,. Wllllll'lIt;l81''Q';GlI'Q';GlI 7" 11K mn: ~°j:;~ilnt,:;0rc,ornrnunity NeW I ~lIJi Il.,~ "UJU. I ')~l' Help Gleaners 'bag hunger' For t,ht> 10th LOnSec.utlve ) ear Gro""e shIp we have \~Ith the GI os~c POlllte cvmmu . ......, I ~, ., , r.... 4.1 .. , ~ ...... " ........ ~ ........... "..:. 1 ..... ~"'-' ..... 1,... ..Il-'PV.I ...u...I,l. ... ",,) ... v u .....b I ...... ' '-~''''.l. ......... t" ......" .....t ~'-<.11,")) l,.!1t.. \...lltJ;:> ... t.,. hunger" Inserted III toda) 's p.J.per yuu \\111 Pomte wmmumty ha" c.ontrJbuted more th,m find a gr('~ery bag to fill up With nourhnmg 110,000 pounds uf food for the nungl),' Sdld food Items for the hungry Gleaners PreSIdent Gene Gon}a "We are Through Gleaners "KJds Helpmg KIds' food espeCIally grateful fot Gl O~se PolOte reSIdents dn,,~ lTIdny hungry, poor and III people will be '.\ho donate food dunng thiS tur.e uf the year, able to have nounshmg meals from your becau"e our canned fuod c.ontnbJtlOn" are donations The food dn,'e WIll run through low ThIS WIll allow u" to have a ~upply of Monday, March 30 Please drop your food canned food" throughout th~ year We thank INSIDE THIS ISSUEI donatIons off at any Grosse Pomte pubhc you for your help" school or the Grosse Pomte LIbrary If you cannot make a food donation, make a Call Carmen MattIa at the food bank at ('a<;h donatIOn payable to Gleaners (313) 923-3535 If you have any QuestIOns or Woods reviews Commumty Food Bank, all glfts are tax 'deas on how you can further help feed the deductIble l:JU.lgry, poor and III Gleaners IS IlJcated at ~We apprecIate the long-standmg relatIOn- 2131 Beaufait, DetrOIt, MI 48207 residency rules Thursday, March 19 The Grosse Pomte i for park passes Hlstoncal SocIety hosts a specIal program detatlmg By Jim Stlckford ldents actually paId $250 In the hIstory afthe Lake Shore I Staff Wnter taxes that went to the opera- Interurban Tram Lme at T'ne questIOn of Just who IS a tlon of CIty parks He was 7'45 p m In the ChIldren's "real" Grosse Pomte Woods res- aware of Wooos reSIdents WIth Home of DetroIt, 900 Cook Ident and what constItutes res- $350,000 homes that only paId Road in Grosse Pomte 1dency was very much the tOpIC $70 III park taxes Woods of conversatIOn at the Monday Mayor Robert NO\'ltke saId Jack Schramm wIll gIve mght Grosse Pomte Woods that from what Kosmas saId. the talk Call (313) 884-7010 CIty CouncIl meeting that he v.as achlully looking at to make a reservatIon There The talk was In response to a a sp~cIal mIllage to payoff IS no charge proposal before the councIl to bonds that were "old to make charge a specIal park fee to res- park Iwprovements Park Sunday March 22 Idents who own property WIth money comes from the cIty's St P~ul Evangehcal boundanes that cross the cIty general fund, \\ hleh comes Lutheran Church, 375 borders from the general millagE' The Accordll1g tf' city recol ds, city does not break do\\ n m tax Lathrup In Grosse POinte there are about 140 reSIdentIal bIlls what pel c.mtage of gener- F .arms, hosts the Eastern MIchIgan Umverslty lots that he both III the Wood" al fund mone~ b'<'e" to\\ard Chamber ChOIr at Its 9 and and other cltle" The proposal parks or public "afety or public debated bv the councIl woulli op,''''ce 11 15 ~ n~ 3cr"'':'Ct.3 charge a fee of up tu $250 to Jerrv Jarrard 01 LmvIlle saId 'lWenty chOlr meJY1bers are land 0\\ ners \\ Ith less than half thdt he olWns onh a few square under the dIrectIOn of Dr their houslOg lob .n the fept of pfl)pert~ ,hat lle In the Leonard Rlccmto Kan Woods Woodo and thE' amount of tax Harms, daughter of the Rev Slmpl) put If a person he owes the cIty each year IS so and Mrs Fred Harms, pastor Americans in Paris owned a lot th<ll \\',\$ both In small that the Clh doe'i'1't at St Paul Evangehcal the Woods and St ClaIr Shore" bother to collect It . Lutheran IS the choIr sopra- WIth only W pprcent of the But that \\ asn t Ill.. POUlt no. All are mVlted to attend These local students headed to France March 10 to Participate in the IlnJtUItI plopert) III the Woods, the Jdrrard saId The pomt \\ as the servIces A.FAC. French Back to Back program sponsored by the Grosse Pointe Public I School System, (See page lOA for more information and the students' names.) property O\~ nE'T v.au Id be that when th .. hOlder" of trle assessed a specIal fee to u::.e Wood" and the sUlroundmg Monday, March 23 Lake Front Palk ThIS fee cltles were drawn up, thanks to The Grosse Pomte Park would he based on the amount a number offact0rs "uch [I" old CIty Counct! meets at 7 p m Republic Bank invests in the Hill, of taxes tlJe property owner French stnp farm la\\ s anum- In Park CIt} hall, 15115 E actual!) paid to Grosse Pomte ber of homes \\ el e placed III Jefferson \Vood~ two CIties at the "ame time I • np~n~ ?nA ~n~h 1" .h~ Pn1n.~c Tf thp OWller palO $:!{)() 11' But, Jarr3.rd sald, those '" ..........L~ _ ....L...... b ....... L ........L .......L ".LL"" .L '-'.L.LL ....... ...., The CIty of Grosse Pomte I taxes to the CIty then the fee homes WE're granted cItIzen CouncIl meets at 7 30 p m In ~y Brad Lindberg Repubbc's retaIl supeTVlsor for Ident of the Mack locatIOn would be $50 If the owner paId .,hlP, as It were In partIcular the Cltv offices 17147 Staff Wnter southeast Mlchu:an "When we The Hill branch WIll have only $25 m taxes then the fee CItIes SInce that II as the case Maumee. If SIgnIng a five-year lease learned that space was opemng about eIght employees, Fltzryk v.ould be $225 But the fee WIll 1~ IS unfalr for the councIl te -- 1I.A" 1. ~" means anythmg, another bank up on the HIll, we Jumped at saId. allow these reSIdents full park reVJS1t those agreements and 11uesda y, l¥.la.l"-U k'" IS investing III the HIll the cnance to mo\ em We real- Plans for dn outdoor money pnvIleges, mcludmg guest suddenly change the rules The Semor Services SocIal 1y got lucky" machine are In the aIr and safe pnvlleges In a leaflet he d1stnbuted at Work CouncIl presents In the spmt of one good bank Repubhc hopes to open depOSIt b0'-es are a posslblhty, At a specIal meetmg three the meetmg, Jarrard wfOlA', "It deserves another, Rcpubhc Sandra SchIff, dlrecter of around May 1, smd Dana Cluckey saId weeks ago 10 WhICh thIS ques- IS an unfaIr but estabhshed planT11ng and development Bank IS settIng up shop In the Cluckey, a corporate NBD, saymg It had over-sat- tlon was first debated, the pro- fact, that the value of your for Eastwood Climes of the bUIlding formerly occupIed by spokesman urated the market, left the HIli posal v.ould have assessed a property IS dependent on your NBD Bank It WIll become the St. John Health System to III January but kept open itS fee, but not granted guest pnv- 10catlOn, and that a house m eIghth financIal InstltutlOn 10 The new branch won't open talk about canng for agmg three other offices In Grosse lieges Several members Harper Woods IS worth fflT le'''- famihes The speech begms the shoppmg dlstnct at the expense of Repubhc's Pomte. attendmg the meetmg thanked than the house next door m at 1 pm and IS held In the "We've wanted to enter the office on Mack and Kerby, Although movmg mto a the councd for changmg the Grosse Pomte Woods Change Kercheval m3.rket for about Henry Ford ContinuIng Car whlch has no plans to close, proposal In our reSIdency, vOLng status two years," saId Jeff Fltrzyk, eCenter-Belmont, 19840 sald Suzanne LIeder, vice pres- See REPUBUC, page 3A But there were those In and park pnvlleges would Harper In Harper Woods attendance who dtd not appre- cause us to lo"e a large part of There IS no charge Call c1ate the levymg of any sort of 0\.1' mvestment It WIll not cost (313) 640-3351 for reserva- fee, no matter how httle Woods the CIty CouncIl It WIll cost us tIOns. tax they paId and others ques- We are tIred of threats to our o tIoned ho".: the C1t~determmed property 'value and of bemg The VIllage of Grosse that $250 was a proper figure treated as second-class Grosse Pomte Shores Trustees meet John P. Kosmas of Hunt POInte Woods CItIZens GIve us at 7 p m In Village offices, Club saId that he always con- back our nghts and pnVl]eges " 795 Lakeshore. sldered hImself a Woods resl- Councllwuman VIckI dent and thought that he GrangE'r s,nd that the counCIl should receIve the pnvlleges of faced a difficult deC!SlOn But a Wood~ reSIdent He a]"o - . INSI.DE questIOned whethl'r Woods res- See WOODS, page 3A Opinwn . 6A S::hools . lOA Obltuanes 13A Autos. 14A Busmess 16A c:;;enlOrs. .. .. Entertamment Sportf: . UClassljlPd ads. Putt-putt Who needs Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf when you have Ferry Ele- mentary School's own 16- hole putt-putt course in the gymnasium.
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