Issue 6 – Thursday, April 7, 2011 • An Offi cial Publication of the Canadian Curling Association. French second Lionel Roux, left, and skip Thomas Dufour talk strategy Wednesday. With two games left, France is bucking for playoff position with a 6-3 record. While Canada clinches a Page 1-2 berth, France pursues its first playoff game since 1973 Sponsor of the day In addition to our “Old Classic” full event pass – for the fans who crave the excitement of every single draw – we’re introducing the Double Impact ticket option that allows you to double up on the draws that work best for your schedule. For complete event information, visit us online at: Mar e March 3-11 Credit Union Centre Page 2 2011 Ford World Mens – Eye Opener Proud Sponsor of the 2011 Ford World Men’s Curling Championship KEEP YER PANTS ON!: Even while unveiling a new set www.richardson.ca of pants this week at the FWMCC, moDeleD after their countrys flag, Thomas Ulsrud and his Norwe- gians havent fashioneD the sort of game that got them to the Olympic final at Vancouver. Norway (5-4) still has a shot at the playoff rounD, FROM though, thanks to WeDnesDay nights big 7-5 win over OUR HOUSE Scotland. TO YOURS Supporting farmers and their communities It’s better at Bennett O!cial Vehicle Supplier of the 2011 Ford World Men’s Curling Championship SaskEnergy is proud to champion the volunteers at the 2011 Ford World Men’s Curling Championship. 770 Broad Street, Regina 306.522.6612 bennettdunlopford.com Thursday, April 7 Page 3 Canucks punch playoff ticket Larry Wood (Carruthers) and our shots are Far left, Tom Brewster Eye Opener Editor so much easier when the po- and Scotland are still sitioning is great. We havent easily within shouting been in trouble more than ve distance of the playoffs. ow important is an or six times all week. Its been Above, things went undefeated record at wonderful. sideways for Niklas Edin Hthe Ford World Mens The last team to win the and his Swedish rink on Curling Championship? Ford Worlds without a Wednesday with a pair Its still nice to beat all the loss was Stoughtons arch- of losses. At left, Jeff teams here so were not going rival from Winnipeg, Kerry Stoughton and Canada to let up, were going to keep Burtnyk, in 1995 at Brandon. are a perfect 9-0. playing hard, said Canadas Burtnyk went 11-0 in a 10- Jeff Stoughton on Wednesday team eld. fell two games off the pace afternoon in the wake of his The last team to navigate It was a game against (7-and-2), losing 7-5 to hard- ninth straight win, a 10-6 de- the round robin at the Worlds Canada that we didnt expect charging Norway while Swit- feat of Swedens Niklas Edin. with an unblemished log to win if we didnt play our zerlands Christof Schwaller Its been a great week so was Halifaxs Mark Dacey at were tuckered out. The Draw-13 decision over best and we didnt, said the fell 7-4 to Germanys Andy far and we arent going to let Gavle, Sweden, in 2004. That, Canadas last-rounder Sweden appeared to be an- Swedish skip. Kapp and Swedens Edin the train stop rolling. Were too, was 10 teams. tonight (7:30 p.m.) is against other breeze for the Canucks We had too many easy added to a miraculous string looking for two great games This is a 12-team affair, Olympic silver medallist but Stoughton waved off the misses in the beginning. But of bad luck in losing 6-5 to (today against China and Nor- hence 11 wins will be required Thomas Ulsrud. suggestion. we have some more games Jiri Snitils Czechs in an extra way) and to carry on to the just to sweep the round robin. I dont know where The score looks convinc- that we have to focus on end. Page One-Two playoff. It may not look tough Norway sits right now, said ing but theyre never out of now. Were con dent we can Edin appeared to have his That Friday night playoff but it sure feels tough, said Stoughton. They may still be the game so youre out there bounce back. Were still play- match won and a 6-3 record berth was decided Wednes- Stoughton, whose vice-skip in there, but if we can get rid grinding away, he said. To ing well, we have different in concrete until his last-rock day, but Canadas opponent Jon Mead is rounding into of them were certainly not get that early four was a bonus opponents coming up. This nose hit in the 10th end picked remains uncertain. Brier-shooting form. going to take them lightly and and that three in the fourth has nothing to do with the rest on debris, rolled out and left Everything seems to be I mean, after yesterdays if theyre not eliminated we was pretty well icing on the of the games. Snitil with a second chance working, said Stoughton, draw and after the game want to eliminate them so we cake. While idle Canada remained at stealing the decision in an who earlier directed a 9-4 against the U.S. it was ex- dont have to play them again Canada led 7-3 after four undefeated Wednesday night, extra end. conquest of the Czech Repub- hausting because you want later. and hammered granite most of the possible threats to lic entry. Were getting great to win so badly. It takes a I think were sitting in a through to the eighth when a Canadian victory stumbled positioning from (lead) Steve lot out of you. Weve played really good spot and were Edins Swedes (5-3) tossed in to varying degrees. Please see TICKET, (Gould) and (second) Reid ve of the last six draws so going to enjoy this. the towel. Scotlands Tom Brewster Page 15 Page 4 2011 Ford World Mens – Eye Opener GETTING TO KNOW YOU Thai food, milk, the Professor, Steve Jobs envy, Sweden: 100-metre dreams, and Will Ferrell worship Skip: Niklas Edin Employer: Swedish Olympic mittee and why? Take away blank ends, with: Computer, iPod and passport Committee/H&M Date Of Birth: Feb. 2, 1986 gives more offensive games First on your bucket list (to do Home: Karlstad Date Of Birth: May 20, 1985 Place Of Birth: Stockholm Three thinGs you always travel before you kick the bucket): Olym- Delivery: Right Place Of Birth: Stockholm Marital Status: Girlfriend with: Passport, computer and iPod pic Gold medal Occupation: Curler Marital Status: Single Name of spouse/partner: Elin First on your bucket list (to do What is the biggest misconcep- Employer: Swedish Olympic Com- Favourite food: Asian Mårtensson before you kick the bucket): Win tion about curlers? That we are not mittee Favourite drink: Milk Favourite food: Thai an Olympic gold medal real athletes Date Of Birth: July 6, 1985 Favourite book: Hamilton series by Favourite drink: Milk What is the biggest misconcep- Your ideal shot to win an Olympic Place Of Birth: Örnsköldsvik Janan Guillou Favourite book: Blindness by Jose tion about curlers? You ddont have gold medal: Draw to the button Marital Status: Girlfriend Favouriteavourite mmovieovie: Forrest GuGumpmp SSaramagoaramago ttoo bbee ffitit anandd an athlathleteete Name of spouse/partner: Lotta Favouriteavourite TV sshowhow: FrFriendsiends FaFavouritevourite momovievie: Your ideal shot to win anan Olympic Fifth: Oskar Lennartsson Favouriteavourite vavacationcation dedestination:stination: IInceptionnception gogoldld medmedalal: Draw ttoo tthehe bbutton Favourite food: Thai Skiki resort and a warm placplacee FaFavouritevourite TV sshowhow: Eriksson Favourite drink: Water Threehree people, llivinGivinG or not, whom HoHoww I MMetet YYourour Lead: ViktorViktor KjaellK Favourite book: Hmmmm . .The youou would iinvitenvite to a ddinnerinner pparty:arty: MoMotherther Nickname: The Professor Steveteve JobsJobs,, Albert EinsteinEinstein,, Jessica FaFavouritevourite vavaca-ca- Home: Härnösand Book of Eli (heh heh, I dont read NicknameNickname: VikkVikkee Albalba titionon ddestination:estination: Delivery: Left much) HoHomeme: KarlKarlstadstad If yyouou could be a star in ananyy other SSomewhereomewhere Occupation: Curling trainer Favourite movie: The Shawshank DelDeliveryivery: RiRightgh sport,port, what would it be, and whwhy?y? wwarmarm . nnotot tthehe Employer: Swedish curling acad- Redemption OccuOccupationpation: Curler Tennis.ennis. Travel tthehe worlworldd andand earn a SSaharaahara thouthoughgh emy Favourite TV show: House, Two EEmployermployer: SSwedish lott ooff monmoneyey TThreehree pepeople,ople, Date Of Birth: May 29, 1991 and a Half Men OlOlympicympic CoCommitteem If you could chanchanGeGe any rule in lilivinGvinG or not, Place Of Birth: Karlstad Favourite vacation destination? Date OOff BiBirthr : June curlinG,urlinG, whwhichich one would iitt be, whwhomom yyouou Marital Status: Girlfriend Just a sunny, warm place will do 13, 11985985 andnd whwhy?y? One hack in the center wowoulduld iinvitenvite Name of spouse/partner: Maya Three people, livinG or not, whom PPlacelace OOff BBirth: Threehree ththinGsings yyouou aalwayslways ttoo a ddin-in- Favourite food: Asian you would invite to a dinner party: VVästeråsästerås travelavel Favourite drink: Milk Usain Bolt, Achilles, Gregory House MaMaritalrital Status: with:ith: Favourite book: Robinson Crusoe If you could be a star in any other EnEngagedga PC,C, Favourite movie: The Shawshank sport, what would it be, and why? NNameam of MP3P3 Redemption Athletics: Sprint 100 metres! Fast- sspouse/part-po player,ayer, Favourite TV show: Entourage est man on earth = coolest man on nener: Sandra flip-flopsp-flops Favourite vacation destination? earth FaFavouritev To a nice lake for a fishing trip If you could chanGe any rule in fofoodo : Asian Three people, livinG or not, whom curlinG, which one would it be, FaFavouritev you would invite to a dinner party: and why? I would take away the ddrinkrin : Milk Will Ferrell, Freddie Mercury, Albert blank ends.
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