NAT. NAT. HIST. BUL L. SIAM Soc. 41: 63 , 1993 NOTES Notes Notes on Trentepohlia monilia de Wildeman (Chlorophyta ,Ulothricales) from the campus of the University of Malaya ,Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia Fonnerly , only two species of Trentepohlia Mart. have been recorded from Malaysia i. e. ,Trentepohlia aurea (L.) M 制. by Jo 削 SON (1 969) and Trentepohlia joli 伽 s (L.) Wallroth Wallroth by RA'τNASABAPATHY (1 972). More recently ,however ,TAN (1 976) had re- cognised cognised a total of eight unidentified species of Trentepohlia in her studies on epiphyllous algae algae of Ul u Gombak ,Selangor. Until now , the number of all congeneric species of this genus genus occurring in Malaysia is not known with certainty. During During the course of our investigations on Malaysian Trentepohlia we identified a specimen specimen now registered as PM002 (PM for Pozi Milow ,002 as the collection number) as as Trentepohlia monilia de Wildeman by comparing it with the descriptions of 出is species from Madras , India (J E日 I-BAI , 1962) and Java , Indonesia (DE W ll.. DEMAN ,1900). 官le alga alga was found growing naturally on concrete slopes ne 釘 the Dep 創官nent of Botany , University University of Malaya , Kuala Lumpur. It fonned yellowish to dark gre 氾n patches on 出e substratum. substratum. Filaments Filaments have distinct prostrate and erect branching systems. Cells green in colour , ovoid ovoid and rarely spherical ,16.8-39.5 J.l m long and 6.3 -16.8 J.l m wide. Cell walls smooth and and less than 2 J.l m thick. Sporangia pedicellate , borne on tenninal portion of erect branches , green to yellowish brown ,spherical ,18. 9- 25.0 J.l m in diameter. Sta1k cells yellowish yellowish green or hyaline ,bottle-shaped , with occ 剖 ionally bent neck ,37.8 -44 .1 J.l m long 8. 4- 14.7 J.l m wide. Descriptions 釘 e based on fresh specimen. All these are summarized in in Fig 町田 l(a-e) and 2. Th e PM002 specimen possesses characteristics which 釘 e fully agreeable with de- scriptions scriptions of Physolinum monilia de Wildeman from Nilgiris , India made by PREM ll.. A et al. al. (1 990). 百le monotypic genus Physolinum ,however , has been relegated to synonymy with with Trentepohlia by FLINT (1 959). Trentepohlia monilia de Wildeman is ,therefore , the co 町 ect name for the specimen PM002 from the campus of the University of Malaya. We would like to acknowledge Dr. Haji Mohamed for reading the manuscript and giving giving helpful comments ,and the Malaysian Government Research and Development Grant R&D 1・07 ・04-037 for suppo 託ing 白is research. 63 63 64 64 NOTES REFERENCES DE WILDEMAN , E. 1990. Le Algues la Flore de Buitenzorg (Essai d'une Flore Algologique de Java) ,Leide , pp. 69-70. 69-70. FL 別 T , E.A. 1959. Th e occ 町民nce of zoospores in Physilonum pr 加tz. New Phytol. , 58: 267-270. JEEJI-BAI ,N. , 1962. Trentepohlia monilia de Wildenn 組合om Madras. Phykos ,Vo l. 1(2): 79-83. JOHNSON , A. 1969. A forest quadrat 泊 the National Park:τbe flora 0白er 白飢位'ees. Malayan. Nat. J. , 22: 152- 158. 158. PREMILA ,N. , R. NIRMALA and S. B 臥貼百iAN, 1990. A preliminary report on 恥 epiphytic and epiphyllous green green algae from 凶Igiris. Phykos ,29 (1 & 2): 159-165. RA TNASABAPA' 叩 Y ,M. 1972. Algae from Gunong Jerai (Ked 幼 Peak) ,Malaysia. Gardens Bulletin ,Singapore , XXVI: 95-110. TAN , D.H. 1976. A Taxonomic and Distributional Study 01 the Epiphyllo ω Algae at the Ulu Gombak Field Studies Studies Centre University 01 Malaya. B.Sc. Thesis. University of Malaya. pp. 35-34. Aizhah Aizhah Salleh Pozi Pozi Milow Dep 釘回lent of Botany University University of Malaya 5900 Kuala Lampur Malaysia Malaysia NOTES 65 a FIG .l ー 50r Figur 巴 1. Differ e nt portion s of lh 巴 filam ent s of Tr entepohlia l11 0nilia de Wi Ideman with b,c ,d ,e bearing pedic 巴llate spor ang ia (drawn from fre sh specimen) Fi glll 巴 2. A ped に ellal es poran g illm (x) of Tr enl epo hlia l1/ onilia de Wild eman i.e.,bO I1l 巴 on as ta lk cell (y) Arrow ed aI百 oval- shap edv 巴gela liv e ce ll s of T. l11 0nilia d巴 Wilcl 巴man. Scale = 20 pm (ta ken from fr es h spec im 巴n) .
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