to live a sacramental life to share our faith SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1:30 pm on first and third Sundays. Pre-Baptism class is at 1:30 pm on second Sunday. All by appointment. Sponsors need letter from their pastor. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 2:30 - 3:30 pm on Saturday. Anytime upon request. (call for appointment.) SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE No date should be set prior to seeing a priest or deacon six months before desired date. TO SERVE IN LOVE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Please contact the Parish office at 614.885.7814. HOLY MASS SCHEDULE SEE BULLETIN FOR HOLY DAYS SATURDAY 8:158:15 am, am, 4:00 4:00 pm pm SUNDAY 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm SUNDAY 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm 6:00 pm (Follows PSR Schedule during the School year only) DAILY 6:30 am MON - FRI DAILY 6:308:15 am amMON.-FRI. MON, WED, THURS, FRI, SAT 8:157:00 am pmMON., TUE WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. 7:00 pm TUE. 614.885.7814 SAINTMICHAEL-CD.ORG facebook.com/stmichaelworthington 5750 NORTH HIGH STREET WORTHINGTON, OHIO 43085 PDF DOCUMENT ONCE DTP! SAINT MICHAEL PARISH STAFF PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION TELEPHONES Parish Office: 885-7814 St. Michael Fax: 885-8060 School Office: 885-3149 Rel. Ed.: 888-5384 Cafeteria: 885-8268 OFFICE STAFF Pastor: Fr. Anthony A. Dinovo, Jr. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Timothy Lynch MOST HOLY Parish Administrator: Joanne Middendorf Business Manager/Bookkeeper: TRINITY Becky McAninch Parish Secretary: Kelly Nasdeo Permanent Deacons: Dcn. John Crerand Dcn. Bill Demidovich Dcn. Klaus Fricke RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director: Katie Roden Admin. Assistant: Victoria Shand MUSIC Choir Director/Organist Ron Barrett Vigil Mass Mary Fristad YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Ministry Coordinator: Meg Heller SAINT MICHAEL SCHOOL Principal: Sr. John Paul, O.P. Website: MAY 27, 2018 – FEAST OF THE HOLY TRINITY http://stmichael.cdeducation.org “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY we are children of God, and if children then heirs, Join other parishioners for heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” fellowship, coffee and donuts in – ROMANS 8:16-17 Marian Hall after each Sunday Mass If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t the first weekend of every month. All we work to build up His kingdom? Shouldn’t we are welcome. be good stewards of our inheritance, using our BULLETIN DEADLINE time in prayer, our talent in charitable works and Please submit items for the weekend our treasure to care for the Church that God has bulletin to the Parish Office by 12:00 left to us? Our Church is a treasured heirloom noon Monday – signed and with a from God. Do we treat it that way? telephone number where you can People’s Prayer Intention be reached during the day. Please submit items to our e-mail address: That we remember the generosity of past generations who built our Church [email protected]. and continue to be generous for future generations. SAINT MICHAEL MASS INTENTIONS INFORMATION Sunday, May 27 CENTER 8:30 a.m. Fr. Carmen Arcuri (Steve and Jill Wallace) 10:30 a.m. Ann Marie Blute (Blute Family) NEW MEMBERS 12:30 p.m. For the People Registering in a parish is a declaration Monday, May 28 of your desire to be part of a Catholic 9:00 a.m. Domenica Canini (Domenico Canini and Family) community and a commitment to the life of the parish family. Tuesday, May 29 We are often asked to provide 6:30 a.m. Poor Souls in Purgatory and Peace on Earth (Paul Nerswick) affidavits for parishioner standing. 7:00 p.m. Paul Hornback (Kearns Family) We can only do this if a person is a registered, active, and contributing Wednesday, May 30 member in our parish. 6:30 a.m. William Flaherty You can register 8:15 a.m. Russell McAfee (John and Mary Crerand) by one of three easy ways: Thursday, May 31 By visiting our parish website at 6:30 a.m. Bengt Barnas (Jim and Sue Lawson) www.saintmichael-cd.org, click 8:15 a.m. Doris Reichert (The Wallace Family) “About Us,” and then “Welcome New Members.” There you can fill Friday, June 1 out the online preregistration form 6:30 a.m. Special Intention of Avery Murphy (Edward Luersman) to begin the process. 8:15 a.m. Bruce Colosimo (Elinor Morris) By visiting the “New Member” area in Marian Hall, where you’ll find Saturday, June 2 preregistration forms to fill out and 8:15 a.m. Special Intention of Father Anthony A. Dinovo, Jr. place in the collection bin. 4:00 p.m. Charles W. Denzel By emailing us your full name and mailing address (including zip code), Sunday, June 3 at welcomehome@saintmichael- 8:30 a.m. Colette Rankin (Toni Mitchell) cd.org, and request a New Family 10:30 a.m. Domenica Canini (Liliana and Armando Tempesta) Registration form to be mailed to you. 12:30 p.m. Special Intention of David Vincent (Vincent Family) PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Martha Bogue FINANCE COUNCIL TBA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL DAILY MASS READINGS Greg & Margie Eckert Sunday, May 27 – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20 Jennifer Prichard Clark Monday, May 28 – Weekday HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION 1 Pt 1:3-9/Mk 10:17-27 Jessica Morris Tuesday, May 29 – Weekday ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1 Pt 1:10-16/Mk 10:28-31 Leo Kowalyk Wednesday, May 30 - Weekday KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 1 Pt 1:18-25/Mk 10:32-45 Greg Eckert Thursday, May 31 – THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Lk 1:39-56 Pete Schlom Friday, June 1 – Saint Justin, Martyr BISHOP WATTERSON SCHOOL 1 Pt 4:7-13/Mk 11:11-26 BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Joe Hull Saturday, June 2 – Weekday Jude 17, 20b-25/Mk 11:27-33 ST. FRANCIS DeSALES SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Sunday, June 3 –THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Joseph and Christine Zaremba, (Corpus Christi) Mary Beth and Bill Hinger Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 PARISH CALENDAR MAY/JUNE 2018 Sunday, May 27 Monday, May 28 Tuesday, May 29 Art Show (MH) Art Show (MH) Art Show (MH) 10:30 a.m. – Children’s Liturgy 7:00 p.m. – Parish Council Meeting (LMR) 12:30 p.m. – High School Graduation 7:00 p.m. – Divorce Support Group (UMR) Mass (C) 7:00 p.m. – Boy Scouts (U) Wednesday, May 30 Thursday, May 31 Friday, June 1 7:00 p.m. – Historical Committee 8:00 a.m. – 4th Grade “Crime Scene Investigation” 9:30 a.m. – Mom’s Day Out (SM) Meeting (SR) Event (LMR) 5:30 p.m. – Belvedere/Goble 7:00 p.m. – 7th Grade Confirmation 7:00 p.m. – Choir Practice (C) Rehearsal (C) Meeting (LMR) Saturday, June 2 Sunday, June 3 6:30 a.m. – That Man is You! (U) Friendship Sunday after All Masses 1:00 p.m. – Belvedere/Goble Wedding (C) 10:30 a.m. – Children’s Liturgy 2:00 p.m. – Baptism (C) (U) = Undercroft, (S) = School, (C) = Church, (G) = Gym, PO = Parish Office, (SG, SM) = Saints Gabriel and Michael, (MH) = Marian Hall, (SL) = School Library, (SC) = School Conference Room, (R) = Rectory, (PSR) Parish School of Religion Office, "(UMR) Meetingoom R on the first floor of the Parish Ministry Center, (LMR) Meeting Room in the basement of the Parish Ministry Center, (Atrium) Small Meeting Room in the basement of the new building, Youth Ministry Room (YMR/SG) AROUND THE PARISH MASS INTENTION REQUESTS – WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A MASS OFFERED FOR SOMEONE? Would you like to offer a Mass for a deceased loved one or for the Special Intention of someone special to you? It’s easy – just email us at [email protected], and put “Mass Intentions” in the subject line. Let us know the full name of the person the Mass is for, whether they are living or deceased and give three dates (per Mass intention) you would like for us to check the availability of and we will assign the first one available (or the one nearest to the date you requested). Families may request up to four Sunday Masses per year. If you need to schedule one or two Masses, feel free to stop by the Parish Office Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The stipend for each Mass is $10.00, payable to St. Michael Catholic Church, which you can place in any weekend offering basket in a plain envelope marked “Mass Intentions.” DO YOU NEED A LOW-GLUTEN HOST FOR COMMUNION? Stop in the Sacristy at least 15 minutes before Mass and find a member of the Clergy. (If you’re not sure where the Sacristy is, please ask an Usher. They’ll be happy to assist you.) • Let the Clergy member (priest or deacon) know that you need a low-gluten host. • Find a seat on the right side of the church (when facing the Altar), affectionately known as the “Joseph Side.” • Follow the Communion line as you usually would. • Look for Clergy or Extraordinary Minister who has a pyx (small cup) attached to their ciborium (the container holding the Hosts). See photo. • When you approach the Minister, just indicate by pointing to the pyx that contains the low-gluten host. • The Clergy or Extraordinary Minister will hold the Host up and say “The Body of Christ,” and then will place it in your palm once you respond “Amen.” Immediately consume the Host and follow the Communion line, as usual.
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