenant. Dated 28th October, 1871. 78<& Foot', Captain 'Edward Pakenham Stewart retires from the Service, receiving the value of- 45tA Foot, The surname of the Senior Lieutenant his Commission. Dated 1st February, 1873. ia.de Satge-de Thoren, and;not de Thor.cn only, as previously described. 79th Foot, Lieutenant James Frederick Shaw- 46l£, Foot, SubrLieutenant. Alfred M. Brennan Kennedy retires- from the Service, receiving to be Lieutenant. Dated 2.8th October, L871.. the value of an. Ensigncy. Dated. 1st Feb- Sub-Lieutenant Francis Sheffield Sorell to be ruary,. 1873. •Lieutenant; Dated 28th October, 1871. 83rd Foot, Lieutenant Herbert Llywelyn Parry 1 53rd Foot, John- Hope Wynne Eyton, Gent., to retires from, the:Service, receiving, the value of be Sub-Lieutenant, in, succession to Lieutenant his Commission. Dated' 1st February, 1873: C; H. Bonney, promoted. Dated 1st February, S4<A Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Robert St. George 1873.. Harding Hamilton to be Lieutenant. Dated S7,th-. Foot, Sub-Lieutenant- John William Eyre 30th December, 1871.. Massey to be Lieutenant. Dated 30th- De- 88/A Foot, Sub-Lieutenant James* Witton Thomp- cember, 1871. son to.be Lieutenant* Dated 30th December, 59th Foot, Lieutenant Charles Dames Moore, 1871, ' retires from the Service, receiving- the value: of Sub-Lieutenant George Milward Griffin to be his Commission. Dated 1st February, 18,73. Lieutenant Dated 30th December, 1871..
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