Xera Plants Website Availability List February 23 - March 1, 2021 1114 SE Clay St. Portland, OR 97214 OPEN FOR IN-STORE SHOPPING & ORDER PICK UPS THURSDAY- SUNDAY 10:00-5:00 Please specify order pick up date when ordering. PAYMENT CAN BE MADE SAFELY AT PICK UP, OR BY PHONE DURING OUR OPEN HOURS NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE Orders will be confirmed by email within 24 hours of receipt…thank you! Merchandise availabe for sale (images on Instagram & FB Dec. 4) Item Color Price Qty. Avail. Qty Ordered Bag - Reuseable Xera cloth bag assorted $10.00 8 Book - Gardening in the Pacific NW (Bonine/Campion) $24.95 7 Coffee Cup - Xera green interior coffee cup $16.00 1 Gift Certificate - Xera Plants gift certificate any amount Hat - Xera bill cap grey $22.00 2 Lamp - Xera native wildflower table lamp $60.00 2 Lunch Box - Xera $28.00 3 T Shirt - Xera logo T-Shirt medium blue $22.00 1 T Shirt - Xera logo T-Shirt medium grey $22.00 3 T Shirt - Xera logo T-Shirt large blue $22.00 1 Plant Type Size Price Notes Qty. Avail. Qty. Ordered WC=West Coast OR=Oregon Acaena 'Blue Haze' perennial 3.5" $4.00 27 Achillea millefolium 'Calistoga' perennial WC native 3.5" $4.00 27 Adelinia (Cynoglossum) grande perennial OR native 3.5" $10.00 emerging 9 Aethionema grandiflorum perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Aquilegia chrysantha v. chaplinii perennial Square 6" $10.00 20 Aquilegia vulgaris 'Icy Blue' (Xera) perennial 3.5" $4.00 50 Arbutus menziesii (Madrone) tree OR native Square 6" $16.00 25 Arctostaphylos bakeri 'Louis Edmunds' shrub WC native Square 6" $18.00 small plants 4 Arctostaphylos columbiana 'Wolf Creek' (Xera) shrub OR native Square 6" $18.00 small plants 10 Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 1 Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Wayside' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 2 Arctostaphylos pajaroensis 'Warren Roberts' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 15 Arctostaphylos 'Pajaro Hybrid' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 3 Arctostaphylos silvicola 'Ghostly' shrub WC native Square 6" $18.00 6 Azara microphylla tree 5 gallon $45.00 2 Borinda angustissima bamboo 5 gallon $60.00 4-'5' height 6 Bupleurum fruticosum shrub Square 6" $15.00 6 Callistemon 'Woodlander's Red' shrub 2 gallon $30.00 3 Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Pearl' shrub Square 6" $18.00 some buds 1 Camellia 'Minato no Akebono' shrub Square 6" $18.00 buds/small plants 4 Camellia x williamsii 'Little Lavender' shrub Square 6" $18.00 2 Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' grass 3.5" $4.00 18 Ceanothus 'Blue Jeans' shrub WC native 2 gallon $24.00 small plants 6 Ceanothus 'Dark Star' shrub WC native 2 gallon $24.00 3 Ceanothus gloriosus 'Emily Brown' shrub WC native 2 gallon $24.00 15 Ceanothus gloriosus 'Point Reyes' shrub WC native Square 6" $12.00 small plants 18 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Rogue Sky' (Xera) shrub OR native Square 6" $14.00 12 Chondropetalum elephantinum grass 2 gallon $28.00 10 Chondropetalum tectorum Dwarf Form grass Square 6" $15.00 14 Cistus libanotis 'Major' shrub Square 6" $12.00 17 Cistus x platycephalus shrub Square 6" $12.00 8 Clematis cirrhosa 'Wisley Cream' vine Square 6" $15.00 some buds/fl 20 Cornus sanguineus 'Midwinter Fire' shrub 2 gallon $28.00 5 Coronilla valentina ssp, glauca 'Variegata' shrub Square 6" $14.00 6 Corydalis solida 'Beth Evans' (pink) bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging buds 18 Cotula hispida perennial 3.5" $4.00 23 Cotula 'Tiffindell Gold' perennial 3.5" $4.00 45 Crocus 'Advance' (soft yellow, purple blush) bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging buds 12 Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance' (soft yellow) bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging buds 13 Crocus sieberi ssp. tricolor bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging 20 Cupressus macrocarpa 'Citriodora' tree WC native 5 gallon $50.00 1 Cupressus macrocarpa 'Wilma Goldcrest' shrub wC native Square 6" $12.00 12" height 31 Cupressus sempervirens 'Glauca' tree 2 gal. Stk. $28.00 24" - 30" height 3 Cupressus sempervirens 'Lone Fir' (Xera) tree 5 gallon $75.00 5'-7' height 8 ^ seedlings of old non-columnar Italian Cypress from Portland's Lone Fir Cemetery Cupressus sempervirens 'Totem' tree Square 6" $16.00 15" - 24" height 32 Cyclamen hederifolium 'Pink & Fancy' perennial 3.5" $6.00 2 Daphne odora 'Alba' shrub Square 6" $16.00 some buds 4 Daphne odora 'Alba' shrub 2 gallon $30.00 some buds 3 Delphinium troliifolium perennial OR native 3.5" $8.00 18 Dianthus subacaulis perennial 3.5" $6.00 8 Dichelostemma ida-maia bulb OR native 3.5" $6.00 emerging 18 Drimys lanceolata shrub Square 6" $16.00 small plants 7 Eleagnus pungens 'Glen St. Mary' shrub 2 gallon $28.00 8 Eleagnus pungens 'Hosoba Fukurin' shrub Square 6" $16.00 2 Erigeron glaucus 'Bountiful' perennial WC native Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 7 Erodium chrysanthum perennial 3.5" $5.00 36 Euphorbia 'Purple Preference' perennial Square 6" $10.00 some buds 24 Fargesia rufa bamboo Square 6" $18.00 15-20" height 16 Fatshedera lizei 'Variegata' vine Square 6" $15.00 9 Fragaria chiloense 'Aulon' perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 87 Geranium phaeum 'Lily Lovell' perennial Square 6" $10.00 8 Geranium sessiliflorum 'Red Select' perennial Square 6" $10.00 8 Geum triflorum perennial OR native Square 6" $10.00 8 Grevillea 'Canberra Gem' shrub Square 6" $18.00 7 Grevillea 'Constance' shrub Square 6" $18.00 buds/flowers 1 Grindelia integrifolia perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 25 Grindelia integrifolia perennial OR native Square 6" $10.00 7 Hakea microcarpa shrub Square 6" $18.00 3 Hebe pimelioides 'Quicksilver' shrub 3.5" $6.00 1 Hebe 'Pink Elephant' shrub 3.5" $6.00 small plants 18 Hebe 'Sutherlandii' shrub Square 6" $12.00 11 Helianthemum 'Henfield Brilliant' perennial Square 6" $10.00 11 Helleborus WinterJewels 'Cherry Blossom' perennial Square 6" $15.00 12 Helleborus WinterJewels 'Cotton Candy' perennial Square 6" $15.00 5 Helleborus WinterJewels 'Fire & Ice' perennial Square 6" $15.00 20 Helleborus WinterJewels 'Jade Tiger' perennial Square 6" $15.00 5 Helleborus WinterJewels 'Picotee Pearl' perennial Square 6" $15.00 14 Helleborus WinterJewels 'Sparkling Diamond' perennial Square 6" $15.00 buds/flowers 9 Heuchera chlorantha perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 18 Hermodactylus tuberosus (Snake Head Iris) bulb 3.5" $6.00 10 Holodiscus discolor shrub OR native Square 6" $12.00 18 Hyacinthus 'Miss Saigon' (purple) bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging 12 Hyacinthus 'Woodstock' (red-purple) bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging 5 Iris lazica (winter blooming) perennial Square 6" $15.00 some buds 12 Iris reticulata 'Painted Lady' bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging 1 Iris reticulata 'Pauline' bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging 7 Iris tenuis perennial OR native 3.5" $8.00 6 Iris unguicularis (winter blooming) perennial Square 6" $15.00 some buds/fl 11 Jasminum nudiflorum 'Aureum' (winter blooming) vine Square 6" $15.00 buds/flowers 4 Jasminum officinale 'Inverleith' vine Square 6" $15.00 deciduous 12 Juncus effusus 'Bay Blue' grass OR native Square 6" $10.00 15 Juniperus conferta 'Allgold' shrub Square 6" $12.00 7 Juniperus horizontalis 'Pancake' shrub Square 6" $12.00 small plants 18 Juniperus x media 'Daub's Frosted' shrub Square 6" $12.00 21 Lagerstroemia 'Acoma' tree 2 gal. Stk. $34.00 3' height 3 Lagerstroemia indica 'Centennial Spirit' tree 2 gallon $34.00 3' height 4 Lagerstroemia 'Muskogee' tree 5 gal. Stk. $50.00 3' - 4' height 6 Lagerstroemia 'Natchez' tree 5 gal. Stk. $50.00 4' - 5' height 6 Lagerstroemia 'Tonto' tree 2 gal. Stk. $34.00 2' - 3' height 3 Laurus nobilis 'Crispa' shrub 2 gallon $28.00 2 Leptospermum cunninghamii 'Silver Form' shrub Square 6" $15.00 small plants 4 Leptospermum lanigerum shrub Square 6" $14.00 3 Leptospermum namadgiensis shrub 2 gallon $28.00 14 Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' shrub Square 6" $12.00 4 Lonicera nitida 'Lemon Beauty' shrub Square 6" $12.00 16 Luzula pilosa 'Igel' grass 3.5" $4.00 110 Luzula pilosa 'Igel' grass Square 6" $10.00 17 Luzula sylvatica (green) grass 3.5" $5.00 11 Luzula sylvatica 'Marginata' grass Square 6" $10.00 16 Muscari macrocarpum (yellow) bulb 3.5" $4.00 emerging 18 Muscari 'Valerie Finnis' (Grape Hyacinth, sky blue) bulb 3.5' $4.00 emerging 28 Myrtus communis ssp. tarentina shrub Square 6" $14.00 7 Narcissus 'Blushing Lady' (soft yellow/peach-pink) bulb Square 6" $10.00 emerging 7 Narcissus 'Little Gem' (dwarf, trumpet, yellow) bulb Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 8 Narcissus 'Moonlight Sensation' (lightest ylw>wht) bulb Square 6" $10.00 emerging 7 Narcissus 'Oxford Gold' (dwarf cup flw, bright ylw) bulb 3.5" $5.00 emerging 9 Narcissus 'Pipit' (dwarf, jonquil, yellow/white) bulb Square 6" $10.00 emerging 6 Narcissus 'Prototype' (soft yellow/peach-pink) bulb Square 6" $10.00 emerging 11 Narcissus romieuxii (dwarf hoop-petticoat, soft ylw) bulb 3.5" $5.00 buds/flowers 1 Narcissus 'Snow Baby' (dwarf, trumpet, white) bulb Square 6" $10.00 emerging 7 Narcissus 'White Petticoat' (dwarf cup flw, white) bulb 3.5" $5.00 emerging 18 Omphalodes verna perennial 3.5" $5.00 buds/flowers 18 Omphalodes verna 'Alba' perennial 3.5" $5.00 buds/flowers 6 Ophiopogon japonicus 'Torafu' perennial 3.5" $6.00 8 Origanum 'Bristol Cross' perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Origanum 'Xera Cascade' (Xera) perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Akebono' shrub Square 6" $18.00 11 Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Fastigiata' shrub Square 6" $15.00 7 Oxalis magellanica 'Nelson' perennial 3.5" $4.00 20 Oxalis oregana 'Klamath Ruby' perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 10 Parahebe catarractae 'Delight' perennial 3.5" $4.00 12 Penstemon pinifolius 'Nearly Red' perennial 3.5" $4.00 32 Penstemon pinifolius 'Nearly Red' perennial Square 6" $10.00 1 Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' shrub Square 6" $16.00 small plants 5 Primula 'Francesca' (green flowers) perennial 3.5" $4.00 some buds 36 Primula 'Guinevere' (dark foliage, pink flowers) perennial 3.5" $4.00 budded 18 Primula sieboldii 'Lacy Lady' (pink) perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Primula sieboldii 'Late Snow' (white) perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Primula vulgaris ssp.
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