•-" --NEWS- -SPORTS^ Sorfiestudents^questioh • The Red Foxes were. whether the food quality blanked for the second has gone up in the hew- game in a! row on Satur­ lcx>kMaristdininghall, day, falling 31-0 to Pg-3 Duquesne, pg. 16 THE CIRCLE the student newspaper of N|arist College VOLUME #53 ISSUE #2 HTTP://WWW.ACADEMIC.MARIST.EDV/C1RCLE SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 Off campus students question safety byJAIMETOMEO thorities must be published for who were mugged walking back Asst. News Editor the past three calendar years. to Marist at night: It is enough Mother always said to go ev­ During the 1998 school year to make students ask the ques­ erywhere with a buddy and look there were three reported bur­ tion, "Am 1 really safe off-cam­ both ways before crossing the glaries reported and one weap­ pus?" street to be safe. ons possession. This is a de­ It is a question all students Under the federal law entitled cline from the two proceeding should take into consideration "Student Right to Know and school years. • before walking past the new Campus Security Act", statis­ Yet students still hear repeated black metal fence. Unfortunately tics regarding certain crimes re­ stories of the student who was for many, becoming a statistic of ported to campus security au­ dragged by a cab and of people ...please see CRIME, pg. 4 Circle photo/Megan Williams Multiple crimes have occured near the Palace Diner recently. Parents to take jawexthe cahipus . arpund;-carnpus,~and .various r byKATEREILLY sporting events, there is also the '"; ' Staff Writer opportunity for parents and The sight of students clean­ students to take a boat cruise ing^ their rooms.for the past on the Hudson River. week signals that the annual At 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, a event where parents converge Mass will be held in the McCann upon Marist for the weekend is Center for all parents and stu­ here. dents who wish to attend. Di­ Parent's Weekend, the annual rectly following the Mass, re­ three-day event, will begin to­ freshments will, be available, morrow and run through Sun­ sponsored by the Alumni As­ day. Sponsored jointly by Stu­ sociation. dent Affairs and College Activi­ Many students are looking ties, it is a memorable weekend forward to Parent's Weekend. for Marist students and parents "It will be great to see my par­ According to a recent survey, 44 percent of college students participate in bfnge drinking. alike. ents because it will be nice to The weekend kick s off with an catch up," said Freshmen Lauren information session in the Polvere. "We are also going on McCann Center tomorrow after- the boat ride, which I am look­ October is Alcohol n'oon. Highlights of Friday ing forward too." - night include an open recre­ Freshmen students are not the ation night, specifically geared only ones whose parents will be to the Marist families. There will coming to visit, according to "also be a comedy club, featur­ Assistant Dean of Students, Awarenesduu^'cious environmenst espeMont­ Moil ill. h ing Willie Tyler and Lester, a re­ Steve Sansola. byPATRICKKEMPF cially on college rumpuses. A recent stud) by the Ilarv.ml nowned ventriloquist act. "Traditionally,- it has been Staff Writer . ' . In an effort to educate siu- School o!" Public Health re- Saturday is the day when the more freshmen and sophomore Everyone likes to have a good dcnt< abuiii ilie effects and \Cdled th:tt -14 pereeni of this largest attendance is expected. year parents (who come for the uine/OjnceJrrarwhiie, but when dangers of drug and aicohoi use, . country/sicoiiegestudentsoar- Along with on-campus activi­ weekend), but in the last three bijige7Hnn)qng arid drug use .Marist is taking part in National ticipated inbinge.drinking thei? ties, such as a Dean's breakfast, or four years, the number of jun b^ome^OTrbbtenrit creates a Drug and Alcohol Awareness ...pleasesee ALCOHOL} pg. 4 ...please see PARENTS, pg. 4 .^SP^SSSSy* a horse drawn carriage ride WEEKLY POLL ABC News star wins Marist award Marist President Dennis byJEFFDAHNCKE Murray said Roberts met all of StaffWriter the qualifications for someone TODAY: For the sixteenth consecutive worthy of the honor. Do you feel "The award is focused on in­ year, one of the nation's top hi: 67 safe off journalists has been honored by dividuals that have distin­ Marist College. guished themselves in elec­ lo: 53 campus? The annual Lowell Thomas tronic journalism and televi­ Community. 2 sion," Murray said. "(Roberts YES NQ Award ceremony was held last Features 5 Wednesday at the Union has) an ability to deal with is­ 18 32 League Club in New York City." sues of the day." Opinion 8 This year the award went to Marist established the award A&E Ill RELATED STORY ONTHBPAGE in 1983 to recognize individuals This is an unscientific survey taken from 50 Cokie Roberts, chief congres­ Sports ......16 ...please see AWARD, pg. 4 Marist students. ABC's Cokie Roberts. sional analyst of ABC News. THE--CIRCLE THE (CIRCLE SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 News PAGE 3 Community ¥>#?*: SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 PAGE 2 ipiPAPEST^McDonafas if-**. -Jiff-* AVs -H - *.<S>^Ji "^''AVJ/vr-U; Variety of cafeteria food Co^expectSito^seejhei shares 6fifet)usinesscbming^ CLUB sYdeme'trhlted States nsing'to 70 percent from the current 60 [BULLETINS] Briefs IN YOUR OPINION percent in 10 years time, lacking according to some McDonald's CEO said Tuesday. ^cor^iledbyf? According to VanLueren, "I would guess that 70 percent Sodexho Marriot is die primary ScottNevifiej . down the road (will be out­ byLAINEYNADEAU StaffWriter determinant to changes made in side the U.S) because the trend the cafeteria's physical appear­ is that almost 90 percent of the ance as well as the cafeteria's new openings are ouisidc the U The new cafeteria looks more menu, but Marist tries to take WMCR-EM (Marist College Gartland's ET Block has kept U.S." Grcenberg told Reuters in Radio) is no.woriithe air. Tune, appetizing, but many students students comments into consid­ Fairview Fire Department busy What do you think about an interview. are questioning whether the eration whenever possible. to 88.1anytime between 9a.m. this week, evacuating the block food is too. "Myself and two other front and la.m.'to hear the latest in five times. The first evacuation National Wire. modern rock,- punk", hardcore, Changed was the key term managers look oyer all the stu­ came on Mon., Sept. 20 at 12:20 RALEIGH, N.C. - Six inches of ska, hip-hop, RPM, sports, and the drug and alcohol used to describe the cafeteria dent comment cards we re­ p.m. when a resident ignited a rain kicked off new flooding to­ news. Any club interested in this fall when returning students ceive," he said. "If we can, we day in an area already devas­ haying a public service grease fire while cooking a ham­ noticed the new physical ap­ try and make all the changes tated by Hurricane Floyd's in­ anouncment broadcast on the burger. Though this resident situation on campus? pearance and style of food pre­ that students want." undation, washing out roads air should leave a message for pyrotechnic used an extin­ sentation. Many students enjoy Having pizza everyday was and a spillway. People were Program Director Doug Guarino guisher and saved the day, the the new atmosphere of the caf­ something suggested by sev­ urged to evacuate two residen­ atx3132. extinguisher's powder set off eteria and recognize an improve­ eral students last year and tial areas. the-alarm anyway. The next ment in food quality, but others VanLauren said that mis year's The pouring rain that fell dur­ complain that it lacks variety. The Renyard, Marist College's alarm came five hours later, when pizza bar, open daily from 11 a.m. ing the night cut through roads yearbook, is seeking photo­ Sophomore Matt Pelletier said to 7 p.m., has been a big hit. excess grease in an oven trig­ and made bridges in Wayne graphs from the junior and the food choices are not that Some students, however, dis­ gered the alarm. County and other areas impass­ sophomore classes for use in varied. agree. able this "morning-southeast of the yearbook. If you have pho­ "There is no variety," he said. Raleigh., " - -'.. ;/' \ - tos you want in the yearbook The alarms were silent Tues., "It's fabricated food, nothing "There is no variety... drop them off in the Renyard but on Wed. at 7:45 p.m., an­ In Goldsboro, 80 percent of the special about it. I don't enjoy it's fabricated food, office, located in the basment of other cooking mishap sent downtown.streets were flooded having pizza and grilled cheese the student center near'the Fairview back to their home this; morning by Stony Creek, everyday." nothing special mailroom. away from home. While inves­ which flows through the middle A pizza bar is something new about it." of town, said National Guard to be added, to the cafeteria this tigation the scene, Marist secu­ Matt Pelletier Do you like to discuss the hot "/ think there is a larger "/ don't think there is Maj. Dave Culbrelh. semester. The cafeteria is run rity officers confiscated a con­ 'What situation?" Sophomore topics of the day? If so join the struction barrel adorned with a drug and alchol problem by Sodexho Marriot, a leading more of a problem at food and facilities management debate team. Meetings are at functional blinking light. They New York News on campus then Marist Marist then there is at service around the country.
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