ahe haa not found that h«r (ittir than on* million dollars, and. esti- amethysts, garnets and turquoiga needed bar lM» an the yearn (raw nating it as a superb bit of jeweler's which abound thereabout. than whan he w»» flrnt bereavotf. 8to* art aa4 something unique in the Princess "Pat" recently performed baa two lave*.rauslo and yownaM*n world, its value mounts into several an act of high patriotism and ona Tr**®J** > rarely without odCor million*. Tbia extraordinary treas¬ which ia quit* effective as ths league SOCIETY theother diversion. Hhe atlokat^er ure has within the past month been of nations In restoring good feelings under the meat dlaaafer- yalered to the place of exhibition in between her baloved Canada and the d*H* P*?0"0* Louvre after locked (Continued from and la a of dis¬ oirouwaUaoea and whether V< being away powerful neighbors across tba ocean, Fifth I'age.) musical madam pianist f*'°£ 9eIth other unreplaceable relics dur- the Japanese. Bhe assumed persoaal tinction and a ownposer who baa re¬ hostilities. Mr. re- ceived encomiums hers and In bar own tha lata Phillips charge of the fund designed to honor exceedingly Interesting possibility In at for an afUrnooa'asKfi VrtU that none of the fold found in those Japanese wha Joined tba various land she pftraniMtfkbM Ui« White House. After her husband's death Jren Cannon remainad in tfeo atatea was ever placed to such Canadian regiments and (many of Mrs. Harding Is a member of the preferred to reawta In Washington and What a for Nevada, for ac¬ VM trophy whom stoop on Belgian aad Trench afka's Congressional Club and she Is the sec- give her children the advantages Instance, if a map of that common¬ soil. The Interest lagged, bat vUh a residence, and also ond Ohloan from its ranks to have cruing from such Kj^^.wK.'SSi.ffatiu, but aha daaa not expect to re- wealth from some of its renowned the enthusiastic Indorsement of the FOR fOUNG Fours the honor of being the wife of a presi¬ since she had oome hat® as bride and turn until early In the coming year. iu* mines. Were traced In the yellow OICTyWP^ dential candidate of the had lived here continuously for nearly out In the (Continued on Seventh ) republican matter how-the November elections tar- metal >and decked sapphires. Page party, the other being Mrs. William twenty years, it seemed more like home nslnate. Howard Taft. who had joined the club than San Jose de Costa Klra. Mrs. Car¬ ggggggjl F. by special Invitation when her husband ter, as wlfo of the late Thomas Car¬ Mr. Phlllp-Xaa FbiUlpa, who la In F Tfervth was serving as Secretary of War. Mrs. ter of Montana, has been conspicuous charge of thfednapa «a at tha Ubrary St Harding has the domestic trend pre¬ for nearly two decades In the social and of Concreaa, can Daetow genuine dominantly, nnd she takes a deep In¬ philanthropic life of the capital. She pleasure and atooka of Information terest In culinary affairs, and she too. elected to remain a Washlngtonian on tha vlaitor who la not too hurried Portraits of* knows all its subtle ways of preparing rather than to take up the broken to linear in that division of tha apian- Quality a delectable meal. Her mother, Mrs. did national book rapoaltery. Mr. Amos threads at Helena, after the death of treasuraa aa thou*h King, was a famous housekeeper and she is one of the busiest Phinipa lovea hla in Marion, and her were the senator, war* human and ha touches tha recipes highly members of her set. Mr. Carter and they Columbus In by the young home makers of his have known each other since old map whioh guided THERE is a great difference be¬ grlzeder era. bride hla later explorations with tha revar- they were children and their marriage Is enea It deaarvea. There ana mapa of an romances tween ordinary photograph a Dr. Le Breton, the ambassador from another of the International other tamoua adventurer* both in Just Reminder was which lend such Interest to each re¬ and aome a made Argentina, among the Latin North and Booth America and Americans curring season at the capital. Except¬ excellent of the art dona portrait photograph who, having attended the zeal for charitable crusades, apeclmena convention in Chicago, made a quick ing her by the early Jeault misolonarlea, from by Underwood & Underwood. tour of the great wheat belt which Mrs. Carter takes keener pride in the Canada to the Horn. But tha Con- baa no treaaure Yet obtain our surrounded the Lake city. His coun¬ part Bhe and her husband played in greaalonal Library of you may por¬ That Whatever You Need in Women's, Misses* try is one of the active rivals of the opening the wonderful Glacier Park of like that which Paris boaata and are a picture baa recently been traits at prices that agree¬ United States in the raisins of bread- Montana, for the public. They made it which dlviaion, stuffs and he desired to look into the a point to entertain parties of friends hung in the cartographic*] reasonable. from tours the that auperb Jeweled map of Krance ably or* Children's You Can Get agricultural problems every for equestrian through passes caar to th» mu¬ Apparel viewpoint. Mme. Le Breton, accom- and thus the marvels of the region be¬ presented by the lata her Manuela to nicipality of Parla after the last vtalt panicd by niece, Senorita came universally familiar tourists. which that HWfated monarch paid to the capital of his ally. The (round re at Kafka's for work of the map la of pollahed^aaper Summer rates now p vail. and the principal citiea are represented by precious gems, citiea of thn first class. Paris. Uyona, Bordeaux, Or¬ leans, etc., by dlamonda. smallerjcitles like Rouen, Havre, Rheims by rubies, & and thua down the sequence of .'gems. Underwood Underwood All the letters are of raised gold. Avenue The rivers of France are of 'plati¬ 1230 Connecticut One-Fifth Less num and the eighty-seven pdBltical departments are traced in a medley of blazinft jewels. The actual value of the map in gold and gems is-more Ourstwas the first Women's Specialty Shop to offer thelflat deduction of 20$ on all merchandise in an eSorjt to lower high prices. And, furthermore, this sale has been continuous, unth the exception of only one weeh, for more than a month, and will last as long as it is possible in fairness both to the public and ourselves. 20%\ ReductioninAllDepartments ' i^ w Vv iHtt"*' .. * ...... SIRS. ARTHUR E. DOWKLI., Formerly Mim Loaiir E. AdaniN, whonf narria«r took place a w«k aICO In the home of her unele and aunt. Mr. sad Mri. James B. Henderson. Lloveras. and Miss Clementina Bar- and since its formal entry into the na¬ tolini-Dundas. sailed a few days ago tional playgrounds it has become as for Europe, where, after assisting at familiar to the western tourists as the the obsequies of Lieut. Dundas, the older Yellowstone Park, which lies fiance of Senorita Lloveras, who died south. In March at the John Hopkins Hos¬ Miss Helen Cannon has possibly pital. they will pass the summer in more conventions to her credit than Switzerland and Spain. For several any woman in official life, and, though years the ambassador and his fami¬ she tarried omly briefly at Chicago, ^jamon ly have maintained a villa near San she did look in on her friends and Sebastian, in northern Spain, and thus kept her«record unbroken. Miss | have always occupied it while the Cajmon has a wholesome philosophy, N«t Door to court held summer quarters there. which may be»summed up in the ex¬ ^ 402-404 Seventh St. R. Harris * Co. The bereaved young niece of Mme. cellent advtice. "Never worry about I 608-T0614 ELEVENTO5T. Le Breton will make a brief visit ot anything:; just wait until the tide | condolence to the parents of Lieut. turns." and this was her attitude dur¬ Dundas immediately after the funeral ing- ttoose exciting days of two weeks services. The Argentinian ambassa¬ ago. She was en route to her home dor will pass much of the summer in in Illinois to' adjust some matters be¬ or near Washington since his affairs fore settling- down for a cool, quiet make a prolonged absence impossi¬ summer, her first in several summers. ble. It may be that the American am¬ Miss Cannon is profoundly interested bassador to Buenos Aires will come in her sex. and the sweeping away of to Washington in the late summer to the barriers which. were formerly pre¬ confer on the troublesome trade ques¬ sumed to divide the activities of men Announcing tion. Mr. Frederick J. Stimson of and women. But she grants that, Massachusetts, who upholds the dig¬ having- in her tender years passed nity of the United States In the great¬ months at a. time studying in Dres¬ est of the western Latin republics, is den. Stuttgurt and Paris, she may A^Sale of Conspicuously Effective among the many bookmen appointed have Imbibed her conservatism all un¬ to a diplomatic post by the present awares. She rather falls into the old executive. He had gained a reputa- way of thinking that the woman who tion for diction and whole- takes good care of a useful, worthy graceful is a Dresses some novels. "Guerndale." "The Crime man filling splendid mission. In Charming Organdy of Henry Vane." "Mrs. Knollys and her case it has been her father, others, under the pen name of "J.
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