1111111111IN11115111111 XA04NO791 RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION OF THE FORESTS OF SOUTHERN POLAND AND FINLAND M. Jasirlska, K. Kozak, JW. Mietelski Institute of Nuclear Physics Radioactive Contamination of Environment Research Laboratory, Krak6w, Radzikowsklego 152 J. Barszcz, J. Greszta Academy of Agriculture Forest Ecology Department, Krak6w, 29 Listopada 46 ABSTRACT Experimental data of caesium and ruthenium radioactivity In chosen parts of forest ecosystems In Finland and Southern Poland are presented and compared. Measurements were performed with a low-background gamma-rays spectrometer with the Ge(LI) detector. The maximum caeslum 137 ativity In litter form Poland is 25 kBq, in that from Finland 39 kBq, In spruce needles It Is 04 kBq (Poland), 09 kBq (Finland) and in fern leaves it Is as high as 15.9 kBq per kg of dry mass In one sample from Poland. 1. INTRODUCTION The Academy of Agriculture In Krak6w was measuring Industrial pollution in forest ecosystems. After the Chernobyl reactor accident these measurements were extended to Include measurements of radioactive contamination. The measurements started In 1987 and were carried out at the Radioactive Contamination of Environment Research Laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krak6w. In this paper measurements of radioactive contamination of forests In Poland and Finland are presented. 2. SAMPLES Samples of the two upper layers of forest soil: litter (AL ) and humus (AI), of two year old needles of spruce (Picea excelsa) and of fern (Anthyrium sp.) leaves were analysed. Samples from Poland were collected in the late summer of 1987 from 19 experimental plots of the Cracow Academy of Agriculture, Forest Ecology Department, belonging to the standard net -of areas. The net of these areas covers Southern Poland (see Map.1 and Table 1). Trees an the experimental plots are 60-80 years old. Samples were taken from these plots according to the method of sampling developed for the industrial pollution research. The method was described in detail In paper From two experimental plots we also collected samples (needles or leaves) of beech (Fagus sylvatica), pine (Pinus sylvestris), fir (Abies alba), elder 77 1 1500000 (D areas of Cracow Academy of Agriculture map. I. Map of eXpe,-3- in forests Of Southern Poland. The are-,,- from which samples ele CC-lecteI I are mark:ed i black (Sambucus racemosa) and herbs: Senecio sylvaticus and Oxalis acetosella. TABLE 1. Data about locations In Poland where samples were taken from. number name height above on Map 1 region of Poland of the lace sea level [ml 7 Western Sudety ts. Petr6wka 1100 21 Eastern Sudety Mts. tnie2nik 1100 23 Eastern Sudety Mts. Biskupla Kopa 850 26 Pog6rze tlAskle Czechow1ce 330 29 Pog6rze Wielickle Kornatka 460 32 Pog6rze Ciq2kowickle Plotrkowice 370 36 Pog6rze Dynowskle Ka6czug-,x 350 38 Beskid 14ski Mts. Czantorla 620 39 Beskid tlAski Mts. Skrzyczne 640 38A Beskid t1qskI Mts. Waplenica 740 Si Beskid tlAskl Mts. Istebna 580 S2 Beskid tlakski Mts. Barania G6ra 1160 54 Beskid WysokI Mts. Babla G6ra 1300 S7 Beskid Sqdecki Mts. Radzlejowa 1200 58 Beskid SqdeckI Mts. Wojkowa 700 60 Beskid Niski Mts. Dukla 550 65 Tatra Mts. Zable 1500 74 Bleszczady Mts. Tarnica 1000 75 Silesian Upland 2yglinek 300 Samples from Finland were collected (using the same method) from 9 temporary experimental areas placed In forests which belong to the Finnish Forest Research Institute. They were collected from spruce forests having 60-80 years old trees. Their localization Is shown In Map. 2 and some further details are presented In Table 2 Samples were collected In TABLE 2 Location and numbers of the sample plots In Finnish forests The places of Forest Height [ml Number of the sampling division above sea sample plots level on Map 2 The Seill Island 27/31 5 1 Vantaa/Ruotsnkyla 75 60 2 Lepinjarwi 98 55 3 Parkano 413 160 4 2 Suonenjoki 41 130 5 Muhos/Pyhakoski/ 331 70 6 Rovanleml/Kivalo/ 132 155 7 Kolarl 38 160 8 Pallasjarvi 69 0 320 9 Explanations: sample forest of the Seill Nature Reserve samples 2 9 - forests research and experiment stations of the Finnish Forest Research Institute. 79 V 2e LAMC 41 A, 614 F51 R Map.2. Lccaticns ir, `nnlsh torests whei, were collec'-ed for this paper. Explanaticns;: I - nuryLei s of tjc_ pjc_,tL life li Tble abbreviations: K. -'ucpic,. C. -Culu. F. cvamemi- T -Turku e( September and f Irst half of October (plot no 3 of 1988 by one of the authors (J.Barszcz) during his study of the effects of Industrial pollution on forest ecosystems at the Finnish Forest Rsearch Institute, Dpt of Silviculture In Vantaa. Before measurements all samples were dried at 105 0C and then homogenized. 3.METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Measurements of activity of all samples were done with the standard gamma-rays spectrometer with a Ge(LI) detector. The energy resolution of the 137 spectrometer was 3 keV at 661.6 keV Cs line. The detector was placed In a low-background shield made of cm of lead, 0 2 cm of copper and 0 2 cm of cadmium. Spectra were taken on 1024 channel NTA analyser and then analysed using the IBM XT computer with P.I.M.P. 121 programme. The activity of both caeslum sotopes in the samples was measured by omparison of the given peak area In the sample and In the standard. The typical measurement time was IS hours. The 604.7 keV and 795.7 keV lines were taken Into account to determine the activity of 134 Cs. The 214 Bi line 609 keV (background) and 134 Cs 604.7 keV were separated numerically. Ruthenium-106 activities were determined using 511.9 keV and 621.9 keV 106 Rh lines after calibration of spectrometer efficiency. The contribution of' the background 511 keV annihilation line In the 511.9 keV line was taken Into account. Samples and standards were placed In bakers of the same shape having capacity of 150 ccm and all of them were arranged on the detector In the same way. Samples from Poland were analysed from April to August 1988 and those from Finland a year later. 4. RESULTS The results of the measurements are presented In Tables: 3 (samples from Poland), 4 (samples from Finland) and (additional plant samples from Poland). Activities In the samples were decay corrected for 1st August 1987 (samples from Poland) and Ist October 1988 (samples from Finland) - the conventional dates of sampling. 4.a. Caesium Isotopes The 137 Cs and 134 Cs activities In layer A lattice) samples from Poland L were placed from (ygline) 300 B/kg 137 Cs) and 95 Bq/kg ( 134 Cs) to (Wapienica) 2480 Bq/kg 137 Cs) and 930 B/kg (1 3 4Cs - see Table 3 In a deeper layer - A I (humus) contamination level was a few times less. In spruce (Picea excelsa) needles caeslum 137 concentration was between 20 81 TABI 3. Activities of samples collected In forests of Southern Poland Activity decay corrected for I August 1987 No lattice humus needles fern on (layer A L (layer AI of spruce Hap 137 134 106 -137 134 137 134 137 134 1 Cs Cs Ru Cs I Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs [Bq/kg of dry mass] 7 680:t3l 215±32 70±110 104±6 47±10 230±17 85:t24 5700±97 1700t59 21 1870±28 690±17 195±40 540±25 165±31 410til 160±15 758ft126 2540±81 23 1460±53 620±55 515±170 1790" 560±16 - - 14140±245 4630igl 26 1530±61 610±62 7251165 8%±1 S 290±10 205±18 76±31 390±17 ISUM 00 29 2420±54 880±46 625±120 1110±25 285±20 295±18 79±37 1040±38 390±43 32 720±61 290±72 650±330 260±9 53±10 58±8 19±15 270±11 90±12 36 626±21 240±2-5 290±125 440±15 88±12 45±4 13±8 99±13 47t19 38 985±43 300±39 41CY-+150 495±15 155±15 355+79 108±51 2710±48 895±3S 39 1475±55 560±55 580±115 1055+73 350±20 120±8 35±17 1120±25 395+93 39A 2480±47 930±36 410±105 620±14 155±12 300±12 98±40 15890+234 5430±12.5 51 665±38 225±43 165±135 395±12 75±11 125±12 49+29 - - 52 1680±61 630±62 1040±185 76S±15 240±13 380±15 92±41 13600±194 4680±94 54 750±21 290±21 510±105 570±28 150±28 340±19 120+74 6750±111 2070±67 57 1810±55 630±52 75±140 87±5 17±5 59±12 54±16 2150±58 580±48 58 800±38 230±35 0±100 - - 47±5 11±6 700±18 235±19 60 620±12 235±12 375±45 210±5 38±4 20±2 6±5 240±14 Sol 1 5 65 660±17 170t14 240±SO 265±14 40±14 200±8 56±28 3100±93 820±77 74 490±44 235±52 775±260 200±7 26±6 32±5 25±10 - - 75 300±26 95±27 465±130 - - 115±18 66±30 TABLE 4 Caesium activity In samples collected In forests of Finland Activity decay corrected for I October 1988 no. lattice layer A humus - layer A needles of spruce on L Map 137 Cs 134 Cs 137 Cs 134 Cs 137 Cs 2 Bq/kg of dry mass I 550 ± 16 155 ± is 405 ±10 89 ±9 183± 12 49 ± 15 2 880 ± 43 85 ± 61 343 ±9 72 ±10 54 ± 7 23 ± 9 3 3660 ± 60 970 ± 37 2940 ±42 740 ±22 266± 8 66 ± 9 4 3920 ± 55 1080 ± 54 765 ±16 157 ±12 289± 8 69 ± 12 5 2050 ± 34 570 ± 23 480 ±12 100 ±10 8751 21 200± 22 6 98± 8 16 ± 14 60 ±5 0 ±14 63 ± 4 8 5 7 55± 6 0 ± 14 173 ±14 8 ±5 40 ± 4 0 10 8 193 ± 8 32 ± 9 117 ±7 12 ±7 34 ± 4 10 6 9 98± 6 10 ± 11 119 ±7 0 ±14 52 ± 6 0 10 TABLE S.
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