WE ARE PROMPT 4 Coal ! Coal ! tot Fort St. F hone MS Hall A Walker It you went an express, truck ->r 1232 Government Street dray, phone us. tmt# Telephone S3 PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. BAOOAOR STORED VICTORIA, B. C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1912 NO. 147 VOL. 41 22 CHRISTMAS AND A H YEAR TO EVERYBODY IVHf-E -w ; UNDER INDICTMENT BUT HAQ'rr l VICTORIA / CROWN* ' CHAMBERLIN AND MANY ARRESTS AS COMMISSION FAILED GUEST AT ANNUAL SMITHERS CHARGED COMMERCIAL DINNER OUTCOME OF ATTACK TO ASCERTAIN TRUTH President and Chairman Held "Life is Gift of Gods, Youth Believed Bengalese Resented Members Surrounded by the to Have Violated the Shee Privilege of Life," He Tells Removal of Capital From Agents of Co. Alleged to Have =- man Anti trust Law Travellers Calcutta to Delhi Committed Atrocities New York. Dec. 24.—Charles E. Mel- len, president of the N. Y., N. H. & H. Tandon. Dec. 24.-Hubert Carr Montreal. Dec M.—With guests at Delhi. India, Dec. 24 -The attempt R. R.. E. J. Chamberlin.- president of on the life of Baron and Lady Hard- Gomm, Liberal member of parliament the table of honor, including some of luge yesterday by an Indian fanatic for Southwark, has notified Sir Ed­ the Grand Trunk Pacific of Canada, the most prominent Canadians In pub kept the police and civil authorities of ward Gray, the foreign secretary, that and Alfred W. Smtthers. chairman of lie life in both political parties, th- the Imperial city of India occupied to­ he will ask a question In the Commons the G. T. R. board of directors, were thlrty-eighth annual banquet of the day. A large number of arrests have as to whether the government is aware indicted by the federal grand jury Dominion Commercial Travellers' As­ been made. It has been proved that at that atrocities in the Putumayo rub­ least 150 people were gathered at the here this afternoon charged with vio­ sociation last night at the Windsor ber district of Peru are continuing, and back of the premises from which the whether It Is true that 122 bodies of lating the Sherman anti-trust law in hotel was made an occasion in which tomb was thrown. In the vicinity also murdered men. women and children the alleged monopoly agreement be­ men in both political parties vied with was a dense crowd of natives. were seen in dhe district last March tween the two roads. each other In expressing a common de­ No special arrangements had been The government would be urged, the The Indictment avers Mellen, Cham­ votion lo Canada and the Empire, ant made for the occasion, and only ordin­ notice said. If Uie reports we/e true, to berlin and Smlthers wore engaged on ary police commanded by British offi­ a common faith as to the high destiny* communicate with the Peruvian gov-- August 3. 1M1, and "have sin«-e tyi- cers were on duty In the streets. which Canada Is bound to 'assume In eminent at-once. guged in an unlawful combination to There are score* of theories. Home be­ This matter comes up again through prevent the construction and ‘comple­ the Empire. lieve that the attempted assassination a batch of dispatches from the Colom­ tion of pertain extensions of the Grand ,The chairman for the evening was was the work of a Bengalese who was bian consul at Manaos to the British J. E. Cilles and R. C. With Ini acted a* trying to avenge what he considered Trunk railway In New England." consul at Iqultoe, copies of which the Tt Is also charged they conspired to toarstmaster. Seated next to the chair an Insult in the removal of India’s Colombian consul In Ivmdon handed to prevent the operation of steamships ma*V were the Hon. C. j. Doherty, re­ capital from Calcutta to Delhi. I f ' "f II ' the Anti-Slavery Society here. The between Providence and' New York presenting Hon. R. U Borden, . premier . Closer examination of the howdah In of Canada, who was unable to be pres-pres­ ; %hlch the viceroy wfi seated when main object of tbe dlsphtches Is to es­ and transportation of persons and ent. and ui.WAfkmiA lasrter *“* tablish the right of Colombia to certsl* property littereet and foreign commerce the opposition. Others ft Ijlg^Lhese lines of railroad and steam- le«- WW- J. « Fortier. president of Tf; h| h ggsl of thr nnwdah.wtrtrtr »*•» •*»» tiaO*ta teTHWlne «W» t'(.mmercial Traveller,'^ h„td wnod. ,nd ««in,. I Horn, of renewed .^r2*r"'^*!"Cn “ SSevee overt acts are- alleged by the Association: Hon. Louie Coderre. Hon. which the viceroy wee rerllnln*. was Ihose m<p United Is »r H rr ■ • government. It ts charged that the J D. Ifasm. Herbert D. Ames. M P-. wrecked. The bomb was of the ordln- ment s report last spr ne. defendants met In New 1 ork on August 6. 1S12. and discussed u mem­ Hens George P. Graham and L. P. agy type, but contained a large num­ The consul at Manaos expresses sur­ /VzA'.w’Jt Pol 1-41er. * ber of screws and talking machine prise at the matter In which the Putu­ orandum theretofore exchanged be­ mayo Investigating ea»nirtJs*lon. Which tween Messrs. Chamberlin and Mellon, The address of the president. Hon. **/// •1 I M. Fortier, gave 7W As the present A bulletin issued this morning W has already returned^ and one member ----- which, provided that the Grand Trunk //VA should sell the New Haven system all ihembershlp of the club, with A net doctor* In attendance on the viceroy of which le now in.London, conducted ill» interest In the Central Vermont and gntn during the year of 4S4 members. says:'"Baron Harding» passed A rest­ the Investigations. The consul alleges Mr Doherty. who was mention­ less night. It was necessary .to relieve that the. commission was surrounded Is suieidlartes. which w<»ii1d tnctude all thy proposed extensions Into New ed withw ith Sir WilfridWtlfrkl Laurierljaunev Inin conneccimiit-v - nishis pain withwun mjvvtiwieInjections of morphine. by agents and friends of the company nonHon wunwith theme toastiub«i "To v-wCanada.—. 1 —sa— 1.1 * He suffered little fever last night and into whose conduct it Is Inquiring, thus BnstomL ___-, ... that W felt he could hot do credit to none was present this morning. It wars missing the material facta The per­ The second overt act alleged em­ the occasion. He thnnked those pres­ found through the operation last even­ sons surrounding the commission had braces a charge that Chamberlin ent for drinking the health of Can­ ing that the muscle under the shoulder a spec**! Interest in keeping the crimes SANTA 0LAÜS IS ASTONISHED wrotV to Vlvs-President Dalrympls. of ada. which, he was glad to tell them, blade was rather severely tom.” the Grand Trunk, aaylnr he and was never better than under Its pres­ The consul gives details of what he emlth.rs had had a satisfactory Inter­ view with Mellen. and It waa agreed ent administration. calls the ingenuity with which Julius FIFTEEN OCTOBER HOMESTEADERS FOR B. C. Hlr Wilfrid Benrter. who received * C. Arana, who Is implicated In the that Dnlrymple and Benjamin Camp­ great ovation. expressed his pleasure at scandal, and who accompanied the FOR SAME MONTH LAST YEAR. FIFTY - SEVEN FEOERAL SOLDIERS ARE bell of the New Haven, should meet quietly tn Mellen'» office and dtseuaa being prwdBL declaring^»** travelers commission, dodged the Inquiry. He new divisions of New England buaU were jolly, atwaim chsAful. always adds lengthy particulars of tortures FOUR WESTERN PROVINCES SHOW DECREASE the prince ot gto^fello^Paml destined with the hatchet and lash, the setting The third act alleged that the de­ to be the future meeeliants of this on fire of persons whose bodies had ANNIHILATED AT fendants held further meetings In New country In their day n.nd generation. FROM CJ1. R. LAND beep soaked with oil. the traffic in In York UUy oa flept 2ft of this year, thf Referring to the youth of many of dtan children who had been stolen from Ottaa-n. Dee. 34.—Homestead en­ numbered til; Scotch it, and Irish G'f. fourth that they hnld another meeting those before him. Sir Wilfrid said: their families and sold like donkeys, Austro-Hungarians headed the list "Life is the gift of the gods, and youth te lee for the month of October rerent- In New York on October 1. the fifth COMPANY MAKES NEW and of many other atrocities. of continental people*, with III en­ Is the privilege of life." lydromplled show a total of 8,316, for « that at this mentioned meeting Mellen The consul says It was 122 heads of Ihe four Weetern provlocea, a» r»alnet tries. The cosmopolitan character of gave to the defendants a memorandum glr Wilfrid said that he knew no murdered persons, not bodies, as Mr. PLAN FOR SETTLERS 2,*«* In October. 1*11. a decrease of the people of the prairie provinces is of an agreement, providing among country Thé equal of Canada in the Carr-OomnVs notice says, that were shown by th<* fact that two Bulgari­ other things that the*K5rand Trunk is opportunities that it afforded to young found He save that although the 554 Saskatchewan entrlee numbered REBELS SUCCEED IN men. 1.113 against 1.4»* In October, 1*11; ans. one Hindu, ten South Americans, “to retain the Central Vermont and atrocities slackened for awhile, they one Macedonian, one Arab and one na­ Hon Louis Coderre made an eloquent were renewed, owing to the diminu­ Alberta, Y77.
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