65Th Lllontana Legislature - 2Lj17 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Business Report Sign..L by Chalrm.N Roll Call

65Th Lllontana Legislature - 2Lj17 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Business Report Sign..L by Chalrm.N Roll Call

65th lllontana Legislature - 2lJ17 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Business Report sign..l by Chalrm.n Roll Call Standing Committee Reports Tabled Bills Fiscal Reports Roll Call Votes Proxy Forms Vasitor Registration Additional Documents wftr€sr staremenc ahar arc .xhrDrlJ. AI| hrornarionat itcms h.rd.d ir atr.r m€.lrng, Peririo.s;er.ercra. /110,{111N1l ilr6ToQrcf i, atJctmJ dRc+rve6 225 11, QO8€RT5 fi etefi f , ]t\T 5962o-r20t 2or7 [e6l6r,f nve 6e560]r BUSII{ESS REPORT ONTANA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 65Ih LEGISLATURE . REGULAR SESSION HOUSE EDUCATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday,April 3, 2017 BILLS and RESOLUTIONS HEARD: HJ 27 - Requestifg interir slldy of MUs governance st.uclure - Rep KathyKelkef EXECUTIVE ACTION TAKEN: .2" ./).? .'//,t /..-/-/ MONTANT\ HOUSII OF REPIiI'ISENTATMS EDUCATION COMMITTEE - ROLL CALL D^-rE o'/ /o3 / 11 N MI PRISIryT ABSEN'IIEXCU5ED REP. SETH BERCLEE, CHAIR x- ,JEFF ESSMANN VICE CHAIR X MOFFIE FUNK, VICD CHAIR REP FRED ANDERSON REP. JACOB BACHME]ER REP. BECK\ BEARD X REP. BRYCE BENNET'I X KEP. AMANDA CURTIS REP EDWARD CREEF x REP. CREC HERTZ x REP. JEAN PIT]CE REP CASEY SCHREINER x REP. LOLA SHELDON CALLO\,LAY REP SCOTT SIAFFANSON x REP. SUE VINTON L REP. SUSAN WEBBER X 1I MTMBER5 @ HOUSE STANDING COMMTTTEE REPORT A[.iI3,201? Prge I of1 Wq your comiltee on Education reconnend thal llouse Joint R6olntion 27 (nBl reading IND. Iiscal Note Required \rS"\, IIOUSE STANDINC COMMTTTEE Rf,PORT Aoril3,20l7 Prge I of1 wq your @nnince on Educaiion rcconnend &5t S€nate BiIl 242 ($nd Eadine copy .. blrc) Repre9ntati,e Seth Betgtee Char' To be canied by Represntativ€ Mofiie funk END s8024:001sc16500.hrs Y\A,P r., ti EOUSE STANDINC COMMTTTEE REPORT airrilt201l ?age I ofI Wq you conmiltee on E.tucation reconmend thal Scnate Bill 227 (hird eading copy , blue) To be cMied by Represenratilc Jacob Bachneier -END sB022r00rsc:I7701. hts \ryr4,,.,,, EOUSE STANDINC COMT{ITTEE REPORT Atril3,2017 Pagelofll wq your connitee on Edncat'on recodmend lhal senaie Bilr 307 (third Eading copy blue) be concur€d in as rnendcd. To bc (aried b) Represen tati\ € Jcfi Esmsn Ahd, that such aoetrdm€nts rend: r- Title, page 1, line 10- sr!iL€. "FAcrLrTY" 2. Title, pas€ r, line 11. Foffosinq: rsuPPoRT; i INS€II: 'RENAMINC REI.qBURSEMENT PROCRAM THE DEBT SERVICE ASSISTANCE FROGRAM, CREATI G A STATE SPECIAI, REVENUE ACCOUNT AND PROGRAI'I FOF SCHOO], I4A.TOR 3. Titte, paqe 1, line 12. Follovisg: 'i20-9 236, i rnseltl ,'20 9 343, 2a 9-a51," 4. Paqe 2, line 23. sriike: ifa.ilitv" 5. Page 2, line 29. srliLe: r20-9 s16 (3) i 5. Paqe 4, Irne 3 liscal Noie RequiEd sBo30l00rscL23:6_ hts hta , April3,2017 Pago2ofl1 Insert: nsection 4. se.tion 20 9 l4J, MCA, is am€nd€d to r€ad: '20-9-343. Definition of and le€nre fo! state equarizaiion aid. (1) As used in this i:it1e, rhe r€fn ',srate equalization ald -di \-se .o. ro d -.bur.o ro \F p,o too- o. q base ai.l," BASE aid, and state €ifrffiie debt service assistance; and (b) neSotiated payments authoriz€d under 20 ? 420(3) up to 5500,000 a blenniun. t, e" . -r r' nd. .fp. op d ad .o -\a p . polbs or guaranteed tai base aid, BASE aid for the BASE funding pfogram, state eiildrsertent: it-i6 debt serli.€ r 5-.o " o- po.o ,. n- 9 o.on -5 account provid€d tat ir\ 2A-9-622 for the pubtic schools of the staie as indicat€d: 1a) subject La 2a-9-516\21la), interest and described in 20 9 341 and 2A 9-342; an.l lb) inv€stnent incone e.rned by investing intere3t and incone no.€y described in 20 9 341 and rn3eit: 's6ction 5. section 20-9-:16?, McA, ,'20-9*35?. E1igiSility to leceive qNalatrteed or 3tate rd.r.@jiSr!*@*t school facillties. (1) If the distri.t qDa.anteed tax base ratio of -ry g! el€n€ntary or high scho.l distri.t is 1es3 than rhe codespondinq state{ade elehenta.y or hiqh school quaranteed tax based.n the nunt,er of nills revied in the distrt.t in supporr of Lp 'o 1..19 o..\" b". - p-r ANB -n i t-n-n . rp -o r0.. o \F .pF . -d.._ oa allorab1e cost payment"nd budgeted uithin i:h€ q€neral fund budqet- 121 Tf the cou.ty retirement mil1 value per elementary ANE o- -t- o.... ._ ,- F- I, oo_ q^B -. -- hd, rhc o,.a oo.d ro . d -, d- c ,e p-i e e.e. .!_ FNe o high school ANB| the county may receiwe quaranteed trx base aid bd..d . -rra , . iF pFo. o 'nb-..,d ' o. .- , l. -- i,c..- b.d9- s or'\a F.pF. F e e - ..' o 9a school districts in the county. 13) For the purposes of 20-9-:l?0 and 20-9-311, if the tary aNB or the .listri.t niII value an the c.xxesp.ndinq statevide mi11 d a state advance of relmbursem€nt for schoot fa.ilities in suppolt of the debt service fund,"" Renurnber: subsequ€nt sections r. Page 5, line 5. stlik€: "facititv S9030700lSCl28J6.hrs April3,20t7 10. Page 5, line 10 Forro{inq: "!q!lrs" 11, Page 5, line 11 lol ofling: "levv, " 12. Pase 5, line 12 Following: ise.tion Insert: "anticiPated' st'ike : "21:L!]6]3I" 13. Page 5, rine 13, strike:'ifacilitv!' 14. Page 5, line 13. Folloning: "1eva, " 15. Page 5, Line 20. strike: i20 9 516 (31i Inselt: tsection 3 (31I 16. Paqe 5/ Iine 21. roltowing: "1evv, " 1?. Page 5, Itne 22. stlike: i20-9-516 r3)' 13. Prqe 5, rrne 2l SB0J0700lSC128J6.hk April3,2017 Prge 4 ofll srlike: "20-9-516 r1) rb)" i! hselt: Isection 6 (2) li' 19. Page 5, line 30, Follo'ing: "1evw. 20. Page 6, line 1. stlike: r20 9 516 (3) i Insert: tsection 3 l3) j,, 21- Page 6, Iine 3. Fo1loring: "1ewv, " 22- Fage 6, tine 10. stril<e: i20 9 5r6{3r i hselt: tsection 313) I 'i 21. Page 6, line 15. stli]re: "fa.itity 24. Paqe 6, 1in€ 17. stlike: "20 9 516i Inse!€: tsection 31 ,! 25. Page 7, fine 20. Folto'ing: "20 9 534rr line 21 througb line 26. strike: subsection (b) in its €nrirery Ren8be!: subsequent 3ubsections 21. Page 1, lit\e 2t. strike: "reinbur3en€nt foi school facilitres Inselt:'!debt serwice assistance'i 23. Page 3/ Iine 3 throuqh paqe 9, line 16. strike: subsection (31 throuqh subsection (6) in their entirety In6eit: i (3) If in anl fis.al of revenue in rhe school facirity and technoloqy account is sufficient to fund :on red-.tlo 20-9-346(2) (b) a^d if in that same fiscaf year th€ amount of .evenue available in th€ school malox aid account establish€d in tsection 3l !t1t ooe!01 ,-d- o. 1 \ooi jo I-e,jon 3 . -\" .1.." ,-dL. t- SB0307001SCl28.l6.htr April3,201, P,ge5ol11 state treasurer shall transfer any ex.ess funds tn the school facility and technoloqy accou.t to the schoor n.jo! o .. -q. i.-d ro avoid a proration reductlon. " 29. Page 9, Iine lr. ac.ount -- fo4tla- (l) There is a school najo. natntenan.e aid {2) The pu+ose of the account i5 to pr.vide, contingent on .n l6 I-o 1., d o-o .'l-d .. b"e ' io pfojects that" suppo*"_ a basic sysi:em of free quality publac secondary schools under 20-9-309 and that invotwe: (a) first, making any repat.s .ateqorize.l as ,'safety , "danage/Near and standards" in the facilities condition tnvent.ry for buildings of the s.hoor districr as n€€ds assessment final report prepared by the Montana departnent of adninistration pursuant to section 1, chapter t, special r,ars of D€cennrer 200s; a.d b "r.a. .oo - s,9 .re.ep",, .. ".". r1o. d j,y (il updattng the fa.ility condition inventory as h4 Iino .-po. ..f.6 .6d ,F \od or b6 d-r- n i6o o/ F -,d.q . .s a-s, 6rbto -/p- .. " The first up.late frust be conpleted by July 1, 2019, and €ach d | . h"tl c, \- or'o o .6 o. p,o-. i- b-.- iri-d o \-o -o.pb - than once ewery 5 years f.llowlng the first certification. (ii) undextaking proj€.ts designed to prodlce operational efftcie.cies su.h a3 utility sawings/ reduced future naintenance o, .. .o!o.-d :l:2" o, o' .-"r( -t.l -tt"t -o F6 ,9 fo, s dc, s, !, idiob' ro n -d opo- (a) roofinq systems; 3 l-er-n9. oad on (c) energy effictent":r trin.lo{'q, and door systens and (D) plunbinq systens; J v- e\' (F) infomation technoloqy infrastructure, including G o.r e. .!j i .t .apo... (l) (a) In any year in rhich the legislatur€ ha3 approlriated funds for distribution from rhe school major ..p- i.ed-,.o p,b1: n, ..ion 5B030700tSC128J6.hlr ADril3,2017 Pag€6ofl1 shall administer the .tistribution of school najor nainrenance aid Jor '16 . oo- subfund of the building reserre fund provided for i! 20-9, s02 (3) {eJ . subject to proration under subsection 15) of rhis nust be annually distribured no tarer rhan rhe lasr trorking day df MaI to a school districr imposing a lery pursuant i. 2a-9-542\3) school fiscal year, rirh rhe anount of state support per dollar of local efforr of rhe applicable elenentary ald high school program of each disrricr deternlned a3 r-_no rt- -..aI )- the depaftnent of revenue unde.

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