FEDERAL REGISTER '9 3 4 VOLUME 9 C ü f w t ê D ^ NUMBER 171 Washington, Saturday, August 26, 1944 Regulations defined as such in War Food Order No. CONTENTS 73, as amended (8 P.R. 13880,9 P.R. 4319, 10036). REGULATIONS AND NOTICES (7) “ Ship supplier” means any person TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE C iv il A e r o n a u t ic s B oard: Page defined as such in War Food Order No. Chapter XI—War Food Administration Hawaiian Airlines', Ltd., et al., 74, as amended (8 F.R. 13880,9 F E . 4319, postponement of hearing_ 10430 [W FO 75-3] 8002), who holds a license under that order. F ederal P o w e r C o m m is s io n : P art 1410—L ive sto c k and M eats (8) “Person” means any individual, Hearings, etc.: Hope Natural Gas Co________ 10430 FORK REQUIRED TO BE SET ASIDE partnership, association, business trust, corporation, or any organized group of Memphis Natural Gas Co____ 10430 Pursuant to the provisions of War F ederal T rade C o m m is s io n : persons whether incorporated or not. Pood Order No. 75, as amended (8 P. R. Casey, Thomas J., cease and de­ (9) “Director” means the Director of 11119, 9 F. R. 4319, 4973, 5333, 5767), and sist order__________________ 10390 Distribution, War Food Administration. to effectuate the purposes thereof, it is nterstate o m m er c e o m m is s io n (10) Any term not specifically defined I C C : hereby ordered as follows : herein shall have the meaning ascribed Fruits and vegetables in West, ‘ § 1410.20 Pork required to be set thereto in War Food Order No. 75, as icing---------------------------- 10429 aside— (a) Definitions. (1) “Govern­ amended, or War Food Order No. 75-1, Reconsignment permits: mental agency” means the Army, Navy, as amended (8 F.R. 11327, 9 F R . 4319, Oranges, Chicago, 111________ 10430 Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the 5888, 8174). Potatoes, Minneapolis, Minn_ 10431 United States (excluding, for the pur­ (b) Quantity; quality; specifications. Reicing permits, etc.: poses of this order, United States Army No Class 1 slaughterer shall deliver meat Peas: post exchanges, United States Navy unless he shall set aside, reserve, and Buffalo, N. Y _ .................. 10431 ships’ service departments, United States hold for delivery to governmental agen­ Chicago, 111_____________ L_ 10431 Marine Corps post exchanges, and sim­ cies, authorized purchasers, contract Potatoes: ilar organizations), War Pood Admin­ schools, marine hospitals, maritime Louisville, K y_____________ 10431 istration (including but not restricted to academies, and ship suppliers : Weehawken, N. J_________ I 10431 any corporate agency thereof), the War (1) 6 percent of the total carcass Vegetables, retop icing_________ 10429 Shipping Administration, and the Vet­ weight of each week’s production of pork, O f fic e o f D e f e n se T r anspo r ta­ erans’ Administration. to be prepared in the form of frozen pork t i o n : (2) “Set aside meat” means pork of sides weighing not less than 48 nor more Buffalo, N. Y., substitution of the type and grade required to be set than 100 pounds, and to be produced motor vehicle passenger aside, reserved, and held under this from butcher hogs or smooth sows; service for street railway order. (2) 30 percent of the total weight of service____________________ 10432 (3) “Authorized purchaser” means: each week’s production of loins, to be Common carriers, coordinated (i) Any person who Is under contract prepared so as to conform, in weight operations: to sell or deliver set aside meat, or prod­ and quality, to specifications of govern­ Alabama and Georgia_______ 10432 ucts prepared in whole or part there­ mental agencies. 60 percent of all loins Atlanta, Ga., and Chatta­ from, to a governmental agency; so set aside shall be converted to semi- nooga, Tenn____________ 10434 (ii) Any person who has delivered se1 boneless loins; Atlanta and Rome, Ga_______ 10434 aside meat, or products prepared ir (3) 40 percent of each week’s total whole or part therefrom, to a govern­ production of hams, to be prepared so as Birmingham, Ala., and Rome, mental agency, and has not replaced th< to conform, in weight and quality, to Ga______________________ 10433 set aside meat so delivered, or contained specifications of governmental agencies. Buffalo and Cheektowaga, in the products so delivered, by a pur­ Not less than 20 percent of such hams N. Y ____________________ 10438 chase of set aside meat under this order; shall be processed into overseas hams re­ Denver, Colo., and Laramie, (iii) Any person who is authorized bj quiring 96 hours’ smoke, and not less W yo ____________________ 10436 the Director to purchase set aside meat than 10 percent of such hams shall be Georgia and South Carolina.. 10432 (4) “Conversion weight” means th( processed into Army hams requiring 48 Jackson and Louisville, Miss. 10438 dressed weight equivalent of pork, de­ hours’ smoke; Knoxville, Tenn., and Louis­ termined as prescribed in (c) hereof. (4) 50 percent of each week’s produc­ ville, K y________________ 10437 (5) “Dressed carcass” means a hog tion of square-cut and seedless bellies Oklahoma___________________ 10435 carcass dressed in accordance with nor- Southeastern United States_ 10436 Dial trade custom, with the leaf fat anc which fall within a weight range of from O f f ic e o f P rice A dministration : kidney out, the jowls on, the hams faced 6 to 20 pounds; and the head off. (5) 70 percent of each week’s total Adjustment, Carolina Pyro- phyllite Co________________ 10439 ^ “Contract school, marine hospital production of shoulder cuts, to be pre- or maritime academy” means any persoi (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 10387 10388 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, August 26, 1944 CONTENTS—Continued CANNED MEATS Conversion factor O f f ic e o f P rice A dministration — Continued. Pag® ( multiplier) FEDERAtlpEGISTER Chopped ham____ _________________ ________ 1.28 »»» \ Virgin Islands, maximum prices Luncheon meat___________________________1.35 (MPR 395, Am. 32)_______ 10425 Corned pork.____ _______________________ 2.22 Wool, wool tops and yarns (RPS Tushonka_________________'__t___________ 1.80 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, 58, Am. 16)__________ 10425Pork sausage_________________________ ___ 1.00 Issue bacon.____._______________ 1.18 and days following legal holidays, by the P e t r o le u m A dministration f o r Division of the Federal Register, The National Sliced bacon______________________________ 1.25 W a r : Dehydrated pork (10% maximum mois­ Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Crude oil operations, Kansas, in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, ture content)____ ____________________ 4.75 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Oklahoma, and Texas_____ 10427 Oil dèvelopment drilling opera­ The term “ boned” describes cuts from ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the which 50 percent or more of the bone, Administrative Committee, approved by the tions, North and West Cen­ by weight, has been removed by the proc­ President. Distribution is made only by the tral Texas_________________ 10427 ess of boning, and the term “ not boned” Superintendent of Documents, Government Residual fuel oil, limitation on Printing Office, Washington, D. C. describes cuts from which noire or less The regulatory material appearing herein is shipment----------------- 10428 than 50 percent of the bone, by weight, keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, S ele c tiv e S ervice S y s t e m : > has been removed, and primal cuts which which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Penal or correctional institu­ contain no bone. to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as tions, regulations governing (3) The conversion weight of pork of amended June 19, 1937. registrants_________________ 10391 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by any type used in the preparation of sau­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 W ar F ood A dministration : sage, or in the preparation of canned per month' or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Pork, set aside requirements meat, or any other meat product not vance. The charge for individual copies (WFO 75-3)______________ 10387 specified above, shall be computed by (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Soybeans (WFO 23, Termina­ determining, on the basis of the manu­ size of the issue. Remit check or money tion) ______________________ 10389 facturing formula, the net weight of the order, made payable, to the Superintendent Restrictions on purchases and pork used in such processing, and multi­ of Documents, directly to the Government plying such net weight by the appli­ Printing Office, Washington, D. C. use (WFO 110)_____ 10389 There are no restrictions on the republica­ W ar P r o d u c tio n B oard: cable conversion factor set forth above tion of material appearing in the Federal Hides, skins, and leather (M - for such type of pork. The net weight Register. 310)_______________ ____— 10392 of pork which is cooked and used in the Rubber, synthetic rubber, balata, preparation of canned meat not speci­ fied above shall be the weight thereof NOTICE and products (R - l; R -l, App. I ll) (2 documents)_10397, before cooking. The Cumulative Supplement to 10415 . (d) Credits allowed on deliveries. the Code of Federal Regulations, Subject to the provisions of (e) hereof, any set aside meat delivered to a govern­ covering the period from June 2, pared in the form of skinned shoulders, mental agency, authorized purchaser, 1938, through June 1, 1943, may be picnics, or Boston butts. contract school, marine hospital, mari­ obtained from the Superintendent (c) Conversion weight.
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