Planning Board DATE: 20th November 2019 NOTES: 1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore we are unable to advise the time at which an item will be considered. 2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made 3. Councillors who have a query about anything on the agenda are requested to inspect the file and talk to the case officer prior to the meeting. 4. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or contact their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting. Please give a day’s notice if you wish to inspect a file if this is possible. 5. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting. 6. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report , ‘background papers’ in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received. Planning Board Report 20th November 2019 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Board - 20th November 2019 Item Page Application Number Ward/Site Case Officer DM01 4 2019/2287/FUL Strode College And Sarah Theatre, Church Road, Tucker Street, Somerset, BA16 0AB Street North DM02 10 2019/1381/OTS Land Off Elm Close, Ms Nikki Wells, Somerset, White Wookey And St Cuthbert Out West DM03 34 2019/0498/REM Uppingstock Farm , Old Ms Nikki Wells Road, Glastonbury, White BA6 8EA Glastonbury St Edmunds DM04 34 2019/0467/FUL Uppingstock Farm , Old Ms Nikki Wells Road, Glastonbury, White BA6 8EA Glastonbury St Edmunds DM05 34 2019/0499/REM Pear Tree Farm, 26 Old Ms Nikki Wells Road, Glastonbury, White BA6 8EA Glastonbury St Edmunds DM06 73 2019/0461/FUL Pilton Village Hall, St Sarah Marys Lane, Pilton, Tucker Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4BB Croscombe And Pilton DM07 80 2019/1019/FUL Pilton Village Hall, St Sarah Marys Lane, Pilton, Tucker Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4BB Croscombe And Pilton DM08 88 2018/1559/FUL Land South East Of Mr Carlton Vinney Lane , Langford Blatchbridge, Frome, BA11 5BN Beckington And Selwood Planning Board Report 20th November 2019 Page 2 DM09 96 2019/1746/FUL Primavera Aromatherapy Anna Clark Ltd , Woodland Way, Frome, BA11 2FL Beckington And Selwood DM10 101 2019/1663/HSE 83 Wells Road, Miss Glastonbury, BA6 9BY Jennifer Alvis Glastonbury St Johns Planning Board Report 20th November 2019 Page 3 Agenda Item No. DM01 Case Officer Sarah Tucker Site Strode College And Theatre Church Road Street Somerset BA16 0AB Application Number 2019/2287/FUL Date Received 13th September 2019 Applicant/ Mr Paul Davies Organisation Application Type Full Application Proposal Part Change of Use of existing Strode College site to workspace hub and cafe ( Class Use B1 and A3), including siting of 8 shipping containers and re-configuration of existing car park to include additional parking spaces. (Amended Description 26.09.2019). Ward Street North Parish Street Parish Council What 3 Words: tests.ferrying.easy Referral to Ward Member/Chair and Vice Chair: The application has been referred to the Planning Board by the Planning and Growth Group Manager. Description of Site, Proposal and Constraints: The site consists of a piece of land to the rear of the sports centre within the Strode College complex, just west of the existing playing fields. The area is flat, with two rows of trees, one to the east and one to the south of the existing sports centre. The all-weather pitches directly to the east of the site have the benefit of floodlighting. The proposal seeks change of use of part of the Strode College to workspace hub and cafe (Use Classes B1 and A3) including full planning permission for the erection of 8 shipping containers; as well as reconfiguration of the existing car park to include 6 additional car parking spaces. The proposals include the siting of 7 shipping containers for B1 workspace use at the rear of the sports centre, and one shipping container situated between the existing changing block and the sports hall entrance for the A3 cafe use. The containers are proposed to be painted The parking in the vicinity is proposed to be re-configured to create 6 new spaces for the B1 workspace use, with a covered shelter for 12 cycles adjacent to the north- east corner of the existing sports hall. The site lies within the development limits of Street. There are no historical or ecological designations on site. There is a concurrent, outstanding application for the advertisements associated with this application: 2019/2429/ADV. Planning Board Report 20th November 2019 Page 4 Relevant History: None Summary of Ward Councillor comments, Town/Parish Council comments, representations and consultee comments: Ward Member: As portfolio holder for Economic Development I have a conflict of interest and I remove myself from the planning process on this application. Street Parish Council: Recommend approval subject to technical team looking at traffic and parking concerns – need traffic assessment including encouraging use of public transport and discuss with other stakeholders including Theatre, School, Strode Pool and residents. Highways Development Officer: No objection subject to provision of parking and cycle parking prior to occupation. The Highway Authority considers that the trip generation associated with the development will be minimal and will not cause any highway safety concerns. Drainage Officer: No objections subject to details of surface water drainage. The site is located in Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk of flooding from surface water. The existing building is served by public sewers that the new buildings can connect to for foul drainage. Local Representations: Mendip Conservation Advisory Panel made the following comments: ‘This form of development has been tried before in Mendip and elsewhere in conservation areas and adjacent Heritage Assets and found to be wanting. Containers as buildings are not sustainable development, especially not in the setting of higher grade listed buildings such as Street parish church (grade I). Without wishing to comment on what constitutes the setting of a listed building in terms of distance to and from the Heritage Asset, it is not appropriate to specify vermilion as an external colour, as this will certainly set up adverse impacts in the rural landscape. Recommendation: Refuse or condition colour to a midtone, discreet colour, matt or semi-gloss.’ Full details of all consultation responses can be found on the Council’s website www.mendip.gov.uk Summary of all planning policies and legislation relevant to the proposal: Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 places a duty on local planning authorities to determine proposals in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The following development plan policies and material considerations are relevant to this application: The Council’s Development Plan comprises: Mendip District Local Plan Part I: Strategy and Policies (December 2014) Somerset Waste Core Strategy The following policies of the Local Plan Part 1 are relevant to the determination of this application: CP1 – Mendip Spatial Strategy CP3- Supporting Business Development and Growth CP8- Street DP1- Local Identity and Distinctiveness DP7- Design and Amenity of New Development Planning Board Report 20th November 2019 Page 5 DP9- Transport Impact of New Development DP10- Parking Standards DP23- Managing Flood Risk Other possible Relevant Considerations (without limitation): National Planning Policy Framework National Planning Practice Guidance Assessment of relevant issues: Principle of the Use: Street is classed as a principal settlement in the Mendip Spatial Strategy in Policy CP1, which states that the majority of development in the district will be directed towards the five principal settlements. Policy CP3 supports economic development where they accord with the spatial strategy, and encourage a diverse, robust, thriving and resilient local economy and enhancing the image of the area as a business location. Policy CP8 states that the overarching aim is to improve self-containment of Street partly by diversifying the local economy. Furthermore, the NPPF states in para 80 that significant weight should be placed on the need to support economic growth and productivity, taking into account both local business needs and wider opportunities for development. The proposal, situated within the development limits of Street, close to bus stops and public transport routes, is considered to be a sustainable location in accordance with the Mendip Spatial Strategy. The application is delivered in partnership with Forward Space, the Council and Strode College and is intended to support local small scale enterprises and encourage links between business and education. The application states that the district requires space for small businesses early in their development and space for those looking to grow. The proposals do not result in any loss of playing fields or open, green space. The proposals are considered to be in accordance with national and local economic development policy, and within a sustainable location in the Mendip Spatial Strategy and as such, the principle of development is acceptable. Design of the Development and Impact on the Street Scene and Surrounding Area: The 7 containers proposed at the rear of the Sports Centre are situated in two blocks, one of 4 containers stacked together, and one of 3 containers. Access to the upper containers is proposed via an external staircase. The containers are proposed to be painted a bright red. Low level external lighting is proposed. The single container proposed as a cafe, is also to be painted red, close to main entrance of the Sports Centre. The proposals will read as part of the wider Sports Centre complex, although they will be partially hidden from views to the south, east and west by the existing trees, which are proposed to be retained.
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