^Matrimony by 'BlLLIE 'BURKE o o D m H tt I '.4 v_-**«. & Countess Olga <J*/. o^lbani NBC, New York ^loyd Ribbons' Create 5/V Oliver Lodge + £<*£y Ko^e Marie + IF/7/ WHAT RADIO STARS WANT FOR C WITH THE 1RECI0US TEETH OF CHILDREN trust only the fines! dentifrice SO widely known are the benefits which Forhan's brings to mouths marked by the effects of age, that another impor- tant function of this dentifrice is sometimes overlooked. It is so pure, it is so mild and cleansing, that this "dentists' dentifrice" is ideal for children. Young teeth need exceptional care. Fully 85% of all molars coming through the gums contain tiny surface cracks or fis- sures—the breeding place of future trouble unless they are watchfully cleaned with a safe dentifrice, and checked also by your dentist. Health authorities also recommend that you clean and mas- sage the gums, even of infants, and urge that children's gums receive regular care. And care of the gums is the other function of Forhan's. dentifrice a dentist, This was developed by R. J. Forhan, D.D.S. He prepared a dentifrice which gives the teeth a wonderfully gentle and thorough cleansing—and claims to do nothing more for the teeth. But he added another benefit which his practice had shown him was important—the benefit of a preparation used everywhere by dentists in the care of the gums. In fact, this treatment for the gums, also originated by Dr. Forhan, was the starting point of his excellent dentifrice. Use Forhan's in the mouth of youth—and to keep the mouth of youth into middle age. When teeth are sound and gums are healthy is the time to adopt this excellent dentifrice. Let it cleanse the teeth and add its help to the care of the gums. Used with massage at the time of brushing, it livens circula- tion, and aids the gums to stay young and firm. NOW ON THE AIR! New Forhan's program—featuring Evangeline Adams, world-famous astrologer—every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time—Columbia Network. Forhan's YOUR TEETH ARE ONLY AS HEALTHY AS YOUR GUMS ' Radio Digest FOLLOW MY STARS OF YOUTH TO A LfearatP fcr-^rR yfca t) Frances Ingram herself tells how to keep the skin lovely at its 6 vital places YOU are just as young and attractive, or just as old, as your skin looks," I told a charming woman who recently came to consult me. "Keep your skin im- maculately clean . Keep it youthful at my . ' six stars . And you are youthfully lovely Then I explained to her my method with Milkweed Cream. "To cleanse the skin, spread my Milk- weed Cream generously over your face and neck. Let it remain for several min- utes, to allow the delicate oils to pene- trate deeply into the pores, and then remove every vestige of it with soft linen. "Now—apply a fresh film of the Milk- weed Cream. With outward and upward strokes pat it into the skin at the six points starred on my mannequin. "There are special toning ingredients in this Milkweed Cream. These penetrate the cleansed pores and defend the skin against blemishes and aging lines and leave it clear, soft and lovely." * Y * This charming woman came back to see me, a day or two ago. Her skin looked marvelously clear and soft and fresh! She looked at least five years younger—and said she felt it! STUDY MY IHANNEQI'IN AND HER "STARS" TO KNOW WHY 1 t 1 I have recommended my Milkweed Cream Onlii a nealtnif skin can stay and my method to so many women, and uounq I have seen their skin grow fresh, clear, young. Won't you follow my six stars to against lines throat , THE FOREHEAD — To guard the THROAT — To keep your from a clearer, softer, younger skin? and wrinkles here, apply Milkweed Cream, flabbiness, cover with a film of Milkweed If you have any special questions to ask stroking with fingertips, outward from the and smooth gently downward, ending with about skin care, write for a copy of my center of your brow. rotary movement at base of neck. booklet, "Why Only A Healthy Skin Can Stay Young." Or tune in on my radio , the EYES— Ifyou would avoid aging crow's THE NECK — To prevent a sagging chin and feet, smooth Ingram's about the eyes, stroke a lined neck, stroke with fingertips covered hour, "Through The Looking Glass with a feather touch outward, beneath eyes with Milkweedfrom middle of chin toward With Frances Ingram," Tuesdays, 10:15 and over eyelids. the ears and patting firmly all along the A. M., E. S.T., over and Associated WJZ jaw contour*. — Drooping lines are easily Stations. , THE mouth de- feated by filming the fingertips with my cream THE SHOULDERS — To have shoulders that and diding them upward over the mouth and are blemish-fret and firmly smooth, cleanse then outward toward the ears, starting at with Mill- •>/ and massage with the middle of the chin. palm nf hand in rotary motion. INGRAM'S m ream Frances Ingram, Dept. R-UO 108 Washington St.. N. V. C. Please send me your free booklet. "Why Only a Healthy Skin Can Stay Young. " which tells in complete detail how to care for the skin and to guard the six vital spots of youth. City. _Sutt_ NOV 24 193Q / ©C1B 93739 THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY Raymond Bill, Charles R. Tighe, Editor Associate Editor Henry J. Wright, Harold P. Brown, Advisory Editor Managing Editor Including RADIO REVUE and RADIO BROADCAST " December, ] CONTENTSIQJO LOWELL THOMAS—From the Arctic in a parka to the desert in a turban, with Radio's Newest Voice. Nelson S. Hesse 6 BABY BRINGS HOME THE BACON— "Millionaire Radio Kids" earn big salaries. Alma Sioux Scarberry 10 RADIO RUM RING—Thrills! True story of the capture of liquor syndicate by federal agents. Janet A. Dublon 14 EXTRA SIZED CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS— The Stars don't want much from Saint Nick—oh, no! Evans E. Plummer 19 MATRIMONY—Making The Most of It—as told DELE RONSON Billie GEORGIA BACK- by Flo Ziegfeld's wife to Lillian G. Genn. Burke 23 A .... actress . .is one US is Myra Loring of those rarities, a real, — in Arabesque . .finds born-in-lhe metropolis ENCORE! About the dozens of Broadway old- the time to direct and timers who get fan mail now instead hand-claps. Doty Hobart 26 New Yorker! Snatched of write continuities . but from Broadway re- anyway, she's just a cently by NBC for the FLOYD GIBBONS' BIG THRILL—It was bat- Nit Wit! Yes, she's Stewart Collier Hour, Minia- tling with the hands of the clock on news broadcasts, Leonard Smith 30 Aphrodite Godiva in ture Theatre and Radio that hilarious piece of Guild productions. THE REALITY OF THE SPIRITUAL CBS Radio burlesque. WORLD—Belief in Life.after Death. Sir Oliver Lodge 49 HEYWOOD BROUN'S RADIO COLUMN— Fame is fleeting and the sexes should be equal. Heywood Broun 51 WILL ROGERS AND HIS STARS—How the gum-chewing comedian got that way. Peggy Hull 52 TUNEFUL TOPICS—AH the latest song hits! Rudy Vallee 54 How to sing them, as told by . HELLO THERE, AUSTRALIAI-Radio con- versation between Commander Kingsford-Smith at Sydney to Captain Eddie Rickenbacker in America. 56 AMOS AND ANDY—Hawkins takes the Missus to see "Check and Double Check" and writes Ye Ed. William G. Hawkins 58 JOHN GARLAND—Fiction. Conclusion of this moving, romantic story. E. Phillips Oppenheim 62 CECIL AND SALLY—The phone operator and accompanist who are stars today. Dr. Ralph L. Power 71 WE ARE ALL POETS As an Interview with Nathalia Crane reveals to the Rhyming Reporter. Anne B. Lazar 80 Coming and Going (p. 4) Station Popularity Contest (5) Album (33) Editorial (60) Radiographs (66) Marcella (68) Station News (begins 72) Women's Features (begin 82) Symphony Music (90) Voice of the Listener (92) Hits, Quips and Slips (94) Scientific Progress of The Radio Arts (98) Chain Calendar Features (101) Stations Alphabetically Listed (109). Publication Office: 333 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Editorial Office: Radio Digest, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone Lexington 1760. Radio 1RMA GLEN . HOPPLE, Digest will not be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts received through the mail. All manu- MARY L does everything at contralto, the scripts submitted should be (accompanied by return postage. Business Staff: Business Manager, Lee from WENR bul wind the Robinson, 420 Lexington Ave., New York; National Advertising Representatives, R. G. Maxwell & Co., little town of Lebanon, clock! Plays the organ, 420 Lexington Ave., New York City, and Mailers Bldg., Chicago. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Pa., just walked into the runs the Air Junior NBC Studios a year or Radio DiEcst. Volume XXVI. No. 2, published at ChicaEO, 111., December, lO.'iO. Published monthly by Radio Club, is a member ago . walked nicest Publishing Corporation, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Subscription rates yearly. Four Dollars; so and Foreign Postage, One Dollar matter Sept. 25. of Smith Family cast, a itional ; single copies. Thirtv-flve cents. Entered as second-class out a full-fledged mem- 1(12(1, at the post office at Ohi( Illinois, under the Act of March :i, 1879. Title ReE. U. S. Patent Office and mid Unit's not all! She's Canada, Copyright, 1030, by adio Digest Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. President, Raymond Bill; ber of staff! You hear Vice-Presidents, one if Radio's Most J.
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