)wi»W. ■ ■ -i,---- . ,y . \ Thd W i Averagd Daily Ndt Prew Run nUDAY, OCTOBER 16, 19W at D. ■- W* Fer the Weak Bnded fllanrbPBtrr twfttlws ilw alb . O et 18. 18M ■Idiaad project win b* und*r*lMd. 13,027 Th* woman’* aiucillaty of St. Mia* Dorothy Ansaldl, daught*r There will not he all th* parking, Mary** Bplaoopal Church will or Mr. xnd Mr*. Andrew Anaaldl, HearingSet Member ef the Andit apac* eaUad for under th* regula­ Bureau ef OIrenlatien. About Town aponaor a rummag* *al* In Ui* 138 W. Center St., ha* b*en elected tion*, tine* It 1* not thought nec- M anehm tier^A City o f VUlmgo .CAm t h i crypt of the church 'Thuraday, realdent of her dormitory at En- tlH BtpMT aub Will hold «l Mt- S eaaary in a project at.thla Oct. 3t. begli^liig at 8:S0 am. IcOti Junior Collag*, Bevarly, On Housings and there will W more'than l^ it party for member* and M*M„ where *he 1* a aenlor and ig an Png* 18) PRICE PiVE CENtB (rt*Bds toaight itartliiK at S. main building on a let. In add^ VOL. LtXIX, NO. 15 TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION-SUBURBIA. TODAY MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBBR IL 1M» The Newcomer*’ dub of Man- also a member of the atudenf Mon, a waiver of the 110-day atai council. Church Bids An annual department parley cheater will meet Tueaday , at 8 of. eonatnictlon date i* bef p m. In the fireplace room at the •f Aneorlcan t«ilan auxiliary will Bug*ne Sweeney. Hlllyer Col- ■ought. b* held at the Hotel Bond tomor­ Community T for a Halloween Separate jpublie hearings on ihd coatume p^ny. ^ lege fitatnictor'ln hUtory and gov­ Manchester Housing Authority's Civil War Vet row atarttnf at 8;S0 xm. Mr*. ernment, will speak on "The unit­ - r Mine Rescuers J. F. W all^ prertdent, and Mr*. proposed apartments for the eld­ /Steel Firms Weigh The Re\. Paul Kalier. pastor of ed SUtes in World ASaira.” Uktng erly off W. CenUr St. will be held May Reach 117 Theodor* Falrbanlu, *ecretary. the current U.S,-Russia relations CHARGEY6UR will repreaent the Mancheiter Concordia UiUieran Church, will Oct. 26 in the Municipal Building Fight Big Odds deliver the Sundty bro*dc*»l *pon- Into Account, at a meeting of the by tha Town Ptannhig Commiaiion Houston, Tax., Oct. 17 (47— auxiliary at th* *chool of Instruc- hJwahl* aub Tueedsy noon et the PRESCRIPTIONS MERE / Gen. Marshall Dies; tlon for officer* and cdmmlttee Bored by the Manche*ter Mlnle- and the Zoning Boairi of Appefda. Copfsderats 'veteran Walter teiial Aarni. over Station WfNF at Mancheeter Country Club. Ofllcera The TPC win also hold a public Reduced Demands To Save Three Williams apparently will roach ehaimion. t d:S5 p.m. and directors of Klwanls Will be hearing that night oh a general his 117th birthday, hi* docr eleOted at thl* meeting. Thb Boraptimlat aub will meet aite plan for the Covenaht Om- PINE Silverpeak, Nev., Oct. 17 (JP) tor- saya Konddy ovenlng at the home of Members of th* Toung People'* grcgatlonal Church which wishaa rHAHMACT Williams. last surviving Society of 351on Lutheran Church Thoihas J. Riddell, eon of Mr. — Persigtent in the face of veteran of the Civil War, fell Mrx Iona Slrtth. Sunny View tJr.. and Mrs. T. E. Riddell. 87 Thomas to davelop 18'' acres off Haokma- •• • ■ - / V • --N e w By Striking Union V«mon. Member* wUl leave from sHlI attend a Walther Ltaguc eohe tMk St. Into a unique religioui;and discouraging odds, rescue ill with pneumonia last sum­ fall rally at Chrl»t Lutheran Dr., has been named to the dormi­ recreation area. mer and was on th* critical th* Omtor at 7 pjn. tory council at Loaton College, WOENTER.IT4 teams tunneled into a hill Church, In Hartford, Sunday from Tha planning commisaion is from three different direc­ list for weeks. Doctors at that Top Military Leader 3"^ 8 p.m. Chestnut Hill, Mass., whsre he IS New York, OcL 17 (ff)—f Such a court order, unwanted by Fallot Pbote having a h'earliig on tha housing time said death was only a a eenior In the College of Arts and project as it iF M ng considarad ■* either the induatry qr the atriking tions today, trying to reach Sciences. He is a graduate of Man­ ' *•' Steel iikdnstry leadera kept few day* away. Members of the Zion Lutheran a aubdlvlalon which, if approved, 88C|pet today the place of a ateelworkera union, likely will be three men trapped or crushed ' But he Is holding up well and 0 wkeo yon Brink of ^ Ladle*' Aid uill attend, the Lu­ chester High School. Engaged ■ought by the government next _L__ win allo^i- the ^acceptance of the meeting that could decide the by a mine shaft cave-in. "probably will live beyond his theran Women’a Mlaalonary The engagement of Mtaa Karen streets by the town.’ • CORNER OP MRCH end SPRUCE STS. week barring a weekend peace Tha shaft collapsed yestarday 117th birthday (Nov. 14) If The Polish NaUonal Alliance. FASHION League rally at Trinity IsTtheran Marie Smith to George Walter The zoning Board will consider outcome of the 95-day steel P*ct- • .. at the Mohawk Silver Mine in a his present condition contin­ 2 halioween 2 Church, East Hampton, Maaa., Group 1888, will meet tomorrow ^auregard, aon of Mr. and Mr*. a variance req'uMi .because som* strike. They had been ex­ "The partiea are cloeer together onca-ribh district south of thl^ at 7 p.m. at 77 North St. I ues." Dr. 'Russell Wolfe said Created Aid Project 2 think of T i Sunda>’ from 3 to 8 p.m. George J. Beauregard. 88 West­ of the apartment* In the propoaed SHOW SATURDAY, OGT^ 17 pected to meet in the Waldorf- than they have been eince the ne­ tiny western Nevada community. yesterday. minster Rd., is announced by her 100-unlt, $1,360,138 federally .aUh- Astoria Hotel at 10 a.m. to gotiations atarted,''' Mitchell saJd "The odda are against the men Williams has said he’ll have The John Maqier Chdpter: Or­ The French aub of Manchester i parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Raymond Sponsored By The TARE OUT SERVICE A SPECIALTY last night. The steel labor diapute being alive,’’ said James Wike, der of DeMoIay. will paint the will meet tonight at 8 at Orange; consider a union compromise barbecued pork ribs on hla Smith. 127 ^•’Itklii St. St. l^dgeYa Boaary Society ' DEUCiOCS FRIED CLAMS e FRIED SCALLOPS ha* been going on for six months. busiuMa manager of the mine. birthday. fence around the Pitkin Olias Hail. There will be entertainment i offer. But at that hour none There were tndicatton* that the 1 FAIRWAY: Mias Smith Is a student at the I^RRENT TONIGHT 8:00 • FISH *nd CHIPS » LOBSTER ROLL « GRlNDlERS "But there is still that, hope.” I To Help Free World ^ than, Work* on Parker 8t. tomorrow and refreshments. - Central Connecticut State College government although still want­ 8 and 18 inm. Mortis Frojeetnrf a ITALIAN s a n d w ic h e s * HOT DOOS had appeared. "We're going to work around I from 8 a.m. to'8 p.m. In New Britain'Where she Is pre­ K. e iC . Half. Main St. e CHEESEBURGER * FOUNTAIN SERVICE ing to avoid a labor pact thkt would the clock until we find them. Dead i Mark 8. Traut. ton Mr. and paring for elementary achoot —annnd at allent, nl«b 88 m'h. force an inflationary boost in' steel Mr*. Carl H. Traut, 1000 W. Mid- alids prowetnrs. DONX’norir ti.ho New York, Oct. 17 (JP)— or alive.” , WaahinfftoTi, Oct. 17 (JP)— G«n. George C. Manhalt, who Unit I of .the AugusUna Luth­ teaching. HSr fiance la a student OPENING SPECIAL. , prices, now consi)ler* that ending WIke couldn’t guess how long | CBS Drops eran Church Women of EknanutI die Tpke.. ha* been elected treas­ Entertainment and PYiRCHASE VOKR PINT OF FRlI® CLAMS AND Steel industry leaders meet the strike is 'an equal if not Over­ guided America’s armed might in World War II and created in buitness administration at the WELDON DRUG CO. Refreshments it Might take to reach the men. i Lutheran Church will meet In urer of the aenlor class st Leland University of Hartford. Both are RECEIVE TOUR FREE PINT OF FRENCH FRIES today to weigh a compromise riding ' consideration. the postwar Marshall Plan to safeguard free nations afainst Powers school of Radio. Television 801 Main St Tel. Ml 8-883I "We don’t know exactly where Luther hall Tuesday at 8 p.m. - graduates of Minchester High union offer to end the 96-day The induatry’a negotiator* are they are,” he said. "They were communism, is dead at 78. and Theater In Boston. Traut, who due to rush back to Washington Big Money D O N 'T School. steel strike. ' working between the 200 and 300- Marshall had been seriously ill since he suffered a atrohe ISHB plenty of wear left ln| A jewalry party for members i la taking the 2-year professional No date hxa been set for the thi* afternoon to gi've union preei- I course at Leland Powers to pre- They were to gather in a Wal­ foot level, but they could have had last Jan. 16 at his winter home in Pinehurat, N. C. He was ehaoB whea kroaght her* tor| of Chapman Court, Order of Am­ v\-eddlng.
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