Environmental Protection Agency § 52.741 (z) Rules stayed. Not withstanding OCPDB Chemical any other provision of this subpart, the No.1 effectiveness of the following rules is 185 ........ Adiponitrile. stayed as indicated below. 190 ........ Alkyl naphthalenes. (1) [Reserved] 200 ........ Allyl alcohol. 210 ........ Allyl chloride. (2) Compliance with all of 40 CFR 220 ........ Aminobenzoic acid. 52.741 is stayed for 60 days (July 1, 1991, 230 ........ Aminoethylethanolamine. until August 30, 1991) as it pertains to 235 ........ p-aminophenol. the following parties: The Illinois En- 240 ........ Amyl acetates. 250 ........ Amyl alcohols. vironmental Regulatory Group includ- 260 ........ Amyl amine. ing its approximately 40 member firms; 270 ........ Amyl chloride. Allsteel, Incorporated; Riverside Lab- 280 ........ Amyl mercaptans. 290 ........ Amyl phenol. oratories, Incorporated; the Printing 300 ........ Aniline. Industry of Illinois/Indiana Association 310 ........ Aniline hydrochloride. including its member firms, and R.R. 320 ........ Anisidine. Donnelley & Sons Company; the rules 330 ........ Anisole. 340 ........ Anthranilic acid. applicable to General Motors Corpora- 350 ........ Anthraquinone. tion; Reynolds Metals Company; 360 ........ Benzaldehyde. Stepan Company; and Duo-Fast Cor- 370 ........ Benzamide. 380 ........ Benzene. poration. Final compliance for these 390 ........ Benzenedisulfonic acid. parties is extended 60 days from July 1, 400 ........ Benzene-sulfonic acid. 1991 until August 30, 1991. 410 ........ Benzil. (3) The following rules are stayed 420 ........ Benzilic acid. 430 ........ Benzoic acid. from July 23, 1991, until USEPA com- 440 ........ Benzoin. pletes its reconsideration as indicated: 450 ........ Bennzonitrile. (i) 40 CFR 52.741(e) only as it applies 460 ........ Benzophenone. 480 ........ Benzotrichloride. to Duo-Fast Corporation's Franklin 490 ........ Benzoyl chloride. Park, Illinois ``power-driven metal fas- 500 ........ Benzyl chalcohol. tener'' manufacturing facility, and 510 ........ Benzyl amine. (ii) 40 CFR 52.741 (w) and (y) only as 520 ........ Benzyl benzoate. 530 ........ Benzyl chloride. it applies to Stepan Company's mis- 540 ........ Benzyl dichloride. cellaneous organic chemical manufac- 550 ........ Biphenyl. turing processes at its manufacturing 560 ........ Bisphenol A. facility located near Millsdale, Illinois. 570 ........ Bromobenzene. 580 ........ Bromonaphthalene. When USEPA concludes its reconsid- 590 ........ Butadiene. eration, it will publish its decision and 592 ........ 1-butene. any actions required to effectuate that 600 ........ n-butyl acetate. 630 ........ n-butyl acrylate. decision in the FEDERAL REGISTER. 640 ........ n-butyl alcohol. (4)±(5) [Reserved] 650 ........ s-butyl alcohol. 660 ........ t-butyl alcohol. APPENDIX AÐLIST OF CHEMICALS DEFIN- 670 ........ n-butylamine. ING SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICAL 680 ........ s-butylamine. 690 ........ t-butylamine. AND POLYMER MANUFACTURING 700 ........ p-pert-butyl benzoic acid. 750 ........ n-butyraldehyde. OCPDB 760 ........ Butyric acid. 1 Chemical No. 770 ........ Butyric anhydride. 780 ........ Butyronitrile. 20 .......... Acetal. 785 ........ Caprolactam. 30 .......... Acetaldehyde. 790 ........ Carbon disulfide. 40 .......... Acetaldol. 50 .......... Acetamide. 800 ........ Carbon tetrabromide. 65 .......... Acetanilide. 810 ........ Carbon tetrachloride. 70 .......... Acetic acid. 820 ........ Cellulose acetate. 80 .......... Acetic anhydride. 840 ........ Chloroacetic acid. 90 .......... Acetone. 850 ........ m-chloroaniline. 100 ........ Acetone cyanohydrin. 860 ........ o-chloroaniline. 110 ........ Acetonitrile. 870 ........ p-chloroaniline. 120 ........ Acetophenone. 880 ........ Chlorobenzaldehyde. 125 ........ Acetyl chloride. 890 ........ Chlorobenzene. 130 ........ Acetylene. 900 ........ Chlorobenzoic acid. 140 ........ Acrolein. 905 ........ Chlorobenzotrichloride. 150 ........ Acrylamide. 910 ........ Chlorobenzoyl chloride. 160 ........ Acrylic acid & esters. 920 ........ Chlorodifluoroethane. 170 ........ Acrylonitrile. 921 ........ Chlorodifluoromethane. 180 ........ Adipic acid. 930 ........ Chloroform 387 VerDate 02<DEC>97 08:07 Dec 08, 1997 Jkt 174136 PO 00000 Frm 00383 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\174136.TXT 174136 § 52.741 40 CFR Ch. I (7±1±97 Edition) OCPDB Chemical OCPDB Chemical No.1 No.1 940 ........ Chloronaphthalene. 1620 ...... Dodecene. 950 ........ o-chloronitrobenzene. 1630 ...... Dodecylaniline. 951 ........ p-chloronitrobenzene. 1640 ...... Dodecylphenol. 960 ........ Chlorophenols. 1650 ...... Epichlorohydrin. 964 ........ Chloroprene. 1660 ...... Ethanol. 965 ........ Chlorosulfonic acid. 1661 ...... Ethanolamines. 970 ........ m-chlorotoluene. 1670 ...... Ethyl acetate. 980 ........ o-chlorotoluene. 1680 ...... Ethyl acetoacetate. 990 ........ p-chlorotoluene. 1690 ...... Ethyl acrylate. 992 ........ Chlorotrifluoromethane. 1700 ...... Ethylamine. 1000 ...... m-cresol. 1710 ...... Ethylbenzene. 1010 ...... o-cresol. 1720 ...... Ethyl bromide. 1020 ...... p-cresol. 1730 ...... Ethylcellulose. 1021 ...... Mixed cresols. 1740 ...... Ethyl chloride. 1030 ...... Cresylic acid. 1750 ...... Ethyl chloroacetate. 1040 ...... Crontonaldehyde. 1760 ...... Ethylcyanoacetate. 1050 ...... Crontonic acid. 1770 ...... Ethylene. 1060 ...... Cumene. 1780 ...... Ethylene carbonate. 1070 ...... Cumene hydroperoxide. 1790 ...... Ethylene chlorodhydrin. 1080 ...... Cyanoacetic acid. 1800 ...... Ethylenediamine. 1090 ...... Cyanogen chloride. 1810 ...... Ethylene dibromide. 1100 ...... Cyanuric acid. 1830 ...... Ethylene glycol. 1110 ...... Cyanuric chloride. 1840 ...... Ethylene glycol diacetate. 1120 ...... Cychohexane. 1870 ...... Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether. 1130 ...... Cyclohexanol. 1890 ...... Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. 1140 ...... Cyclohexanone. 1900 ...... Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate. 1150 ...... Cyclohexene. 1910 ...... Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. 1160 ...... Cyclohexylamine. 1920 ...... Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate. 1170 ...... Cyclooctadiene. 1930 ...... Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. 1180 ...... Decanol. 1940 ...... Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate. 1190 ...... Diacetone alcohol. 1960 ...... Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether. 1200 ...... Diaminobenzoic acid. 1970 ...... Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether. 1210 ...... Dichloroaniline. 1980 ...... Ethylene oxide. 1215 ...... m-dichlorobenzene. 1990 ...... Ethyl ether. 1216 ...... o-dichlorobenzene. 2000 ...... 2-ethylhexanol. 1220 ...... p-dichlorobenzene. 2010 ...... Ethyl orthoformate. 1221 ...... Dichlorodifluoromethane. 2020 ...... Ethyl oxalate. 1240 ...... Dichloroethyl ether 1,2-dichloroethane. 2030 ...... Ethyl sodium oxalacetate. 1250 ...... Dichlorohydrin 2040 ...... Formaldehyde. 1270 ...... Dichloropropene. 2050 ...... Formamide. 1280 ...... Dicyclohexylamine. 2060 ...... Formic acid. 1290 ...... Diethylamine. 2070 ...... Fumaric acid. 1300 ...... Diethylene glycol. 2073 ...... Furfural. 1304 ...... Diethylene glycol diethyl ether. 2090 ...... Glycerol (Synthetic). 1305 ...... Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether. 2091 ...... Glycerol dichlorohydrin. 1310 ...... Diethylene glycolmonobutyl ether. 2100 ...... Glycerol triether. 1320 ...... Diethylene glycolmonobutyl ether acetate. 2110 ...... Glycine. 1330 ...... Diethylene glycolmonoethyl ether. 2120 ...... Glyoxal. 1340 ...... Diethylene glycolmonoethyl ether acetate. 2145 ...... Hexachlorobenzene. 1360 ...... Diethylene glycolmonomethyl ether. 2150 ...... Hexachloroethane. 1420 ...... Diethyl sulfate. 2160 ...... Hexadecyl alcohol. 1430 ...... Difluoroethane. 2165 ...... Hexamethylenediamine. 1440 ...... Diisobutylene. 2170 ...... Hexamethylene glycol. 1442 ...... Diisodecyl phthalate. 2180 ...... Hexamethylentetramine. 1444 ...... Diisooctyl phthalate. 2190 ...... Hydrogen cyanide. 1450 ...... Diketene. 2200 ...... Hydroquinone. 1460 ...... Dimethylamine. 2210 ...... p-hydroxy-benzoic acid. 1470 ...... N,N-dimethylaniline. 2240 ...... Isoamylene. 1480 ...... N,N-dimethylether. 2250 ...... Isobutanol. 1490 ...... N,N-dimethylformamide. 2260 ...... Isobutyl acetate. 1495 ...... Dimethylhydrazine. 2261 ...... Isobutylene. 1500 ...... Dimethyl sulfate. 2270 ...... Isobutyraldehyde. 1510 ...... Dimethyl sulfide. 2280 ...... Isobutyric acid. 1520 ...... Dimethylsulfoxide. 2300 ...... Isodecanol. 1530 ...... Dimethylterephthalate. 2320 ...... Isooctyl alcohol. 1540 ...... 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid. 2321 ...... Isopentane. 1545 ...... Dinitrophenol. 2330 ...... Isophorone. 1560 ...... Dioxane. 2340 ...... Isophthalic acid. 1570 ...... Dioxolane. 2350 ...... Isoprene. 1580 ...... Diphenylamine. 2360 ...... Isopropanol. 1590 ...... Diphenyl oxide. 2370 ...... Isopropyl acetate. 1600 ...... Diphenyl thiourea. 2380 ...... Isopropylamine. 1610 ...... Dipropylene glycol. 2390 ...... Isopropyl chloride. 388 VerDate 02<DEC>97 08:07 Dec 08, 1997 Jkt 174136 PO 00000 Frm 00384 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\174136.TXT 174136 Environmental Protection Agency § 52.741 OCPDB Chemical OCPDB Chemical No.1 No.1 2400 ...... Isopropylphenol. 3075 ...... Propylamine. 2410 ...... Ketene. 3080 ...... Propyl chloride. 2414 ...... Linear alkylsulfonate. 3090 ...... Propylene. 2417 ...... Linear alkylbenzene. 3100 ...... Propylene chlorohydrin. 2420 ...... Maleic acid. 3110 ...... Propylene dichloride. 2430 ...... Maleic anhydride. 3111 ...... Propylene glycol. 2440 ...... Malic acid. 3120 ...... Propylene oxide. 2450 ...... Mesityl oxide. 3130 ...... Pyridine.
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