Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 1-18-1996 Spectator 1996-01-18 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1996-01-18" (1996). The Spectator. 1995. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. NONPROFIT ORQ US POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE,WA Spectator PERMIT NO 2783 =■=»£«■■« James Royce,SJ,BP; Wj Alice in Chains 4mM§ I "^f*) Men's B-Ball wins popular Jesuit, ISK defies rumors WvjM* - V^Jri threeina row;2-0 dies at age 81. withnew album. .^jpL- jnconference. i Sullivanbackinaction NCAA affiliation decisionrevisited OfficialdecisiondueinlateFebruary TeriAnderson change. ManagingEditor Sullivan is scheduled to present and theBoardof Trustees with his final JasonLjchtenberger decisionin regardto whatdivision SportsReporter theuniversity should align with on Feb. 22.Anofficialdecisionis due A number of memos and charts shortlythereafter. analyzingthe financial costs to run WhileSullivanhasmadeveryfew theuniversity'sintercollegiatesports public commentsas to which align- programas anNCAAaffiliate were ment he willchoose, a memo, ad- released byPresidentWilliamSulli- dressedtotheTrusteesSports Advi- van, SJ,overthepast week. soryTask Force and theIntercolle- Thedocuments, which werepre- giate Sports Advisory Task Force, sented to a number of committee givesanumberofhis thoughtsonthe members and university officials, situationafter reviewingafinancial confirmed thatit wouldcost theuni- analysisfromAlbersSchoolofBusi- versitylesstojoinDivision111rather ness Dean Jerry Viscione. In it, he than Division11. said: Photo Courtesy of University Relations " For the past year, the future of It isnecessary toreducethe cost completed Sullivan, Cuttingtheribbonforthefirst segment ofthePerimeterProject isPresident William SU' sIntercollegiateSportsProgram of"intercollegiatesports. SJ. The$I.7millionprojectwasfundedbyprivate" donationsasa way toidentify thecampus tooutsiders. haslivedinastateofuncertainty,not Changing to Division II will "I think it's areal addition to the campus, Sullivan said. The project is finished exceptfor minor knowingwhatschools wouldbeits require cuts inathleticscholarships landscaping.Theceremonycoincided withSullivan'sreturn tohisofficeaftersufferingamildstroke.For future competitors. relatedstory on Sulllivan's return, seepage2. However, things are about to SeeNCAAonpage4 Lemieux library Budget ax causes exterior weakening departmentalmarriage TeriAnderson thepanels are close to ManagingEditor falling andplungingto Criminaljusticetobe the ground below, Nearly30yearsago,theLemieux which could lead to housedwithsociology Library officially openeditsdoors broken windows,other to the Seattle University commu- formsof buildingdam- in 1997-98 nity. age and, potentially, Described by students, staffand injuries. Bill faculty members as "more than a Justlast month, one Christianson ExecutiveEditor repositoryofbooks"onits firstday of the 250-poundpan- of business,the building was con- elsplummetedontothe Adepartmental marriage is inthe mak- sidered modern, with an artistic building's south side ingforSeattleUniversity'scriminal justice edge. loadingdockand shat- and Timeshavechanged. sociologyprograms. The final vowswill takeplace in Megan McCoid / Photo Editor Theonce "state-of-the-art"facil- Theonly other time 1997- -98 school year, but the criminal justice itynowstands withpartsof itliter- that a panel fell was StephenRowan,dean ofthe department is veryreluctant tosay "Ido." ally falling topieces. back in1989.Thepan- Arts andSciences College. However,withabudgetax attheirthroats, A number of the white marble els surrounding the they reallyhaveno panels decorating the exterior of fallen one wereexam- choice. Megan year next, no longer an independent thebuildingposea threatofdanger ined, but no problems McCoid / Photo Editor The after SU will have criminal justicedepartment.SUwillstillhavecriminaljusticeas amajor,butit will to visitors going to and from the were found. The fall Amarblepanelisreadytogivewayanydayon be under the umbrella of the sociology department,according toFather library, said BobFenn,director of was dismissed as an thenortheast cornerofLemieux Library. StephenRowan,dean of the Arts andScienceCollege. plantandpublic safety. isolatedincident. Criminal justice Chair a According toFenn, However, Michael Kelliher bitterly calls the decision weatherhas theDecemberincident and searching forother potentially "shotgunmarriage." caused severalpanelsto warpand served asa warningsign for plant start to work their wayloose from service employees.They immedi- the building. As a result, some of ately startedmonitoring thepanels SeeLibraryonpage2 SeeMarriageonpage5 News 2 Sullivanbackinthesaddle afterthree-monthabsence News Budgetisthe topconcern Workshop Presents"LocalCongregations as BillChristianson CreationAwareness Centers" ExecutiveEditor TheEco-TheologySerieswillpresentDr.DeWitt,professorof Instead ofa wooden caneinhis environmental studiesat theUniversityofWisconsin,Madison, lefthand,SeattleUniversity'sPresi- inaworkshopSaturday,Jan.27at9a.m.intheSchafer(Library) dentWilliamSullivan,SJ,heldonto Auditorium. an empty,gray waste-paperbasket DeWitt willfocus onputting biblical teachingson caringfor as he strolled down the hallway of creation intopractice. Participants willbeledinanillustrative the Administration Building to his workshopbeingusedbycongregationsthatareworkingtomake office. themselvesCreation AwarenessCenters. ForbothSullivanandthejanitors, The event,sponsoredbyEarth Ministry and theInstitute for this isgood news. Theological Studies,isopen to thepublic. A fee ischargedfor Sullivan is back in his office for the workshop. Formoreinformation andregistration, call632- the firsttime sincesufferingaminor strokenearly threemonths ago. SullivanspenttheChristmasbreak Learning CenterSponsors AcademicSuccess inPalm Springs rehabilitating his Seminars left arm andleg which were weak- enedbythe strokehesufferedatthe Megan McCchd / PhotoEditor TheLearningCenterisputtingona seriesofinformal work- endoflastOctober. President William Sullivan,SJ, is back working diligently in the office shops to helpyoubecome astrongerstudent. Duringhis stay insunnyCalifor- afterathree-monthabsence. Amathstoryproblems workshopisonWednesday,Jan.24;a nia, Sullivan did alot of walking, midtermpreparation workshopisonWednesday,Jan.31;anda including a 6.5-mile jaunt on his things that I'mdoingthis winteris in for next year's budget is the multiple choice exam workshopison Wednesday,Feb. 7. All 65thbirthday,Dec.20. reallymeasuring how muchof my $900,000thatwillgo towardlibrary seminarsare inEngineering304 fromnoon to 1p.m. "Iam reallyglad to be back," a energycomesback.AndthenIwill andtechnological improvements. Tosign up,call296-5740or stopbyLoyola 100. rejuvenatedSullivan said."Iappre- make thedecisionabouthowlongI Tuition increases and staff sala- ciate verymuch thesupport anden- willcontinue aspresident.ButIre- ries arestill upin the air, however, WifeofMurderedGuatemalanGuerrillaLeaderto couragementIhavereceivedthepast ally haven'tmade upmy mind,be- Sullivansaid. ShareHerExperience few weeks." causeIamtestingmyself this win- "Thosethings arenotsettledyet," SullivanreturnedtohisofficeJan. ter." Sullivansaid,"because thatis what 2,butheis tryingtoavoidpacking Jennifer Harbury,attornetand wifeofmurderedGuatemalan Sullivaniscurrentlythethirdlong- weare jugglingthismonth." his schedule tootightly. esttenuredpresident things guerrillaleader EfrainBamacaVelasquez,willpresent"Politics ofaJesuituni- But four are for sure, ac- "I am trying to spread out my versity, Monan,SJ, of Solidarity" Thursday, Jan. 18 from to p.m. behind Donald cording to Sullivan: there will be noon 1 in the schedule alittlemoreand not geta Wismer Center, p.m. of Boston College and Bernard more money for financial aid, the and from 7:30 to 8:30 Wyckoff whole lotofthingspacked Auditorium. intoone Couglin,SJ,of Gonzaga. library,informationservicesandstaff day,"Sullivansaid. year's Harbury willtalk aboutherstruggle togain ofher Butnow that Sullivanisback in salariesinnext budget. therelease But even with an "aired-out" saddle, husband,aGuatemalanMayanrebel leader,his death while in the therearemanyadditional In addition to budget juggling, schedule,Sullivan saysheishappy around, captivity,the plightof theoppressedpeople challengesthatmaybuckhim Sullivan andhisadministration are and theU.S.cover andthankful for suchaprogressive ups. Harbury willalsoattend theSchool ofLaw Women's besideshisroad torecovery. getting ready for the nextbigcon- Law recovery.Henolongerhas toseehis Friday, "The big issue right now, obvi- struction project: the $3 million CaucusBreakfast on Jan. 19 at9 p.m. at theSchool of physical basis, Law. therapistonaregular ously,is thisis thetimeofyearwhen chapel. whichmeansheis of Harbury' sponsored onthe tailend we're trying toprepare the budget "Hopefully,wewillbreakground s visit is by the Coalition for Human recovery. Concern. Formore information, proposalfornextyear,"Sullivansaid. inMay,"Sullivan said. call the WismerCenter at296- "I'm feeling good," he said. "I -2524. "It'salwaysabattle." The chapel is not the only con- thinkthehandandthearmareback, Currently, the administration is structionprojectonSullivan'smind,
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