The Iso Handbook

The Iso Handbook

THE ISO HANDBOOK Volume I: ISO – Mission & Satellite Overview Martin F. Kessler1,2, Thomas G. M¨uller1,4, Kieron Leech 1, Christophe Arviset1, Pedro Garc´ıa-Lario1, Leo Metcalfe1, Andy M. T. Pollock1,3, Timo Prusti1,2 and Alberto Salama1 SAI-2000-035/Dc, Version 2.0 November, 2003 1 ISO Data Centre, Science Operations and Data Systems Division Research and Scientific Support Department of ESA, Villafranca del Castillo, P.O. Box 50727, E-28080 Madrid, Spain 2 ESTEC, Science Operations and Data Systems Division Research and Scientific Support Department of ESA, Keplerlaan 1, Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands 3 Computer & Scientific Co. Ltd., 230 Graham Road, Sheffield S10 3GS, England 4 Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstraße, D-85748 Garching, Germany ii Document Information Document: The ISO Handbook Volume: I Title: ISO - Mission & Satellite Overview Reference Number: SAI/2000-035/Dc Issue: Version 2.0 Issue Date: November 2003 Authors: M.F. Kessler, T. M¨uller, K. Leech et al. Editors: T. M¨uller, J. Blommaert & P. Garc´ıa-Lario Web-Editor: J. Matagne Document History The ISO Handbook, Volume I: ISO – Mission & Satellite Overview is mainly based on the following documents: • The ISO Handbook, Volume I: ISO – Mission Overview, Kessler M.F., M¨uller T.G., Arviset C. et al., earlier versions, SAI-2000-035/Dc. • The ISO Handbook, Volume II: ISO – The Satellite and its Data, K. Leech & A.M.T. Pollock, earlier versions, SAI-99-082/Dc. • The following ESA Bulletin articles: The ISO Mission – A Scientific Overview, M.F. Kessler, A. Heske, L. Metcalfe & A. Salama, ESA Bulletin No. 84, November 1995, p.43 The ISO Spacecraft,S.Xim´enez de Ferr´an, ESA Bulletin No. 84, November 1995, p.51 The ISO Scientific Instruments – Technical Highlights, H. Eggel, H. Schaap & G. Bagnasco, ESA Bulletin No. 84, November 1995, p.59 The ISO Programme, J. Steinz & A. Linssen, ESA Bulletin No. 84, November 1995, p.67 Using ISO, M.F. Kessler, ESA Bulletin No. 84, November 1995, p.73 Looking Back at ISO Operations, M.F. Kessler, J. Clavel & J. Faelker, ESA Bulletin No. 95, August 1998, p. 87 The ISO Data Archive, C. Arviset & T. Prusti, ESA Bulletin No. 98, June 1999, p.133 • The following ISO summary articles: The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) mission, M.F. Kessler, J.A. Steinz, M.E. Anderegg et al. 1996, Astronomy & Astrophysics 315, 27 Overview of the ISO Mission, M.F. Kessler, in ‘Infrared space astronomy, today and tomorrow’, Les Houches Session LXX F. Casoli, J. Lequeux & F. David (Eds.), Springer 1998, p.29 The ISO Mission: Past and Future, M.F. Kessler 1999, in: Proceedings of the Paris Conference ‘The Universe as Seen by ISO’, P. Cox & M.F. Kessler (Eds.), ESA SP-427, 23 ISO: The mission and its Results, M.F. Kessler, 2001, in: Proceedings of the Toledo Conference ‘The Promise of the Herschel Space Observatory’, ESA SP-460, p.53 • The following technical reports (available from the ISO web page): ISO Scientific Instrument In-Orbit Commissioning Report, ISO-RP-Z-12573, 24 January 1996, P. Estaria & H. Schaap, ISO Project, ESA/ESTEC ISO Data Archive, Physical Data Model, SAI/97-107/Dc, Version 4.0, J.L. Dowson, 2001 iii Post-Operations Cross-Calibration Status Reports, P. Garc´ıa-Lario, 1999 - 2002 Final reports of the Polarisation, Beam Profile & Pointing, Spectral Matching, Glitches, Photome- try, Transients, Line Profile and Interactive Analysis Working Groups Additional documents are listed in the bibliography chapter. Most of the documents are available in electronic format from the ISO web page: Document Change Record Date Revision Comments 07/07/00 Draft 1.0 Initial Draft for comments 01/11/00 Version 1.0 First Version of the ISO Handbook, Volume I: ISO – Mission Overview 31/07/01 Version 1.1 update 31/12/01 Version 1.2 Merging with the Satellite Handbook (previously Volume II) and update 19/11/03 Version 2.0 update, printed version iv v Acknowledgements During the history of ISO, countless engineers and scientists have contributed to its development, launch and operation and scientific use. Without their expertise, enthusiasm, dedication, professionalism and sheer hard work, the success of ISO, the results discussed in many scientific articles and the data contained in the archive would not have been possible. The following pages list the names of many of these individuals. We apologize to any of who may have been inadvertently omitted. The ISO Handbook has been written on their behalf and serves, we hope, as a testament to their efforts. Wim Aalders SWS Alain Abergel ISOCAM CIST/Collaborator Jack Abolins ISOPHOT RAL Peter Abrah´´ am ISOPHOT PHT Team Jos´e Acosta Pulido SOC PIDT Juan Jos´eAd´an TOS/GMV - INSA Peter Ade LWS Patrick Agnese ISOCAM Collaborator Mattew Ahier ESOC-Software Logica Michela Alberti-Merri ESOC-Software TOS-GCI/Logicasiel G¨unter Albrecht ISOPHOT Zeiss Francisco Alcaraz TOS/OV-INSA Godfrey Alexander ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONC/Thorn Ricardo Alonso TOS/OV-INSA Mar´ıa Teresa Alonso TOS/OV-INSA Bruno Altieri SOC CIDT J¨urgen Altmann ISOPHOT Zeiss Rub´en Alvarez´ TOS/OV-INSA Manfred Amann ISOPHOT Dornier Dieter Amend ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONN Angel´ Anaya TOS/OV-INSA Michel Anderegg IST Project Immo Appenzeller OTAC Tom´as Aragon´es TOS/OV-INSA Birgit Arkestijn SOC S/W dev- U Christiane Armand LWS LIDT Jos´e Antonio Arteaga TOS/OV-INSA Christophe Arviset SOC Jacques Audric SOC Jean-Louis Augueres ISOCAM CIST/Collaborator Herv´e Aussel ISOCAM CIST/Collaborator Debbi Backhaus SOC SOST Eliseo Balaguer Project Cristiano Baldoni ESOC-Flight Operations TOS-OFC/Vitrociset Jean-Paul Baluteau LWS OTAC/LIST Christian Bambula ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONF/Thorn Mary Ellen Barba IPAC Xavier Barcons OTAC Lothar Barl SWS MPE Mike Barlow OTAC LIST vi Paul Barr SOC Michael Barrett ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONN David Bass SOC S/W dev- U Hans Peter Batroff ISOPHOT Zeiss Alan Batten ESOC-FD (ex FDD) Otto H. Bauer SWS MPE Harald Baumgartner SWS MPE Kurt Becher SWS MPE Ron Beck IPAC Steven Beckwith ISOPHOT MPIA Lars Behrend ESOC-FD (ex FDD) Chas Beichman IPAC Douwe Beintema SWS SIDT Heinrich Bellemann ISOPHOT MPIA Jean Beresne ISOCAM Collaborator Jean-Claude Berges LWS LIST Jan Berkhout Project Neil Berry SOC S/W dev- U Johann Bestler ISOPHOT Dornier Peter Biermann OTAC Andrea Biviano ISOCAM CIDT/Collaborator Jaime Blanco TOS/OV-INSA David Bleakley ESOC-Flight Operations TOS-OF Joris Blommaert SOC CIDT/Collaborator Nicolas Bobrinsky ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONN Stefan Bogun ISOPHOT PHT Team Catherine Boisson OTAC Antoni Bolagistua TOS/OV-INSA Wolfgang Bollinger ISOPHOT Zeiss Reinhold Bolz ISOPHOT Antec Jean Francois Bonnal ISOCAM Collaborator Sylvain Bontemps ISOCAM Collaborator Albert-Jan Boonstra SWS SRON-Utrecht Ken Booty ESOC-Sim (ex Anite) Fabio Bortoletto ISOCAM Collaborator Ignacio Botana TOS/OV-INSA Andr´e Bouere ISOCAM Collaborator Olivier Boulade ISOCAM CIDT/Collaborator Francois Boulanger ISOCAM CIST/Collaborator John Bowers ESOC-Software Logica Danny Boxhoorn SWS SIDT Huib Braafhart SWS SRON-Utrecht Jim Brauher IPAC Michael Braun ISOPHOT PIDT Michel Breitfellner SOC Walter Breitling ISOPHOT Dornier Christine Breneol SOC Kurt Brenner ISOPHOT Zeiss Francine van Bruggen Project Jon Brumfitt SOC Mark Buckley LWS LIST Guillermo Buenadicha ESOC-Flight Operations TOS-OFC/INSA vii Valent´ın Bujarrabal OTAC Martin Burgdorf SOC LIDT Maria Busetta SOC SOST Marko Butkovic ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONF/Thorn Heiko B¨aurle ISOPHOT Zeiss Armin B¨ohm ISOPHOT MPIA Pedro Calder´on TOS/OV-INSA Cristina Calder´on TOS/OV-INSA Fuencisla Camargo TOS/OV-INSA Octavio Camino-Ramos ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONN Richard Carr SOC Santos Carretero TOS/OV-INSA David Carter SOC Mauro Casale ESOC-Flight Operations TOS-OFC Hector Casta˜neda ISOPHOT PIDT Francisco Javier Castro TOS/GMV-INSA Peter Catterall ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONC/Tecnodata Emmanuel Caux LWS LIST Cecilia Ceccarelli LWS LIST Jos´e Cernicharo OTAC LWS Ricardo Cerulli LWS Diego Cesarsky ISOCAM CIDT/CIST Catherine Cesarsky IST CIST Jean-Paul Chabaud LWS Jos´e Chamorro TOS/OV-INSA Neil Cheek ESOC-Flight Operations TOS-OFC/Serco Uwe Christ ESOC-Software TOS-GME Sarah Church LWS LIST Peter Claes SOC Arnaud Claret ISOCAM CIDT/Collaborator Valeriano Claros TOS/OV Jean Clavel SOC Peter Clegg IST LIST Mike Clendining ESOC-Software (ex TOS-GCI) Martin Cohen Calibration Francoise Combes OTAC Jim Condon OTAC Angioletta Coradini OTAC Angel Corbas´ı TOS/OV-INSA Linda Cornwall ISOPHOT PIDT Carlos Correia LWS LIST Stefan Cos ISOPHOT IMEC Francis Cotin LWS Matthew Couch ESOC-Software TOS-GLI/Logica Peter Coulter SOC Pierre Cox LWS LIST Jacky Cretolle ISOCAM Collaborator Anthony Crowson ESOC-Software TOS-OGC/Anite Paul Cruvellier LWS Stephan Czempiel SWS MPE Francesca D’Antona OTAC Luigi Danese OTAC viii John Danziger OTAC John K. Davies ISOCAM Collaborator Gary Davis LWS LIST Catherine de Bergh OTAC Franck de Bruin SOC S/W dev- U Marcus de Deus Silva SOC Thijs de Graauw IST Piet de Groene SWS SRON-Utrecht Raquel de la Cruz TOS/GMV-INSA Antonio de la Fuente TOS/GMV-INSA Rob de la Rie SWS SRON-Utrecht Francisco Javier de Miguel TOS/GMV-INSA Daniel de Pablo TOS/GMV Shuji Deguchi OTAC Matt Delaney ISOCAM CIDT-Associated Christophe Deletrez LWS Emilio Deleyto TOS/OV-INSA Fabienne Delhaise ESOC-FD TOS-GFI/EDS Francois-Xavier D´esert ISOCAM CIST/Collaborator Anna di Giorgio LWS LIDT Pierre Didelon ISOCAM CIST Bart Dierickx ISOPHOT IMEC Trevor Dimbylow LWS Peter Dinges ISOPHOT Antec Brian Diplock LWS Stephen Dodsworth ESOC-Flight Operations TOS-OFC Henk Doedens SWS SRON-Groningen J¨urgen Dohm ESOC-Network Operations TOS-ONF Rhona Donald SOC Stefan Dornheim ISOPHOT Zeiss Eric Doumayrou ISOCAM Collaborator John Dowson SOC Siegfied Drapatz SWS MPE Gilbert Drechsel SOC Frank Dreger ESOC-FD TOS-GFO Duncan Drummond LWS LIST Luke Drury ISOPHOT DIAS Cees du Maine SWS SRON-Utrecht Eric Dunford LWS Herv´eDzitko ISOCAM CIST Derek Eaton Project Ricardo J.

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