luly7,1977l30d PEACE A FREEDOM THRU NONVIOLENT ACT'ON Howthe Right Watches the left Union Activism: The Green Bans Changes Prison Notes e I I I i ? why people protesting nuclear powergot ¡nuch a subject for day-to-day discus- t' so worked up about things like vege- òion. It was the fortnight-loirg occupa- tarian food, shoes, or segregation by tion ofthe armories that made this hap- sex. Such secondary issues simply rein- pen; a premature release would have- LETTERS forced (as Marty Jezer pointed out) the circumvented it. stereotypes held bv many Americans of It may be ourfaultthatthere is very the occüäiers as spoiled iriddle-class little awareness oftotal nonviolent non- hippies ùho were^out for a good time. cooperation as a pressure tactic-but the The camp¡ign at Seabrook may well pre- physical or non-physical, in achieving fronting us. He does not mention that They did nothing to extend the positive confusion in the armories over this issue vent the construction of a nuclear plant ãny intermediate end. This is not pos' many in the movement are concerned outreach effects ofthe occupation and of is multiplied many times by the confu- at thntsite; but at what cost? The tactic sible. All of Gandhi's campaigns were with conversion; an effort notjust to stop many groups' work over mâny years in sion outside. By hassling over petty plairned-that of occupying every bit of carefully built upon this principle. As and reverse the arms tace, but to solve buildiñg public consciousness on the issues, we perpetuate our isolation from landlo that construction is impossible- lóng as we seek to resolve conflict by many of the problems it either causes or nuclear oowef issue. the general public, from the people we promotes as we simply open the way for that go unsolved because govern- Thá oioblem outside the armories was mustwin over if there is tobe any real rJÐlJ2 legitimizes and coercion a coeicion, ofthe valid means of imposing the will of one further conflict, and further coercion. ment's preoccupation with itself andthe not, as'Ed Hedemann suggests, a ques- meaningful change in this country. In a ' group onto another. This, by definition, This I believeto be the coreof Gandhi's multi-national corporations. tion ofthe definition ofnonviolencé or of society which permits A,tticas and is violence, whether or not a hand is message, and his challenge rings clear. By not,noting the connections between ¿ Gandhian acceptance of suffering fol- Wounded Knêes and the jailing ofihe raised or a blow is delivered. _MARKSHEPARI) all issues the movement concems itself lowing civil disobedience. It was not one Wilmington 10, which buitds tñree new Serious students of Gandhi's writings SanDlego, Callf. with, Scheiner comes off as one who of the political consciousness of the in- hydrogen bombs every day; which ac: luly 7, 1977 I Yol.Xlll, No. 24 will recognize this. He consistently op- might very well claim that feminism, matesin not having an overall ideoþgy quiesces in torture in Chile, South posed the use ofcoercive obstruction. In Everv vear I am struck with how little world hunger, concern ovo¡the Middle or an awareness oftheir powertoforcb Africa, and elsewhere, protesting over one such instance he wrote, "Is there receñt fiction appears in the WIN spring East, concern about fatmworker condi- their own release. It was, rathet, the McDonald's hamburgers is ridiculous. It 4. Howthe Right Watches the Left,, realty any difficulty about regarding a book poll. For those of you who do not tions, but view of Seabrook as perceived by mil- is not the way to reach the vast majority Harvey Kahn & Eda6ordon livingwall of pickets as n¿kedviolence? consiãer such things overly frivolous, I divert mofe lions of Americans whose information of our potential supportefs-the people 10. Union Activism: TheGreen Bans , tffhat is the difference between force would recommend Ratnerts Starby Don issue of nuclear disarmament. wasfiltered/distorted by the mass who eat McDonald's hamburgers. used against a man wanting to do a Delillo (Knopf 1976). A very funny and will grant Scheiner the fact that if we media. In this view, the occupation/ The great strength ofSeabrook is in its JackMundey particular thing, and force exercised by provocative éxploration into the purpose have a nuclear holocaust, we won't be imprisonment was a total and duration. Clamshell and its predecessors 16. Changbs ínterposing yourself between him and òf lansuaee anãcommunication. To me, around to worry about any ofthese unqualified success. Any actions ofthe have been fighting the planf for fi ve and in- sortruefully missedby the members of yea¡s, and The 18. the deed?" ("Picketing, " Nonvlolent it's rdmaiÍ<ably similar in spirit issues but who can actually believe we they will continue. two- Prison Notes / Larìyãara , p339. This Relotions in Publlc by Erving can change a structure that promotes the the''#339'' affinity group would have week occupation brought the issue to the : Re¡lct¡ncs, Schocken Books, tent to 19. Reviews LeeWebster articles gives a general review ofhis Gaufman.'Not a nove! but a study on arms race without also working on the detracted fr om that success. public spotlight, its continuing after- / & position toward such tactics.) how oeoole understarid each othér. Do problems which allow such a structure to The fact that over Sfl) people refused effêcts (I have to gototrial in afew W.D. Ehrhart The essential elements of nonviolent you linoi why people aren't constantly continue in its self-created path of bail for almost twoweeks proved our weeks-this provides a vehiclefot resistance, constantly reiterated by lunning into each other on the street? destruction. seriousness and kêpt the iisue alive keeping discussion with friends and co- Gandhi, are sacrifice and withdrawal of How loág can you look at someone befote We must all see that whatevei we can in the public mind far mor effec'tively workers alive) will keep itthere. Cover: Drawing by Peg Avcrill cooperation, leading to the moral con- -vou are cõnsidered to be staring? do (and some see certain issues mote than a determined and unifiedresistance Upping the stakes oi forcing confron- version of the opponent. Never is the . Ann Beattie's Chllly Scenes of Wlnter important than others) will take us all a effort would have if it.had forced our tation is not atways the best tactic to pur- nonviolent resister allowed to force his/ (Doubleday 1976) is sweet and funny and step further to our common goal of release in two days. sue. V9hen you aie winning, it is sonie- her will on the opponent. Even the inten- perfectly captures the pitifulness of'60's human liberation; meaning that we don't In the ten days that I was out and they times betterto stretch outyour victory tion of aocomplishingthis places his/her irostalgiâ. O1, as \{oody Allen bays, have to live within the fear of a nucloar wete in, there were stories in the press and letthe effects sink in on the general UN|NDTCTED CO.CONSPIBATqI' if I get mellow, I'll fall offthe holocaust, going hungry, being denied evety day. Nearly every person I en- public. We will stop the Seabrook actions in the realm ofviolent struggle. "I'm ifraid Jan Barry . Lance Belv¡lle . Mar¡sCåkara' We have much for which to thanl-the tree and rot. " fairjob placement for any reason, etc. c¡ountered wanted to fnow whal was nuke-and all thd nukes-but only.when Susan Câkars' ¡ Jerry C-offin e Lynne Shatzkln Goffln'. \. h..ppening and why. The issues of ' we h¿ve Ann Dâvidon . D¡åna Davies . Ruth Dear' occupiers at Seabrook. They have ex- Redto Ethloplr by the Patti Smith Just as we all must realize thatthere broadened our suooort to in- . Group (Arista iecords) isn't a work of fic' afe no and are nuctear power and its corollary evils clude miltions of "middle Àmericans. Ralph Dicia' Brian Doherty Wílliam Douthad' ôitedpeople in this country and around "we's" "they's," thltwe " Kaien Durbin. ¡ ChuckFaser . Seth Foldy I (nuclear the wõrld(myself included) with their tion, but it is a work of art. \{hen used all simply, human beings; we must take weapons, centralized control of The April/May occupation was a major Jim Forest o LarryCara . Joan Llbþy Håwk: example of willingness to sacrifice, their to listen to it every morning as soon as I this inter-connecting to our viewpoints of energy production, civil liberties, envir- step in this ptocess. Ed Hedemann o Grace Hedemann r Hendrik Hcrtzbcr¡ _CEAruIESGTEE{EN Marty Jezer . Eecky Johnson r Nancy Johnson discipline, theiropenness, theit con- sot up (back in that magic time when my what we all are doing, in different ways, onmental damage, etc.) were never so ¡ r need Paul Johnson Alison Karpel Cralg Karpel sensual decision-making, their physical ñeadþhones worked) I found little but for many of us the same reasons. WhltePlrlne,IrtY JohnKyperr El¡otl¡nzerr r Ja6ksonMacLow :.' nonviolence. By these signs they have for coffee or vitamins. Basically, we care enough to try. DavidMcReynolds'. MaryMô)lo o DavldÀáorric . shownthemselves capable of true non- _MARIHAÎHOMASES BTAINEMETCAI¡ MarkMorris o JimPeck. TadRichards NewYork,IYY lgal Roodenko' ¡ Fred Rosen r NancyRosen. violence. But to actually achieve this Clrromont'CA EdSanders . WendySchwartz' . M¡rthrThom¡lr9 nonviolence, the tactic ofcoercive ob- Art Waskow . Beverly Woodward WIN is looking fora nervstaff . We need someone w¡th.editorial . Effortr" Your Seabrook 2 issue 6/16- struction must be replaced byone con- In " Redirecting Disarmam"nì [WIN, 'Member of WIN Ëditorial Eoard sistentwith the philosophy by which IWIN, 6 / 9 / 77 I, I feel Charles Scheiner 23/77lwas great, but Ifeel thatthedis- they seek to act.
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